NameMuñoz Páez, Adela
DepartmentQuímica Inorgánica
Knowledge areaQuímica Inorgánica
Professional categoryCatedrática de Universidad
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie y la radioactividad

Muñoz Páez, Adela (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 2015)
There is no other woman in the history of science better known than Marie Curie. She was the first woman Professor at the ...

Mujeres y química. Parte IV. Siglos XX y XXI

Muñoz Páez, Adela; Garritz, Andoni (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 2013)
Esta es la cuarta parte de un trabajo sobre las mujeres que han recibido reconocimientos por su trabajo químico. Se inició ...

Mujeres y química II. Siglos XVIII y XIX

Muñoz Páez, Adela; Garritz, Andoni (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 2013)
This is the second part of a set of papers devoted to the participation of women in chemistry. The first part was written ...
PhD Thesis

Control de la nanoestructura en capas esculturales preparadas mediante GLAD crecimiento y aplicaciones

González García, María Dolores; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Rodríguez González-Elipe, Agustín (2013)
En esta memoria se presenta un estudio sobre la caracterización y posibles aplicaciones de capas delgadas de óxidos ...

Mujeres y química Parte I. De la antigüedad al siglo XVII

Muñoz Páez, Adela; Garritz, Andoni (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 2013)
Little has been written about the exquisite passion of discovering. This has been the main driving force of the greatest ...

Development of ReflEXAFS data analysis for deeper surface structure studies

López Flores, Víctor; Ansell, Stuart; Ramos, Silvia; Bowron, Daniel T.; Díaz Moreno, Sofía; Muñoz Páez, Adela (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2009)
An analytical approach to the analysis of ReflEXAFS data collected from complex multilayer samples, at a range of angles ...

Polymorphic transformation from body-centered to face-centered cubic vanadium metal during mechanosynthesis of nanostructured vanadium nitride determined by extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy

López Flores, Víctor; Abad Roldán, Manuel David; Real Pérez, Concepción; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Castro, Germán R. (AIP Publishing, 2008)
The pathway for vanadium nitride VN formation obtained by milling treatment has been traced out. At the initial stages ...

The aquation of Po(IV): A quantum chemical study

Ayala Espinar, Regla; Martínez Fernández, José Manuel; Rodríguez Pappalardo, Rafael; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Sánchez Marcos, Enrique (American Institute of Physics, 2007)
The aim of this work is to present theoretical resuhs of the hydration of the Po(IV) in solution. Particular attention is ...

Coupling MD simulations and X-ray absorption spectroscopy to study ions in solution

Sánchez Marcos, Enrique; Corbacho Beret, Elizabeth; Martínez Fernández, José Manuel; Rodríguez Pappalardo, Rafael; Ayala Espinar, Regla; Muñoz Páez, Adela (American Institute of Physics, 2007)
The structure of ionic solutions is a key-point in understanding physicochemical properties of electrolyte solutions. Among ...

The hydration of Cu2+: Can the Jahn-Teller effect be detected in liquid solution?

Chaboy Nalda, Jesús; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Merkling, Patrick J.; Sánchez Marcos, Enrique (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2006)
The long elusive structure of Cu(II) hydrate in aqueous solutions, classically described as a Jahn-Teller distorted ...

The interplay of the 3d9 and 3d10L electronic configurations in the copper K-edge XANES spectra of Cu(11) compounds

Chaboy, Jesús; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Sánchez Marcos, Enrique (International Union of Crystallography, 2006)
A theoretical analysis of the X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra at the Cu K-edge in several divalent copper ...

Ab initio x-ray absorption study of copper K -edge XANES spectra in Cu(II) compounds

Chaboy, Jesús; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Carrera, Flora; Merkling, Patrick; Sánchez Marcos, Enrique (American Physical Society, 2005)
This work reports a theoretical study of the x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra at the Cu K edge in several ...

Combination of XANES spectroscopy and molecular dynamics to probe the local structure in disordered systems

Merkling, Patrick J.; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Rodríguez Pappalardo, Rafael; Sánchez Marcos, Enrique (American Physical Society, 2001)
Individual configurations obtained from molecular dynamics have been combined with the computation of x-ray absorption ...

Molecular-dynamics-based investigation of scattering path contributions to the EXAFS spectrum: The Cr3¿ aqueous solution case

Merkling, Patrick J.; Muñoz Páez, Adela; Martínez Fernández, José Manuel; Rodríguez Pappalardo, Rafael; Sánchez Marcos, Enrique (American Physical Society, 2001)
Extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectra were computed based on molecular-dynamics (MD) struc- tural data of a [ ...
PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis

Modificaciones estructurales de largo y corto alcance en montmorillonitas intercaladas con Na(I),Li(I),Lu(III) y [Al13O4(OH)24(H2O)12]7+

Alba Carranza, María Dolores; Alvero Reina, Rafael; Muñoz Páez, Adela (1994)
Se ha estudiado la interacción de cationes trivalentes, Lu(III), y policationes, [Al13O4(OH)24(H2O)12]7+, con la RED del ...

Study of lanthanum local structure in montmorillonite

Muñoz Páez, Adela; Alba Carranza, María Dolores; Alvero Reina, Rafael; Castro Arroyo, Miguel Ángel; Trillo de Leyva, José María (Japan Society of Applied Physics, 1993)
The local structure of the interlamellar lanthanide ions in montmorillonite upon heating is studied. The analysis of the ...