NameVentosa Ucero, Antonio
DepartmentMicrobiología y Parasitología
Knowledge areaMicrobiología
Professional categoryProfesor Emérito
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PhD Thesis

Diversidad procariota en suelos hipersalinos del Paraje Natural de las Marismas del Odiel

Galisteo Gómez, Cristina; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2024)
La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado en el estudio de la diversidad procariota de ambientes hipersalinos terrestres ...

Decoding the Genomic Profile of the Halomicroarcula Genus: Comparative Analysis and Characterization of Two Novel Species

Straková, Dáša; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)
The genus Halomicroarcula, classified within the family Haloarculaceae, presently comprises eight haloarchaeal species ...

Halobacterium Hubeiense sp. nov., a Haloarchaeal Species Isolated from a Bore Core Drilled in Hubei Province, PR China

León León, María José; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Pfeiffer, Friedhelm; Dyall-Smith, Mike; Oksanen, Hanna M.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2024)
Eight colonies of live microbes were isolated from an extensively surface-sterilized halite sample which had been retrieved ...

Proposed Minimal Standards for Description of New Taxa of the Class Halobacteria

Cui, Heng Lin; Hou, Jing; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Dyall-Smith, Mike L.; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Minegishi, Hiroaki; Montalvo Rodríguez, Rafael; Oren, Aharon; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Vreeland, Russell H. (Microbiology Society, 2024)
Halophilic archaea of the class Halobacteria are the most salt-requiring prokaryotes within the domain Archaea. In 1997, ...

The Hypersaline Soils of the Odiel Saltmarshes Natural Area as a Source for Uncovering a New Taxon: Pseudidiomarina terrestris sp. nov

Galisteo Gómez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)
The hypersaline soils of the Odiel Saltmarshes Natural Area are an extreme environment with high levels of some heavy ...

A long-awaited taxogenomic investigation of the family Halomonadaceae

Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Arahal, David R.; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Chuvochina, Maria; Wittouck, Stijn; Hugenholtz, Philip; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media SA, 2023)
The family Halomonadaceae is the largest family composed of halophilic bacteria, with more than 160 species with validly ...

Marinobacter iranensis sp. nov., a slightly halophilic bacterium from a hypersaline lake

Rafieyan, Shokufeh; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Makzum, Somaye; Salimi-Ashtiani, Mahsa; Nikou, Mahdi Moshtaghi; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (Microbiology Society, 2023)
A novel halophilic bacterium, strain 71-iT, was isolated from Inche-Broun hypersaline lake in Golestan province, in the ...

Biosynthetic gene profiling and genomic potential of the novel photosynthetic marine bacterium Roseibaca domitiana

Gattoni, Giuliano; Di Costanzo, Fabiana; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Fernández, Ana B.; Guerrero Flores, Shaday; Selem Mojica, Nelly; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Corral, Paulina (Frontiers Media SA, 2023)
Shifting the bioprospecting targets toward underexplored bacterial groups combined with genome mining studies contributes ...

Natrinema salsiterrestre sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a hypersaline soil

Strakova, Dasa; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2023)
An extremely halophilic archaeal strain, designated S1CR25-10T, was isolated from hypersaline soil sampled in the Odiel ...
Final Degree Project

Fermentaciones lácticas en la industria alimentaria

Ternero Ramírez, Francisco José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Durán Viseras, Ana (2023)
En el presente trabajo se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica de los principales alimentos obtenidos por fermentación ...
Final Degree Project

Virus de la hepatitis C: una amenaza para la salud

Caballero Delgado, Lucía; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2023)
La infección producida por el virus de la hepatitis C establece un riesgo para el bienestar de la población mundial ya que ...

A step into the rare biosphere: genomic features of the new genus Terrihalobacillus and the new species Aquibacillus salsiterrae from hypersaline soils

Galisteo Gómez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media S.A., 2023)
Hypersaline soils are a source of prokaryotic diversity that has been overlooked until very recently. The phylum Bacillota, ...

Discovery of the streamlined haloarchaeon Halorutilus salinus, comprising a new order widespread in hypersaline environments across the world

Durán Viseras, Ana; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Viver, Tomeus; Konstantinidis, Konstantinos T.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (American Society for Microbiology, 2023)
The class Halobacteria is one of the most diverse groups within the Euryarchaeota phylum, whose members are ubiquitously ...

Judicial opinion 128

Arahal, David R.; Bull, Carolee T.; Christensen, Henrik; Chuvochina, Maria; Dedysh, Svetlana N.; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Göker, Markus (Microbiology Society, 2023)
Judicial Opinion 128 addresses nomenclatural issues related to the names of classes validly published under the International ...

Guidelines for interpreting the international code of nomenclature of prokaryotes and for preparing a request for an opinion

Arahal, David R.; Bull, Carolee T.; Busse, Hans Jürgen; Christensen, Henrik; Chuvochina, Maria; Dedysh, Svetlana N.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Göker, Markus (Microbiology Society, 2023)
In this paper the Judicial Commission provides general guidance for interpreting the International Code of Nomenclature ...

Thrive or survive: prokaryotic life in hypersaline soils

Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Hernández, Marcela; Dumont, Marc G.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (BMC, 2023)
Background Soil services are central to life on the planet, with microorganisms as their main drivers. Thus, the evalu‑ ation ...

Hypersaline Lake Urmia: a potential hotspot for microbial genomic variation

Kheiri, Roohollah; Mehrshad, Maliheh; Pourbabaee, Ahmad Ali; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali (Springer Nature, 2023)
Lake Urmia located in Iran is a hypersaline environment with a salinity of about 27% (w/v). Metagenomic analyses of water ...

Characterization of Haloarcula terrestris sp. nov. and reclassification of a Haloarcula species based on a taxogenomic approach

Strakova, Dasa; Galisteo Gómez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2023)
An extremely halophilic archaeon, strain S1AR25-5AT, was isolated from a hypersaline soil sampled in Odiel Saltmarshes ...

Metagenomes of a Crystallizer Pond from Isla Cristina Saltern in Spain

García Roldán, Alicia; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (American Society for Microbiology, 2023)
The metagenomic sequences of the prokaryotic microbiota from the brine of a crystallizer pond with 42% (wt/vol) salinity ...

Genomic study and lipidomic bioassay of Leeuwenhoekiella parthenopeia: A novel rare biosphere marine bacterium that inhibits tumor cell viability

Gattoni, Giuliano; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Martín, Jesús; Reyes, Fernando; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Feola, Antonia; Zuchegna, Candida; Guerrero-Flores, Shaday; Varcamonti, Mario; Ricca, Ezio; Selem-Mojica, Nelly; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Corral, Paulina (Frontiers Media SA, 2023)
The fraction of low-abundance microbiota in the marine environment is a promising target for discovering new bioactive ...

Genomic-based phylogenetic and metabolic analyses of the genus Natronomonas, and description of Natronomonas aquatica sp. nov.

García Roldán, Alicia; Durán Viseras, Ana; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Corral, Paulina; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frotiers Media SA, 2023)
The genus Natronomonas is classified on the family Haloarculaceae, within the class Halobacteria and currently includes ...
Chapter of Book

Detección de microorganismos en restos arqueológicos: técnicas dependientes e independientes de cultivo

Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael (Consejería de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte. Junta de Andalucía, 2023)

Biotin pathway in novel Fodinibius salsisoli sp. nov., isolated from hypersaline soils and reclassification of the genus Aliifodinibius as Fodinibius

Galisteo Gómez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media, 2023)
Hypersaline soils are extreme environments that have received little attention until the last few years. Their halophilic ...
Final Degree Project

Sustancias bioactivas producidas por microorganismos halófilos

Babiano Casasola, Julia; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2022)
Los organismos que tienen la capacidad de crecer en condiciones extremas han cobrado especial importancia en los últimos ...
Final Degree Project

Virus del sarampión ¿Es posible su erradicación?

López Galán, María; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2022)
El virus del sarampión es uno de los virus más contagiosos de la infancia. Presenta una sintomatología característica ...

Phylogenomics of Haloarchaea: The Controversy of the Genera Natrinema-Haloterrigena

Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Minegishi, Hiroaki; Kamekura, Masahiro; Shimane, Yasuhiro; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media, 2021)
The haloarchaeal genera Natrinema and Haloterrigena were described almost simultaneously by two different research groups ...
Final Degree Project

Virus de la hepatitis C: Avances en el tratamiento

Reyes Pérez, María del Mar; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2021)
La infección causada por el virus de la hepatitis C supone un problema de salud general, ya que la prevalencia global de ...

Taxogenomic and Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Genus Saccharomonospora Focused on the Identification of Biosynthetic Clusters PKS and NRPS

Ramírez Durán, Ninfa; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Alonso Carmona, Scarlett; Sandoval Trujillo, Horacio; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media, 2021)
Actinobacteria are prokaryotes with a large biotechnological interest due to their ability to produce secondary metabolites, ...
Final Degree Project

El virus del Nilo Occidental: Últimos avances

Roiz Racero, Marta; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2021)
El virus del Nilo Occidental (VNO) es un virus neurotrópico englobado en el género Flavivirus dentro del grupo de los ...

Prokaryotic Communities in the Thalassohaline Tuz Lake, Deep Zone, and Kayacik, Kaldirim and Yavsan Salterns (Turkey) Assessed by 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing

Akpolat, Can; Fernández, Ana Beatriz; Caglayan, Pinar; Calli, Baris; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Birbir, Meral (MDPI, 2021)
Prokaryotic communities and physico-chemical characteristics of 30 brine samples from the thalassohaline Tuz Lake (Salt ...

Genomic Insights Into New Species of the Genus Halomicroarcula Reveals Potential for New Osmoadaptative Strategies in Halophilic Archaea

Durán Viseras, Ana; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media, 2021)
Metagenomic studies on prokaryotic diversity of hypersaline soils from the Odiel saltmarshes, South-west Spain, revealed ...
PhD Thesis

Superando los límites del cultivo: taxogenómica y genómica comparativa de nuevas haloarqueas

Durán Viseras, Ana; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (2020)
El estudio se ha centrado en la caracterización, mediante técnicas dependientes de cultivo, de las comunidades microbianas ...

Draft Genome Sequence of Saccharomonospora piscinae KCTC 19743T, an Actinobacterium Containing Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters

Ramírez Durán, Ninfa; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Alonso Carmona, Scarlett; Sandoval Trujillo, Horacio; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (American Society for Microbioloby, 2020)
The draft genome sequence of Saccharomonospora piscinae KCTC 19743T, with a size of 4,897,614 bp, was assembled into 11 ...

Haloglomus irregulare gen. nov., sp. nov., a New Halophilic Archaeon Isolated from a Marine Saltern

Durán Viseras, Ana; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (MDPI, 2020)
A halophilic archaeal strain, designated F16-60T, was isolated from Isla Cristina marine saltern in Huelva, Spain. Cells ...

Halophiles and Their Biomolecules: Recent Advances and Future Applications in Biomedicine

Corral Villa, Paulina; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (MDPI, 2020)
The organisms thriving under extreme conditions better than any other organism living on Earth, fascinate by their hostile ...

Taxogenomics of the Genus Cyclobacterium: Cyclobacterium xiamenense and Cyclobacterium halophilum as Synonyms and Description of Cyclobacterium plantarum sp. nov.

Shahinpei, Azadeh; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Mirfeizi, Leila; Nikou, Mahdi Moshtaghi; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (MDPI, 2020)
The genus Cyclobacterium belongs to the phylum Bacteroidetes and includes eight species. Our study, based on the genomic ...

Natronomonas salsuginis sp. nov., a New Inhabitant of a Marine Solar Saltern

Durán Viseras, Ana; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (MDPI, 2020)
A halophilic archaeon, strain F20-122T, was isolated from a marine saltern of Isla Bacuta (Huelva, Spain). Cells were ...

Genome-based analyses reveal a synonymy among Halorubrum distributum Zvyagintseva and Tarasov 1989; Oren and Ventosa 1996, Halorubrum terrestre Ventosa et al. 2004, Halorubrum arcis Xu et al. 2007 and Halorubrum litoreum Cui et al. 2007. Emended description of Halorubrum distributum Zvyagintseva and Tarasov 1989; Oren and Ventosa 1996

Infante Domínguez, María del Carmen; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Corral, Paulina; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Arahal, David R.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2020)
A comparative taxonomic study of Halorubrum distributum , Halorubrum terrestre , Halorubrum arcis and Halorubrum litoreum ...

Editorial: Microbial Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity

Romalde, Jesús L.; Balboa, Sabela; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media, 2019)

New Halonotius Species Provide Genomics-Based Insights Into Cobalamin Synthesis in Haloarchaea

Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Durán Viseras, Ana; Andrei, Adrian-Stefan (Frontiers Media, 2019)
Hypersaline aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems display a cosmopolitan distribution. These environments teem with microbes ...

Optimized Preparation of Levofloxacin Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles

Fernández Delgado, Ángela; López López, Manuel; Blanco Arévalo, Daniel; Moyá Morán, María Luisa; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Carrera Sánchez, Cecilio; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Bernal Pérez, Eva; López-Cornejo, María del Pilar (MDPI, 2019)
In this work, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and chitosan (CS) nanoparticles were synthesized with the purpose of ...

Comparative Genomics and Phylogenomic Analysis of the Genus Salinivibrio

Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; López Hermoso, Clara; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Konstantinidis, Konstantinos T. (Frontiers Media, 2019)
In the genomic era phylogenetic relationship among prokaryotes can be inferred from the core orthologous genes (OGs) or ...

Spatial distribution of prokaryotic communities in hypersaline soils

Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Roy Chowdhury, Taniya; Brown, Joseph; Fansler, Sarah J.; Durán Viseras, Ana; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Nature Research, 2019)
Increasing salinization in wetland systems is a major threat to ecosystem services carried out by microbial communities. ...

Characterization of Salinivibrio socompensis sp. nov., A New Halophilic Bacterium Isolated from the High-Altitude Hypersaline Lake Socompa, Argentina

Galisteo Gómez, Cristina; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; López Hermoso, Clara; Fernández González, Ana Beatriz; Farias, María Eugenia; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (MDPI, 2019)
The genus Salinivibrio belongs to the family Vibrionaceae and includes Gram-stain-negative, motile by a polar flagellum, ...

Halophiles and Their Vast Potential in Biofuel Production

Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Noghabi, Kambiz Akbari; Bakhtiary, Tala; Safarpour, Atefeh (Frontiers Media, 2019)
Global warming and the limitations of using fossil fuels are a main concern of all societies, and thus, the development ...

Halorubrum chaoviator mancinelli et al. 2009 is a later, heterotypic synonym of halorubrum ezzemoulense kharroub et al. 2006. emended description of halorubrum ezzemoulense kharroub et al. 2006

Corral, Paulina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Infante-Domínguez, Carmen; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Papke, R. Thane; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2018)
A polyphasic comparative taxonomic study of Halorubrum ezzemoulense Kharroub et al. 2006, Halorubrum chaoviator Mancinelli ...
PhD Thesis

Diversidad filogenómica y funcional de procariotas de suelos hipersalinos.

Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2018)
Final Degree Project

Caracterización Taxonómica y Filogenómica de Salinivibrio Socompensis SP. NOV.

Galisteo Gómez, Cristina; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2018)
Se conocencomo bacteriashalófilasaquellas que requieren condiciones salinas para crecer y que presentan un ...

Salinivibrio kushneri sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from salterns

López Hermoso, Clara; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Elsevier, 2018)
Ten Gram-strain-negative, facultatively anaerobic, moderately halophilic bacterial strains, designated AL184T, IB560, ...

Emended description of Salinivibrio proteolyticus, including salinivibrio costicola subsp. Vallismortis and five new isolates

López Hermoso, Clara; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2018)
We carried out a comparative taxonomic study of Salinivibrio proteolyticus and Salinivibrio costicola subsp. vallismortis, ...

Compatible Solute Synthesis and Import by the Moderate Halophile Spiribacter salinus: Physiology and Genomics

León León, María José; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Hoffmann, Tamara; Heider, Johann; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Bremer, Erhard (Frontiers Media, 2018)
Members of the genus Spiribacter are found worldwide and are abundant in ecosystems possessing intermediate salinities ...

Metagenome Sequencing of Prokaryotic Microbiota from Two Hypersaline Soils of the Odiel Salt Marshes in Huelva, Southwestern Spain

Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Navarro Sampedro, Laura; Carballo, Modesto; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (American Society for Microbiology, 2018)
Two 454 shotgun metagenomes were sequenced from hypersaline soil samples collected in the Odiel salt marsh area in Huelva, ...

Genotypic and Lipid Analyses of Strains From the Archaeal Genus Halorubrum Reveal Insights Into Their Taxonomy, Divergence, and Population Structure

Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Corral Villa, Paulina; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Infante Domínguez, María del Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media, 2018)
To gain a better understanding of how divergence occurs, and how taxonomy can benefit from studying natural populations, ...

Proposed minimal standards for the use of genome data for the taxonomy of prokaryotes

Chun, Jongsik; Oren, Aharon; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Christensen, Henrik; Ruiz Arahal, David; da Costa, Milton S.; Rooney, Alejandro P.; Yi, Hana; Xue-Wei, Xu; De Meyer, Sofie; Trujillo, Martha E. (Microbiology Society, 2018)
Advancement of DNA sequencing technology allows the routine use of genome sequences in the various fields of microbiology. ...

Metagenomic Insights into the Phylogenetic and Metabolic Diversity of the Prokaryotic Community Dwelling in Hypersaline Soils from the Odiel Saltmarshes (SW Spain)

Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (MDPI, 2018)
Hypersaline environments encompass aquatic and terrestrial habitats. While only a limited number of studies on the microbial ...

Detection of industrially potential enzymes of moderately halophilic bacteria on salted goat skins

Caglayan, Pinar; Birbir, Meral; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (De Gruyter, 2018)
Aim This study aimed to isolate moderately halophilic bacteria from salted goat skins, to characterize these microorganisms ...
Final Degree Project

Filogenia de los seres vivos: dominio Archaea

Garzón Pinto, Nuria; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (2017)
A lo largo de la historia, la clasificación de los seres vivos ha ido variando en función de las diversas aportaciones ...
PhD Thesis

Análisis filogenético y genómico del género salinivibrio

López Hermoso, Clara; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael (2017)
The genus Salinivibrio constitutes a separate phylogenetic lineage within the Gammaproteobacteria according to 16S rRNA ...

Draft Genome Sequences of Salinivibrio proteolyticus, Salinivibrio sharmensis, Salinivibrio siamensis, Salinivibrio costicola subsp. alcaliphilus, Salinivibrio costicola subsp. vallismortis, and 29 New Isolates Belonging to the Genus Salinivibrio

López Hermoso, Clara; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Bayliss, Sion C.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (American Society for Microbiology, 2017)
The draft genome sequences of 5 type strains of species of the halophilic genus Salinivibrio and 29 new isolates from ...

Assessment of MultiLocus Sequence Analysis As a Valuable Tool for the Classification of the Genus Salinivibrio

López Hermoso, Clara; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Thane Papke, R.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Frontiers Media, 2017)
The genus Salinivibrio includes obligatory halophilic bacteria and is commonly isolated from hypersaline habitats and ...

Prokaryotic Diversity in Aran-Bidgol Salt Lake, the Largest Hypersaline Playa in Iran

Makhdoumi Kakhki, Ali; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Kazemi, Bahram; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (The Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, 2017)
Prokaryotic diversity in Aran-Bidgol salt lake, a thalasohaline lake in Iran, was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization ...

Draft Genome Sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. Strain LRS4.154, a Moderately Halophilic Actinobacterium with the Biotechnologically Relevant Polyketide Synthase and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Systems

Alonso Carmona, Scarlett; Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sandoval Trujillo, Horacio; Ramírez Durán, Ninfa (American Society for Microbiology, 2017)
The draft genome sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. strain LRS4.154, a moderately halophilic actinobacterium, has been ...

Microbial Diversity in Sediment Ecosystems (Evaporites Domes, Microbial Mats, and Crusts) of Hypersaline Laguna Tebenquiche, Salar de Atacama, Chile

Fernández, Ana Beatriz; Rasuk, María C.; Visscher, Pieter T.; Contreras, Manuel; Novoa, Fernando; Poire, Daniel G.; Patterson, Molly M.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Farias, Maria E. (Frontiers Media, 2016)
We combined nucleic acid-based molecular methods, biogeochemical measurements, and physicochemical characteristics to ...
Final Degree Project

Pioneros de la Microbiologia: Louis Pasteur

Agudo Toscano, Javier; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2016)
Este trabajo recoge los hallazgos y descubrimientos más importantes de la vida de Louis Pasteur, los cuales le llevaron a ...
PhD Thesis

De la metagenómica al cultivo puro: spiribacter salinus

León León, María José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (2015)
Las salinas constituyen excelentes modelos para el estudio de la biodiversidad y la ecología de los ambientes hipersalinos, ...
PhD Thesis

Nuevos grupos de arqueas y bacterias halófilas. Filogenómica y taxonomía molecular

Infante Domínguez, María del Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (2015)
Nuevos grupos de arqueas y bacterias halófilas. Filogenómica y taxonomía molecular Entre los ambientes hipersalinos, los ...

Spiribacter curvatus sp. nov, a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a saltern

León León, María José; Rodríguez-Olmos, Ángel; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; López Pérez, Mario; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Soliveri, Juan; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Copa-Patiño, José Luis (Microbiology Society, 2015)
A novel pink-pigmented bacterial strain, UAH-SP71T, was isolated from a saltern located in Santa Pola, Alicante (Spain) ...

Idiomarina aquatica sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from salterns

León León, María José; Martínez Checa, Fernando; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina (Microbiology Society, 2015)
Four bacterial strains, SN-14T, SN-4, M6-46 and M6-58B, were isolated from water of ponds of two salterns located in Huelva ...

Horizontal gene transfer, dispersal and haloarchaeal speciation

Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Thane Papke, R.; Corral, Paulina; Ram Mohan, Nikhil; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Makkay, Andrea M.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2015)
The Halobacteria are a well-studied archaeal class and numerous investigations are showing how their diversity is distributed ...

The Santa Pola saltern as a model for studying the microbiota of hypersaline environments

Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Fernández, Ana Beatriz; León León, María José; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco (Springer Nature, 2014)
Multi-pond salterns constitute an excellent model for the study of the microbial diversity and ecology of hypersaline ...

Evidence from phylogenetic and genome fingerprinting analyses suggests rapidly changing variation in Halorubrum and Haloarcula populations

Ram Mohan, Nikhil; Fullmer, Matthew S.; Makkay, Andrea M.; Wheeler, Ryan; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Naor, Adit; Gogarten, J. Peter; Papke, R. Thane (2014)
Halobacteria require high NaCl concentrations for growth and are the dominant inhabitants of hypersaline environments above ...

Metagenomic sequence of prokaryotic microbiota from an intermediate-salinity pond of a saltern in Isla Cristina, Spain

Fernández González, Ana Beatriz; León León, María José; Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2014)
Marine salterns are artificial multipond systems designed for the commercial production of salt by evaporation of seawater. ...

Comparison of prokaryotic community structure from Mediterranean and Atlantic saltern concentrator ponds by a metagenomic approach

Fernández González, Ana Beatriz; Vera Gargallo, Blanca; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ghai, Rohit; Papke, R. Thane; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2014)
We analyzed the prokaryotic community structure of a saltern pond with 21% total salts located in Isla Cristina, Huelva, ...

Population and genomic analysis of the genus Halorubrum

Fullmer, Matthew S.; Soucy, Shannon M.; Swithers, Kristen S.; Makkay, Andrea M.; Wheeler, Ryan; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Gogarten, J. Peter; Papke, R. Thane (2014)
The Halobacteria are known to engage in frequent gene transfer and homologous recombination. For stably diverged lineages ...

From Metagenomics to Pure Culture: Isolation and Characterization of the Moderately Halophilic Bacterium Spiribacter salinus gen. nov., sp. nov.

Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; León León, María José; Fernández, Ana Beatriz; Ghai, Rohit; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (American Society for Microbiology, 2014)
Recent metagenomic studies on saltern ponds with intermediate salinities have determined that their microbial communities ...

Larsania salina gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Halomonadaceae based on multilocus secuence analysis

León León, María José; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Llamas, I.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2014)
Two Gram-staining-negative, moderately halophilic bacteria, strains M1-18T and L1-16, were isolated from a saltern located ...
Patent. Invention

Lipasa Lipbl y sus aplicaciones

Pérez Gómez, Dolores; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Mellado Durán, Encarnación; Guisan Seijas, José Manuel; Fernández Lorente, Gloria; Filice, Marco (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2013)
Lipasa Lipbl y sus aplicaciones. La presente invención se refiere al uso de la lipasa Lipbl para la hidrólisis de distintos ...

Draft Genome Sequence of the Moderately Halophilic Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica Strain CP76

Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; León León, María José; Papke, R. Thane; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2013)
Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica strain CP76, isolated from a saltern in Spain, is a moderately halophilic bacterium belonging ...

Genomes of “Spiribacter”, a streamlined, successful halophilic bacterium

López Pérez, Mario; Ghai, Rohit; León León, María José; Rodríguez-Olmos, Ángel; Copa Patiño, José Luis; Soliveri, Juan; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco (2013)
Background Thalassosaline waters produced by the concentration of seawater are widespread and common extreme aquatic ...

Flavobacterium plurextorum sp. nov. isolated from farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss)

Zamora, Leydis; Fernández Garayzábal, José F.; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Palacios, Maria Ángel; Moore, Edward R. B.; Domínguez, Lucas; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Vela, Ana I. (2013)
Five strains (1126-1H-08T, 51B-09, 986-08, 1084B-08 and 424-08) were isolated from diseased rainbow trout. Cells were ...

Draft Genome Sequence of the Moderately Halophilic Bacterium Marinobacter lipolyticus Strain SM19

Papke, R. Thane; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Infante Domínguez, María del Carmen; Pérez Gómez, Dolores; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Lapierre, Pascal; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2013)
Marinobacter lipolyticus strain SM19, isolated from saline soil in Spain, is a moderately halophilic bacterium belonging ...

Draft Genome of the Marine Gammaproteobacterium Halomonas titanicae

Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Cruz Hernández, Norge; González Aranda, Juan Miguel; Reyes Guirao, Cristina; Navarro Sampedro, Laura; Carballo Álvarez, Modesto José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2013)

Draft Genome of Spiribacter salinus M19-40, an Abundant Gammaproteobacterium in Aquatic Hypersaline Environments

León León, María José; Ghai, Rohit; Fernández González, Ana Beatriz; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2013)
We have previously used a de novo metagenomic assembly approach to describe the presence of an abundant gammaproteobacterium ...

Metagenome sequencing of prokaryotic microbiota from two hypersaline ponds of a marine saltern in Santa Pola, Spain

Fernández González, Ana Beatriz; Ghai, Rohit; Martín Cuadrado, Ana Belén; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2013)
Marine salterns are composed of several shallow ponds with a salinity gradient, from seawater to salt saturation, with ...

Salimicrobium salexigens sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium from salted hides

Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Yilmaz, P.; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Birbir, M.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2011)
Two Gram-positive, moderately halophilic bacteria, designated strains 29CMIT and 53CMI, were isolated from salted hides. ...

New abundant microbial groups in aquatic hypersaline environments

Ghai, Rohit; Pašić, Lejla; Fernández González, Ana Beatriz; Martín Cuadrado, Ana Belén; Megumi Mizuno, Carolina; McMahon, Katherine D.; Papke, R. Thane; Stepanauskas, Ramunas; Rodríguez Brito, Beltrán; Rohwer, Forest; Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco (2011)
We describe the microbiota of two hypersaline saltern ponds, one of intermediate salinity (19%) and a NaCl saturated ...

Bacilus locisalis sp. nov. , a new haloalkaliphilic species from hypersaline and alkaline lakes of China, Kenya and Tanzania

Márquez Marcos, María del Carmen; Carrasco, I.J.; Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael; Jones, Brian E.; Grant, William D.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2011)
A polyphasic taxonomic study was performed on seven Bacillus-like bacteria isolated from three hypersaline and alkaline ...

A Novel Halophilic Lipase, LipBL, Showing High Efficiency in the Production of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)

Pérez Gómez, Dolores; Martín Rengel, Sara; Fernández-Lorente, Gloria; Filice, Marco; Guisán, José Manuel; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; García Gutiérrez, María Teresa; Mellado Durán, María Encarnación (Public Library of Science, 2011)
Background: Among extremophiles, halophiles are defined as microorganisms adapted to live and thrive in diverse extreme ...

Proposed minimal standards for describing new taxa of aerobic, endospore-forming bacteria

Logan, N. A.; Berge, O.; Bishop, A. H.; Busse, H. J.; De Vos, P.; Fritze, D.; Heyndrickx, M.; Kämpfer, P.; Rabinovitch, L.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2009)
Minimal standards for describing new taxa within the aerobic endospore-forming bacteria are proposed, following Recommendation ...

The Haloprotease CPI Produced by the Moderately Halophilic Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica Is Secreted by the Type II Secretion Pathway

Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Mellado Durán, María Encarnación; Pugsley, Anthony P.; Francetic, Olivera; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2009)
The gene (cpo) encoding the extracellular protease CPI produced by the moderately halophilic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas ...

Emended descriptions of genera of the family Halobacteriaceae

Oren, Aharon; Arahal, David R.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Microbiology Society, 2009)
The family Halobacteriaceae currently contains 96 species whose names have been validly published, classified in 27 genera ...

Halorubrum chaoviator sp. nov., a haloarchaeon isolated from sea salt in Baja California, Mexico, Western Australia and Naxos, Greece

Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Mancinelli, Rocco L.; Legat, Andrea; Radax, Christian; White Melisa R. (Microbiology Society, 2009)
hree halophilic isolates, strains Halo-G*T, AUS-1 and Naxos II, were compared. Halo-G* was isolated from an evaporitic ...

Sequence analysis of an archaeal virus isolated from a hypersaline lake in Inner Mongolia, China

Pagaling, Eulyn; Haigh, Richard D.; Grant, William D.; Cowan, Don A.; Jones, Brian E.; Ma, Yanhe; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Heaphy, Shaun (2007)
BACKGROUND: We are profoundly ignorant about the diversity of viruses that infect the domain Archaea. Less than 100 have ...
Patent. Invention

Proteasa producida por una bacteria halofila moderada: modo de produccion de la enzima

Sanchez-Porro Alvarez, Cristina; Mellado Duran, Encarna; Martin Rengel, Sara; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas , 2006)
Nueva haloproteasa producida por una bacteria halófila moderada: modo de producción de la enzima.Nueva proteasa producida ...
PhD Thesis

Estudio de la actividad bactericida de aceros inoxidables aleados con cobre

Baena González, María Isabel; Márquez Marcos, María del Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2005)
PhD Thesis

Caracterización bioquímica y molecular de la haloproteasa CP1 producida por "Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica"

Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Mellado Durán, María Encarnación (2005)

Método simplificado para el estudio morfológico por microscopía óptica y microscopía electrónica de barrido de actinomicetos halófilos

Serrano, J. A.; Sandoval, A. H.; Soto Ramírez, Nelís; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (2003)
Se propone una técnica simplificada para el estudio, tanto por microscopía óptica como electrónica de barrido, de actinomicetos ...

Nuevos aires para la universidad

Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Euromedia Comunicación, 2000)
PhD Thesis

Transferencia genética en bacterias halófilas moderadas. Caracterización y clonación de una α-amilasa producida por Halomonas meridiana

Coronado Núñez, María José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José (1999)
Durante las dos últimas décadas, nuestro Equipo de Investigación se ha centrado en el estudio de los microorganismos ...

Role of Nγ-acetyldiaminobutyrate as an enzyme stabilizer and an intermediate in the biosynthesis of hydroxyectoine

Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Cánovas López, David; Borges, Nuno; Vargas Macías, Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Santos, Helena (American Society for Microbiology, 1999)
Strain CHR63 is a salt-sensitive mutant of the moderately halophilic wild-type strain Halomonas elongata DSM 3043 that is ...

La Universidad y la Farmacia del siglo XXI

Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (Euromedia Comunicación, 1999)
El mundo de la Farmacia, y por ende el de sus profesionales, los farmacéuticos , ha experimentado una evolución que ...

Synthesis of glycine betaine from exogenous choline in the moderately halophilic bacterium Halomonas elongata

Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Cánovas López, David; Vargas Macías, Carmen; Csonka, Laszlo N.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (American Society for Microbiology, 1998)
The role of choline in osmoprotection in the moderate halophile Halomonas elongata has been examined. Transport and ...
PhD Thesis

Bases moleculares de los mecanismos de osmorregulación en bacterias halófilas moderadas

Cánovas López, David; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Vargas Macías, Carmen (1998)
Durante la última década, nuestro Equipo de Investigación ha realizado numerosos estudios encaminados a un mejor conocimiento ...

Numerical taxonomy of heavy metal-tolerant nonhalophilic bacteria isolated from hypersaline environments

Ríos, Mercedes; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1998)
A total of 232 metal-tolerant bacterial strains were isolated from water and sediment samples collected in different ...

Biology of moderately halophilic aerobic bacteria

Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Oren, Aharon (American Society for Microbiology, 1998)
The moderately halophilic heterotrophic aerobic bacteria form a diverse group of microorganisms. The property of halophilism ...

Isolation and characterization of salt-sensitive mutants of the moderate halophile Halomonas elongata and cloning of the ectoine synthesis genes

Cánovas López, David; Vargas Macías, Carmen; Iglesias Guerra, Fernando; Csonka, Laszlo N.; Rhodes, David R.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc., 1997)
The moderate halophile Halomonas elongata Deustche Sommlung fur Mikroorganismen 3043 accumulated ectoine, hydroxyectoine, ...
PhD Thesis

Evolución de la flora microbiana durante la maduración de vitis vinifera Pedro Ximénez y Vitis vinifera tempranillo de Rioja, en la zona de D. O. Montilla-Moriles

Torre Liébana, María Jesús; Ortega Ruiz, José Mª; Millán Pérez, Mª Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1996)
PhD Thesis

Estudio taxonómico de bacilos aerobios formadores de endosporas aislados de ambientes hipersalinos

Garabito Sánchez, María José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1996)

Osmoprotectants in Halomonas elongata: High-affinity betaine transport system and choline-betaine pathway

Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Cánovas López, David; Vargas Macías, Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Csonka, Laszlo N. (American Society for Microbiology, 1996)
The osmoregulatory pathways of the moderately halophilic bacterium Halomonas elongata DSM 3043 have been investigated. ...

Characterization of the Basic Replicon of pCM1, a Narrow- Host-Range Plasmid from the Moderate Halophile Chromohalobacter marismortui

Mellado Durán, María Encarnación; Asturias, J. A.; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Timmis, K. N.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1995)
The moderately halophilic bacterium Chromohalobacter marismortui contains a 17.5-kb narrow-host-range plasmid, pCM1, which ...

Development of a gene reporter system in moderately halophilic bacteria by employing the ice nucleation gene of Pseudomonas syringae

Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Vargas Macías, Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Arvanitis, Nikilaos; Tegos, Georgios; Perysinakis, Angelos; Drainas, Constantin (American Society for Microbiology, 1995)
The expression of the ice nucleation gene inaZ of Pseudomonas syringae in several moderate halophiles was investigated to ...
PhD Thesis

Estudio de la microbiota autóctona en piscifactorías dedicadas al cultivo de Dorada española (Sparus aurata), con especial atención al patógeno oportunista Vibrio alginolyticus

Orta Cuevas, María del Mar; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1994)
En relación a los microorganismos existentes en estanques de salinas marinas, se ha observado que la mayor parte de la ...

Characterization of a plasmid from moderately halophilic eubacteria

Fernández Castillo, Rosario; Vargas Macías, Carmen; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Ruiz Berraquero, Francisco (1992)
A plasmid has been isolated for the first time from moderately halophilic eubacteria. Halomonas elongata, Halomonrrs ...
PhD Thesis

Estudio tazonómico y genético de Halococcus saccharolyticus sp. Nov.

Montero Herrero, Carlos Gabriel; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1989)

Survey of metal tolerance in moderately halophilic eubacteria

Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Fernández Castillo, Rosario; Márquez Marcos, María del Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Quesada, E.; Ruiz Berraquero, Francisco (American Society for Microbiology, 1989)
The tolerance patterns, expressed as MICs, for 250 moderately halophilic eubacteria to 10 heavy metals were surveyed by ...
PhD Thesis

Taxonomía numérica de cocos grampositivos halófilos moderados

Márquez Marcos, María del Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1988)
Se han realizado numerosos trabajos sobre Taxonomía de Bacterias Gram negativas halófilas moderadas aisladas de diferentes ...

Isolation and partial characterization of a plasmid in the extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halococcus morrhuae CCM 537

Montero, Carlos G.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Ruiz Berraquero, Francisco (1988)
The extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halococcus morrhuae CCM 537 was found to contain’’ a plasmid, pHM2, of 6.0 kb. A ...

Taxonomic Study of Non-alkaliphilic Halococci

Montero, Carlos G.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Ruiz Berraquero, Francisco (1988)
Ninety-six extremely halophilic, non-alkaliphilic cocci were isolated from several salterns in different geographical areas ...

Susceptibility of halobacteria to heavy metals

Nieto Gutiérrez, Joaquín José; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Ruiz Berraquero, Francisco (American Society for Microbiology, 1987)
Sixty-eight halobacteria, including both culture coUection strains and fresh isolates from widely dift'ering geographical ...

A Taxonomic Study of Heterotrophic Halophilic and Non- halophilic Bacteria from a Solar Saltern

Márquez Marcos, María del Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Ruiz Berraquero, Francisco (1987)
A total of 564 strains of heterotrophic non-halophilic, marine, moderately halophilic and extremely halophilic bacteria ...
PhD Thesis

Estudio de las levaduras del género Cándida aisladas de muestras clínicas

Hernández Molina, Juan Manuel; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Llosá Durá, José (1986)
PhD Thesis

Estudio taxonómico de halobacterias no alcalófilas

Gutiérrez Navarro, María del Carmen; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio (1986)
Las Halobacterias son un grupo de Arqueobacterias que viven en ambientes extremos constituidos por medios acuáticos de ...

Numerical taxonomy of moderately halophilic Gram-negative bacteria from hypersaline soils

Quesada, E.; Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Megías, L.; Ramos Cormenzana, Alberto (1983)
A total of 132 moderately halophilic bacteria were isolated from hypersaline soils with a C1- content between 2-36 and ...

Numerical taxonomy of moderately halophilic Gram-negative rods

Ventosa Ucero, Antonio; Quesada Arroquia, Emilia; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco; Ruiz Berraquero, Francisco; Ramos Cormenzana, Alberto (1982)
A study was made of 516 randomly selected isolates of moderately halophilic bacteria from solar salterns showing salinities ...