Now showing items 21-35 of 35

    • Presentation

      Equipartitioning triangles 

      Ramos Alonso, Pedro Antonio; Steiger, William (2013)
      An intriguing conjecture of Nandakumar and Ramana Rao is that for every convex body K ⊆ R2, and for any positive integer ...
    • Presentation

      Abstract Voronoi diagrams 

      Klein, Rolf (2013)
      Abstract Voronoi diagrams are a unifying framework that covers many types of concrete Voronoi diagrams. This talk reports on the state of the art, including recent progress.
    • Presentation

      Distance domination, guarding and vertex cover for maximal outerplanar graphs 

      Canales Cano, Santiago; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio; Oliveira Martins, Ana Mafalda de; Matos. Inês (2013)
      In this paper we de ne a distance guarding concept on plane graphs and associate this concept with distance domination and ...
    • Presentation

      On the enumeration of permutominoes 

      Nunes Gomes Tomás, Ana Paula (2013)
      Although the exact counting and enumeration of polyominoes remain challenging open problems, several positive results were ...
    • Presentation

      An algorithm that constructs irreducible triangulations of once-punctured surfaces 

      Chávez de Diego, María José; Lawrecenko, Serge; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad (2013)
      A triangulation of a surface is irreducible if there is no edge whose contraction produces another triangulation of the ...
    • Presentation

      Computing the stretch of an embedded graph 

      Cabello Justo, Sergio; Chimani, Markus; Hliněný, Petr (2013)
      Let G be a graph embedded in an orientable surface Σ, possibly with edge weights, and denote by len(γ) the length (the ...
    • Presentation

      On the barrier-resilience of arrangements of ray-sensors 

      Kirkpatrick, David; Yang, Boting; Zilles, Sandra (2013)
      Given an arrangement A of n sensors and two points s and t in the plane, the barrier resilience of A with respect to s and ...
    • Presentation

      Three location tapas calling for CG sauce 

      Plastria, Frank (2013)
      Based on some recent modelling considerations in location theory we call for study of three CG constructs of Voronoi type that seem not to have been studied much before.
    • Presentation

      Metaheuristic approaches for the minimum dilation triangulation problem 

      Dorzán, María Gisela; Leguizamón, Mario Guillermo; Mezura Montes, Efrén; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio (2013)
      We focus on the development of approximated algorithms to find high quality triangulations of minimum dilation because the ...
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      Parallel constrained Delaunay triangulation 

      Coll Arnau, Narcís; Guerrieri Basualdo, María Ethel (2013)
      In this paper we propose a new GPU method able to compute the 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation of a planar straight ...
    • Presentation

      Reporting flock patterns on the GPU 

      Fort i Masdevall, Marta; Sellarès Chiva, Joan Antoni; Valladares Cereceda, Ignacio (2013)
      In this paper we study the problem of finding flock patterns in a set of trajectories of moving entities. A flock refers ...
    • Presentation

      Solving common influence region queries with the GPU 

      Fort i Masdevall, Marta; Sellarès Chiva, Joan Antoni (2013)
      In this paper we propose and solve common influence region queries. We present GPU parallel algorithms, designed under ...
    • Presentation

      Guarding the vertices of thin orthogonal polygons is NP-hard 

      Nunes Gomes Tomás, Ana Paula (2013)
      An orthogonal polygon of P is called “thin” if the dual graph of the partition obtained by extending all edges of P towards ...
    • Presentation

      Some results on open edge guarding of polygons 

      Bajuelos Domínguez, António Leslie; Canales Cano, Santiago; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio; Oliveira Martins, Ana Mafalda de; Matos. Inês (2013)
      This paper focuses on a variation of the Art Gallery problem that considers open edge guards. The “open” prefix means the ...
    • Presentation

      Continuous surveillance of points by rotating floodlights 

      Bereg, Sergey; Díaz Báñez, José Miguel; Fort i Masdevall, Marta; Lopez, Mario A.; Pérez Lantero, Pablo; Urrutia Galicia, Jorge (2013)
      Let P and F be sets of n ≥ 2 and m ≥ 2 points in the plane, respectively, so that P∪F is in general position. We study the ...