NamePérez Fernández, Pedro
DepartmentFísica Aplicada III
Knowledge areaFísica Aplicada
Professional categoryProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Nuclear Physics in the Era of Quantum Computing andQuantum Machine Learning

García Ramos, José Enrique; Sáiz Castillo, Álvaro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Lamata Manuel, Lucas; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (Wiley, 2024)
In this paper, the application of quantum simulations and quantum machine learning is explored to solve problems in ...

Digital-analog quantum computation with arbitrary two-body Hamiltonians

García de Andoin, Mikel; Sáiz Castillo, Álvaro; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Lamata Manuel, Lucas; Oregi, Izaskun; Sanz, Mikel (American Physical Society, 2024)
Digital-analog quantum computing is a computational paradigm which employs an analog Hamiltonian resource together with ...

Excited-state Quantum Phase Transitions in the Anharmonic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model: Dynamical Aspects

Khalouf Rivera, Yamil; Gamito, J.; Pérez Bernal, Francisco; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (American Physical Society, 2023)
The standard Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model undergoes a second-order ground-state quantum phase transition (QPT) and an ...

A digital quantum simulation of the Agassi model

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; García Ramos, José Enrique; Lamata Manuel, Lucas (Elsevier, 2022)
A digital quantum simulation of the Agassi model from nuclear physics is proposed and analyzed. The proposal is worked out ...

Excited-state Quantum Phase Transitions in the Anharmonic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model: Static Aspects

Gamito, J.; Khalouf Rivera, Yamil; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Pérez Bernal, Francisco (American Physical Society, 2022)
The basic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model displays a second-order ground-state quantum phase transition and an excited-state ...

Entropies and IPR as Markers for a Phase Transition in a Two-Level Model for Atom–Diatomic Molecule Coexistence

Baena, Ignacio; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022)
A quantum phase transition (QPT) in a simple model that describes the coexistence of atoms and diatomic molecules is ...

Digital quantum simulation of an extended Agassi model: Using machine learning to disentangle its phase-diagram

Sáiz Castillo, Álvaro; García Ramos, José Enrique; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Lamata Manuel, Lucas; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (American Physical Society, 2022)
A digital quantum simulation for the extended Agassi model is proposed using a quantum platform with eight trapped ions. ...
Final Degree Project

Introducción a la teoría de grupos y aplicación a la Física Molecular

Ponce Miguela, Alejandro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (2021)
Master's Final Project

Análisis de un quantum quench en el modelo de Lipkin anharmónico

Gamito Gómez, Juan; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (2019)

The Invariant Two-Parameter Function of Algebras ψ

Escobar, José María; Núñez-Valdés, Juan; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (MDPI, 2019)
At present, the research on invariant functions for algebras is very extended since Hrivnák and Novotný defined in 2007 ...

A beyond mean-field study of the Tavis- Cummings model

Tejera-Centeno, C.; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Institute of Physics, 2019)
A beyond mean-field study of the Tavis-Cummings (TC) model is developed. This is the simplest model for describing the ...

Number conserving particle-hole RPA for superfluid nuclei

Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Schuck, P. (Elsevier, 2019)
We present a number conserving particle-hole RPA theory for collective excitations in the transition from normal to ...
Final Degree Project

Estudio de transiciones de fase cuánticas en el modelo de Rabi

Román Lemos, Eduardo; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (2019)
El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un estudio sobre las transiciones de fase cuánticas que se presentan en el modelo ...
PhD Thesis

Invariant functions and contractions of algebras.

Escobar Rica, Jose María; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (2019)

An extended Agassi model: Algebraic structure, phase diagram, and large size limit

García Ramos, José Enrique; Dukelsky, Jorge; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)
The Agassi model (Agassi 1968 Nucl. Phys. A 116 49) is a schematic two-level model that involves pairing and monopole-monopole ...

Phase diagram of an extended Agassi model

García Ramos, José Enrique; Dukelsky, Jorge; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Physical Society, 2018)
Background: The Agassi model [D. Agassi, Nucl. Phys. A 116, 49 (1968)NUPABL0375-947410.1016/0375-9474(68)90482-X] is an ...

From thermal to excited-state quantum phase transition: The Dicke model

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando (American Physical Society, 2017)
We study the thermodynamics of the full version of the Dicke model, including all the possible values of the total angular ...

Excited-state quantum phase transitions in a two-fluid Lipkin model

García Ramos, José Enrique; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Physical Society, 2017)
Background: Composed systems have become of great interest in the framework of ground-state quantum phase transitions ...

Phase diagram of the two-fluid Lipkin model: A "butterfly" catastrophe

García Ramos, José Enrique; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Freire Macías, Emilio (American Physical Society, 2016)
Background: In the past few decades quantum phase transitions have been of great interest in nuclear physics. In this ...
Chapter of Book

Contractions of certain Lie algebras

Escobar Rica, José María; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Fuente Benito, Daniel de la; Márquez García, María del Carmen; Romero Sarabia, Alfonso (Godel, 2015)
This communication is focused on the study of contractions of certain types of Lie algebras of low dimension, in order to ...

Quantum phase transitions of atom-molecule Bose mixtures in a double-well potential

Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Relaño, Armando; Dukelsky, Jorge; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (2014)
The ground state and spectral properties of Bose gases in double-well potentials are studied in two different scenarios: ...

Decoherence and quantum quench: Their relationship with excited state quantum phase transitions

García Ramos, José Enrique; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Cejnar, Pavel; Dukelsky, Jorge; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando (American Institute of Physics, 2012)
We study the similarities and differences between the phenomena of Quantum Decoherence and Quantum Quench in presence of ...

A beyond mean field study of Bose gases in a double-well potential with a Feshbach resonance

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando; Dukelsky, Jorge; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Institute of Physics, 2012)
The Bose-Hubbard model coupled to a Feshbach resonance is studied. Quantum phase transitions are analyzed within a beyond ...

Excited state quantum phase transitions and chaos in the Dicke model

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando; Cejnar, Pavel; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique (American Institute of Physics, 2012)
In this contribution, the critical behavior of excited state quantum phase transitions (ESQPT's) and its relation to order ...
PhD Thesis

Estudio de transiciones de fase cuánticas en sistemas de dos niveles

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge (2011)
El trabajo se estructura en 6 capítulos. El capítulo 1 posee fundamentalmente un carácter de introducción teórica a las ...

Excited-state phase transition and onset of chaos in quantum optical models

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Cejnar, P.; Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique (American Physical Society, 2011)
We study the critical behavior of excited states and its relation to order and chaos in the Jaynes-Cummings and Dicke ...

Novel results from an algebraic approach to molecular bending dynamics

Pérez Bernal, Francisco; Álvarez Bajo, O.; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Carvajal, M.; García Ramos, José Enrique; Larese, Danielle; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2011)
We present a brief review of research topics of current interest that depend on an algebraic approach to molecular bending ...

Quantum quench influenced by an excited-state phase transition

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Cejnar, P.; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique; Relaño, Armando (American Physical Society, 2011)
We analyze excited-state quantum phase transitions (ESQPTs) in three schematic (integrable and nonintegrable) models ...

Finite-size corrections in the bosonic algebraic approach to two-dimensional systems

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; García Ramos, José Enrique; Pérez Bernal, Francisco (American Physical Society, 2011)
Analytical results beyond the mean-field-limit approximation for several observables of the two-dimensional limit of the ...

Decoherence as a Signature of an Excited State Quantum Phase Transition in Two Level Boson Systems

García Ramos, José Enrique; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge; Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando (American Institute of Physics, 2009)
We analyze the decoherence induced on a single qubit by the interaction with a two-level boson system with critical internal ...

Decoherence due to an excited-state quantum phase transition in a two-level boson model

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique (American Physical Society, 2009)
The decoherence induced on a single qubit by its interaction with the environment is studied. The environment is modeled ...

Connection between decoherence and excited state quantum phase transitions

Pérez Fernández, Pedro; Relaño, Armando; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique (American Institute of Physics, 2009)
In this work we explore the relationship between an excited state quantum phase transition (ESQPT) and the phenomenon of ...

Decoherence as a signature of an excited-state quantum phase transition

Relaño, Armando; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Dukelsky, Jorge; García Ramos, José Enrique; Pérez Fernández, Pedro (American Physical Society, 2008)
We analyze the decoherence induced on a single qubit by the interaction with a two-level boson system with critical internal ...