Tejedor Cabrera, AntonioMolina Huelva, Marta2018-02-062018-02-062017Bote Alonso, I. (2017). Sustainability and conservative rehabilitation of extremaduran patrimonial rural architecture against climate change. Vegaviana, caso de estudio. En IDA: Advanced Doctoral Research in Architecture (1º. 2017. Sevilla) (723-741), Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla.978-84-16784-99-8https://hdl.handle.net/11441/70013According to the texts of the own architect of Vegaviana, José Luis Fernández del Amo, the settlement was designed taking into account the place and the climate. However, and despite being a reference of Spanish modern architecture, Vegaviana is only highlighted by its unquestionable aesthetic and plastic qualities. This research creates a parallel and at the same time innovative line of architecture that reviews from the point of view of the criteria of what is currently considered as sustainable architecture the concern for the environment that remained latent in the architects of modernity. The main objectives of this research are to know if there is a bioclimatic behavior in the housing for settlers designed by José Luis Fernández del Amo in Vegaviana, to define sustainable rehabilitation proposals that preserve the sustainable aspects of the dwellings, and to generate a possible model of patrimonial rural architecture against climate change. The research will be based on simulations using advanced computer software for village dwellings, climate monitoring of the environment, preparation of rehabilitation proposals, application of sustainability indicators and indicators of climate change as well as the definition of models of global change. It is expected to verify that the housing for settlers of Vegaviana were designed with strategies of what we know today as bioclimatic architecture. It is expected to conclude that the architect expressed his environmental concerns in the design of housing, emphasizing, therefore, his implication with the environment.application/pdfspaAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Vegavianasettlementsustainabilityrehabilitationclimate ChangeSustainability and conservative rehabilitation of extremaduran patrimonial rural architecture against climate change. Vegaviana, caso de estudioSostenibilidad y rehabilitación conservadora de la arquitectura patrimonial extremeña contra el cambio climático. Vegaviana, caso de estudioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObjectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess