Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Article

      Root-cause analysis in the aftersales management 

      González-Prida, Vicente; Barberá Martínez, Luis; Crespo Márquez, Adolfo; Viveros, Pablo; Kristjanpoller, Fredy (Universidad del Zulia, 2014)
      This article focuses on one of the steps proposed by the authors as a framework for improving the management of post-sale ...
    • Presentation

      Understanding the new Context of Uncertainty and Risk under the 4th Industry Revolution 

      González-Prida, Vicente; Zamora, J.; Guillén López, Antonio Jesús; Fuente, Antonio de la; Viveros, Pablo; Martínez-Galán, Pablo; Candón, Eduardo; Moreu de León, Pedro (Research Publishing, 2019-09)
      The revolution towards the Industry 4.0, requires as a fundamental challenge the advanced treatment of risk in physical ...
    • Presentation

      Wind Farms Reliability Modelling for Life Cycle Cost Analysis 

      Kristjanpoller, Fredy; López-Campos, Mónica; Viveros, Pablo; Pascual, Rodrigo; González-Prida, Vicente; Crespo Márquez, Adolfo (Research Publishing, 2019-09)
      The present article explores the importance of developing a new methodology for the optimal sizing of a power generation ...