NameAcosta García, Ignacio Javier
DepartmentConstrucciones Arquitectónicas I
Knowledge areaConstrucciones Arquitectónicas
Professional categoryProfesor Titular de Universidad
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PhD Thesis

Optimización del campo lumínico para promover un adecuado ritmo circadiano en centros de trabajo de actividad continuada

Aguilar Carrasco, María Teresa; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel (2024)
Los ritmos circadianos son ciclos biológicos diarios responsables de diferentes funciones del cuerpo humano como la ...

Optimization of window design in hospital rooms for effective access to daylight

Rodríguez Rejano, Paula; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (EDP Open, 2024)
Proper access to natural light entails a multitude of consequences for human beings, making it a highly significant aspect ...

Impact of Daylighting on Visual Comfort and on the Biological Clock for Teleworkers in Residential Buildings

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Bellia, Laura; Fragliasso, Francesca; Diglio, Francesca; Bustamante Rojas, Pedro (MDPI, 2023)
The current socio-economic scenario has promoted telecommuting at home for a significant number of workers, mainly due to ...

CircaLight, a new circadian light assessment tool for Grasshopper environment: Development and reliability testing

Aguilar Carrasco, María Teresa; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel (Elsevier, 2023)
Natural light exposure both in flux and spectrum is essential to human health due to its direct relationship with circadian ...
Final Degree Project

Iluminación saludable en centros infantiles

Romero Lara, Fátima; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (2023)
Los ritmos circadianos son los cambios que se repiten cíclicamente en nuestro cuerpo cada 24 horas, regulando procesos ...
Final Degree Project

Iluminación natural para favorecer el bienestar de pacientes con Alzheimer

Castellano Escobar, Abraham; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (2023)
Various studies have shown that pathologies related to neuronal degeneration are associated with the accumulation of ...
Final Degree Project

Estudio de la calidad del aire y del riesgo de transmisión de patógenos aerotransportados en centros infantiles

García Martín, Guillermo; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (2023)
Las altas concentraciones de CO2 debidas a la falta de ventilación adecuada están ligadas con problemas como la reducción ...
Final Degree Project

Rehabilitación energética de edificios residenciales mediante diseños pasivos en Sevilla. Aproximación a la Directiva Europea 2018/844

López Gámiz, José Antonio; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (2023)
Durante la época de 1900 a 1979, la normativa constructiva española referida a edificaciones residenciales era muy escueta, ...

Continuous overcast daylight autonomy (DAo.con): a new dynamic metric for sensor less lighting smart controls

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Navarro Casas, Jaime (Taylor and Francis, 2023)
Daylight dynamic metrics are useful tools for quantifying the switch-on time or the dimming of electric lighting according ...
Chapter of Book

CO2 y transmisión aérea de enfermedades

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Jiménez, José Luis; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Sendra, Juan J. (Octaedro, 2023)
En el capítulo anterior se explicaron los fundamentos básicos que rigen la adaptación del método de Wells-Riley, con la ...
Chapter of Book

Ventilación e infiltraciones en viviendas

Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Sendra, Juan J. (Octaedro, 2023)
Como se ha discutido en capítulos anteriores, la ventilación consiste en el proceso de renovar el aire de un recinto ...

Methodology to evaluate and educate on indoor air quality in Early Childhood Education Centers

Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Alberdi Causse, Enedina; Puig Gutiérrez, María; Martínez Bracero, Moisés; Lorenzana de la Varga, Tomás; Paradiso, Bianca; Sendra, Juan J. (2022)
Several studies indicate that more than one in three children in Europe has bronchial asthma or allergies. The rate of ...

Covid airborne risk: online tool to develop healthy buildings

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel (2022)
Airborne transmission has been widely proven to be the main means of contagion of SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory ...

Covid Risk airborne, a tool to test the risk of aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 under different scenarios: a pre-school classroom case study

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Sendra, Juan J. (2022)
The COVID-19 emergency has shown that airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is especially relevant in poorly bad ventilated ...
Final Degree Project

Sistemas de control de la iluminación natural en espacios docentes: optimización y ahorro energético lumínico mediante métricas dinámicas

Yanes Sánchez, María; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (2022)
Desde hace unas décadas el concepto de luz natural ha ocupado numerosos estudios en una gran variedad de campos, mostrándose ...
Final Degree Project

Estudio del rendimiento cromático en espacios museísticos mediante un sistema de iluminación multiespectral

Mohamed Mohamed, Sara; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (2022)
Atendiendo a la colorimetría como el estudio del espectro electromagnético de la energía radiante fundamentada en el ...
Chapter of Book

Repensando la docencia del Máster en Arquitectura

Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Benito Cabello, Mario Francisco; Hernández Hernández, Carlos Gregorio; Luceño Casals, Laura (Aula Magna, 2022)
Han trascurrido ya 12 años desde la implantación del llamado Plan Bolonia II, consecuencia de la Declaración de Bolonia ...

Dynamic analysis of office lighting smart controls management based on user requirements

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; López Lovillo, Remedios María (Elsevier, 2022)
Daylight dynamic metrics provide an alternative approach for the assessment of the energy savings promoted by lighting ...

Dynamic analysis of office lighting smart controls management based on user requirements

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; López Lovillo, Remedios María (Elsevier, 2022)
Daylight dynamic metrics provide an alternative approach for the assessment of the energy savings promoted by lighting ...

Assessment of color discrimination of different light sources

Bustamante Rojas, Pedro; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; León Rodríguez, Jesús; Campano, Miguel Ángel (MDPI, 2021)
Light quality is a key parameter of building design, which is mainly defined by the perceived luminance and the color ...

Indoor lighting design for healthier workplaces: natural and electric light assessment for suitable circadian stimulus

Aguilar Carrasco, María Teresa; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Sendra, Juan J. (Optica Publishing Group, 2021)
Light, especially daylight, plays a critical role in human health as the main timer for circadian rhythms. Indoor environments ...

Partial Daylight Autonomy (DAp): A New Lighting Dynamic Metric to Optimize the Design of Windows for Seasonal Use Spaces

Ruiz, Alejandro; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Luque, Óscar (MDPI, 2021)
Nowadays, daylight dynamic metrics are the most useful indicators to quantify the use of natural light, with daylight ...

Urban layout for building solar optimization and outdoor comfort balance: neighborhood strategy in Mediterranean climate

Díaz-Borrego Algaba, Julia; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, 2021)
The urban configuration in the Mediterranean area, which has noticeable solar radiation and significant thermal oscillation, ...

Impact of daylight saving time on lighting energy consumption and on the biological clock for occupants in office buildings

Bellia, Laura; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Fragliasso, Francesca (Elsevier, 2020)
Nowadays, there is an in-depth debate about the suitability of daylight saving time. The shift of one hour during summer ...

Energy related practices in Mediterranean low income housing

Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Peacock, Andrew; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (Taylor and Francis, 2020)
The development of policies to improve energy efficiency and the retrofitting of the existing housing stock requires an ...

Indoor comfort and symptomatology in non-university educational buildings: occupants’ perception

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (MDPI, 2020)
The indoor environment in non-university classrooms is one of the most analyzed problems in the thermal comfort and indoor ...

Daylighting design for healthy environments: Analysis of educational spaces for optimal circadian stimulus

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Leslie, Russell; Radetsky, Leora (Elsevier, 2019)
The human biological clock, also known as circadian rhythm, is mainly synchronized by the light perceived, specifically ...

Effect of airtightness on thermal loads in legacy low-income housing

Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2019)
Spain's high winter weather-associated death count, the second largest in Europe, can be attributed primarily to the low ...

Analysis of visual comfort and circadian stimulus provided by window design in educational spaces

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Molina Rozalem, Juan Francisco; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica (2019)
Light is the main variable which affects to the circadian rhythm, promoting up to 70% of the melatonin suppression. In ...

Minimum daylight autonomy: A new concept to link daylight dynamic metrics with daylight factors

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica (Taylor and Francis, 2019)
Daylight metrics act as a useful tool to quantify the potential of natural light in an architectural space as well as the ...

CO2 concentration and occupants’ symptoms in naturally ventilated schools in Mediterranean climate

Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Sendra, Juan J. (MDPI, 2019)
A large part of the school building stock in Andalusia lacks ventilation facilities, so that the air renewal of the ...

Smart controls for lighting design: towards a study of the boundary conditions

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Bustamante Rojas, Pedro; Molina Rozalem, Juan Francisco (IACSIT Press, 2018)
This research aims to determine the effect of the lighting smart controls in the energy consumption in buildings, according ...

Validation study for daylight dynamic metrics by using test cells in Mediterranean area

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; León-Rodríguez, Ángel Luis; Calama-González, Carmen María (IACSIT Press, 2018)
This paper presents the validation of two daylight dynamic predictive metrics, obtained through simulation with DaySim 3.2 ...

Daylight dynamic metrics for energy efficiency: window size and climate smart lighting management

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Muñoz González, Carmen María (MDPI, 2018)
Daylight performance metrics provide a promising approach for the design and optimization of lighting strategies in buildings ...

Dynamic Daylight Metrics for Electricity Savings in Offices: Window Size and Climate Smart Lighting Management

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Domínguez Amarillo, Samuel; Muñoz González, Carmen María (MDPI, 2018)
Daylight performance metrics provide a promising approach for the design and optimization of lighting strategies in buildings ...

Daylight Spectrum Index: A New Metric to Assess the Affinity of Light Sources with Daylighting

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Bustamante, Pedro; León Rodríguez, Jesús (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2018)
The current scenario of colorimetry shows a wide variety of different metrics which do not converge in the assessment of ...

Energy efficiency and lighting design in courtyards and atriums: A predictive method for daylight factors

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Varela, Carmen; Molina Rozalem, Juan Francisco; Navarro Casas, Jaime; Sendra, Juan J. (Elsevier, 2018)
The proper design of courtyards and atriums is key in providing sufficient daylight inside buildings as well as major ...

Analysis of the Perceived Thermal Comfort in a Portuguese Secondary School: Methodology and Results

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Santos Pinto, Armando Teófilo dos; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Muñoz González, Carmen María (IACSIT Press, 2017)
This paper presents a methodology to assess the thermal environment in non-university classrooms, using the example of the ...

Analysis of Circadian Stimulus and Visual Comfort Provided by Window Design in Architecture

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Molina Rozalem, Juan Francisco; Campano, Miguel Ángel (IACSIT Press, 2017)
Light is the major synchronizer of circadian rhythms to the 24-hour solar day. Compared to the visual system, the circadian ...

Analysis of circadian stimulus allowed by daylighting in hospital rooms

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Leslie, Russell; Figueiro, Mariana G. (SAGE Publications, 2017)
Light is the major synchronizer of circadian rhythms to the 24-hour solar day. Compared to the visual system, the circadian ...

Validación de simulación dinámica de sistema HVAC de aula docente mediante comparación con recinto real

Campano, Miguel Ángel; Santos Pinto, Armando Teófilo dos; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Sendra, Juan J.; Mercader-Moyano, Pilar (Universidad de Sevilla. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura., 2017)
Los centros docentes requieren confort térmico en su interior, pero existe cierta incertidumbre en cómo lo proporcionan ...

Analysis of energy savings and visual comfort produced by the proper use of windows

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Molina Rozalem, Juan Francisco (2016)
The aim of this research is to quantify the daylight autonomy and the useful daylight illuminance produced inside a room ...

Window design in architecture: Analysis of energy savings for lighting and visual comfort in residential spaces

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Molina Rozalem, Juan Francisco (Elsevier, 2016)
Window design is decisive in providing appropriate visual comfort for occupants and sufficient energy savings in electric ...
PhD Thesis

Soleamiento e iluminación natural en las iglesias mudéjares de Sevilla

Aguilar García, Honorio Jesús; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime (2016)
La luz natural, entendida desde el inicio en la concepción de estos edificios como elemento definidor, ha sido sustituida ...

Climate-based daylight analysis of fixed shading devices in an open-plan office

Esquivias Fernández, Paula Matilde; Muñoz González, Carmen María; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Moreno-Rangel, David; Navarro Casas, Jaime (SAGE Journals:, 2016)
Office buildings consume large amounts of energy and are responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. ...

Analysis of daylight factors and energy saving allowed by windows under overcast sky conditions

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Muñoz González, Carmen María; Campano, Miguel Ángel; Navarro Casas, Jaime (Elsevier, 2015)
The aim of this research is to quantify the daylight factors produced inside a room for different models of windows, and ...

Towards an analysis of the performance of monitor skylights under overcast sky conditions

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime; Sendra, Juan J.; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier (Elsevier, 2015)
The main aim of this article is to determine a suitable proportion and shape for monitor skylights, which are characterized ...

Analysis of the accuracy of the sky component calculation in daylighting simulation programs

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Muñoz González, Carmen María; Esquivias Fernández, Paula Matilde; Moreno-Rangel, David; Navarro Casas, Jaime (Elsevier, 2015)
The main aim of this article is to analyze the precision of several lighting simulation programs regularly used in daylighting ...

Climate-based daylighting analysis in an open-plan office due to boundary conditions

Muñoz González, Carmen María; Esquivias Fernández, Paula Matilde; Moreno-Rangel, David; Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime (SAGE Journals:, 2014)
During the first stages of building design, issues like local climate or surrounding buildings are determinant. Also the ...

Towards an analysis of the performance of lightwell skylights under overcast sky conditions

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime; Sendra, Juan J. (Elsevier, 2013)
The main aim of this article is to analyze the performance of lightwell skylights under overcast sky conditions, determining ...

Daylighting design with lightscoop skylights: Towards an optimization of shape under overcast sky conditions

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime; Sendra, Juan J. (Elsevier, 2013)
The main aim of this article is to determine a suitable shape for lightscoop skylights, whose main characteristic is a ...

Predictive method of the sky component in a courtyard under overcast sky conditions

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime; Sendra, Juan J. (Elsevier, 2013)
The main aim of this article is to offer a predictive method to determine the most significant values of a sky component ...

Daylighting design with lightscoop skylights: towards an optimization of proportion and spacing under overcast sky conditions

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime; Sendra, Juan J.; Esquivias Fernández, Paula Matilde (Elsevier, 2012)
The main aim of this article is to determine suitable proportions for lightscoop skylights, whose main characteristic is ...

Towards an Analysis of Daylighting Simulation Software

Acosta García, Ignacio Javier; Navarro Casas, Jaime; Sendra, Juan J. (Energies Editorial Office, 2011)
The aim of this article was to assess some of the main lighting software programs habitually used in architecture, subjecting ...