NombreGómez González, Carlos María
DepartamentoPsicología Experimental
Área de conocimientoPsicobiología
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de la memoria de trabajo desde la infancia a la adultez emergente y de su relacion con la inteligencia en sujetos en normodesarrollo y sujetos diagnosticados con TDA

Muñoz Pradas, Raquel; Gómez González, Carlos María; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel (2024)
La Memoria de Trabajo (MT) es el sistema cerebral involucrado en el almacenamiento temporal de información (corto periodo ...

Systemic neurophysiological signals of auditory predictive coding

Muñoz Caracuel, Manuel; Muñoz Burdano, Lady Vanesa; Ruiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Vázquez Morejón, Antonio José; Gómez González, Carlos María (WILEY, 2024)
Predictive coding framework posits that our brain continuously monitors changes in the environment and updates its predictive ...

Time-frequency neural dynamics of ADHD children and adolescents during a Working Memory task

Arjona Valladares, Antonio; Angulo Ruiz, Brenda Yalitza; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Cabello Navarro, Celia; Gómez González, Carlos María (ELSEVIER, 2023)
The present report analyzed the time-frequency changes in Event-Related Spectral perturbations (ERSP) in a sample of ADHD ...

Neurovascular coupling during auditory stimulation: event-related potentials and fNIRS hemodynamic

Muñoz Burbano, Vanesa; Muñoz Caracuel, Manuel; Angulo Ruiz, Brenda Yalitza; Gómez González, Carlos María (Springer, 2023)
Intensity-dependent amplitude changes (IDAP) have been extensively studied using event-related potentials (ERPs) and have ...

Multiscale entropy of ADHD children during resting state condition

Angulo Ruiz, Brenda Yalitza; Muñoz Burbano, Vanesa; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Cabello Navarro, Celia; Gómez González, Carlos María (Springer, 2022)
This present study aims to investigate neural mechanisms underlying ADHD compared to healthy children through the analysis ...

Head hemodynamics and systemic responses during auditory stimulation

Muñoz Burbano, Vanesa; Díaz Sánchez, José A.; Muñoz Caracuel, Manuel; Gómez González, Carlos María (Wiley, 2022)
The present study aims to analyze the systemic response to auditory stimulation by means of hemodynamic (cephalic and ...

Exploring the Interactions Between Neurophysiology and Cognitive and Behavioral Changes Induced by a Non-pharmacological Treatment: A Network Approach

Rodríguez-González, Víctor; Gómez González, Carlos María; Hoshi, Hideyuki; Shigihara, Yoshihito; Hornero Sánchez, Roberto; Poza Crespo, Jesús (Frontiers, 2021)
Dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurological syndrome which has an increasing impact on society, provoking ...

Mismatch Negativity and Stimulus-Preceding Negativity in Paradigms of Increasing Auditory Complexity: A Possible Role in Predictive Coding

Ruiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Arjona Valladares, Antonio; Gómez González, Carlos María (MDPI, 2021)
The auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) has been considered a preattentive index of auditory processing and/or a signature ...

Activation-Inhibition dynamics of the oscillatory bursts of the human EEG during resting state. The macroscopic temporal range of few seconds

Gómez González, Carlos María; Angulo Ruiz, Brenda Yalitza; Muñoz Burbano, Vanesa; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel (Springer, 2021)
The ubiquitous brain oscillations occur in bursts of oscillatory activity. The present report tries to define the statistical ...

Inter-group and Inter-individual variability in working memory from childhood to emerging adulthood

Muñoz Pradas, Raquel; Íñigo Ruiz, Irene; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Gómez González, Carlos María (Elsevier, 2021)
This report is a cross-sectional study aiming to establish the status of age inter-group and individual variability for ...

Order of maturation of the components of the working memory from childhood to emerging adulthood

Muñoz Pradas, Raquel; Díaz Palacios, Miriam; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Gómez González, Carlos María (Elsevier, 2021)
The objective of this paper was to analyze the maturation order of WM components Phonological loop (PL), Visuo-spatial ...

Influence of PICALM and CLU risk variants on beta EEG activity in Alzheimer’s disease patients

Maturana Candelas, Aarón; Gómez González, Carlos María; Poza Crespo, Jesús; Rodríguez-González, Víctor; Gutiérrez-de Pablo, Víctor; Lopes, Alexandra M.; Pinto, Nadia; Hornero Sánchez, Roberto (Nature Briefing, 2021)
PICALM and CLU genes have been linked to alterations in brain biochemical processes that may have an impact on Alzheimer’s ...

Tracking the Time Course of Bayesian Inference With Event-Related Potentials: A Study Using the Central Cue Posner Paradigm

Gómez González, Carlos María; Arjona Valladares, Antonio; Donnarumma, Francesco; Maisto, Domenico; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Pezzulo, Giovanni (Frontiers Media, 2019)
In this study, we asked whether the event-related potentials associated to cue and target stimuli of a Central Cue Posner ...
Tesis Doctoral

Medición de la eficacia de las imágenes en la comunicación: estudio de las ondas cerebrales y medidores psicofisiológicos periféricos.

González Morales, Antonio; Gómez González, Carlos María; Ramírez Alvarado, María del Mar (2018)
Tesis Doctoral

Modulación y actualización dinámica del valor asignado a las relaciones entre los estímulos como forma de adaptación al medio: un estudio del cerebro y la conducta.

Arjona Valladares, Antonio; Gómez González, Carlos María (2018)
El ser humano se encuentra inmerso en un entorno plagado de estímulos que su cerebro percibe y procesa de forma constante. ...
Tesis Doctoral

Relación entre la atención y la maduración del P300

Rojas Benjumea, María Ángeles; Gómez González, Carlos María (2016)
Esta Tesis está basada en una investigación cuyo objetivo es estudiar la relación entre el desarrollo del ser humano y la ...
Tesis Doctoral

Maduración de la memoria de trabajo en niños, adolescentes y jóvenes adultos mediante potenciales relacionados con eventos

Barriga da Silva Paulino, Catarina Isabel; Gómez González, Carlos María (2015)
La presente tesis investiga la maduración del mecanismo referente al procesamiento de la memoria de trabajo visual a lo ...

Electrophysiological evidence of a delay in the visual recognition process in young children

Barriga da Silva Paulino, Catarina Isabel; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Rojas Benjumea, María Ángeles; Gómez González, Carlos María (Frontiers Media, 2015)
The present study analyzes the development of the visual recognition processing of the relevant stimulus in a Delayed ...

Development of behavioral parameters and ERPs in a novel-target visual detection paradigm in children, adolescents and young adults

Rojas Benjumea, María Ángeles; Sauqué Poggio, Ana María; Barriga da Silva Paulino, Catarina Isabel; Gómez González, Carlos María (Springer Verlag, 2015)
Background: The present study analyzes the development of ERPs related to the process of selecting targets based on their ...
Tesis Doctoral

Indicadores de maduración cerebral y su relación con la memoria de trabajo.

Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Gómez González, Carlos María (2014)
El período peri-adolescente es un momento crucial del desarrollo de la transición desde la infancia a adultez emergente. ...

Updating of Attentional and Premotor Allocation Resources as function of previous trial outcome

Arjona Valladares, Antonio; Escudero González, Miguel; Gómez González, Carlos María (Nature Publishing Group, 2014)
The neural bases of the inter-trial validity/invalidity sequential effects in a visuo-auditory modified version of the ...

Children Cautious Strategy and Variable Maturation Time Window for Responding in a Visual Search Task

Rojas Benjumea, María Ángeles; Quintero Gallego, Eliana Alexey; Zozaya Piñeiro, Laura; Barriga da Silva Paulino, Catarina Isabel; Gómez González, Carlos María (Scientific Research Publishing, 2013)
Present study evaluates the changes and developmental trajectories of the attentional serial visual search and pre-attentional ...

Multivariate and wavelet techniques of spontaneous electroencephalography and event related potentials during children maturation: The role of phase resetting

Barriga da Silva Paulino, Catarina Isabel; Flores Barrios, Angélica; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Chinchilla, Carlos; Gómez González, Carlos María (Scientific Research Publishing, 2013)
The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the maturation of spontaneous EEG occurs at the same rate as Late Positive ...

Cortical Dynamics during the Preparation of Antisaccadic and Prosaccadic Eye Movements in Humans in a Gap Paradigm

Cordones Cano, Isabel; Gómez González, Carlos María; Escudero González, Miguel (Public Library of Science, 2013)
To compare the cortical dynamics of different oculomotor tasks, EEG and eye movements were recorded in 21 volunteers. Using ...

Narrow band quantitative and multivariate electroencephalogram analysis of peri-adolescent period

Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Barriga da Silva Paulino, Catarina Isabel; Zapata, MI; Chinchilla, Carlos; López Jiménez, Ana María; Gómez González, Carlos María (BioMed Central, 2012)
Background: The peri-adolescent period is a crucial developmental moment of transition from childhood to emergent adulthood. ...

Trial-by-trial changes in a priori informational value of external cues and subjective expectancies in human auditory attention

Arjona Valladares, Antonio; Gómez González, Carlos María (Public Library of Science, 2011)
Background: Preparatory activity based on a priori probabilities generated in previous trials and subjective expectancies would ...

Cluster analysis of behavioural and event related potentials during a contingent negative variation paradigm in remitting-relapsing and benign forms of multiple sclerosis

Borges, Mónica; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Gómez González, Carlos María; González Rosa, Javier; Izquierdo Ayuso, Guillermo; Duque, Pablo; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación (2011)

Sequential P3 effects in a Posner’s spatial cueing paradigm: Trial-by-trial learning of the predictive value of the cue

Gómez González, Carlos María; Flores Barrios, Angélica; Digiacomo, Marcia R.; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel (Polish Neuroscience Society, 2009)
The neurocognitive consequences of correct or incorrect spatial prediction in a sequential S1–S2 paradigm were ...

Development of preparatory activity indexed by the contingent negative variation in children

Flores Barrios, Angélica; Digiacomo, Marcia R.; Meneres Sancho, María Susana; Trigo Sánchez, María Eva; Gómez González, Carlos María (Elsevier, 2009)
Objectives The present study investigated the effect of age on task-specific preparatory activation induced by a spatial ...

Numerical exploration of the influence of neural noise on the psychometric function

Gómez González, Carlos María (2008)
The relationship between stimulus intensity and the probability of detecting the presence of the stimulus is described by ...

Increased brain activation during the processing of spatially invalidly cued targets

Gómez González, Carlos María (2008)
In a spatial central cue Posner´s paradigm, positions in the vertical meridian were cued in order to evaluate the ...

Differential prefrontal-like deficit in children after cerebellar astrocytoma and medulloblastoma tumor

Márquez Rivas, Javier; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación; Quintero Gallego, Eliana Alexey; González Rosa, Javier; Gómez González, Carlos María (2008)

Quantitative electroencephalography reveals different physiological profiles between benign and remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis patients

Borges, Mónica; Gómez González, Carlos María; Duque, Pablo; Izquierdo Ayuso, Guillermo; González Rosa, Javier; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación (2008)

Declarative and procedural learning in children and adolescents with posterior fossa tumours

Márquez Rivas, Javier; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación; Quintero Gallego, Eliana Alexey; Pérez Santamaría, Francisco Javier; Gómez González, Carlos María (2006)

Differential cognitive impairment for diverse forms of multiple sclerosis

González Rosa, Javier; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación; Duque, Pablo; Borges, Mónica; Gamero, Miguel A.; Gómez González, Carlos María; Izquierdo Ayuso, Guillermo (2006)

A neurocognitive model for short-term sensory and motor preparatory activity in humans

Gómez González, Carlos María; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel (Universitat de Valencia, 2004)
The purpose of this review is to present information from different experiments that supports the proposal ...

Reduction of EEG power during expectancy periods in humans

Gómez González, Carlos María; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación; López Mendoza, Diana; González Rosa, Javier; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel (Polish Neuroscience Society, 2004)
The contingent negative variation (CNV), and the associated event-related desynchronization (ERD) on motor areas and sensory ...

Desarrollo diferencial del cuerpo calloso en relación con el hemisferio cerebral

Quintero Gallego, Eliana Alexey; Manaut Gil, Enrique; Rodríguez Martínez, Elena Isabel; Pérez Santamaría, Francisco Javier; Gómez González, Carlos María (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003)
El Cuerpo Calloso (CC) es una de las principales comisuras interhemisféricas en el hombre. Hoy en día, se ha enriquecido ...
Tesis Doctoral

Modulación atencional de los potenciales evocados visuales y del contenido espectral del EEG en sujetos humanos

Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Gómez González, Carlos María (2000)
La presente tesis doctoral aborda dos objetivos fundamentales. Por un lado se trata de explorar que ocurre con el contenido ...

Proyecto Coaster: un programa para generar prácticas interactivas basado en simulaciones matemáticas y aplicaciones multimedia

Gómez González, Carlos María; Vaquero Casares, Encarnación; Atienza Ruiz, Mercedes; Cantero Lorente, José Luis; Jiménez, María del Patrocinio; Bottemanne , I. (1999)
COASTER es un proyecto de la Unión Europea desarrollado por 6 universidades y 4 centros asociados de diferentes paises ...
Tesis Doctoral

Efecto del estado de activación cerebral sobre la duración de la memoria sensorial auditiva

Atienza Ruiz, Mercedes; Gómez González, Carlos María (1999)
Las evidencias halladas en la literatura sugieren que durante la fase REM del sueño permanece activo un sistema de ...
Tesis Doctoral

Caracterización electrofisiológica de la actividad alfa en tres estados de activación cerebral en sujetos humanos vigilia relajada, somnolencia y fase REM

Cantero Lorente, José Luis; Gómez González, Carlos María (1999)
La actividad alfa puede ser detectada de forma claramente observable en los estados de vigilia relajada, somnolencia y ...

Parametric control of saccadic eye movements demonstrated by principal component analysis

Jiménez Ridruejo, G.; Escudero González, Miguel; Gómez González, Carlos María; Pichardo, J.V. (1993)
Tesis Doctoral

Análisis etológico de conductas no verbales de cohesión, malestar, amenaza, lucha y neutras en escolares sevillanos

Vaquero Casares, Encarnación; Gómez González, Carlos María; Martínez García, Manuel Francisco (1992)

Localización neuroeléctrica de procesos cognitivos

Gómez González, Carlos María; Escera, Carles; Cilveti, Robert; Polo, M. Dolors; Díaz, Rosa; Portavella García, Manuel (Universitat de Barcelona/Elsevier, 1992)
Recording techniques of electrical cerebral activity with surface electrodes are shown and supported as a valid choice of ...
Tesis Doctoral

Análisis cuantitativo de la actividad neuronal en el nucleo motor ocular externo del gato

Gómez González, Carlos María; Delgado García, José María (1985)
Se registro la actividad eléctrica de las protoneuronas e interneutonas internucleares del núcleo del motor ocular externo ...