NameGuillén González, Francisco Manuel
DepartmentEcuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico
Knowledge areaAnálisis Matemático
Professional categoryCatedrático de Universidad
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PhD Thesis

Analysis and optimal control for chemotaxis-consumption models

Correa Vianna Filho, André Luis; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2023)
En esta tesis investigamos el siguiente modelo de quimiotaxis-consumo en dominios acotados de RN (N = 1, 2, 3): ∂tu − Δu ...
Final Degree Project

Aplicación de redes neuronales al ajuste de parámetros en modelos diferenciales

Murillo García, Sergio; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna (2023)
El éxito del desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial durante los últimos 15 años ha revolucionado todas las áreas del ...

Long-time behavior of global weak solutions for a beris-edwards type model of nematic liquid crystals

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Springer, 2022)
We consider a Beris-Edwards system modeling incompressible liquid crystal flows of nematic type. This system couples a ...

An upwind DG scheme preserving the maximum principle for the convective Cahn-Hilliard model

Acosta Soba, Daniel; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael (Springer, 2022)
The design of numerical approximations of the Cahn-Hilliard model preserving the maximum principle is a challenging problem, ...
Final Degree Project

Aproximaciones numéricas descentradas para sistemas de EDP con quimiotaxis

Romero Madroñal, Marcos; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2022)
In this work, the phenomenon of chemotaxis is modeled, mainly by focusing on the Keller-Segel model, as well as other ...
Master's Final Project

Ecuaciones de coordenadas colectivas para una ecuación de tipo sine-Gordon. Análisis de fenómenos tipo ratchet en solitones topológicos

Palmero Ramos, Faustino; Cuevas Maraver, Jesús; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2022)
The main aim of this project is to study the so-called soliton ratchet phenomena in a FrenkelKontorova model, by making ...
Final Degree Project

Modelización y simulaciones numéricas de problemas de control óptimo en modelos biológicos con quimiotaxis

Montilla Cosano, José Manuel; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (2022)
Mathematical modelling and numerical optimization are applications of Mathematics with a huge potencial, being able to ...

A Glioblastoma PDE-ODE model including chemotaxis and vasculature

Fernández Romero, Antonio; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Suárez, Antonio (E.D.P. Sciences, 2022)
In this work we analyse a PDE-ODE problem modelling the evolution of a Glioblastoma, which includes chemotaxis term directed ...

A chemorepulsion model with superlinear production: analysis of the continuous problem and two approximately positive and energy-stable schemes

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Rueda Gómez, Diego Armando (Springer, 2021)
We consider the following repulsive-productive chemotaxis model: find 0, the cell density, and 0, the chemical concentration, ...

Comparison of two finite element schemes for a chemo-repulsion system with quadratic production

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Rueda Gómez, Diego Armando (Elsevier, 2021)
In this paper we propose two fully discrete Finite Elements (FE) schemes for a repulsive chemotaxis model with a quadratic ...
PhD Thesis

Study of PDE-ODE Glioblastoma model with nonlinear diffusion and chemotaxis

Fernández Romero, Antonio; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Suárez Fernández, Antonio (2021)
This thesis is dedicated to modeling and analyzing mathematically the development of Glioblastoma. Thanks to considering ...

A common framework for the robust design of tuned mass damper techniques to mitigate pedestrian-induced vibrations in lively footbridges

Jiménez Alonso, Javier Fernando; Soria, José M.; Díaz, Iván M.; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Elsevier Ltd, 2021)
The dynamic response of modern slender footbridges is usually sensitive to both the pedestrian actions and the uncertainties ...

Fluid vesicles with internal nematic order

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Tierra, Giordano (Elsevier, 2020)
Models of flows containing vesicles membranes with liquid crystalline phases have been widely studied in recent times due ...

Nematic order on a deformable vesicle with anchoring effects

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Tierra, Giordano (Elsevier, 2020)
Models to represent the interactions of liquid crystalline phases with vesicles mem- branes have been widely studied in ...

Optimal bilinear control problem related to a chemo-repulsion system in 2D domains

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Mallea Zepeda, Exequiel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI), 2020)
In this paper, we study a bilinear optimal control problem associated to a chemo-repulsion model with linear production ...

A Regularity Criterion for a 3D Chemo-Repulsion System and Its Application to a Bilinear Optimal Control Problem

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Mallea Zepeda, Exequiel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (SIAM, 2020)
In this paper, a bilinear optimal control problem associated to a 3D chemo-repulsion model with linear production is ...

Unconditionally energy stable fully discrete schemes for a chemo-repulsion model

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Rueda Gómez, Diego Armando (American Mathematical Society, 2019)
This work is devoted to studying unconditionally energy stable and mass-conservative numerical schemes for the following ...

Convergence to equilibrium of global weak solutions for a Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes vesicle model

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Springer, 2019)
In this paper, we introduce a model describing the dynamic of vesicle membranes within an incompressible viscous fluid in ...

From a cell model with active motion to a Hele–Shaw-like system: a numerical approach

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Springer, 2019)
In this paper we deal with the numerical solution of a Hele{Shaw-like system via a cell model with active motion. Convergence ...
Master's Final Project

Control de vibraciones de estructuras bajo incertidumbre

Jiménez Alonso, Javier Fernando; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2019)
Tanto la mejora de las propiedades resistentes de los materiales constructivos como los mayores requerimientos estéticos ...
PhD Thesis

Análisis teórico y numérico de problemas diferenciales con quimiotaxis repulsiva.

Rueda Gómez, Diego Armando; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (2018)

Analysis of a chemo-repulsion model with nonlinear production: The continuous problem and unconditionally energy stable fully discrete schemes

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Rueda Gómez, Diego Armando (Cornell University, 2018)
We consider the following repulsive-productive chemotaxis model: Let p∈(1,2), find u≥0, the cell density, and v≥0, the ...

Convergence to equilibrium of global weak solutions for a Q-tensor problem related to liquid crystals

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Cornell University, 2018)
We study a Q-tensor problem modeling the dynamic of nematic liquid crystals in 3D domains. The system consists of the ...

Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and Control. In Honor of Prof. Fernández-Cara's 60th Birthday

Doubova Krasotchenko, Anna; González Burgos, Manuel; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Marín Beltrán, Mercedes (Springer, 2018)
This book contains the main results of the talks given at the workshop “Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and ...

A projection-based time-splitting algorithm for approximating nematic liquid crystal flows with stretching

Cabrales, Roberto Carlos; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Wiley, 2017)
A numerical method is developed for solving a system of partial differential equations modeling the flow of a nematic ...

Numerical methods for solving the Cahn-Hilliard equation and its applicability to mixtures of isotropic and nematic flows with anchoring effects

Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Tierra Chica, Giordano (2016)

Linear unconditional energy-stable splitting schemes for a phase-field model for nematic-isotropic flows with anchoring effects: L.U.E.S.S. SCHEMES FOR ISOTROPIC-NEMATIC FLOWS WITH ANCHORING EFFECTS

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Tierra, Giordano (Wiley, 2016)
Two-phase flows composed of fluids exhibiting different microscopic structure are an important class of engineering ...

On the stability of approximations for the Stokes problem using different finite element spaces for each component of the velocity

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael (Elsevier, 2016)
This paper studies the stability of velocity-pressure mixed approximations of the Stokes problem when different finite ...

Linear unconditional energy-stable splitting schemes for a phase-field model for Nematic-Isotropic flows with anchoring effects

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Tierra Chica, Giordano (Wiley, 2016)
Two-phase flows composed of fluids exhibiting different microscopic structure are an important class of engineering ...

Linear spplitting schemes for a nematic-isotropic model with anchoring effects

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Tierra Chica, Giordano (2016)

Approximation of Smectic-A liquid crystals

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Tierra Chica, Giordano (Elsevier, 2015)
In this paper, we present energy-stable numerical schemes for a Smectic-A liquid crystal model. This model involve the ...

Long-time behavior of a Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes vesicle-fluid interaction model

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2015)

Analysis of the hydrostatic Stokes problem and finite-element approximation in unstructured meshes

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael (Springer, 2015)
The stability of velocity and pressure mixed finite-element approximations in general meshes of the hydrostatic Stokes ...

Numerical methods for solving the Cahn-Hilliard equation and its applicability to related Energy-based models

Tierra Chica, Giordano; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Springer, 2015)
In this paper, we review some numerical methods presented in the literature in the last years to approximate the Cahn-Hilliard ...

Stabilized schemes for the hydrostatic Stokes equations

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015)
Some new stable finite element (FE) schemes are presented for the hydrostatic Stokes system or primitive equations of the ...

Weak solutions for an initial-boundary Q-Tensor problem related to liquid crystals

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Elsevier, 2015)
The coupled Navier-Stokes and Q-Tensor system is considered in a bounded three-dimensional domain under homogeneous Dirichlet ...

A time-splitting finite-element stable approximation for the Ericksen-Leslie equations

Cabrales, Roberto Carlos; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015)
In this paper we propose an unconditional energy-stable time-splitting finite-element scheme for approximating the ...
Chapter of Book

On the regularity of the Q-Tensor depending on the data

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Ahusborde, Étienne; Amrouche, Chérif; López de Silanes Busto, María Cruz; Palacios Latasa, Manuel Pedro; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo (Universidad de Zaragoza, 2015)
The coupled Navier-Stokes and Q-Tensor system is one of the models used to describe the behavior of the nematic liquid ...

A uniqueness and regularity criterion for Q-tensor models with Neumann boundary conditions

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Ohio University Press, 2014)
We give a regularity criterion for a Q-tensor system modeling a nematic Liquid Crystal, under homogeneous Neumann boundary ...

Convergence to equilibrium for smectic-A liquid crystals in 3D domains without constraints for the viscosity

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Elsevier, 2014)
In this paper, we focus on a smectic-A liquid crystal model in 3D domains, and obtain three main results: the proof of an ...

A review on mathematical analysis for nematic and smectic-A liquid crystal models

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
We review the mathematical analysis of some uniaxial, liquid crystal phases. First, we state the models for the two di ...

Liquid crystal and phase-field models are related by mathematics

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Tierra Chica, Giordano; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio; Cabrales, Roberto Carlos; Grün, Günther (2014)
Chapter of Book

Some properties on the Q-Tensor system

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; López de Silanes Busto, María Cruz; Palacios Latasa, Manuel Pedro; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo; Amrouche, Chérif (Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014)
We study the coupled Navier-Stokes and Q-Tensor system (analyzed in cf. [Paicu, M., and Zarnescu, A. Energy dissipation ...

Weak time regularity and uniqueness for a Q-Tensor model

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014)
The coupled Navier-Stokes and Q-Tensor system is one of the models used to describe the behavior of the nematic liquid ...

Convergence to equilibrium for smectic-A liquid crystals in 3D domains

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca (2014)

A linear mixed finite element scheme for a nematic Ericksen-Leslie liquid crystal model

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 2013)
In this work we study a fully discrete mixed scheme, based on continuous finite elements in space and a linear semi-implicit ...
PhD Thesis

Analysis and numerical simulation of fluids related to hydrostactic approximations

Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2013)
Los modelos matemáticos de circulación global de la atmósfera y el océano terrestre han alcanzado una gran importancia en ...

On a initial-boundary Q-tensor problem related to liquid crystals

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (2013)

On energy-stable schemes for two Vesicle Membrane phase-field models

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Tierra Chica, Giordano (2013)

On a double penalized smectic-A model

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2012)
In smectic-A liquid crystals a unity director vector n appear, modeling an average preferential direction of the molecules ...
PhD Thesis

Análisis y Simulaciones Numéricas en Mecánica de Fluidos y Campos de Fase Numerical Analysis and Simulations for Fluid Mechanics and Phase-field Models

Tierra Chica, Giordano; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2012)
Applied Mathematics research is expanding to encompass quantitative physical phenomena of growing importance. These ...

Superconvergence in velocity and pressure for the 3D time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Tierra Chica, Giordano (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2012)
This work is devoted to the superconvergence in space approximation of a fully discrete scheme for the incompressible ...

An overview on numerical analyses of nematic liquid crystal flows

Badia Rodríguez, Santiago; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Springer, 2011)
The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the most recent numerical developments in the field of nematic liquid ...

Finite element approximation of nematic liquid crystal flows using a saddle-point structure

Badia Rodríguez, Santiago; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Elsevier, 2011)
In this work, we propose finite element schemes for the numerical approximation of nematic liquid crystal flows, based on ...

Error estimates of a linear decoupled Euler–FEM scheme for a mass diffusion model

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Springer, 2011)
We present error estimates of a linear fully discrete scheme for a threedimensional mass diffusion model for incompressible ...

Global in time solution and time-periodicity for a smectic-A liquid crystal model

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2010)
In this paper some results are obtained for a smectic-A liquid crystal model with time-dependent boundary Dirichlet data ...

Some topics about nematic and smectic-A liquid crystals

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2010)

Stability for nematic liquid crystals with stretching terms

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (World Scientific, 2010)
We study a nematic crystal model appearing in [Liu et al.,2007] modeling stretching effects depending on the different ...

Convergence and error estimates of two iterative methods for the strong solution of the incompressible korteweg model

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (World Scientific, 2009)
We show the existence of strong solutions for a fluid model with Korteweg tensor, which is obtained as limit of two iterative ...

Regularity and time-periodicity for a nematic liquid crystal model

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Moreno Iraberte, María Jesús (Elsevier, 2009)
In this paper two main results are obtained for a nematic liquid crystal model with timedependent boundary Dirichlet data ...

Sufficient conditions for regularity and uniqueness of a 3D nematic liquid crystal model

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Wiley, 2009)
In [3] L. C. Berselli, On a Regularity Criterion for the Solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations, Diff. and Integral ...

Método de elementos finitos para la aproximación de un modelo de cristales líquidos nemáticos

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2009)
En esta charla analizamos la aproximación numérica con elementos finitos en espacio y diferencias finitas en tiempo de un ...

Reproductive solution for grade-two fluid model in two dimensions

Friz Roa, Luis; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2009)
We treat the existence of reproductive solution (weak periodic solution) of a second-grade fluid system in two dimensions, by using the Galerkin approximation method and compactness arguments.

Estabilidad asintótica para modelos de cristales líquidos nemáticos

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (2009)
En este trabajo estudiamos el comportamiento asintótico en tiempo infinito y la estabilidad de soluciones de un sistema ...

Stability and convergence of two discrete schemes for a degenerate solutal non-isothermal phase-field model

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (EDP Sciences, 2009)
We analyze two numerical schemes of Euler type in time and C0 finite-element type with P1-approximation in space for solving ...
PhD Thesis

Análisis numérico de esquemas fraccionados en tiempo para Navier-Stokes 3D y ecuaciones primitivas

Redondo Neble, María Victoria; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2008)
En esta Tesis nos centramos en el análisis numérico del método de descomposición de la viscosidad y del método de proyección ...
PhD Thesis

Análisis numérico de algunos modelos diferenciales acoplados de la mecánica de fluidos

Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2008)
La finalidad de esta tesis es aportar un mayor grado de entendimiento, desde el aspecto numérico, de diversos sistemas en ...

Conditional stability and convergence of a fully discrete scheme for three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with mass diffusion

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2008)
We construct a fully discrete numerical scheme for three-dimensional incompressible fluids with mass diffusion (in ...

Unconditional stability and convergence of fully discrete schemes for 2D viscous fluids models with mass diffusion

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (American Mathematical Society, 2008)
In this work we develop fully discrete (in time and space) numerical schemes for two-dimensional incompressible fluids ...

Reproductive and time periodic solutions for incompressible fluids

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (2007)
In this article, our aims is to review some of the results that are currently available concerning the existence, uniqueness ...

Regularidad anisótropa de un problema de Ecuaciones Primitivas

Bresch, Didier; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (2007)
En este trabajo estudiamos la regularidad de las Ecuaciones Primitivas (EP) del Océano, con condición de contorno sobre ...

Aproximación de un modelo de cristales líquidos nemáticos con un esquema completamente discreto y penalizado

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente (2007)
En esta comunicación proponemos y analizamos un esquema numérico totalmente discreto con elementos finitos en espacio y ...

Time-periodic solutions for a generalized Boussinesq model with Neumann boundary conditions for temperature

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Royal Society of London, 2007)
The aim of this work is to prove the existence of regular time-periodic solutions for a generalized Boussinesq model (with ...

Error estimates of optimal order in a fractional-step scheme for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Redondo Neble, María Victoria (2007)
We present some improvements on the error estimates obtained by J.Blasco and R.Codina for a viscosity-splitting in time ...

A review on reproductivity and time periodicity for incompressible fluids

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2007)
In this article, our aims is to review some of the results that are currently available concerning the existence, uniqueness ...

Reproductive and time periodic solutions for incompressible fluids

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (2007)

Reproductivity for a nematic liquid crystal model

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (2006)
In this paper we prove existence of weak solution with the reproductivity in time property, for a penalized PDE's system ...

Periodicity for a nematic liquid crystal model

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (2006)

Regular time-reproductive solutions for generalized Boussinesq model with Neumann boundary conditions for temperature

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (2006)

Local strong solution for the incompressible Korteweg model

Bresch, Didier; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Lemoine, Jérôme; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Sy, Mamadou (Elsevier, 2006)
We consider a Navier-Stokes type system with a Korteweg stress tensor, coupled with a concentration equation without ...

Regular time-reproductive solutions for generalized Boussinesq model with Neumann boundary conditions for temperature

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (2006)

New error estimates for a viscosity-splitting scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations

Redondo Neble, María Victoria; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2006)

Local and global strong solution by the semi-Galerkin method for the model of mass diffusion

Damázio, Pedro D.; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Gutiérrez Santacreu, Juan Vicente; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, 2006)
In this work, we present some results for local and global in time solutions (defined in the time interval (0, T) with T ...

On the uniqueness and regularity of the Primitive Equations imposing additional anisotropic regularity

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Elsevier, 2005)
In this note, we prove that given u a weak solution of the Primitive Equations, imposing an additional condition on the ...

The Cauchy Problem and Decay Rates for Strong Solutions of a Boussinesq System

Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Santos da Rocha, Márcio (2005)

Regular time-reproductive solutions for generalized Boussinesq model with Neumann boundary conditions for temperature

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2005)
The aim of this work is to prove existence of regular time reproductive solutions for a generalized Boussinesq model (with ...

A review on the improved regularity for the primitive equations

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (2005)
In this work we will study, some types of regularity properties of solutions for the geophysical model of hydrostatic ...

A corrector for the Sverdrup solution for a domain with islands

Bresch, Didier; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Taylor & Francis, 2004)
In this paper we look at the influence of the Coriolis force on the quasi-geostrophic equations on a domain with islands. ...

Optimal control and partial differential equations

Gayte Delgado, María Inmaculada; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Marques Lopes, Francisco Paulo; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (2004)
In this work, some type of optimal control problems with equality constraints given by Partial Differential Equations (PDE) ...

Hydrostatic Stokes equations with non-smooth data for mixed boundary conditions

Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Elsevier, 2004)
The main subject of this work is to study the concept of very weak solution for the hydrostatic Stokes system with mixed ...

Density-dependent incompressible fluids with non-Newtonian viscosity

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2004)
We study the system of PDEs describing unsteady flows of incompressible fluids with variable density and non-constant ...

A note on a degenerate elliptic equation with applications for lakes and seas

Bresch, Didier; Lemoine, Jérôme; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Texas State University, 2004)
In this paper, we give an intermediate regularity result on a degenerate elliptic equation with a weight blowing up on the ...

Asymptotic derivation of a Navier condition for the primitive equations

Bresch, Didier; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Masmoudi, Nader; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (IOS Press, 2003)
This paper is devoted to the establishment of a friction boundary condition associated with hydrostatic Navier-Stokes ...

On the uniqueness of weak solutions of the two-dimensional primitive equations

Bresch, Didier; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Masmoudi, Nader; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Ohio University Press, 2003)
The uniqueness of weak solutions of the primitive equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions at the bottom is an open ...

Global solution of nematic liquid crystals models

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Elsevier, 2002)
We prove existence of a global weak solution for a nematic liquid crystal problem by means of a penalization method using a simplified Ericksen-Leslie model and a new compactness property for the gradient of the director field.

On the strong solutions of the primitive equations in 2D domains

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Elsevier, 2002)

Sobre la regularidad, unicidad y justificación asintótica del problema de Ecuaciones Primitivas del Océano

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2002)
En este trabajo exponemos, y comentamos brevemente, los resultados obtenidos en la Tesis Doctoral de M. A. Rodríguez ...

Global in time solutions for the Poiseuille flow of Oldroyd type in 3D domains

Climent Ezquerra, María Blanca; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Springer-Verlag, 2001)
A Poiseuille flow in a 3D cylindrical domain is considered for a non-newtonian fluid of Oldroyd type. We prove existence ...

On the singular times of fluids with nonlinear viscosity

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Elsevier, 2001)
PhD Thesis

Análisis matemático de algunos sistemas de tipo Navier-Stokes Fluidos quasi-newtonianos y ecuaciones primitivas del océano

Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (2001)

Anisotropic estimates and strong solutions of the primitive equations

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Masmoudi, Nader; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (Ohio University Press, 2001)

Mathematical justification of the hydrostatic approximation in the primitive equations of geophysical fluid dynamics

Azérad, Pascal; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001)
Geophysical fluids all exhibit a common feature: their aspect ratio (depth to horizontal width) is very small. This leads ...

Uniqueness of solution for the 2D Primitive Equations with friction condition on the bottom

Bresch, Didier; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Masmoudi, Nader; Rodríguez Bellido, María Ángeles (2001)
Uniqueness of solution for the Primitive Equations with Dirichlet conditions on the bottom is an open problem even in 2D ...
PhD Thesis

Contribución al estudio teórico de algunas E.D.P. no lineales relacionadas con fluidos no newtonianos

Rubens Robles Ortega, Junior; Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Fernández Cara, Enrique (1995)
El objetivo básico de esta Memoria es aportar nuevos resultados teóricos de existencia, unicidad y dependencia continua ...
PhD Thesis

Nuevos resultados sobre el problema de Navier-Stokes con densidad variable y algunas variantes: Existencia, unicidad, otros resultados teóricos y aproximación numérica

Guillén González, Francisco Manuel; Fernández Cara, Enrique (1992)
Haremos a continuación una breve descripción de cada uno de los Capítulos de los que consta esta Memoria. Comenzamos el ...