NameLópez Santos, Laura
DepartmentQuímica Inorgánica
Knowledge areaQuímica Inorgánica
Professional categoryProfesora Titular de Universidad
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Nitrous oxide activation by picoline-derived Ni-CNP hydrides

Bermejo, José; Ortega Lepe, Isabel; López Santos, Laura; Rendón Márquez, Nuria; López Serrano, Joaquín; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Suárez, Andrés (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024)
Oxygen atom transfer (OAT) from N2O to the Ni–H bond of protonresponsive picoline-derived CNP nickel complexes has been ...

Catalytic Nitrous Oxide Reduction with H2 Mediated by Pincer Ir Complexes

Ortega Lepe, Isabel; Sánchez Mellado, Práxedes; López Santos, Laura; Lara Muñoz, Patricia; Rendón Márquez, Nuria; López Serrano, Joaquín; Salazar Pereda, Verónica; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Paneque, Margarita; Suárez, Andrés (American Chemical Society, 2022)
Reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) with H2 to N2 and water is an attractive process for the decomposition of this greenhouse ...

Ammonia–Borane Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by Dual-Mode Proton-Responsive Ir-CNNH Complexes

Ortega Lepe, Isabel; Rossin, Andrea; Sánchez Mellado, Práxedes; López Santos, Laura; Rendón Márquez, Nuria; Álvarez González, Eleuterio; López Serrano, Joaquín; Suárez Escobar, Andrés Luis (American Chemical Society, 2021)
Metal complexes incorporating proton-responsive ligands have been proved to be superior catalysts in reactions involving ...

Hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of N-heterocycles catalyzed by ruthenium complexes based on multimodal proton-responsive CNN(H) pincer ligands

Sánchez Mellado, Práxedes; Hernández Juárez, Martín; Rendón Márquez, Nuria; López Serrano, Joaquín; López Santos, Laura; Álvarez González, Eleuterio; Paneque Sosa, Margarita; Suárez Escobar, Andrés Luis (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020)
Ru complexes based on lutidine-derived pincer CNN(H) ligands having secondary amine side donors are efficient precatalysts ...
Final Degree Project

Métodos high-throughput para la síntesis de nuevos fármacos

Martín Alonso, María Luz; Bobadilla Baladrón, Luis Francisco; López Santos, Laura (2020)
Gracias al uso de métodos de alto rendimiento (High-throughput), se ha conseguido potenciar el descubrimiento y desarrollo ...
Final Degree Project

Complejos que liberan monóxido de carbono como agentes terapéuticos

Rodríguez González, Alba; Ivanova, Svetlana; López Santos, Laura (2017)
La toxicidad letal del monóxido de carbono (CO), conocida desde tiempos romanos y griegos, parecía ser incompatible con ...

Rhodium(I) Complexes with Ligands Based on N-Heterocyclic Carbene and Hemilabile Pyridine Donors as Highly E Stereoselective Alkyne Hydrosilylation Catalysts

Morales Cerón, Judith; Lara Muñoz, Patricia; López Serrano, Joaquín; López Santos, Laura; Salazar Pereda, Verónica; Álvarez González, Eleuterio; Suárez Escobar, Andrés Luis (American Chemical Society, 2017)
Cationic rhodium(I) complexes containing picolyl-NHC (NHC = N-heterocyclic carbene) ligands that differ in the substitution ...

(Butane-1,4-diyl)(trimethylphosphane-κP)[tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1- yl-κN 2)hydroborato]iridium(III)

Gómez González, Margarita; López Santos, Laura; Paneque Sosa, Margarita; Mereiter, Kurt (International Union of Crystallography, 2013)
In the mononuclear title iridium(III) complex, [Ir(C4H8)- (C15H22BN6)(C3H9P)], which is based on the ...

Chlorido[1-(2-oxidophenyl)ethylidene][tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl) hydroborato]iridium(III) chloroform monosolvate

López Santos, Laura; Paneque Sosa, Margarita; Mereiter, Kurt (International Union of Crystallography, 2013)
In the title compound, [Ir(C15H22BN6)(C8H7O)Cl]·CHCl3, the Ir atom is formally trivalent and is coordinated in a slightly ...