Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Presentation

      An apparently innocent problem in Membrane Computing 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Sevilla, 2019)
      The search for effcient solutions of computationally hard problems by means of families of membrane systems has lead to ...
    • Presentation

      Search Based Software Engineering in Membrane Computing 

      Turlea, Ana; Gheorghe, Marian; Ipate, Florentin (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Sevilla, 2019)
      This paper presents a testing approach for kernel P Systems (kP systems), based on test data generation for a given scenario. This method uses Genetic Algorithms to generate the input sets needed to trigger the given computation steps.