NombrePrados Carvajal, Rosario
Área de conocimientoGenética
Categoría profesionalPostdoctoral
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Centriolar Subdistal Appendages Promote Double-strand Break Repair Through Homologous Recombination

Rodriguez Real, Guillermo; Domínguez Calvo, Andrés; Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Bayona Feliu, Aleix; Gomes Pereira, Sonia; Romero Balestra, Fernando; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo (1469-3178, 2023)
The centrosome is a cytoplasmic organelle with roles in microtu-bule organization that has also been proposed to act as a ...

ADAR-mediated RNA editing of DNA:RNA hybrids is required for DNA double strand break repair

Jimeno González, Sonia; Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Fernández Ávila, María Jesús; Pinela Da Silva, Sonia Cristina; Silvestris, Domenico Alessandro; Endara Coll, Martin; Rodríguez Real, Guillermo; Domingo Prim, Judit; Mejías Navarro, Fernando; Romero Franco, Amador; Jimeno González, Silvia; Barroso, Sonia; Cesarini, Valeriana; Aguilera López, Andrés; Gallo, Angela; Visa, Neus; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo (Nature Publishing Group, 2021)
The maintenance of genomic stability requires the coordination of multiple cellular tasks upon the appearance of DNA ...

CtIP-mediated Alternative mRNA Splicing Fine-tunes the DNA Damage Response

Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Rodríguez Real, Guillermo; Gutiérrez Pozo, Gabriel; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2021)
In order to survive to the exposure of DNA damaging agents, cells activate a complex response that coordinates the cellular ...
Tesis Doctoral

Crosstalk between DNA end resection and RNA metabolism

Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo (2020)
DNA suffers thousands of lesions from exogenous and endogenous sources. Nevertheless, double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the ...

EXOSC10 is required for RPA assembly and controlled DNA end resection at DNA double-strand breaks

Domingo Prim, Judit; Endara Coll, Martin; Bonath, Franziska; Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Friedländer, Marc R.; Visa, Neus; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo; Jimeno González, Sonia (Nature Research, 2019)
The exosome is a ribonucleolytic complex that plays important roles in RNA metabolism. Here we show that the exosome is ...

The Helicase PIF1 Facilitates Resection over Sequences Prone to Forming G4 Structures

Jimeno González, Sonia; Camarillo Daza, María Rosa; Mejías Navarro, Fernando; Fernández Ávila, Mª Jesús; Soria Bretones, Isabel; Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo (Elsevier, 2018)
DNA breaks are complex lesions that can be repaired either by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or by homologous recombination ...

Decapping protein EDC4 regulates DNA repair and phenocopies BRCA1

Hernández, Gonzalo; Ramirez, María José; Minguillón, Jordi; Quiles, Paco; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo; Prados Carvajal, Rosario (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor that regulates DNA repair by homologous recombination. Germline mutations in BRCA1 are associated ...

Nuclear poly(A)-binding protein 1 is an ATM target and essential for DNA double-strand break repair

Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo; Gavish Izakson, Michal; Bhavana Velpula, Bhagya; Elkon, Ran (Oxford University Press, 2018)
The DNA damage response (DDR) is an extensive signaling network that is robustly mobilized by DNA double-strand breaks ...