NameBarranco Chamorro, Inmaculada
DepartmentEstadística e Investigación Operativa
Knowledge areaEstadística e Investigación Operativa
Professional categoryProfesora Titular de Universidad
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Final Degree Project

Distribuciones max-estables. Teoría y aplicaciones

Sanguino Sánchez, José Manuel; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2022)
El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de las distribuciones max-estables. Son modelos paramétricos en los que se ...

Extended Half-Power Exponential Distribution with Applications to COVID-19 Data

Santoro, Karol I.; Gómez, Héctor J.; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2022)
In this paper, the Extended Half-Power Exponential (EHPE) distribution is built on the basis of the Power Exponential ...

The Slashed Power Half-Normal Distribution with Applications

Barrios, Leonardo; Gómez, Yolanda M.; Venegas, Osvaldo; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2022)
In this paper, an extension of the power half-normal (PHN) distribution is introduced. This new model is built on the ...

The Extended Half-Skew Normal Distribution

Santoro, Karol I.; Gómez, Héctor J.; Gallardo, Diego I.; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2022)
A new class of densities for modelling non-negative data, which is based on the skewsymmetric family of distributions ...
Master's Final Project

Método de Monte Carlo : uso y aplicaciones en Inferencia Bayesiana

Chaves López, Ana Rosa; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2021)
It’s sure that, nowadays, Statistics is one of the most applicable areas in Math ematics. Because of that, it’s so important ...

Flexible Log-Linear Birnbaum–Saunders Model

Martínez Florez, Guillermo; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2021)
Rieck and Nedelman (1991) introduced the sinh-normal distribution. This model was built as a transformation of a N(0,1) ...

Statistical Inference for a General Family of Modified Exponentiated Distributions

Gómez Déniz, Emilio; Iriarte, Yuri A.; Gómez, Yolanda M.; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2021)
In this paper, a modified exponentiated family of distributions is introduced. The new model was built from a continuous ...

A Generalized Rayleigh Family of Distributions Based on the Modified Slash Model

Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Iriarte, Yuri A.; Gómez, Yolanda M.; Astorga, Juan M.; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2021)
Specifying a proper statistical model to represent asymmetric lifetime data with high kurtosis is an open problem. In this ...

Techniques to Deal with Off-Diagonal Elements in Confusion Matrices

Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Carrillo García, Rosa María (MDPI, 2021)
Confusion matrices are numerical structures that deal with the distribution of errors between different classes or categories ...

Scale Mixture of Rayleigh Distribution

Rivera, Pilar A.; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Gallardo, Diego I.; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2020)
In this paper, the scale mixture of Rayleigh (SMR) distribution is introduced. It is proven that this new model, initially ...
Master's Final Project

Statistical techniques to identify and handle outliers in multivariate data

Grentzelos, Christos; Caroni, Chrys; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Moreno Rebollo, Juan Luis (2020)
In this thesis, we focus on methods for detecting outliers in a multivariate setting. Outliers are also referred to as ...
Final Degree Project

Modelos Estadísticos de Riesgo. Aplicaciones Actuariales

Galeote López, Elena; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2020)
Risk is an important topic in contemporary society. People are confronted with risks from financial markets, nuclear power ...
Final Degree Project

Modelos de distribuciones obtenidas de la distribución normal

Martínez de Paz, María Fernanda; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2020)
El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de modelos continuos de tiempo de vida relacionados con la distribución Normal. ...

Flexible Birnbaum–Saunders Distribution

Martínez Flórez, Guillermo; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Bolfarine, Heleno; Gómez, Héctor W. (MDPI, 2019)
In this paper, we propose a bimodal extension of the Birnbaum–Saunders model by including an extra parameter. This new ...

Flexible Birnbaum-Saunders distribution

Martínez Flórez, Guillermo; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Bolfarine, Heleno; Gómez Geraldo, Héctor (MDPI, 2019)
In this paper, we propose a bimodal extension of the Birnbaum–Saunders model by including an extra parameter. This new ...
Final Degree Project

Análisis de sentimientos con Twitter: turismo y política electoral

Sánchez del Hoyo, Rafael; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2019)
Hoy en día, gran parte de la población hace uso de al menos una red social para interactuar con otras personas. Realmente ...
Final Degree Project

Aplicación de técnicas de clasificación a la detección de cáncer

Cazorla Piñar, Ignacio; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2019)
En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se realiza un estudio comparativo de diversos métodos de clasificación estadística, tanto ...
Master's Final Project

Classical and modern approaches to classification and dimensionality reduction techniques

Barmpakou, Dorothea; Caroni, Chrys; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2019)
In this thesis, we focus on techniques for dimensionality reduction and classification problems, which facilitate the ...

Generalized modified slash Birnbaum–Saunders distribution

Reyes Rocabado, Jimmy; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Gallardo Mateluna, Diego; Gómez Geraldo, Héctor (MDPI, 2018)
In this paper, a generalization of the modified slash Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution is introduced. The model is ...
Final Degree Project

Técnicas no paramétricas y modelos de regresión para datos de tiempo de vida

Barrenechea López, Lorena; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2018)
La característica principal en un estudio de supervivencia es que los sujetos bajo estudio se observan durante un tiempo ...
Final Degree Project

Técnicas de selección de variables en minería estadística de datos

Guerra de la Corte, Adrián; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2016)
A common problem in data mining, when statistical regression models are used, is to choose properly the variables to be ...
Final Degree Project

Técnicas multivariantes para el análisis de datos ómicos

Muñoz Armayones, Sandra; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada (2016)
El constante aumento en la generación de datos ómicos y el desarrollo de tecnologías que permiten su análisis han hecho ...
Final Degree Project

Modelos de datos de conteo para el estudio de datos de RNA-SEQ

Córdoba Chamizo, Yolanda; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Luque Calvo, Pedro Luis (2015)
In this work we will explain the knowledge and techniques which are necessaries to work with RNA-Seq data, a technology ...
Final Degree Project

Técnicas de análisis de expresión diferencial basada en coteos para el estudio de datos de Ran-Seq usando R y bioconductor

Carrasco Carrasco, Sara; Barranco Chamorro, Inmaculada; Luque Calvo, Pedro Luis (2015)