NameLuna Laynez, Manuel
DepartmentEcuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico
Knowledge areaAnálisis Matemático
Professional categoryProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Final Degree Project

Algunos métodos del Cálculo de Variaciones

Schläpfer, Lilian Nadine; Luna Laynez, Manuel (2023)
The aim of this work is to introduce the Calculus of Variations, showing some of its fundamental methods and techniques. ...
Final Degree Project

El problema de la braquistócrona discreta

Marrero Hernández, Silvia; Luna Laynez, Manuel (2022)
En 1696 Johann Bernoulli planteó un problema a la comunidad científica: Dados dos puntos a distintas alturas, ¿qué recorrido ...

A decomposition result for the pressure of a fluid in a thin domain and extensions to elasticity problems

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Suárez Grau, Francisco Javier (2020)
In order to study the asymptotic behavior of a fluid in a domain of small thickness $\ep$, it is common to use that the ...
Final Degree Project

Introducción a la optimización infinito dimensional

Peña Gallardo, Miguel; Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel (2017)
El objetivo de este trabajo es obtener un resultado general acerca de la existencia de solución de problemas de minimización ...

Γ-convergence of equi-coercive nonlinear energies defined on vector-valued functions, with non-uniformly bounded coefficients

Briane, Marc; Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Pallares Martín, Antonio Jesús (Elsevier, 2017)
The present paper deals with the asymptotic behavior of equi-coercive sequences {Fn} of nonlinear functionals defined over ...
PhD Thesis

Problemas de homogeneización con alto contraste

Pallares Martín, Antonio Jesús; Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel (2016)
El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar la homogeneización de sistemas de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales elípticas. ...

The behavior of a beam fixed on small sets of one of its extremities

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Murat, François (AIMS, 2014)
In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of the solution of an anisotropic, heterogeneous, linearized elasticity ...

Homogenization of the Poisson equation with Dirichlet conditions in random perforated domains

Calvo Jurado, Carmen; Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Hamilton, I.P.; Vigo Aguiar, Jesús (Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, 2013)

Asymptotic behavior of the Navier-Stokes system in a thin domain with Navier condition on a slightly rough boundary

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Suárez Grau, Francisco Javier (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2013)
We study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the Navier–Stokes system in a thin domain Ωε of thickness ε satisfying ...

On the Navier boundary condition for viscous fluids in rough domains

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Suárez Grau, Francisco Javier (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2012)
In this paper we review some recent results concerning the study of the asymptotic behavior of viscous fluids in rough ...
PhD Thesis

Comportamiento asintótico de fluidos viscosos con condiciones de deslizamiento sobre fronteras rugosas

Suárez Grau, Francisco Javier; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Casado Díaz, Juan (2011)
Un problema importante en mecánica de fluidos consiste en la elección adecuada de las condiciones de frontera. Una hipótesis ...

Numerical approximation of a one-dimensional elliptic optimal design problem

Casado Díaz, Juan; Castro Barbero, Carlos Manuel; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2011)
We address the numerical approximation by finite-element methods of an optimal design problem for a two phase material in ...

A viscous fluid in a thin domain satisfying the slip condition on a slightly rough boundary

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Suárez Grau, Francisco Javier (ScienceDirect, 2010)
We consider a viscous fluid of small height ε on a periodic rough bottom Γε of period rε and amplitude δε, δε rε ε, where ...

A viscous fluid in a thin domain satisfying the slip condition on a slightly rough boundary

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Suárez Grau, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2010)
We consider a viscous fluid of small height ε on a periodic rough bottom Γε of period rε and amplitude δε, δε rε ε, where ...

Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear systems in varying domains with boundary conditions on varying sets

Calvo Jurado, Carmen; Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel (EDP Sciences, 2009)
For a fixed bounded open set Ω ⊂ RN , a sequence of open sets Ωn ⊂ Ω and a sequence of sets Γn ⊂ ∂Ω ∩ ∂Ωn, we study the ...

Comportamiento asintótico de una viga elástica fijada en pequeñas zonas de uno de sus extremos

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Murat, François (2007)
Estudiamos el comportamiento asintótico de una viga elástica delgada cuando su anchura, ε, tiende a cero. La viga está ...

Homogenization of very thin elastic reticulated structures

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Martín Gómez, José Domingo (De Gruyter, 2005)
This work is devoted to the homogenization of the anisotropic, linearized elasticity system posed on thin reticulated ...

Asymptotic behavior of an elastic beam fixed on a small part of one of its extremities

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Murat, François (Elsevier, 2004)
We study the asymptotic behavior of the solution of an anisotropic, heterogeneous, linearized elasticity problem in a ...

Asymptotic behavior of diffusion problems in a domain made of two cylinders of different diameters and lengths

Casado Díaz, Juan; Luna Laynez, Manuel; Murat, François (Elsevier, 2004)
We study the asymptotic behavior of the solution of a diffusion problem posed in the union of a cylinder of small diameter and ...
PhD Thesis

Homogeneización de estructuras reticuladas: un método multiescala

Luna Laynez, Manuel; Casado Díaz, Juan; Martín Gómez, José Domingo (2003)
En la Memoria se introduce un nuevo método para estudiar el comportamiento asintótico de las soluciones de problemas en ...