Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Article

      Estimating the impact from Fukushima in Southern Spain by I-131 and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry detection of I-129 

      Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; López Gutiérrez, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Agulló, L.; Peruchena, Juan Ignacio; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2017-01)
      After the Fukushima accident, large amounts of radionuclides were discharged to the atmosphere. Some of them travelled ...
    • Article

      I+D para detectar isótopos de difícil medida 

      López Gutiérrez, José María; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Peruchena, Juan Ignacio; Ortega-Feliú, Inés; Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Leganés Nieto, José Luis (Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos, ENRESA, 2012)
      Desde que el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) abriera sus puertas en 1997, los investigadores españoles cuentan con ...
    • Article

      Long-lived radionuclides in residues from operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants 

      López Gutiérrez, José María; Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; Peruchena, Juan Ignacio; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2013-01)
      Radioactive residues, in order to be classified as Low-Level Waste (LLW), need to fulfil certain conditions; the limitation ...
    • Article

      Recent evolution of 129-I levels in the Nordic Seas and the North Atlantic Ocean 

      Vivo Vilches, Carlos; López Gutiérrez, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Marcinko, Charlotte; Le Moigne, Frederic; McGinnity, Paul; Peruchena, Juan Ignacio; Villa Alfageme, María (Elsevier, 2018)
      Most of the anthropogenic radionuclide 129I released to the marine environment from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plants ...