NameCamacho Aguilar, Miguel
DepartmentElectrónica y Electromagnetismo
Knowledge areaElectromagnetismo
Professional categoryProfesor Permanente Laboral - Mod. PCD
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Effect of Epsilon-Near-Zero Modes on the Casimir Interaction between Ultrathin Films

Gong, Tao; Liberal, Iñigo; Spreng, Benjamin; Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Engheta, Nader; Munday, Jeremy N. (American Physical Society, 2023)
Vacuum fluctuation-induced interactions between macroscopic metallic objects result in an attractive force between them, ...

Ray-Tracing Model for Generalized Geodesic-Lens Multiple-Beam Antennas

Liao, Qingbi; Fonseca, Nelson J. G.; Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Palomares Caballero, Ángel; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco Luis; QuevedoTeruel, Óscar (IEEE, 2023)
Geodesic-lenses are a compelling alternative to traditional planar dielectric lens antennas, as they are low loss and can ...

Leveraging Symmetry in the Analysis of Mirror-Symmetric Multilayered Periodic Structures with Application to LP-to-CP Converter Design

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Córcoles, Juan; Medina Mena, Francisco (IEEE, 2023)
This communication proves that the analysis of the scattering by a mirror-symmetric multilayered periodic structure (MPS) ...

Radiative energy band gap of nanostructures coupled with quantum emitters around the epsilon-near-zero frequency

Gong, Tao; Liberal, Iñigo; Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Spreng, Benjamin; Engheta, Nader; Munday, Jeremy N. (American Physical Society, 2022)
Epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) materials have been demonstrated to exhibit unique electromagnetic properties. Here we propose the ...

Engineering Casimir interactions with epsilon-near-zero materials

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Tao Gong; Benjamin Spreng; Iñigo Liberal; Nader Engheta; Jeremy N. Munday (American Physical Society, 2022)
In this paper, we theoretically demonstrate the tunability of the Casimir force both in sign and magnitude between parallel ...

Disorder Effects in One-Dimensionally Periodic Extraordinary Transmission Structures

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Fernández Prieto, Armando; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Medina Mena, Francisco (MDPI, 2022)
Extraordinary transmission structures show promising capabilities for highly selective filters in both frequency and angle ...

Electrically Switchable Casimir Forces Using Transparent Conductive Oxides

Gong, Tao; Spreng, Benjamin; Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Liberal, Iñigo; Engheta, Nader; Munday, Jeremy N. (AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2022)
Casimir forces between charge-neutral bodies originate from quantum vacuum fluctuations of electromagnetic fields, which ...

Effective-periodicity effects in Fibonacci slot arrays

Hamilton, Joshua K.; Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Hooper, Ian R.; Lawrence, Christopher R. (American Physical Society, 2021)
In this Letter, the transmission properties of a nonperiodic array of slots arranged in the form of a Fibonacci sequence ...

Extraordinary Transmission and Radiation from Finite by Infinite Arrays of Slots

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Medina Mena, Francisco; Hibbins, Alastair Paul; Sambles, John Roy (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020)
In this communication an efficient method of moments (MoM) code is used for the analysis of the extraordinary transmission ...

Revealing the underlying mechanisms behind TE extraordinary THz transmission

Freer, Suzanna; Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Kuznetsov, Sergei A.; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Beruete, Miguel; Navarro Cía, Miguel (Optical Society of America, 2020)
Transmission through seemingly opaque surfaces, so-called extraordinary transmission, provides an exciting platform for ...

On the Excitation of Magnetic Current Surface Waves in Truncated Periodic Arrays of Slots Under Extraordinary Transmission Conditions

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Losada Torres, Vicente; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Medina Mena, Francisco (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020)
In this paper, we explore the excitation of magnetic current surface waves in truncated periodic arrays of slots in a ...

NUFFT for the Efficient Spectral Domain MoM Analysis of a Wide Variety of Multilayered Periodic Structures

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Medina Mena, Francisco (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)
In this paper the Method of Moments (MoM) in the spectral domain is used for the analysis of multilayered structures ...

Far-Field and Near-Field Physics of Extraordinary THz Transmitting Hole-Array Antennas

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Kuznetsov, Sergei A.; Beruete, Miguel; Navarro Cia, Miguel (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)
Despite three decades of effort, predicting accurately extraordinary transmission through subwavelength hole arrays has ...

Theoretical and experimental exploration of finite sample size effects on the propagation of surface waves supported by slot arrays

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Medina Mena, Francisco; Hibbins, Alastair P.; Sambles, J. Roy (American Institute of Physics, 2017)
The propagation of surface waves supported by a finite array of slots perforated on a zero thickness perfect electrically ...

On the extraordinary optical transmission in parallel plate waveguides for non-TEM modes

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Medina Mena, Francisco; Hibbins, Alastair P.; Sambles, J. Roy (The Optical Society, 2017)
Extraordinary transmission has been recently measured in a parallel plate waveguide (PPWG) through a metal strip with a ...

Computationally efficient analysis of extraordinary optical transmission through infinite and truncated subwavelength hole arrays

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael; Medina Mena, Francisco (American Physical Society, 2016)
The authors present a computationally efficient technique for the analysis of extraordinary transmission through both ...