Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Presentation

      Individual memory about the 14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing 

      Ribes Metidieri, Ariadna (Fénix, 2016)
      The main objective of this memory is to stand out one of the research methods for developing new P system models observed ...
    • Presentation

      Stern-Gerlach Experiment 

      Arazo, María; Barroso Mancha, Marc; Torre, Óscar de la; Moreno Valero, Laura; Ribes Metidieri, Ariadna; Ribes Metidieri, Patricia; Ventura, Ana; Orellana Martín, David (Fénix, 2016)
      This work is about modelling an experiment composed by multiple Stern- Gerlach devices using Membrane Computing. We will ...
    • Presentation

      Uranium- decay chain 

      Arazo, María; Barroso Mancha, Marc; Torre, Óscar de la; Moreno Valero, Laura; Ribes Metidieri, Ariadna; Ribes Metidieri, Patricia; Ventura, Ana; Orellana Martín, David (Fénix, 2016)
      The main objective of this article is to modelize the process of decay of Uranium within the framework of Membrane ...