NameNepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio
DepartmentLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Knowledge areaLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Professional categoryProfesor Contratado Doctor
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Comparing artificial intelligence strategies for early sepsis detection in the ICU: an experimental study

Solís García, Javier; Vega Márquez, Belén; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles (Springer, 2023)
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition whose early recognition is key to improving outcomes for patients in intensive care ...

Using prior knowledge in the inference of gene association networks

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Galván Rojas, José Luis; Vega Márquez, Belén; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Springer, 2020)
Traditional computational techniques are recently being improved with the use of prior biological knowledge from open ...

Graph coloring for extracting discriminative genes in cancer data

Mahfouz, Mohamed A.; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio (Wiley, 2019)
Background and objective: The major difficulty of the analysis of the input gene expression data in a microarray-based ...

An application of the Shapley value to the analysis of co-expression networks

Cesari, Giulia; Algaba Durán, Encarnación; Moretti, Stefano; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio (Springer Nature, 2018)
We study the problem of identifying relevant genes in a co-expression network using a (cooperative) game theoretic approach. ...

Pairwise gene GO-based measures for biclustering of high-dimensional expression data

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (BMC: part of Springer Verlag, 2018)
Background: Biclustering algorithms search for groups of genes that share the same behavior under a subset of samples in ...

A Game Theoretic Neighbourhood-Based Relevance Index

Cesari, Giulia; Algaba Durán, Encarnación; Moretti, Stefano; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio (Springer, 2017)
Centrality measures are used in network analysis to identify the relevant elements in a network. Recently, several centrality ...

Biclustering of Gene Expression Data Based on SimUI Semantic Similarity Measure

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (Springer, 2016)
Biclustering is an unsupervised machine learning technique that simultaneously clusters genes and conditions in gene ...
PhD Thesis

Biclustering sobre datos de expresión génica basado en búsqueda dispersa

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (2015)
Los datos de expresión génica, y su particular naturaleza e importancia, motivan no sólo el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas ...

Scatter search-based identification of local patterns with positive and negative correlations in gene expression data

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (Elsevier, 2015)
This paper presents a scatter search approach based on linear correlations among genes to find biclusters, which include ...

Integrating biological knowledge based on functional annotations for biclustering of gene expression data

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (Elsevier, 2015)
Gene expression data analysis is based on the assumption that co-expressed genes imply co-regulated genes. This assumption ...

Inferencia de Redes de Asociación de Genes Guiada por Similitud Semántica

Galván Rojas, José Luis; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, 2015)
En este trabajo se propone el uso de conocimiento a priori como heurística en métodos de inferencia de redes de genes a ...

Metodología de evaluación continua en la asignatura de Fundamentos de Programación: un cambio de evaluación enfocado al desarrollo de competencias

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Reina Quintero, Antonia María; García Gutiérrez, Jorge (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2012)
El marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Supe rior (EEES) y la implantación del Sistema de Crédito Europeo (ECTS) han ...

Biclustering of Gene Expression Data by Correlation-Based Scatter Search

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador; Troncoso Lora, Alicia (2011)

Inferring gene coexpression networks with Biclustering based on Scatter Search

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (IEEE Computer Society, 2011)
The identification of regulatory modules is one of the most important tasks in order to discover disease markers. This ...

A Local Search in Scatter Search for Improving Biclusters

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (IEEE Computer Society, 2011)
Scatter Search is a population-based metaheuristic that emphasizes systematic processes against random proce dures. A local ...

Evolutionary Metaheuristic for Biclustering based on Linear Correlations among Genes

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2010)
A new measure to evaluate the quality of a bicluster is proposed in this paper. This measure is based on correlations among ...

Correlation–Based Scatter Search for Discovering Biclusters from Gene Expression Data

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (Springer, 2010)
Scatter Search is an evolutionary method that combines ex isting solutions to create new offspring as the well–known genetic ...

A Hybrid Metaheuristic for Biclustering Based on Scatter Search and Genetic Algorithms

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (Springer, 2009)
In this paper a hybrid metaheuristic for biclustering based on Scatter Search and Genetic Algorithms is presented. A general ...

An Overlapping Control–Biclustering Algorithm from Gene Expression Data

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (IEEE Computer Society, 2009)
In this paper a hybrid metaheuristic for biclustering based on Scatter Search and Genetic Algorithms is pre sented. A ...

VisualTissue: A Friendly Tool to Study Tissue P Systems Solutions for Graph Problems

Borrego Ropero, Rafael; Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio (Fénix Editora, 2007)
P systems can be classi ed in two main groups: P systems with the membrane structure described by a tree, and tissue P ...

Biclusters Evaluation Based on Shifting and Scaling Patterns

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador; García Gutiérrez, Jorge (Springer, 2007)
Microarray techniques have motivated the develop of differ ent methods to extract useful information from a biological ...

Databases Reduction Simultaneously by Ordered Projection

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Ruiz, Roberto; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador (Springer, 2006)
In this paper, a new algorithm Database Reduction Simulta neously by Ordered Projections (RESOP) is introduced. This ...

A Measure for Data Set Editing by Ordered Projections

Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Díaz Díaz, Norberto; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles (Springer, 2006)
In this paper we study a measure, named weakness of an example, which allows us to establish the importance of an example ...

A Tool for Using the SBML Format to Represent P Systems which Model Biological Reaction Networks

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Romero Campero, Francisco José (Fénix Editora, 2005)
In this paper we present a software tool to represent P systems modelling signalling networks of biochemical reactions ...

Feature selection based on bootstrapping

Díaz Díaz, Norberto; Aguilar Ruiz, Jesús Salvador; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; García Gutiérrez, Jorge (IEEE Computer Society, 2005)
The results of feature selection methods have a great influence on the success of data mining processes, especially when ...