NameRamírez Rico, Joaquín
DepartmentFísica de la Materia Condensada
Knowledge areaFísica de la Materia Condensada
Professional categoryCatedrático de Universidad
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Optimising anode supported BaZr1-xYxO3-δ electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells: Microstructure, phase evolution and residual stresses analysis

Fernández Muñoz, Sol; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Alba Rodríguez, María Desirée; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Elsevier, 2024)
Yttrium-doped BaZrO3 is a promising electrolyte for intermediate-temperature protonic ceramic fuel cells. In the anode-supported ...
Final Degree Project

Caracterización de carbón derivado de biomasa para aplicaciones en energía y medioambiente

Casado Fernández, María; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Ramírez de Arellano López, Antonio (2023)
El panorama energético mundial actual exige la investigación y el desarrollo de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía ...

Revealing the Impact of Different Iron-Based Precursors on the ‘Catalytic’ Graphitization for Synthesis of Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries

Frankenstein, Lars; Glomb, Pascal; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Winter, Martin; Placke, Tobias; Gómez Martín, Aurora (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Low cost and environmentally friendly production of graphite anodes from naturally available biomass resources is of great ...
Final Degree Project

Materiales avanzados mediante impresión 3D por estereolitografía

Guerrero Muñoz, Gloria; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Ramírez de Arellano López, Antonio (2023)
En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se estudia la impresión 3D por estereolitografía modificando la resina comercial Elegoo ...

The Role of Protective Surface Coatings on the Thermal Stability of Delithiated Ni-Rich Layered Oxide Cathode Materials

Reissig, Friederike; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Placke, Tobias Johannes; Winter, Martin; Schmuch, Richard; Gómez Martín, Aurora (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)
To achieve a broader public acceptance for electric vehicles based on lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology, long driving ...

Flame confinement in biomass combustion systems for particles abatement

Ciria Matamoros, Desiree; Orihuela Espina, María del Pilar; Moreno Naranjo, Paloma; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio (Elsevier, 2022)
This work explores the use of open-pore, inert ceramic foams with different pore sizes as particle abatement systems in ...
Final Degree Project

Electrolitos sólidos conductores de protones para aplicaciones en hidrógeno

Martín Infantes, Iván; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (2022)
En los últimos años, se ha incrementado la búsqueda de alternativas para producir energía que sean fiables y respetuosas ...

Insights into the Impact of Activators on the ‘Catalytic’ Graphitization to Design Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries

Hanhart, V.; Frankenstein, L.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Siozios, V.; Winter, M.; Gómez Martín, A.; Placke, T. (John Wiley & Sons, 2022)
In this work, we systematically investigate the ‘catalytic’ graphitization of a biomass precursor (coffee ground) using ...

Iron-catalyzed Graphitization for the Synthesis of Nanostructured Graphitic Carbons

Hunter, R. D.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Schnepp, Z. (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022)
Carbons are versatile and diverse materials that have numerous applications across energy and environmental sciences. ...
Patent. Invention

Filtro para partículas de motores diésel utilizando carburo de silicio biomórfico

Martínez Fernández, Julián; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio; Orihuela Espina, María del Pilar; Gómez Martín, Aurora (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2021)
Utilización de carburo de silicio biomórfico como sustrato en filtros de flujo de pared en motores diésel. La presente ...

High temperature mechanical properties of polycrystalline Y2SiO5

Cabezas Rodríguez, Rafael; Ciria Matamoros, Desiree; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Dezanneau, Guilhem; Karolak, Fabienne; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Elsevier, 2021)
The high temperature mechanical properties of polycrystalline Y2SiO5 were studied in compression at temperatures in the ...

Structural evolution in iron-catalyzed graphitization of hard carbons

Gómez Martín, Aurora; Schnepp, Zoe; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (American Chemical Society, 2021)
Despite the recent interest in catalytic graphitization to obtain graphite-like materials from hard-carbon sources, many ...

Strength and thermal shock resistance of fiber-bonded Si-Al-C-O and Si-Ti-C-O ceramics

Vera García, María del Carmen; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Singh, Mrityunjay; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Wiley-Blackwell, 2021)
Silicon carbide-based fiber-bonded ceramics, obtained from hot pressing of woven silicon carbide fibers, are a cost-effective ...
Final Degree Project

Magnetorresistencia Gigante

García Romero, José Antonio; López Flores, Víctor; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (2020)

Novel Procedure for Laboratory Scale Production of Composite Functional Filaments for Additive Manufacturing

Díaz García, Álvaro; Law, Jia Yan; Cota Reguero, Agustín; Bellido-Correa, A.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Schäfer, R.; Franco García, Victorino (Elsevier, 2020)
Successful 3D printing by material extrusion of functional parts for new devices requires high quality filaments. Uniform ...

An Electrochemical Evaluation of Nitrogen-doped Carbons as Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries

Gomez Martin, A.; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Ruttert, Mirco; Winter, Martin; Placke, Tobias; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Elsevier, 2020)
New anode materials beyond graphite are needed to improve the performance of lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Chemical doping ...

Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity of Si-Al-C-O Fiber Bonded Ceramics Joined to Refractory Metals

Vera García, María del Carmen; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Singh, M.; Casalegno, V.; Balagna, C.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Elsevier, 2020)
We explore joining Si-Al-C-O fiber-bonded ceramics to Cu-clad-Mo using an Ag-Ti-Cu brazing alloy. A temperature of 900 °C ...
PhD Thesis

Biomass-derived carbon materials for energy storage applications

Gómez Martín, Aurora; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (2019)
Energy storage systems are an essential link in the implementation of renewable energies and in the development of electric ...
PhD Thesis

Síntesis y estudio del comportamiento mecánico, térmico y de durabilidad ambiental del ortosilicato de itrio para su aplicación como recubrimiento de barrera ambiental.

Cabezas Rodríguez, Rafael; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (2019)
Silicon based ceramics, such as SiC and Si3N4, are promising materials as a structural material for high temperature ...

Porous Graphene-like Carbon from Fast Catalytic Decomposition of Biomass for Energy Storage Applications

Gómez Martín, Aurora; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Ruttert, Mirco; Winter, Martín; Placke, Tobias; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (American Chemical Society, 2019)
A novel carbon material made of porous graphene-like nanosheets was synthesized from biomass resources by a simple catalytic ...

Performance improvement in olive stone's combustion from a previous carbonization transformation

Gómez Martín, Aurora; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Martínez Fernández, Julián (Elsevier, 2018)
Under the framework of circular economy, agricultural wastes are an interesting carbon-based feedstock for thermal energy ...

Environmentally friendly monolithic highly-porous biocarbons as binder-free supercapacitor electrodes

Orlova, Tatiana S.; Shpeizman, Vitaly V.; Glebova, Nadejda V.; Nechitailov, Andrey A.; Spitsyn, Andrey A.; Ponomarev, Dmitry A.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (De Gruyter, 2018)
A simple, low-cost and environmentally friendly method has been used to obtain highly porous biomorphic carbon monoliths ...

Precision and accuracy of stress measurement with a portable X-ray machine using an area detector

Lee, Seung Yub; Ling, Jingjing; Wang, Shenge; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (International Union of Crystallography, 2017)
The use of portable X-ray stress analyzers, which utilize an area detector along with the newly adopted 'cosα' or full-ring ...

High Temperature Compressive Strength and Creep Behavior of Si-Ti-C-O Fiber-Bonded Ceramics

Martínez Fernández, Julián; M. Singh; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Vera García, María del Carmen (Elsevier, 2017)
Fiber bonded silicon carbide ceramic materials provide cost-advantage over traditional ceramic matrix composites and require ...

Biomorphic ceramics from wood-derived precursors

Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Singh, M. (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
Materials development is driven by microstructural complexity and, in many cases, inspired by biological systems such as ...

Manganese Dioxide Supported on Porous Biomorphic Carbons as Hybrid Materials for Energy Storage Devices

Gutiérrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Lacroix, Bertrand; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (American Chemical Society, 2016)
A facile and low-cost method has been employed to fabricate MnO2/C hybrid materials for use as binder-free electrodes for ...
PhD Thesis

Comportamiento mecánico y resistencia a la degradación de materiales compuestos obtenidos por sinterizacion de fibras de carburo de silicio

Vera García, María del Carmen; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Martínez Fernández, Julián (2016)

Monolithic supports based on biomorphic SiC for the catalytic combustion of hydrogen

Arzac, G. M.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Gutierrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Jiménez de Haro, María del Carmen; Hufschmidt, Dirk; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Fernández Camacho, Alejandro (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016)
Catalytic hydrogen combustion was studied with H2/air mixtures in conditions that simulate the H2 concentration of the ...

Thermal Conductivity of Partially Graphitized Biocarbon Obtained by Carbonization of Medium-Density Fiberboard in the Presence of a Ni-Based Catalyst

Orlova, Tatiana S.; Parfen’eva, L.S.; Smirnov, B. I.; Gutiérrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Springer, 2016)
The thermal conductivity k and resistivity ρ of biocarbon matrices, prepared by carbonizing medium-density fiberboard at ...

Biological strategy for the fabrication of highly ordered aragonite helices: the microstructure of the cavolinioidean gastropods

Checa González, Antonio Gerardo; Macías Sánchez, Elena; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Nature Publishing Group, 2016)
The Cavolinioidea are planktonic gastropods which construct their shells with the so-called aragonitic helical fibrous ...

Stress measurement using area detectors: a theoretical and experimental comparison of different methods in ferritic steel using a portable X-ray apparatus

Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Lee, Seung Yub; Ling, Jingjing; Noyan, Ismail C. (Springer Verlag, 2016)
Using area detectors for stress determination by diffraction methods in a single exposure greatly simplifies the measurement ...

Thermal conductivity of Fe graphitized wood derived carbon

Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Gutiérrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Popov, V. V.; Orlova, T. S. (Elsevier, 2016)
Graphitic porous carbon materials from pyrolysis of wood precursors were obtained by means of a nanosized Fe catalyst, and ...

Permeability and mechanical integrity of porous biomorphic SiC ceramics for application as hot-gas filters

Gómez Martín, Aurora; Orihuela Espina, María del Pilar; Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Elsevier, 2016)
Biomorphic SiC is a biotemplated material fabricated by Si melt-infiltration of carbon preforms from wood pyrolysis. In ...

Microstructure, elastic and inelastic properties of partially graphitized biomorphic carbons

Martínez Fernández, Julián; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Gutierrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Orlova, T. S.; Kardasheva, B. K.; Smirnov, B. I. (MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, 2015)
The microstructural characteristics and amplitude dependences of the Young's modulus E and internal friction (logarithmic ...

Sliding wear resistance of sintered SiC-fiber bonded ceramics

Vera García, María del Carmen; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Mritjunjay, Singh (Elsevier, 2015)
Advanced SiC-based ceramics and fiber reinforced composites are interesting materials for a wide variety of applications ...

Effect of catalytic graphitization on the electrochemical behavior of wood derived carbons for use in supercapacitors

Gutierrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Cabezas Rodríguez, Rafael; Martínez Fernández, Julián (Elsevier, 2015)
Porous graphitic carbons were successfully obtained from wood precursors through pyrolysis using a transition metal as ...

Sliding wear resistance of biomorphic SiC ceramics

Vera García, María del Carmen; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Mritjunjay, Singh (Elsevier, 2015)
Biomorphic SiC ceramics were fabricated from four different wood precursors and their Knoop hardness and sliding wear ...
PhD Thesis

Materiales biomiméticos de base carbono para electrodos en sistemas de almacenamiento de energía

Gutiérrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Martínez Fernández, Julián (2014)
En este trabajo se demuestra la posibilidad de inducir cristalinidad en materiales carbonosos obtenidos mediante pirólisis ...

New bio-ceramization processes applied to vegetable hierarchical structures for bone regeneration: An experimental model in sheep

Filardo, Giuseppe; Kon, Elizaveta; Tampieri, Anna; Cabezas Rodríguez, Rafael; Di Martino, A.; Fini, M.; Giavaresi, G.; Lelli, M.; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Martini, L.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Sañamanna, Francesca; Sandri, M.; Sprio, S.; Marcacci, M. (Mary Ann Liebert, 2014)
Bone loss is still a major problem in orthopedics. The purpose of this experimental study is to evaluate the safety and ...

Influence of catalytic graphitization on mechanical properties of carbonized biocarbon

Shpeizman, V.V.; Orlova, T. S.; Smirnov, B. I.; Gutiérrez Pardo, Antonio Anselmo; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín (Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014)
The uniaxial compression strength and the deformation characteristics of beech-derived biocarbon, partially graphitized ...

Compressive strength degradation in ZrB2-based ultra-high temperature ceramic composites

Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Bautista Bautista, Miguel Antonio; Martínez Fernández, Julián; Singh, M. (Elsevier, 2011)
The high temperature compressive strength behavior of zirconium diboride (ZrB2)-silicon carbide (SiC) particulate composites ...

Blocking of grain reorientation in self-doped alumina materials

Suárez, Marta; Fernández, Adolfo; Menéndez, José Luis; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Torrecillas, Ramón (Elsevier, 2011)
Alumina nanoparticles 10–20 nm in diameter were nucleated on alumina particles, 150 nm average diameter, by a colloidal ...

Análisis de la microfábrica del cuarzo en los resister cuarcíticos de la zona de cizalla dúctil de la Garganta de las Pozas, parte central del Macizo de Gredos

Díaz Alvarado, J.; Fernández, C.; Díaz Azpiroz, M.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Moreno Ventas, I.; Castro, Alicia (Sociedad Geológica de España, 2007)
The NE-SW «Garganta de las Pozas» ductile shear zone goes along the contact between one of the granodioritic sheets mapped ...

Microestructura y comportamiento plástico de perovsquitas conductoras protónicas de alta temperatura

Martínez Fernández, Julián; Sayir, A.; Ramírez Rico, Joaquín; Ramírez de Arellano López, Antonio; López Robledo, Manuel Jesús (2005)
Se ha estudiado el comportamiento en fluencia de perovsquitas conductoras protónicas de alta temperatura fabricadas por ...