Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Article

      AER image filtering architecture for vision-processing systems 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Andreou, Andreas G.; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1999)
      A VLSI architecture is proposed for the realization of real-time two-dimensional (2-D) image filtering in an ...
    • Article

      Compact low-power calibration mini-DACs for neural arrays with programmable weights 

      Linares Barranco, Bernabé; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Serrano Gotarredona, Rafael (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2003)
      This paper considers the viability of compact low-resolution low-power mini digital-to-analog converters (mini-DACs) for ...
    • Article

      Log-domain implementation of complex dynamics reaction-diffusion neural networks 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2003)
      In this paper, we have identified a second-order reaction-diffusion differential equation able to reproduce through parameter ...
    • Article

      Switched-capacitor neural networks for linear programming 

      Rodríguez Vázquez, Ángel Benito; Rueda Rueda, Adoración; Huertas Díaz, José Luis; Domínguez Castro, Rafael (Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1988)
      A circuit for online solving of linear programming problems is presented. The circuit uses switched-capacitor techniques ...
    • Article

      Switched-Current Chaotic Neurons 

      Delgado Restituto, Manuel; Rodríguez Vázquez, Ángel Benito (Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1994)
      The Letter presents two nonlinear CMOS current-mode circuits that implement neuron soma equations for chaotic neural ...