NameÁlvarez Nodarse, Renato
DepartmentAnálisis Matemático
Knowledge areaAnálisis Matemático
Professional categoryCatedrático de Universidad
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Stability of solitary waves in nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations

Rabán Mondéjar, Pablo; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R. (IOP Publishing, 2022)
The stability of topological solitary waves and pulses in one-dimensional nonlinear Klein–Gordon systems is revisited. The ...
Final Degree Project

Una Teoría Unificada de las Funciones Especiales

García Martín, Enrique Martín; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2022)
El objetivo de este trabajo es introducirnos a la teoría de las funciones especiales utilizando el método unificado propuesto ...
Final Degree Project

Estudio de las soluciones de ciertas clases de ecuaciones de Schrödinger

Gordillo Núñez, Guillermo; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R. (2022)
El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es la ecuación de Schrödinger independiente del tiempo que surge de considerar un ...
Final Degree Project

Sobre las q-series y algunas de sus aplicaciones

Balbontín Alves, Inés; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2022)
El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer la teoría de las q-series y mostrar algunas de sus aplicaciones. Muchas de ...
Final Degree Project

Sobre las q-series y algunas de sus aplicaciones

Balbontín Alves, Inés; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2021)
El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer la teoría de las q-series y mostrar algunas de sus aplicaciones. Muchas de ...
Final Degree Project

Sobre la estabilidad de ciertos tipos de ecuaciones no lineales de Klein-Gordon

Rabán Mondéjar, Pablo; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R. (2021)
En el presente trabajo, nuestro objetivo es estudiar la estabilidad de ciertas soluciones estacionarias de una determinada ...
Final Degree Project

Algunos aspectos matemáticos de la Teoría Cuántica de Campos

Motilla Martínez, Luis Miguel; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2021)
El objetivo de este trabajo es dar rigor matemático a algunos de los conceptos y técnicas usadas en la Teoría Cuántica de ...

«Empaquetando» a los estudiantes en las aulas

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R. (Universidad de Almería, 2021)
La situación sanitaria que nos ha tocado vivir ha modificado radicalmente nuestra vida diaria, esencialmente en nuestra ...
Final Degree Project

Efectos del potencial sobre la ecuación no lineal de Schrödinger

Vera Moreno, Manuel; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R. (2020)
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el estudio de la ecuación no lineal de Schródinger (NLS) y de sus propiedades. ...

Uniform convergence of basic Fourier-Bessel series on a q-linear grid

Abreu, Luis Daniel; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Santos Cardoso, José Luis dos (Springer, 2018)
We study Fourier-Bessel series on a q-linear grid, defined as expansions in complete q-orthogonal systems constructed with ...
Final Degree Project

El teorema de muestreo y sus aplicaciones

García Fernández, José; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2018)
En este trabajo nuestro objeto de estudio será la teoría de señales, el objetivo es llegar al teorema de muestreo de ...

Functionals of harmonics functions

Quintero, Niurka R.; Cuesta Ruiz, José Antonio; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2018)
Let CsT, with T > 0, be the set of continuous, T-periodic functions f : R → Rs, and let Γ : CsT → R be a real functional on CsT.

On q-polynomials and some of their applications

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2016)

On linearly related sequences of difference derivatives of discrete orthogonal polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Soares Petronilho, José Carlos; Pinzón Cortés, Natalia Camila; Sevinik Adigüzel, Rezan (Elsevier, 2015)
Let ν be either ω ∈ C \ {0} or q ∈ C \ {0, 1}, and let Dν be the corresponding difference operator defined in the usual ...

Paramagnetic colloidal ribbons in a precessing magnetic field

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R.; Mertens, Franz G.; Casic, N.; Fischer, Thomas M. (American Physical Society, 2015)
We investigate the dynamics of a kink in a damped parametrically driven nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation.We show by using ...

General approach for dealing with dynamical systems with spatiotemporal periodicities

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cuesta, José A.; Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (American Physical Society, 2015)
Dynamical systems often contain oscillatory forces or depend on periodic potentials. Time or space periodicity is reflected ...
PhD Thesis

Orthogonal matrix polynomials and differential, difference and q-difference matrix operators

Martínez de los Ríos, Ana; Durán Guardeño, Antonio José; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2014)
In this thesis we present a series of result that are framed in the theory of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials, a branch of ...

On the limit of non-standard q-Racah polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Sevinik Adigüzel, Rezan (2014)
The aim of this article is to study the limit transitions from non-standard q-Racah polynomials to big q-Jacobi, dual ...

Kink topology control by high-frequency external forces in nonlinear Klein-Gordon models

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R.; Mertens, Franz G. (American Physical Society, 2014)
A method of averaging is applied to study the dynamics of a kink in the damped double sine-Gordon equation driven by both ...

On the properties of special functions on the linear-type lattices

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Santos Cardoso, José Luis dos (Elsevier, 2013)
We present a general theory for studying the difference analogues of special functions of hypergeometric type on the ...

On the generalized Askey-Wilson polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Sevinik Adigüzel, Rezan (Elsevier, 2013)
In this paper a generalization of Askey-Wilson polynomials is introduced. These polynomials are obtained from the Askey-Wilson ...

Comment on “Ratchet universality in the presence of thermal noise”

Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Cuesta, José Antonio (2013)
A recent paper [P. J. Martínez and R. Chacón, Phys. Rev. E 87, 062114 (2013)] presents numerical simulations on a system ...

Time-shift invariance determines the functional shape of the current in dissipative rocking ratchets

Cuesta, José Antonio; Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (2013)
Ratchets are devices that are able to rectify an otherwise oscillatory behavior by exploiting an asymmetry of the system. ...

Propulsion efficiency of a dynamic self-assembled helical ribbon

Casic, Nebojsa; Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Mertens, Franz G.; Jibuti, Levan; Zimmermann, Walter; Fischer, Thomas M. (2013)
We study the dynamic self-assembly and propulsion of a ribbon formed from paramagnetic colloids in a dynamic magnetic ...

The q-Racah-Krall-type polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Sevinik Adigüzel, Rezan (Elsevier, 2012)
In this paper the Krall-type polynomials obtained via the addition of two mass points to the weight function of the standard ...

Spectral properties of certain tridiagonal matrices

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Soares Petronilho, José Carlos; Quintero, Niurka R. (Elsevier, 2012)
We study spectral properties of irreducible tridiagonal k−Toeplitz matrices and certain matrices which arise as perturbations of them.

On the orthogonality of q-classical polynomials of the Hahn class

Taseli, Hasan; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Sevinik, Rezan (2012)
The central idea behind this review article is to discuss in a unified sense the orthogonality of all possible polynomial ...

El efecto ratchet en la partícula relativista

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Cuesta, José A.; Quintero, Niurka R. (2012)

La corriente promedio en los ”rocking ratchets”

Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Cuesta, José A. (2012)

À la carte recurrence relations for continuous and discrete hypergeometric functions

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2011)
We show how, using the constructive approach for special functions introduced by Nikiforov and Uvarov, one can obtain ...

On the Krall-type polynomials on q-quadratic lattices

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Sevinik Adigüzel, Rezan (Elsevier, 2011)
In this paper, we study the Krall-type polynomials on non-uniform lattices. For these polynomials the second order linear ...

Ratchet effect on a relativistic particle driven by external forces

Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Cuesta Ruiz, José Antonio (Institute of Physics, 2011)
We study the ratchet effect of a damped relativistic particle driven by both asymmetric temporal bi-harmonic and time-periodic ...

Symmetries shape the current in ratchets induced by a biharmonic driving force

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R.; Cuesta, José Antonio (2010)
Equations describing the evolution of particles, solitons, or localized structures, driven by a zero-average, periodic, ...

Symmetries shape the current in ratchets induced by a biharmonic driving force [Rapid Comunication]

Quintero, Niurka R.; Cuesta, José A.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (American Physical Society, 2010)
Equations describing the evolution of particles, solitons, or localized structures, driven by a zero-average, periodic, ...

Structural and recurrence relations for hypergeometric-type functions by Nikiforov-Uvarov method

Santos Cardoso, José Luis dos; Fernandes, Cibele M.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Kent State University, 2009)
The functions of hypergeometric-type are the solutions y = yν(z) of the differential equation σ(z)y ′′ + τ(z)y ′ + λy = ...

Driven and damped double sine-Gordon equation: The influence of internal modes on the soliton ratchet mobility

Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Mertens, Franz G. (2009)
This work studies the damped double sine-Gordon equation driven by a biharmonic force, where a parameter λ controls the ...

A characterization of the classical orthogonal discrete and q-polynomials

Alfaro García, Manuel; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Elsevier, 2007)
In this paper we present a new characterization for the classical discrete and q-classical (discrete) polynomials (in the Hahn's sense).

Factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation on the uniform lattice

Atakishiyev Mektiyev, Natig; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Costas Santos, R. (2007)

On characterizations of classical polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Elsevier, 2006)
It is well known that the classical families of Jacobi, Laguerre, Hermite, and Bessel polynomials are characterized as ...

Modelos matemáticos en biología: un viaje de ida y vuelta

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2006)
El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la provechosa interacción entre la Biología y la Matemática. Para ello veremos cómo, ...

Special volume on orthogonal polynomials and mathematical physics

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Arvesú Carballo, Jorge; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Kent State University, 2006)

On recurrence relations for radial wave functions for the N-th dimensional oscillators and hydrogenlike atoms: analytical and numerical study

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Cardoso, José Luis; Quintero, Niurka R. (2006)
Using a general procedure for finding recurrence relations for hypergeometric functions and polynomials introduced by ...

A q-analog of the Racah polynomials and the q-algebra SUq(2)

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Smirnov, Yuri F.; Costas Santos, Roberto Santiago (Springer, 2006)
We study some q-analogues of the Racah polynomials and some of their applications in the theory of representation of quantum algebras.

Limit relations between q-Krall type orthogonal polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Costas Santos, Roberto Santiago (Elsevier, 2006)
In this paper, we consider a natural extension of several results related to Krall-type polynomials introducing a modification ...

On some tridiagonal k-Toeplitz matrices: algebraic and analytical aspects. Applications

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Soares Petronilho, José Carlos; Quintero, Niurka R. (Elsevier, 2005)
In this paper we use the analytic theory for 2 and 3-Toeplitz matrices to obtain the explicit expressions for the eigenvalues, ...

On a q-extension of the linear harmonic oscillator with the continuous orthogonality property on R

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Atakishiyeva Kyazim Zade, Messouma; Atakishiyev Mektiyev, Natig (Springer, 2005)
We discuss a q-analogue of the linear harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics, based on a q-extension of the classical ...

Factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation on the non-uniform lattices: dynamical algebra

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Atakishiyev Mektiyev, Natig; Costas Santos, Roberto Santiago (Institute of Physics, 2005)
We argue that one can factorize the difference equation of hypergeometric type on the nonuniform lattices in general case. ...

Recurrence relations for discrete hypergeometric functions

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Santos Cardoso, José Luis dos (Taylor & Francis, 2005)
We present a general procedure for finding linear recurrence relations for the solutions of the second order difference equation of hypergeometric type. Applications to wave functions of certain discrete system are also given.

On the Krall-type discrete polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Soares Petronilho, José Carlos (Elsevier, 2004)
In this paper we present a unified theory for studying the so called Kralltype discrete orthogonal polynomials. In particular, ...

Asymptotic properties of generalized Laguerre orthogonal polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Moreno Balcázar, Juan José (Elsevier, 2004)
In the present paper we deal with the polynomials L(α,M,N) n (x) orthogonal with respect to the Sobolev inner product (p, ...

Modifications of quasi-definite linear functionals via addition of delta and derivatives of delta Dirac functions

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Arvesú Carballo, Jorge; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Elsevier, 2004)
We consider the general theory of the modifications of quasi-definite linear functionals by adding discrete measures. We ...

On the Krall-type polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Arvesú Carballo, Jorge; Marcellán Español, Francisco (2004)
Using a general and simple algebraic approach, some results on Krall-type orthogonal polynomials and some of their extensions are obtained.

A q-extension of the generalized Hermite polynomials with the continuous orthogonality property on R

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Atakishiyeva Kyazim Zade, Messouma; Atakishiyev Mektiyev, Natig (Academic Publications, 2004)
In this paper we study in detail a q-extension of the generalized Hermite polynomials of Szeg˝o. A continuous orthogonality ...

Some limit relations in the A1 tableau of Dunkl-Cherednik operators

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Elsevier, 2003)
In this paper we study some limit relations involving some q-special functions related with the A1 (root system) tableau ...

Mellin transforms for some families of q-polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Atakishiyeva Kyazim Zade, Messouma; Atakishiyev Mektiyev, Natig (Elsevier, 2003)
By using Ramanujan's q-extension of the Euler integral representation for the gamma function, we derive the Mellin integral ...

On a q-extension of the Hermite polynomials Hn(x) with the continuous orthogonality property on R1

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Atakishiyeva Kyazim Zade, Messouma; Atakishiyev Mektiyev, Natig (Sociedad Matemática Mexicana / Springer, 2002)
We study a polynomial sequence of q-extensions of the classical Hermite polynomials Hn(x), which satisfi es continuous ...

Distribution of zeros of discrete and continuous polynomials from their recurrence relation

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Sánchez Dehesa, Jesús (Elsevier, 2002)
The hypergeometric polynomials in a continous or a discrete variable, whose canonical forms are the so-called classical ...

On a modification of the Jacobi linear functional asymptotic properties and zeros of the corresponding orthogonal polynomials

Arvesú Carballo, Jorge; Marcellán Español, Francisco; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Springer, 2002)
The paper deals with orthogonal polynomials in the case where the orthogonality condition is related to semiclassical ...

On the q-polynomials: a distributional study

Medem Roesicke, Juan Carlos; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Elsevier, 2001)
In this paper we present a uni1ed distributional study of the classical discrete q-polynomials (in the Hahn’s sense). From ...

q-Classical polynomials and the q-Askey and Nikiforov-Uvarov tableaus

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Medem Roesicke, Juan Carlos (Elsevier, 2001)
In this paper we continue the study of the q-classical (discrete) polynomials (in the Hahn's sense) started in Medem et ...

Factorization method for difference equations of hypergeometric type on nonuniform lattices

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Costas Santos, Roberto Santiago (IOP Publishing, 2001)
We study the factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation of Nikiforov and Uvarov on nonuniform lattices. An explicit form of the raising and lowering operators is derived and some relevant examples are given.

On the connection and linearization problem for discrete hypergeometric q-polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Arvesú Carballo, Jorge; Yáñez García, Rafael José (Elsevier, 2001)
In the present paper, starting from the second-order difference hypergeometric equation on the non-uniform lattice x(s) ...

On the "Favard theorem" and its extensions

Marcellán Español, Francisco; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Elsevier, 2001)
In this paper we present a survey on the "Favard theorem" and its extensions.
Chapter of Book

Los q-polinomios hipergeométricos

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Español González, Luis; Varona Malumbres, Juan Luis (Universidad de La Rioja, 2001)
It is well known that the q-polynomials of hypergeometric type are the polynomial solutions of a certain second order ...

Polinomios ortogonales: historia y aplicaciones

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2001)

On the linearization problem involving Pochhammer symbols and their q-analogues

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R.; Rouveaux, André (Elsevier, 1999)
In this paper we present a simple recurrent algorithm for solving the linearization problem involving some families of q-polynomials in the exponential lattice x(s)=c1qs+c3. Some simple examples are worked out in detail.

On the q-polynomials on the exponential lattice x(s)= c 1 qs + c 3

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Arvesú Carballo, Jorge (Taylor & Francis, 1999)
The main goal of this paper is to continue the study of the q-polynomials on non-uniform lattices by using the approach ...

Second order difference equations for certain families of discrete polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (Elsevier, 1998)
In this paper we will consider two algorithms which allow us to obtain second order linear di erence equations for certain ...

WKB approximation and Krall-Type orthogonal polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco; Soares Petronilho, José Carlos (Springer, 1998)
We give an uni ed approach to the Krall-type polynomials orthogonal with respect to a positive measure consisting of an ...

Jacobi-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials: second-order differential equation and zeros

Arvesú Carballo, Jorge; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco; Pan, Ke-Lin (Elsevier, 1998)
We obtain an explicit expression for the Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials {Qn} associated with the inner product ...

Modified Clebsch-Gordan-type expansions for products of discrete hypergeometric polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Yáñez García, Rafael José; Sánchez Dehesa, Jesús (Elsevier, 1998)
Starting from the second-order difference hypergeometric equation satisfied by the set of discrete orthogonal polynomials ...

On the modification of classical orthogonal polynomials: the symmetric case

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Springer, 1998)
We consider the modifcations of the monic Hermite and Gegenbauer polynomials via the addition of one point mass at the ...

Some extension of the Bessel-type orthogonal polynomials

Arvesú Carballo, Jorge; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco; Kwon, Kil Hyun (Taylor & Francis, 1998)
We consider the perturbation of the classical Bessel moment functional by the addition of the linear functional M0 (x) + ...

The distribution of zeros of general q-polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Buendía Ávila, Enrique; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, Jesús (Institute of Physics, 1997)
A general system of q-orthogonal polynomials is de ned by means of its three-term recurrence relation. This system encompasses ...

The limit relations between generalized orthogonal polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Elsevier, 1997)
We consider the different limit transitions for modifications of the classical polynomials obtained by the addition of one ...

Recurrence relations for connection coefficients between q-orthogonal polynomials of discrete variables in the non-uniform lattice X(s) = q2s

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Ronveaux, André (Institute of Physics, 1996)
We obtain the structure relations for q-orthogonal polynomials in the exponential lattice q 2s and from that we construct ...

The dual Hahn q-polynomials in the lattice x(s) = [s]q[s + 1] q and the q-Algebras SUq(2) and SUq(1; 1)

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Smirnov, Yuri F. (Institute of Physics, 1996)
The dual q-Hahn polynomials in the non uniform lattice x(s) = [s]q[s + 1]q are obtained. The main data for these polynomials ...

On the properties for modifications of classical orthogonal polynomials of discrete variables

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; García García, Antonio; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Elsevier, 1995)
We consider a modi cation of moment functionals for some classical polynomials of a discrete variable by adding a mass ...

A generalization of the classical Laguerre polynomials

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Springer, 1995)
We consider a modi cation of the gamma distribution by adding a discrete measure supported in the point x = 0. For large ...

The modification of classical Hahn polynomials of a discrete variable

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Marcellán Español, Francisco (Taylor & Francis, 1995)
We consider a modi cation of moment functionals for the Hahn classical polynomials of a discrete variable by adding two ...

q-Deformed Vibron model for diatomic molecules

Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Bonatsos, Dennis; Smirnov, Yuri F. (American Physical Society, 1994)
A deformed version of the vibron model for diatomic molecules is constructed. Both the O(4) and U(3) dynamical symmetries ...