NameQuintero Sánchez, Esperanza
DepartmentPsicología Experimental
Knowledge areaPsicología Básica
Professional categoryProfesora Contratada Doctora
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Effects of acute and chronic methylphenidate on prepulse inhibition: A sex difference study in Wistar rats [Dataset]

Montiel-Herrera, Fátima; Batanero-Geraldo, Adela; López García, Juan Carlos; Vargas Romero, Juan Pedro; Quintero Sánchez, Esperanza; Díaz Argandoña, Estrella (2024)
In this research, a prepulse inhibition task was carried out in which subjects were treated with a psychostimulant, ...

Effects of acute and chronic methylphenidate on prepulse inhibition: A sex difference study in Wistar rats

Montiel Herrera, Fátima; Batanero-Geraldo, Adela; López García, Juan Carlos; Vargas Romero, Juan Pedro; Quintero Sánchez, Esperanza; Díaz Argandoña, Estrella (Elsevier, 2024)
Background: The utilization of methylphenidate (MPH) is experiencing a notable surge within the adult population. This ...
Master's Final Project

Diseño de una propuesta de intervención psicomotriz en el TDAH

Fuentes Montero, Jaime; Quintero Sánchez, Esperanza (2023)
El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) es uno de los trastornos con mayor prevalencia en la población ...

Reward devaluation disrupts latent inhibition in fear conditioning

Casa Rivas, Luis Gonzalo de La; Mena, Auxiliadora; Ruiz-Salas, Juan C.; Quintero Sánchez, Esperanza; Papini, Mauricio R. (Springer US, 2018)
Three experiments explored the link between reward shifts and latent inhibition (LI). Using consummatory procedures, rewards ...

Different effects of unexpected changes in environmental conditions on prepulse inhibition in rats and humans

Casa Rivas, Luis Gonzalo de La; Fernández del Olmo, Aarón; Larrauri, Jose; Mena, Auxiliadora; Puentes, Andrea; Quintero Sánchez, Esperanza; Schmajuk, Nestor (Elsevier, 2012)
The reduction of the startle response to an auditory stimulus caused by the presentation of another stimulus of lower ...

XXIII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Comparada: Granada (21-23 de septiembre de 2011): [Reseña]

Márquez Zamora, Raúl; Quintero Sánchez, Esperanza (Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Andalucía Occidental, 2011)