2020-04-072020-04-072020Crespo Márquez, A. y SIM Research Group (ETSI. University of Seville), (2020). Strategies for COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery. Applying Engineering Asset Management Principles. The Lancet Public Health2468-2667https://hdl.handle.net/11441/94965Versión preprint permitida por el editor Elsevier para subir a repositorios: http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/2468-2667/es/Current COVID-19 pandemic available data for Spain, Andalusia an its eight provinces have been analyzed. Utilizing a model recently published to predict pandemic behavior, confinement measures and their economic impact are analyzed. Applying principles for effective and efficient management of engineering assets, decision-making implications of establishing confinement at national, regional or local (province) level are analyzed. The quarantine time is formulated as a function of the delay in taking confinement measures in the territories. The delay is measured in time since the free expansion in the territory is observed. Results discussions and analysis help to formulate a recommended strategy that is presented in the paper. We aim for: (i) design action plans by local level but(ii) controlled centralized by a unique decisionmaking center considering by country. Benefits of that strategy are measured in quarantine times beside GDP loss toll recovery. The strategy would be even more convenient when tackling with successive waves of the pandemic, requesting immediate action on local relapsesapplication/pdf13 p.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/COVID-19 RecoveryLocal Confinement ReductionCOVID-19 Economic impactHealth policyEngineering Asset ManagementStrategies for COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery. Applying Engineering Asset Management Principlesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess