Elia - 2014 - Nº 14
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/22675
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Artículo Intercultural Communication / Interaction(Universidad de Sevilla, 2014) Spencer Oatey, HelenArtículo Lexical Similarity Level between English and Portuguese(Universidad de Sevilla, 2014) Maldonado García, María Isabel; Borges de Souza, Ana MaríaAlthough the studies which calculate the similarity index between languages are abundant, to date the similarity index between English and Portuguese has not been calculated. When calculating the similarity index between English and Portuguese it is important to have in consideration the amount of Latin loan words English has received from Latin which may influence the similarity index. However, English is a Germanic language whereas Portuguese is a Romance language. The purpose of this research is to calculate this level of lexical similarity through the computational lexical distance comparison of 500 high frequency words in English and Portuguese and the identification of cognates. The main hypothesis of this study is based on the fact that English and Portuguese degree of genetic difference may be less than 30% considering that the comparison of English with other Romance languages has resulted in similar indexes The study is aimed at assisting students of English or Portuguese as an L2 with their language acquisition through the identification of items which present similarities in both languages and in this manner aid vocabulary acquisition.Artículo English in Finland: Opinions and Attitudes on the Use of Anglicisms(Universidad de Sevilla, 2014) Jódar Sánchez, José Antonio; Tuomainen, SirpaAs the lingua franca of the moment, English is widely used in Finland. In the first three sections, we offer an overview of the political, linguistic and social situation of English in that country. Despite the widespread use of English, no risk of displacement for Finnish seems to exist, mostly due to a balanced social diglossic configuration aligned with current globalizing forces. Section 5 focuses on the opinions and judgements of 15 randomly selected native Finnish speakers with regards to the use of anglicisms in Finnish, and other cultural-linguistic related issues including technology, social media, research, and health care. These data, collected through surveys and interviews, show divided opinions. On the one hand, despite the general accepted use of anglicisms, 3 Finnish participants hold negative views towards these borrowings. Specifically, these speakers think that using anglicisms instead of their equivalent native words is a “shame”, that their widespread use may bring “social inequality,” and that English is “taking over” Finnish. On the other hand, the other 12 speakers think that by being “open and flexible” one can “work its way” through situations where English is not only helpful but also necessary. These opposing stances, however, can be best viewed as points along a continuum of acceptance of English influence on Finnish, whereby even the most reluctant speakers use, sometimes unconsciously, anglicized Finnish speech. Finally, in section 6 we conclude by stating that English seems to hold the status of a second rather than a foreign language in Finland. This is due to the emerging English-Finnish bilingualism between young people and their consideration of English as a “language of identification” (House 2003). What the attitudes and opinions of our participants also show is that living abroad and studying a foreign language may be factors that create a more welcoming and open attitude towards English influence, and by extension, to that of other languages and cultures.Artículo La interculturalidad en la asignatura de inglés de la E.S.O. bilingüe en Sevilla, España(Universidad de Sevilla, 2014) Sánchez Torres, JorgeLa enseñanza de un idioma no puede separarse de la enseñanza de su(s) cultura(s) debido a que, como apuntan Grève y Van Passel (1971: 173), “la lengua representa en esencia uno de los principales aspectos de la cultura de una comunidad” y “el dominio de una lengua implica un conocimiento del uso social de la lengua y de su funcionamiento en las situaciones comunicativas diarias” (Gimeno Menéndez, 1997: 297). Sin embargo, los intentos de que el alumnado alcance conocimientos culturales apropiados para desenvolverse en interacciones con hablantes de otra lengua y cultura o, expresado con una terminología más reciente, de que adquiera una competencia interactiva intercultural para tal fin no están dando los frutos esperados debido al trato que se le da a la cultura, en términos de cantidad, calidad e importancia; el objetivo de este artículo es resumir un aspecto concreto de una investigación sobre la implementación y uso del auxiliar de conversación en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera de centros bilingües español/inglés de Sevilla. Además de mostrar los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación en cuanto al trato de la cultura, se pretende contrastar estos resultados con los de estudios previos que resaltan carencias y ofrecen consejos y recomendaciones de mejora para, con esta comparación, validar, fortalecer e insistir en la puesta en marcha de estas y otras sugerencias.Artículo The Role of Politeness in Apology Sequences: How to Maintain Harmony between Speakers(Universidad de Sevilla, 2014) Martínez Flor, Alicia; Beltrán Palanques, VicenteThe goal of the present paper is to provide a discourse-based teaching approach for the integration of the speech act of apologies from a communicative perspective. In so doing, special attention is paid to how sociocultural norms affect language use. The rationale behind the selection of this speech act is based on the fact that the realisation of this pragmatic aspect might be complex for learners of English as a Second/Foreign Language (SL/FL) not only when selecting appropriate utterances, but also in assessing what an offense involves and its severity (Bergman and Kasper, 1993). Taking these aspects into account, this paper provides first a review of politeness theory, then, a description of the speech act under investigation is presented, and finally, pedagogical implications regarding the integration of apologies in the second/foreign language classroom are suggested.Artículo The Distinctive Nature of Task Repetition in Writing. Implications for Theory, Research, and Pedagogy(Universidad de Sevilla, 2014) Manchón, Rosa M.This paper looks into the distinctive nature of task repetition (TR) in the environment of L2 writing and the potential language learning benefits that may derive from implementing various forms of TR. The main argument put forward is that it is theoretically and pedagogically relevant to problematize and expand current understandings of TR in the realm of oral tasks on account of both the defining characteristics of written communication, and the idiosyncrasy of the “external” and “internal” task repetition dimensions of writing tasks. The argument is constructed on the basis of three building blocks: (i) an analysis of the concept of TR as currently conceptualized and researched in the TBLT theoretical and empirical literature, and a review of the empirical literature on the nature and observed effects of TR in the oral modality; (ii) a discussion of the nature and potential effects of TR in the written modality, and, on the basis of the two previous building blocks, (iii) a reflection on implications for refinements in TBLT theorizing and for the expansion of empirical research agendas.