NameRodríguez Piazza, Luis
DepartmentAnálisis Matemático
Knowledge areaAnálisis Matemático
Professional categoryCatedrático de Universidad
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PhD Thesis

Operators on Banach spaces of Dirichlet series and semigroups of analytic functions

Gómez Cabello, Carlos; Contreras Márquez, Manuel Domingo; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (2024)
The two main objects studied in this thesis are some operators acting on Banach spaces of Dirichlet series and continuous ...

Semigroups of composition operators on Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series

Contreras Márquez, Manuel Domingo; Gómez Cabello, Carlos; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2023)
We consider continuous semigroups of analytic functions {Φt}t≥0 in the so-called Gordon-Hedenmalm class G, that is, the ...
Final Degree Project

Sucesiones interpolantes en el disco unidad

García Rosa, Álvaro; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (2022)
A lo largo de este texto, nuestro objetivo será presentar y demostrar la condición suficiente y necesaria, dada por Carleson, ...

Average radial integrability spaces of analytic functions

Aguilar-Hernández, Tanausú; Contreras Márquez, Manuel Domingo; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Academic Press Inc., 2022)
In this paper we introduce the family of spaces RM(p, q), 1 ≤ p, q ≤ +∞. They are spaces of holomorphic functions in the ...

Extended eigenvalues of composition operators

Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito; León Saavedra, Fernando; Petrovic, Srdjan; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2021)
A complex scalar λ is said to be an extended eigenvalue of a bounded linear operator A on a complex Hilbert space if there ...

Extended eigenvalues of composition operators

Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito; Leon Saavedra, Fernando; Petrovic, Srdjan; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2021)
A complex scalar λ is said to be an extended eigenvalue of a bounded linear operator A on a complex Hilbert space if there ...
PhD Thesis

Spaces of Analytic Functions With Average Radial Integrability and Integration Operators

Aguilar-Hernández, Tanausú; Contreras Márquez, Manuel Domingo; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (2021)
In this thesis, we introduce the family of spaces of holomorphic functions in the unit disc with average radial integrability ...

Compactification, and beyond, of composition operators on Hardy spaces by weights

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (OJS/PKP, 2021)
We study when multiplication by a weight can turn a non-compact composition operator on H2 into a compact operator, and ...

Comparison of singular numbers of composition operators on different Hilbert spaces of analytic functions

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2021)
We compare the rate of decay of singular numbers of a given composition operator acting on various Hilbert spaces of ...

Integration Operators in Average Radial Integrability Spaces of Analytic Functions

Aguilar-Hernández, Tanausú; Contreras Márquez, Manuel Domingo; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2021)
In this paper we characterize the boundedness, compactness, and weak compactness of the integration operators Tg(f)(z) = ...

Approximation and entropy numbers of composition operators

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (De Gruyter, 2020)
We give a survey on approximation numbers of composition operators on the Hardy space, on thedisk and on the polydisk, and add corresponding new results on their entropy numbers, revealing how theyare different.
Final Degree Project

El teorema de Kahane-Katznelson-de Leeuw

García Rosa, Ignacio; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (2019)
A lo largo de este trabajo, nuestro objetivo será estudiar el tamaño de los coeficientes de Fourier en diferentes espacios ...
Master's Final Project

Operadores universales y subespacios invariantes

González Doña, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis; Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito (2019)
The Invariant Subspace Problem is one of the most studied problems on Operator Theory in the last decades. In fact, it is ...
Master's Final Project

La desigualdad de Von Neumann y la teoría de dilatación

Constantino Oitavén, Carlos; Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (2018)
A famous inequality by von Neumann states that if T is a contraction on a Hilbert space and p is a polynomial, then kp(T)k ...

Approximation numbers of weighted composition operators

Lechner, Gandalf; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2018)
We study the approximation numbers of weighted composition operators f 7→ w · (f ◦ ϕ) on the Hardy space H2 on the unit ...
Final Degree Project

Operadores de composición y clases de Schatten

González Doña, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis; Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito (2018)
The main goal of this work is to characterize the membership of composition operators on the Hardy space H2 of the unit ...

Approximation numbers of composition operators on the Hardy space of the infinite polydisk

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2017)
We study the composition operators of the Hardy space on D∞ ∩ℓ1, the ℓ1 part of the infinite polydisk, and the behavior of their approximation numbers.
Master's Final Project

Semigrupos de operadores de composición

Rosales Tristancho, Abel; Contreras Márquez, Manuel Domingo; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (2017)
The main problem we consider in this work is the study of semigroups of composition operators on spaces of analytic functions ...

On the Muskat problem: global in time results in 2D and 3D

Constantin, Peter; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis; Strain, Robert M. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016)
This paper considers the three dimensional Muskat problem in the stable regime. We obtain a conservation law which provides ...
Final Degree Project

Conjuntos evitables, capacidad analítica y medidas de Hausdorff

Rosales Tristancho, Abel; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (2016)
The main problem we consider in this work is the characterization of removable sets. A compact set E in the complex plane ...

Two results on composition operators on the Dirichlet space

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2015)
We show that the decay of approximation numbers of compact composition operators on the Dirichlet space D can be as slow ...

Approximation numbers of composition operators on the Dirichlet space

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2015)
We study the decay of approximation numbers of compact composition operators on the Dirichlet space. We give upper and ...

Approximation numbers of composition operators on Hp

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (De Gruyter Open, 2015)
We give estimates for the approximation numbers of composition operators on the Hp spaces, 1 ≤ p < ∞.

A spectral radius type formula for approximation numbers of composition operators

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2014)
For approximation numbers an(Cφ) of composition operators Cφ on weighted analytic Hilbert spaces, including the Hardy, ...

Function algebras with a strongly precompact unit ball

Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2013)
Let µ be a finite positive Borel measure with compact support K ⊆ C, and regard L∞(µ) as an algebra of multiplication ...

Infinitesimal Carleson property for weighted measures induced by analytic self-maps of the unit disk

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2013)
We prove that, for every α>−1, the pull-back measure φ(Aα) of the measure dAα(z)=(α+1)(1−|z|2)αdA(z), where A is the ...

Some new properties of composition operators associated with lens maps

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2013)
We give examples of results on composition operators connected with lens maps. The first two concern the approximation ...

Compact composition operators on the Dirichlet space and capacity of sets of contact points

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2013)
We prove several results about composition operators on the Dirichlet space D⁎. For every compact set K⊆∂D of logarithmic ...

Estimates for approximation numbers of some classes of composition operators on the Hardy space

Rodríguez Piazza, Luis; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé (2013)

On approximation numbers of composition operators

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2012)
We show that the approximation numbers of a compact composition operator on the weighted Bergman spaces Bα of the unit ...

Some revisited results about composition operators on Hardy spaces

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (European Mathematical Society, 2012)
We generalize, on one hand, some results known for composition operators on Hardy spaces to the case of Hardy-Orlicz spaces ...

Nevanlinna counting function and Carleson function of analytic maps

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2011)
We show that the maximal Nevanlinna counting function and the Carleson function of analytic self-maps of the unit disk are equivalent, up to constants.

Compact composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz and Bergman-Orlicz spaces

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2011)
We construct an analytic self-map ϕ of the unit disk and an Orlicz function Ψ for which the composition operator of symbol ...

Thin sets of integers in Harmonic analysis and p-stable random Fourier series

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2011)
We investigate the behavior of some thin sets of integers defined through random trigonometric polynomial when one replaces ...

The canonical injection of the Hardy-Orlicz space HΨ into the Bergman–Orlicz space BΨ

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2011)
We study the canonical injection from the Hardy-Orlicz space HΨ into the Bergman–Orlicz space BΨ..

Composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (American Mathematical Society, 2010)
We investigate composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces when the Orlicz function Ψ grows rapidly: compactness, weak ...

Invariant means and thin sets in harmonic analysis with applications to prime numbers

Lefèvre, Pascal; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Wiley, 2009)
We first prove a localization principle characterising Lust-Piquard sets. We obtain that the union of two Lust-Piquard ...

Some examples of compact composition operators on H2

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Elsevier, 2008)
We construct, in an essentially explicit way, various composition operators on H2 and study their compactness or their ...

A criterion of weak compactness for operators on subspaces of Orlicz spaces

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Hindawi, 2008)
We give a criterion of weak compactness for the operators on the Morse-Transue space MΨ , the subspace of the Orlicz space LΨ generated by L∞.

On some random thin sets of integers

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (American Mathematical Society, 2008)
We show how different random thin sets of integers may have different behaviour. First, using a recent deviation inequality ...

Weak compactness and Orlicz spaces

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Polish Academy of Sciences (Institute of Mathematics), 2008)
We give new proofs that some Banach spaces have Peczynski's property (V)

Lp-valued measures without finite X-semivariation for 2 < p < ∞

Jefferies, Brian; Okada, Susumu; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Taylor & Francis, 2007)
We show that for 1 ≤ p < ∞, the property that every Lp-valued vector measure has finite X-semivariation in Lp(μ, X) is ...

Strongly compact algebras

Lacruz Martín, Miguel Benito; Lomonosov, Victor; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, 2006)
An algebra of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space is said to be strongly compact if its unit ball is relatively ...

Some translation-invariant Banach function spaces which contain C0

Lefèvre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2004)
We produce several situations where some natural subspaces of classical Banach spaces of functions over a compact abelian group contain the space c0.

Some new thin sets of integers in harmonic analysis

Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis (Springer, 2002)
We randomly construct various subsets A of the integers which have both smallness and largeness properties. They are small ...
PhD Thesis

Medidas cónicas y rangos de medidas vectoriales

Romero Moreno, María del Carmen; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis; Arias de Reyna Martínez, Juan (1996)
PhD Thesis

Rango y propiedades de medidas vectoriales. Conjuntos p-Sidon p.s.

Rodríguez Piazza, Luis; Arias de Reyna Martínez, Juan (1991)
La presente memoria trata dos campos diferentes del Análisis Matemático. La primera parte se inscribe en el marco del ...