NombreEspínola García, Rafael
DepartamentoAnálisis Matemático
Área de conocimientoAnálisis Matemático
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Approximate fixed points in metric spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Kirk, William A. (2024)
The chances for a mapping taken at random from a given set of mappings to have approximate fixed points are studied in ...
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Propiedad del punto fijo para aplicaciones no expansivas en espacios de Banach y superreflexividad

Larcada Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Espínola García, Rafael (2023)
En este trabajo se hace un breve recorrido por la Teoría Métrica del Punto Fijo para aplicaciones no expansivas, con el ...
Tesis Doctoral

Geometry in metric spaces and fixed point theorems for classes of nonexpansive type mappings

Parasio Sobreira de Souza, Daniel; Espínola García, Rafael; Japón Pineda, María de los Ángeles (2023)
The main purpose of this work is to present recent results obtained on the existence of Fxed points for nonexpansive ...
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Análisis en Espacios Métricos

Filigrana Villalba, Raúl; Espínola García, Rafael (2023)
En la memoria expuesta a continuación, queremos hacer una revisión de las funciones de variación acotada en distintos ...
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Geometría de espacios de Banach : estructura normal y reflexividad

Chacón Falcón, Mario; Espínola García, Rafael (2023)
El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de los espacios de Banach desde una perspectiva más geométrica. Con este fin, ...
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El problema del transporte minimal de Monge-Kantorovich

Filigrana Villalba, Raúl; Espínola García, Rafael (2022)
En la memoria expuesta a continuaci´on, queremos hacer un estudio exhaustivo de la Teor´ıa de la Medida para concluir con ...

Density and extension of differentiable functions on metric measure spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Sánchez González, Luis (De Gruyte, 2021)
We consider vector valued mappings de ned on metric measure spaces with a measurable differ-entiable structure and study ...

New examples of subsets of c with the FPP and stability of the FPP in hyperconvex spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Japón Pineda, María de los Ángeles; Souza, Daniel (Springer, 2021)
The purpose of this work is two-fold. On the one side, we focus on the space of real convergent sequences c where we study ...
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Caminos aleatorios y series de Fourier (AM-GF-02)

Raya Cuesta, Salvador; Espínola García, Rafael (2021)
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Sistemas dinámicos: el efecto mariposa

García Chaves, Antonio Manuel; Espínola García, Rafael (2021)
La intención de este trabajo es realizar una introducción a la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos, llegando a abarcar fenómenos ...

Borsuk-Dugundji type extension theorems with Busemann convex target spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Madiedo Castro, Óscar Reynaldo; Nicolae, Adriana (Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 2018)
In this work we study continuity properties of convex combinations in Busemann convex geodesic spaces and apply them to obtain two extension results for continuous and Lipschitz mappings with values in a Busemann convex space.
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Teoremas de punto fijo para aplicaciones contractivas y no expansivas

Llorente Gunowski, Fátima; Espínola García, Rafael (2018)
In this work we present some theorems about fixed points, with an specific goal: Fixed points of contractive and non ...

On stationary points of nonexpansive set-valued mappings

Espínola García, Rafael; Hosseini, Meraj; Nourouzi, Kourosh (Springer, 2015)
In this paper we deal with stationary points (also known as endpoints) of nonexpansive set-valued mappings and show that ...

Continuous selections of Lipschitz extensions in metric spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Nicolae, Adriana (Springer, 2015)
This paper deals with the study of parameter dependence of extensions of Lipschitz mappings from the point of view of ...

Diversities, hyperconvexity and fixed points

Piatek, Bozena; Espínola García, Rafael (Elsevier, 2014)
Diversities have been recently introduced as a generalization of metrics for which a rich tight span theory could be stated. ...

The fixed point property and unbounded sets in CAT(0) spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Pia̧tek, Bozėna (Elsevier, 2013)
In this work we study the fixed point property for nonexpansive self-mappings defined on convex and closed subsets of a ...

Mutually nearest and farthest points of sets and the Drop Theorem in geodesic spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Nicolae, Adriana (Springer, 2012)
Let A and X be nonempty, bounded and closed subsets of a geodesic metric space (E, d). The minimization (resp. maximization) ...

Applications of fixed point theorems in the theory of invariant subspaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito (2012)

Metric fixed point theory on hyperconvex spaces: recent progress

Espínola García, Rafael; Lorenzo Ramírez, Josefa (2012)
In this survey we present an exposition of the development during the last decade of metric fixed point theory on hyperconvex ...

Fixed points, selections and common fixed points for nonexpansive-type mappings

Espínola García, Rafael; Lorenzo Ramírez, Josefa; Nicolae, Adriana (Elsevier, 2011)
We study the existence of fixed points in the context of uniformly convex geodesic metric spaces, hyperconvex spaces and ...

Geodesic Ptolemy spaces and fixed points

Espínola García, Rafael; Nicolae, Adriana (Elsevier, 2011)
We prove that geodesic Ptolemy spaces with a continuous midpoint map are strictly convex. Moreover, we show that geodesic ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de algunos aspectos geométricos de los espacios métricos geodésicos y sus consecuencias en la teoría métrica del punto fijo

Fernández León, Aurora; Espínola García, Rafael (2011)
El primer capítulo de este trabajo es de carácter preliminar y en él se reúnen fundamentalmente los conceptos más elementales ...

On best proximity points in metric and Banach spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Fernández León, Aurora (University of Toronto Press, 2011)
In this paper we study the existence and uniqueness of best proximity points of cyclic contractions as well as the convergence ...

Common fixed points for multimaps in metric spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Hussain, Nawab (SpringerOpen, 2010)
We discuss the existence of common fixed points in uniformly convex metric spaces for singlevalued pointwise asymptotically ...

Fixed points of single- and set-valued mappings in uniformly convex metric spaces with no metric convexity

Espínola García, Rafael; Fernández León, Aurora; Piatek, Bozena (SpringerOpen, 2010)
We study the existence of fixed points and convergence of iterates for asymptotic pointwise contractions in uniformly ...

CAT(k)-spaces, weak convergence and fixed points

Fernández León, Aurora; Espínola García, Rafael (Academic Press, 2009)
In this paper we show that some of the recent results on ¯xed point for CAT(0) spaces still hold true for CAT(1) spaces, ...

Strongly convergent approximations to fixed points of total asymptotically nonexpansive mappings

Alber, Yakov; Espínola García, Rafael; Lorenzo Ramírez, Josefa (Springer, 2008)
In this work we prove a new strong convergence result of the regularized successive approximation method given by yn+1 = ...

On selections of the metric projection and best proximity pairs in hyperconvex spaces

Espínola García, Rafael (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, 2005)
In this work we present new results on nonexpansive retractions and best proximity pairs in hyperconvex metric spaces. We ...

On a unified study of relative Chebyshev radii and Hausdorff measures of noncompactness

Espínola García, Rafael; Wisnicki, Andrzej; Wosko, Jacek (University of Houston, 2004)
The paper is concerned with the notion of the Lifschitz modulus and its relationship with both relative Chebyshev radii and Hausdorff measures of noncompactness.

Measure of nonhyperconvexity and fixed-point theorems

Espínola García, Rafael; Bugajewski, D (2003)

Fixed points and approximate fixed points in product spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Kirk, William Art (The Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 2001)
The paper deals with the general theme of what is known about the existence of fixed points and approximate fixed points ...
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Introduction to hyperconvex spaces

Espínola García, Rafael; Khamsi, Mohamed Amine; Kirk, William Art; Sims, Brailey (Springer, 2001)
The notion of hyperconvexity is due to Aronszajn and Panitchpakdi (1956) who proved that a hyperconvex space is a nonexpansive ...

On a result of W. A. Kirk

Espínola García, Rafael; López Acedo, Genaro (University of Houston, 1999)
W. A. Kirk has recently proved a constructive fixed point theorem for continuous mappings in compact hyperconvex metric ...
Tesis Doctoral

Espacios hiperconvexos y teoría métrica del punto fijo

Espínola García, Rafael; López Acedo, Genaro (1998)
El objetivo inicial de esta Memoria fue la búsqueda de teoremas de existencia de puntos fijos para aplicaciones condensantes ...