Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Article

      CHIELD: the causal hypotheses in evolutionary linguistics database 

      G Roberts, Seán; Killin, Anton; Deb, Angarika; Sheard, Catherine; Greenhill, Simon J; Sinnemäki, Kaius; Segovia- Martín, José; Nölle, Jonas; Berdicevskis, Aleksandrs; Humphreys- Balkawill, Archie; Little, Hannah; Opie, Christopher; Jacques, Guillaume; Bromham, Lindell; Tinits, Peeter; Ross, M.; Lee, Sean; Gasser, Emily; Calladine, Jasmine; Spike, Matthew; Mann, Stephen Francis; Shcherbakova, Olena; Singer, Ruth; Zhang, Shuya; Benítez Burraco, Antonio; Kliesch, Christian; Thomas-Colquhoun, Ewan; Skirgård, Hedvig; Tamariz, Monica; Passmore, Sam; Pellard, Thomas; Jordan, Fiona (Oxford University Press, 2020)
      Language is one of the most complex of human traits. There are many hypotheses about how it originated, what factors shaped ...
    • Article

      Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene climate history in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the environmental conditions of early Homo dispersal in Europe 

      Saarinen, Juha; Oksanen, Otto; Žliobaitė, Indrė; Fortelius, Mikael; DeMiguel, Daniel; Azanza, Beatriz; Bocherens, Hervé; Luzón, Carmen; Solano García, José Antonio; Courtenay, Lloyd A.; Blain, Hugues-Alexandre; Sánchez-Bandera, Christian; Serrano-Ramos, Alexia; Rodríguez-Alba, Juan José; Viranta, Suvi; Barsky, Deborah; Tallavaara, Miikka; Oms, Oriol; Agustí, Jordi; Ochando, Juan; Carrión, José S.; Jiménez-Arenas, Juan Manuel (Elsevier Science, 2021)
      The Guadix-Baza Basin (GBB) in Andalucía, Spain, comprises palaeontological and archaeological sites dating from the Early ...