NamePardal Redondo, Ricardo
DepartmentFisiología Médica y Biofísica
Knowledge areaFisiología
Professional categoryCatedrático de Universidad
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PhD Thesis

Characterization of undifferentiated neuroblastoma cells and their contribution to aggressiveness

Amador Álvarez, Aída; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel (2024)
Neuroblastoma (NB) represents the most prevalent extracranial solid tumor among children, originating from cells within ...

Protection and repair of the nigrostriatal pathway with stem-cell-derived carotid body glomus cell transplants in chronic MPTP Parkinsonian model

Villadiego Luque, Francisco Javier; Muñoz-Manchado, Ana B.; Sobrino Cabello, Verónica; Bonilla-Henao, Victoria; Suárez-Luna, Nela; Ortega Sáenz, Patricia; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; López Barneo, José; Toledo Aral, Juan José (MDPI, 2023)
Antiparkinsonian carotid body (CB) cell therapy has been proven to be effective in rodent and nonhuman primate models of ...

Rearrangement of cell types in the rat carotid body neurogenic niche induced by chronic intermittent hypoxia

Caballero Eraso, Candela; Colinas Miranda, Olalla; González Montelongo, Rafaela; Cabeza, Jose M.; Gao Chen, Lin; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; López Barneo, José; Ortega Sáenz, Patricia (Wiley, 2023)
The carotid body (CB) is a prototypical acute oxygen (O2)-sensing organ that mediates reflex hyperventilation and increased ...

Analysis of serial neuroblastoma PDX passages in mice allows the identification of new mediators of neuroblastoma aggressiveness

Gomez Muñoz, Maria De Los Angeles; Aguilar Morante, Diana; Colmenero-Repiso, Ana; Amador Álvarez, Aida; Ojeda-Puertas, Mónica; Cordero Varela, Juan Antonio; Rodríguez-Prieto, Ismael; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel (MDPI, 2023)
Neuroblastoma is a neural crest cell-derived pediatric tumor characterized by high interand intra-tumor heterogeneity, and ...
PhD Thesis

Estudio de la familia de proteínas Rho GTPasas en la biología del neuroblastoma

Gómez Muñoz, María Ángeles; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel (2022)
El neuroblastoma (NB) es el tumor extracraneal sólido de aparición más común durante la edad pediátrica. El NB surge a ...

A protocol to enrich in undifferentiated cells from neuroblastoma tumor tissue samples and cell lines

Amador Álvarez, Aída; Rodríguez Prieto, Ismael; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel; Gómez Muñoz, María Ángeles (Cell Press, 2022)
The existence of a subpopulation of undifferentiated cells with stem-like properties has been suggested in neuroblastoma ...
Final Degree Project

Regulación de la fisiología de las células neuronales inmaduras en el cuerpo carotídeo.

Cabello Vega, Belén; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (2022)
El cuerpo carotídeo es un órgano pequeño situado en la bifurcación de la arteria carótida. Su función principal es la de ...

Neurotransmitter Modulation of Carotid Body Germinal Niche

Sobrino, Verónica; Platero-Luengo, Aida; Annese, Valentina; Navarro Guerrero, Elena; González Rodríguez, Patricia; López Barneo, José; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (MDPI AG, 2020)
The carotid body (CB), a neural-crest-derived organ and the main arterial chemoreceptor in mammals, is composed of clusters ...
PhD Thesis

Papel de la quinasa humana VRK1 en la biología del neuroblastoma

Colmenero Repiso, Ana; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel (2020)
El neuroblastoma es el tumor extracraneal sólido más frecuente en la infancia. Su comportamiento es muy heterogéneo, ...

Corrigendum to ‘CD44-high neural crest stem-like cells are associated with tumour aggressiveness and poor survival in neuroblastoma tumours’ [EBioMedicine 49 (2019) 82–95]

Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel; Colmenero Repiso, Ana; Gómez Muñoz, María Ángeles; Rodríguez Prieto, Ismael; Aguilar Morante, Diana; Ramírez, Gema; Márquez Vega, Catalina; Cabello, Rosa; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (Elsevier, 2020)

Identification of vrk1 as a new neuroblastoma tumor progression marker regulating cell proliferation

Colmenero Repiso, Ana; Gómez Muñoz, María A.; Rodríguez Prieto, Ismael; Amador Álvarez, Aida; Henrich, Kai Oliver; Pascual Vaca, Diego; Okonechnikov, Konstantin; Rivas, Eloy; Westermann, Frank; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020)
Neuroblastoma (NB) is one of the most common pediatric cancers and presents a poor survival rate in affected children. ...

Hypoxia in the Initiation and Progression of Neuroblastoma Tumours

Huertas Castaño, Carlos; Gómez Muñoz, María Ángeles; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel (MDPI, 2020)
Neuroblastoma is the most frequent extracranial solid tumour in children, causing 10% of all paediatric oncology deaths. ...

Response to "High CD44 expression is not a prognosis marker in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma"

Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel; Colmenero Repiso, Ana; Gómez Muñoz, María Ángeles; Rodríguez Prieto, Ismael; Aguilar Morante, Diana; Ramírez, Gema; Márquez Vega, Catalina; Cabello, Rosa; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (Elsevier, 2020)
Chapter of Book

Progenitor Cell Heterogeneity in the Adult Carotid Body Germinal Niche

Sobrino Cabello, Verónica; Annese, Valentina; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (Springer, 2019)
Somatic stem cells confer plasticity to adult tissues, permitting their maintenance, repair and adaptation to a changing ...

CD44-high neural crest stem-like cells are associated with tumour aggressiveness and poor survival in neuroblastoma tumours

Vega Moreno, Francisco Manuel; Colmenero Repiso, Ana; Gómez Muñoz, María A.; Rodríguez Prieto, Ismael; Aguilar Morante, Diana; Ramírez Villar, Gema; Márquez Vega, Catalina; Cabello Laureano, Rosa; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (Elsevier, 2019)
BACKGROUND: Neuroblastoma is a paediatric tumour originated from sympathoadrenal precursors and characterized by its ...

The carotid body: a physiologically relevant germinal niche in the adult peripheral nervous system

Sobrino, Verónica; Annese, Valentina; Navarro Guerrero, Elena; Platero-Luengo, Aida; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (Springer, 2018)
Oxygen constitutes a vital element for the survival of every single cell in multicellular aerobic organisms like mammals. ...
PhD Thesis

Mecanismos neurogénicos en respuesta a hipoxia en el cuerpo carotídeo. Presencia de neuronas inmaduras en el sistema nervioso periférico adulto

Sobrino, Verónica; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (2017)
El cuerpo carotídeo (CC) es un pequeño órgano localizado bilateralmente en la bifurcación de la arteria carótida, y cuya ...

Physiological Plasticity of Neural-Crest-Derived Stem Cells in the Adult Mammalian Carotid Body

Annese, Valentina; Navarro Guerrero, Elena; Rodríguez-Prieto, Ismael; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; ; ;  (Cell Press, 2017)
Adult stem cell plasticity, or the ability of somatic stem cells to cross boundaries and differentiate into unrelated cell ...

Neural crest derived progenitor cells contribute to tumor stroma and aggressiveness in stage 4/M neuroblastoma

Linares Clemente, Pedro; Marquez, Catalina; Aguilar Morante, Diana; Rodríguez Prieto, Ismael; Ramírez, Gema; Torrres, Carmen de; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (Impact Journals, 2017)
Pediatric tumors arise upon oncogenic transformation of stem/progenitor cells during embryonic development. Given this ...

Gene expression profiling supports the neural crest origin of adult rodent carotid body stem cells and identifies CD10 as a marker for mesectoderm-committed progenitors

Navarro Guerrero, Elena; Platero-Luengo, Aida; Linares Clemente, Pedro; Cases, Ildefonso; López Barneo, José; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (WILEY, 2016)
Neural stem cells (NSCs) are promising tools for understanding nervous system plasticity and repair, but their use is ...

Carotid body oxygen sensing and adaptation to hipoxia

López Barneo, José; Macías, David; Platero-Luengo, Aida; Ortega Sáenz, Patricia; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (Springer, 2015)
The carotid body (CB) is the principal arterial chemoreceptor that mediates the hyperventilatory response to hypoxia. Our ...
PhD Thesis

Plasticidad fisiológica de las células madre del cuerpo carotídeo adulto: caracterización del linaje mesectodérmico

Navarro Guerrero, Elena; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (2015)
El cuerpo carotídeo (CB), un órgano quimiosensor derivado de la cresta neural, permite la adaptación a la hipoxia crónica ...

Resistance of subventricular neural stem cells to chronic hypoxemia despite structural disorganization of the germinal center and impairment of neuronal and oligodendrocyte survival

D'Anglemont De Tassigny, Xavier; Sirerol-Piquer, M Salomé; Gómez-Pinedo, Ulises; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Bonilla, Sonia; Capilla González, Vivian; López Barneo, José (Dove Medical Press Ltd., 2015)
Chronic hypoxemia, as evidenced in de-acclimatized high-altitude residents or in patients with chronic obstructive respiratory ...
PhD Thesis

Hipertrofia del cuerpo carotídeo en hipoxia crónica: mecanismos de activación, proliferación y diferenciación de los progenitores neurales en el sistema nervioso periférico

Platero-Luengo, Aida; López Barneo, José; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo (2014)
The goal of this doctoral thesis is to achieve a better understanding of the biology and behavior of the recently discovered ...

An O-2-sensitive glomus cell-stem cell synapse induces carotid body growth in chronic hipoxia

Platero-Luengo, Aida; González-Granero, Susana; Durán Romero, Rocío; Díaz Castro, Blanca; Piruat Palomo, José Ignacio; García-Verdugo, José Manuel; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; López Barneo, José (CELL PRESS, 2014)
Neural stem cells (NSCs) exist in germinal centers of the adult brain and in the carotid body (CB), an oxygen-sensing organ ...
Chapter of Book

A pathophysiological view of the neural stem cell niche

Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Platero-Luengo, Aida (Nova Science Publishers, INC. U.S., 2011)
Neural stem cells were described in the nervous system some decades ago as being responsible for adult neurogenesis and ...

The carotid body, a neurogenic niche in the adult peripheral nervous system

Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Ortega Sáenz, Patricia; Durán, Rocío; Platero-Luengo, Aida; López Barneo, José (Univ pisa, 2010)
We have described a new population of adult neural stem cells residing in the carotid body, a chemoreceptor organ in the ...

Rotenone selectively occludes sensitivity to hypoxia in rat carotid body glomus cells

Ortega Sáenz, Patricia; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; García Fernández, María; López Barneo, José (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2003)
Carotid body glomus cells release transmitters in response to hypoxia due to the increase of excitability resulting from ...

Trophic restoration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway in long-term carotid body-grafted parkinsonian rats

Toledo Aral, Juan José; Méndez Ferrer, Simón; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Echevarría Irusta, Miriam; López Barneo, José (2003)
We studied the mechanisms underlying long-term functional recovery of hemiparkinsonian rats grafted intrastriatally with ...
PhD Thesis

Sensibilidad a hipoxia e hipoglucemia de células glómicas en rodajas de cuerpo carotídeo

Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; López Barneo, José (2000)
Los objetivos generales del presente trabajo fueron los siguientes: 1. Puesta a punto de la preparación de rodajas finas ...

Collapse of conductance Is prevented by a Glutamate residue conserved in voltage-dependent K+ channels

Ortega Sáenz, Patricia; Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Castellano Orozco, Antonio Gonzalo; López Barneo, José (2000)
Voltage-dependent K 1 channel gating is influenced by the permeating ions. Extracellular K 1 determines the occupation of ...

Secretory responses of intact glomus cells in thin slices of rat carotid body to hypoxia and tetraethylammonium

Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Ludewig, Uwe; García Hirschfeld, Julia; López Barneo, José (2000)
We have developed a thin-slice preparation of whole rat carotid body that allows us to perform patch-clamp recording of ...

Evolución a largo plazo de trasplantes de cuerpo carotídeo en el estriado de ratas hemiparkinsonianas [Reseñas]

Pardal Redondo, Ricardo; Toledo Aral, Juan José; Montoro, R.J.; Méndez Ferrer, Simón; Fernández-Espejo, Emilio; Armengol Butrón de Mújica, José Ángel; Herrero, M.T.; Nieto, M.A.; López Barneo, José (1999)