NombreGallego Fernández, Juan Bautista
DepartamentoBiología Vegetal y Ecología
Área de conocimientoEcología
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Foredune initiation and early development through biophysical interactions

Costas, Susana; Bon de Sousa, Luisa; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Hesp, Patrick A; Kombiadou, Katerina (Elsevier, 2024)
Coastal dunes result from complex interactions between sand transport, topography and vegetation. However, uncertainty ...

Management of Coastal Dunes Affected by Shrub Encroachment: Are Rabbits an Ally or an Enemy of Restoration?

García de Lomas, Juan; Fernández, Laura; Martín, Ildefonso; Saavedra, Concepción; Rodríguez Hiraldo, Carmen; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Springer Nature, 2023)
In coastal dunes, shrub encroachment disrupts natural disturbance, and reduces habitat heterogeneity and species composition. ...

Ecogeomorphic Response of a Coastal Dune in Southern Portugal Regulated by Extrinsic Factors

Costas, Susana; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Bon de Sousa, Luisa; Kombiadou, Katerina (Elsevier, 2023)
Coastal dunes are complex landforms whose morphology results from various interactions between biotic and abiotic factors. ...

Effect of Life-History Traits and Habitat Condition on Genetic Diversity between Invasive and Native Plant Populations

Hernández Espinosa, Raquel; González Astorga, Jorge; Rico, Yessica; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022)
Plant invasions have a huge impact on the health of ecosystems and human well-being. The invasion risk varies with the ...

Spatial and seasonal patterns of water use in Mediterranean coastal dune vegetation

Zunzunegui González, María; Esquivias Segura, María de la Paz; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Springer Nature, 2022)
Aims: This paper examines the water dynamics of a coastal dune plant community, addressing spatial and seasonal variations. ...

Environmental variables affecting an arid coastal nebkha

Sanromualdo Collado, Abe; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Hesp, Patrick A; Martínez, María Luisa; O'Keeffe, Nicholas; Ferrer Valero, Nicolás; Hernández Calvento, Luis (Elsevier, 2022)
Foredunes in arid coastal dune systems comprise nebkhas, which originate by interactions between vegetation and aeolian ...

Different tolerance to salinity of two populations of Oenothera drummondii with contrasted biogeographical origin

Zunzunegui González, María; Morales Sánchez, José Ángel; Díaz Antunes-Barradas, María Cruz; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Elsevier, 2021)
Oenothera drummondii is a native species from the coastal dunes of the Gulf of Mexico that has nowadays extended to coastal ...

Range Shifts in the Worldwide Expansion of Oenothera drummondii subsp. drummondii, a Plant Species of Coastal Dunes

Castillo Infante, Frida R.; Mendoza González, Gabriela; Rioja Nieto, Rodolfo; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021)
Oenothera drummondii is a coastal dunes plant species from the North American continent that has affected the natural ...

Multiple seed dispersal modes of an invasive plant species on coastal dunes

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Martínez, M. Luisa; García Franco, José G.; Zunzunegui González, María (Springer Nature, 2021)
Beach evening-primrose (Oenothera drummondii subsp. drummondii) is a perennial herb native to the coastal dunes of the ...

Self-compatibility and reproductive success of oenothera drummondii subsp. Drummondii: Is it similar between native and non-native populations?

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; García Franco, José G. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021)
The mating system of plants widely distributed can change in native range but also in non-native habitats. Oenothera ...

Coastal Dune Restoration in El Inglés Beach (Gran Canaria, Spain): a Trial Study

Sanromualdo Collado, Abel; Hernández Cordero, Antonio; Viera Pérez, Manuel; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Hernández Calvento, Luis (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2021)
A trial study of foredune restoration on El Inglés beach (Gran Canaria, Spain) was carried out between July 2018 and ...

Plant response to water stress of native and non-native Oenothera drummondii populations

Díaz Antunes-Barradas, María Cruz; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Zunzunegui González, María (Elsevier, 2020)
Invasive plants can spread over climatically diverse areas. We explore the effects of drought on gas exchange and water ...

Assessing the current state and restoration needs of the beaches and coastal dunes of Marismas Nacionales, Nayarit, Mexico

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Lithgow, Debora; Martínez, M. Luisa; Pérez Maqueo, Octavio; Silva, Rodolfo (Elsevier, 2020)
Around the world, population growth, land use changes and coastal infrastructure have modified coastlines. In many cases ...

Field comparison of ecophysiological traits between an invader and a native species in a Mediterranean coastal dune

Zunzunegui González, María; Ruiz Valdepeñas, Elena; Sert, Maria A.; Díaz Antunes-Barradas, María Cruz; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Elsevier, 2020)
Photochemical efficiency, gas exchange, leaf water potential, pigment content and free proline content of Oenothera ...

Transferability of Microsatellite Markers Developed in Oenothera spp. to the Invasive Species Oenothera drummondii Hook. (Onagraceae)

Hernández Espinosa, Raquel; González Astorga, Jorge; Espinosa de los Monteros, Alejandro; Cabrera Toledo, Dánae; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (MDPI, 2020)
Oenothera drummondii Hook. (Onagraceae) has life-history traits that make it an invasive species. Native populations are ...

Recovery of Beach-Foredune Vegetation after Disturbance by Storms

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Morales Sánchez, José A.; Martínez, M. Luisa; García Franco, José G.; Zunzunegui González, María (Coastal Education Research Foundation Inc., 2020)
Beaches and foredunes are characterized by being exposed to harsh environmental restrictions mainly due to salt spray, ...

The impact on plant communities of an invasive alien herb, Oenothera drummondii, varies along the beach-coastal dune gradient

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Martínez, M. Luisa; García Franco, José G.; Zunzunegui González, María (Elsevier, 2019)
One of the major threats to the diversity of coastal dunes is the expansion of invasive species, such as Oenothera drummondii ...

Isolation and Quantification of Pinitol, a Bioactive Cyclitol, in Retama spp

González Mauraza, Nuria Haidee; León González, Antonio José; Espartero Sánchez, José Luis; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Sánchez Hidalgo, Marina; Martín Cordero, Carmen (SAGE Publications, 2016)
The genus Retama (Fabaceae) is widely distributed in the Mediterranean region. In the present study, pinitol ...

Seasonal habitat use by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a coastal dune system in SW Spain

Dellafiore Capiello, Claudia; Rouco Zufiaurre, Carlos; Muñoz Vallés, Sara; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Museu de Ciències Naturals, 2014)
Seasonal habitat use by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a coastal dune system in SW Spain. _ We studied ...
Tesis Doctoral

Efecto de retama monosperma sobre el endemismo amenazado Thymus carnosus: luz, agua y patrón de distribución espacial en un sistema costero dunar

Esquivias Segura, María de la Paz; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Zunzunegui González, María (2013)
Las interacciones planta-planta suponen una parte fundamental de la ecología de las especies vegetales. Conocer los ...

Long-term spatio-temporal expansion of the native-invasive Retama monosperma on coastal dunes: Importance of land-use and natural dispersal vectors

Muñoz Vallés, Sara; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Dellafiore Capiello, Claudia; Cambrollé Silva, Jesús (Elsevier, 2013)
Expansion of invasive species inducing sands stabilization is becoming an important ecological problem in coastal dunes ...

Expansión de un arbusto nativo-invasivo en dunas costeras: causas y consecuencias ecológicas

Muñoz Vallés, Sara; Dellafiore Capiello, Claudia; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010)

Estudio florístico de la flecha litoral de el rompido (Lepe, Huelva) Análisis y catálogo de la flora vascular de los sistemas de duna y marisma

Muñoz Vallés, Sara; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Dellafiore Capiello, Claudia (Universidad de Sevilla, 2009)
La Flecha Litoral de El Rompido es una formación sedimentaria re- lativamente joven incluida en un área protegida y acoge, ...
Tesis Doctoral

Ecología del conejo silvestre (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en un sistema dunar costero

Dellafiore Capiello, Claudia; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (2007)

The Contribution of Endozoochory to the Colonization and Vegetation Composition of Recently Formed Sand Coastal Dunes

Dellafiore Capiello, Claudia; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Muñoz Vallés, Sara (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2007)
The objective of this study was to determine whether endozoochory contributes to the dispersal and colonization of plant ...

Metodología para el diseño hidráulico de la restauración ecológica de la marisma de la Algaida (Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz).

Muñoz Pérez, Juan José; Borrero Villalón, Antonio; Goldaracena Muñoz, Javier; Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; García Novo, Francisco; Gómez Pina, Gregorio (Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas, 2004)
Se ha llevado a cabo la restauración ecológica de 52 Has de la marisma marea! de la Algaida por parte de la Direc­ ción ...

Factores que condicionan el espectro de distribución del matorral mediterráneo de la Sierra de Grazalema, sur de España

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2004)
Se ha estudiado el patrón biogeográfico de comunidades de plantas leñosas tras el cese de la perturbación humana en la ...

Bases ecológicas para la restauración de marismas de régimen mareal en el estuario del Guadalquivir

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; García Novo, Francisco (2003)
Se abordan los criterios ecológicos que deben regir en la planificación y ejecución de la restauración de las marismas ...

Distribución de especies de matorral en suelo ácidos y básicos de la Sierra de Grazalema, sur de España

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2002)
Se ha estudiado la presencia de especies leñosas de matorral mediterráneo en suelos de pH ácido y básico en la Sierra de ...
Tesis Doctoral

Patrones de diversidad y grupos funcionales del matorral mediterráneo en ecosistemas culturales abandonados del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; García Novo, Francisco (1999)
El estudio que abordamos sobre la vegetación de matorral mediterráneo de la Sierra de Grazalema pretende conocer los tipos ...

Caracterización de las comunidades vegetales de la transición entre monte Algaida y la marisma del Guadalquivir

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; Alés, Enrique E.; Muñoz Reinoso, José Carlos (1998)

Shrub changes in the Sierra de Grazalema as a consequence of explotation abandonment

Gallego Fernández, Juan Bautista; García Novo, Francisco (1997)