Psicología Social
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Artículo 7 ejemplos de intervención basada en redes(Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2017) Maya Jariego, Isidro; Holgado Ramos, Daniel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialEl análisis de redes sociales resulta efectivo en el diseño, implementación y evaluación de intervenciones comunitarias. En este artículo mostramos, a través de diferentes ejemplos, cómo las redes sociales se han utilizado con éxito para poner en marcha procesos de influencia social, segmentar grupos y comunidades, promover el intercambio de apoyo social, coordinar organizaciones comunitarias, y facilitar la colaboración entre los participantes o los profesionales durante la aplicación de programas. El artículo se estructura en siete casos de aplicación de las redes en la intervención comunitaria: (1) la selección de jóvenes agentes de salud para desarrollar una campaña de prevención, (2) la división de una comunidad en subgrupos para interrumpir procesos de contagio, (3) la coordinación de entidades públicas y privadas que dan servicios a población inmigrante, (4) el diagnóstico participativo de necesidades en comunidades rurales y en organizaciones, (5) la interacción en grupos de auto-ayuda online de cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer, (6) la evaluación de los factores de riesgos y protección a través de las redes personales, y (7) la coordinación entre los aplicadores de un programa de prevención de drogodependencias. La revisión pone de manifiesto la utilidad práctica de algunos indicadores de centralidad individuales, las estrategias para identificar agrupaciones y contextos de interacción, la evaluación de la multiplicidad del apoyo social, y la descripción de propiedades estructurales emergentes.Artículo 7 usos del análisis de redes en la intervención comunitaria(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016) Maya Jariego, Isidro; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialEl análisis y la visualización de redes se integran de múltiples maneras en la intervención social y comunitaria. En esta revisión describimos siete usos específicos de las redes en el diseño, implementación y evaluación de programas, la dinamización comunitaria, y las campañas de prevención y promoción de la salud. En función de la estrategia de intervención, distinguimos (a) la selección de agentes de salud, (b) la segmentación de grupos en campañas de difusión de mensajes de prevención y promoción, (c) las coaliciones comunitarias, (d) el uso de la visualización de redes en dinámicas participativas de investigación-acción, (e) la intervención en grupos de auto-ayuda, (f) las encuestas comunitarias de redes personales y (g) el análisis de la interacción informal entre participantes o aplicadores en la implementación de programas. En cada caso describimos las características de la estrategia de intervención y resumimos las principales aplicaciones de las técnicas de análisis y representación gráfica de redes. Estas siete estrategias se resumen en tres funciones del análisis de redes en la intervención comunitaria: traducción relacional de conceptos, mejora de la efectividad a través de la interacción social, y herramienta de intervención por sí misma.Artículo A brief mHealth-based psychological intervention in emotion regulation to promote positive subjective well-being in cardiovascular disease patients: A non-randomized controlled trial(MDPI, 2022) Farhane-Medina, Naima Z.; Castillo Mayén, Rosario; Luque Salas, Bárbara; Rubio, Sebastián Jesús; Gutiérrez Domingo, Tamara; Cuadrado, Esther; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología Social; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). EspañaThe emotional impact that a cardiovascular disease may have on a person’s life can affect the prognosis and comorbidity of the disease. Therefore, emotion regulation is most important for the management of the disease. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of a brief mHealth psychological intervention in emotion regulation to promote positive subjective well-being in cardiovascular disease patients. The study sample (N = 69, 63.7 ± 11.5 years) was allocated to either the experimental group (n = 34) or control group (n = 35). The intervention consisted of a psychoeducational session in emotion regulation and an mHealth-based intervention for 2 weeks. Positive subjective well-being as a primary outcome and self-efficacy to manage the disease as a secondary outcome were assessed at five time points evaluated over a period of 6 weeks. The experimental group showed higher improvement in positive subjective well-being and self-efficacy for managing the disease compared to the control group over time. The experimental group also improved after the intervention on all outcome measures. Brief mHealth interventions in emotion regulation might be effective for improving positive subjective well-being and self-efficacy to manage the disease in cardiovascular patients.Capítulo de Libro A Community-Based Intervention to Enhance Posttraumatic Growth among Refugees in Receiving Societies(Routledge, 2023) Paloma, Virginia; Martínez-Damia, Sara M.; Morena, Irene de la; López-Torres, Clara; Berbel, Isabel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialThis chapter discusses a community-based intervention aimed at enhancing the posttraumatic growth (PTG) of refugees in receiving societies. First, we contextualize this contribution by presenting the literature on PTG in forced migration. Specifically, we present the main factors identified in the literature as fueling the emergence of PTG among refugees, as well as interventions that have been carried out to enhance PTG in this population. We highlight the scarce existence of interventions in general, and of those with a community-based approach in particular. Later, we describe in depth the proposed community-based intervention, providing access to its implementation manual to facilitate its worldwide adaptation. Finally, based on our experience in southern Spain, lessons learned and implications for PTG promotion among forcibly displaced individuals are discussed. We stress the need to value the strengths of the refugees, to create safe community-based scenarios through peer-mentoring and peer-support-group formats, and to offer refugees the possibility of playing an active and meaningful role as agents of change in their own growth and that of their community.Artículo A Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Roma Health Justice in a Deprived District in Spain(MDPI, 2019) Miranda Rojas, Daniela; García Ramírez, Manuel; Balcázar, Fabricio; Suárez Balcázar,Yolanda; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialAddressing health disparities and promoting health equity for Roma has been a challenge. The Roma are the largest disadvantaged ethnic minority population in Europe and have been the victims of deep social and economic injustices, institutional discrimination, and structural antigypsyism over many centuries. This has resulted in a much worse health status than their non-Roma counterparts. Current strategies based on ameliorative and top-down approaches to service delivery have resulted in paradoxical e_ects that solidify health disparities, since they do not e_ectively address the problems of vulnerable Roma groups. Following a health justice approach, we present a community-based participatory action research case study generated by a community and university partnership intended to address power imbalances and build collaboration among local stakeholders. This case study involved a group of health providers, Roma residents, researchers, Roma community organizations, and other stakeholders in the Poligono Sur, a neighborhood of Seville, Spain. The case study comprises four phases: (1) identifying Roma health assets, (2) empowering Roma community through sociopolitical awareness, (3) promoting alliances between Roma and community resources/institutions, and (4) building a common agenda for promoting Roma health justice. We highlighted best practices for developing processes to influence Roma health equity in local health policy agendas.Artículo A longitudinal study on perceived health in cardiovascular patients: The role of conscientiousness, subjective wellbeing and cardiac self-efficacy(PLOS, 2019) Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Gutiérrez Domingo, Tamara; Vecchione, Michele; Cuadrado, Esther; Castillo-Mayén, Mª del Rosario; Rubio García, Sebastián J.; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Delgado Lista, Javier; Jiménez-Pérez, Pablo; Luque Salas, Bárbara; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología Social; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). EspañaCardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s most prevalent chronic disease and the leading chronic cause of morbidity. There are several psychosocial factors associated with quality of life during CVD. Our main objectives were to analyze the roles of conscientiousness, subjective wellbeing and self-efficacy beliefs. The sample comprised 514 patients (mean age 63.57 years) who were assessed twice over a nine-month interval. At Time 1, participants answered a questionnaire assessing conscientiousness, perceived subjective wellbeing (positive and negative affect, life satisfaction), cardiac self-efficacy and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The same variables (except for conscientiousness) were re-assessed at Time 2. Results showed that conscientiousness had a positive relation with subjective wellbeing, cardiac self-efficacy, and HRQoL at Time 1. Moreover, cardiac self-efficacy at Time 1 had a positive longitudinal effect on HRQoL at Time 2, while controlling for autoregressive effects. Mediation analyses indicated that the relationship between conscientiousness and HRQoL was mediated by positive affect and cardiac self-efficacy. These results suggest the usefulness of psychosocial interventions aimed at promoting positive affect and self-efficacy beliefs among CVD patients.Artículo A multilevel model of job inclusion of employees with disabilities: The role of organizational socialization tactics, coworkers social support, and an inclusive team context(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2024) Sanclemente Ibáñez, Francisco José; Gamero Vázquez, Nuria; Medina Díaz, Francisco José; Mendoza Denton, Rodolfo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología Social; Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD). España; Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO). EspañaThe main objective of this study was to examine the role of social context as a main mechanism to understand how organizational socialization tactics influence job inclusion of employees with disabilities (EWD). Specifically, we analyzed the influence of socialization that employees without disability received by the organization on two indicators of EWD's job inclusion, organizational learning, and desire to stay in the organization. First, we examined the mediator role of social support perceived by EWD in the aforementioned relationships. Second, we used a cross-level moderating approach to examine how an inclusive team context (affective climate toward disability and stigma shared by team members without disability) impacts on the relationship between EWD's perceptions of social support and both indicators of job inclusion. Our sample was composed by 258 employees included in 66 teams from 15 organizations. Each team included one worker with disability. Two sources of information were used: EWD to measure perceived social support and indicators of job inclusion, and coworkers to measure socialization tactics, team affective climate toward disability, and team stigma. We used multilevel modeling and cross-level moderation with MPLUS to test our hypotheses. Our results showed that EWD's perceptions of social support mediated the relationship between organizational socialization tactics and both indicators of EWD's job inclusion. Team affective climate toward disability and team stigma moderated the relationship between EWD's perceptions of social support and organizational learning. Thus, the social context showed potential improving EWD's job inclusion. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.Artículo A pragmatic guideline for evaluation of social intervention(Cambridge University Press, 2005) Herrera Sánchez, Isabel María; León Rubio, José María; Medina Anzano, Silvia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialConsidering the many theoretical and methodological viewpoints in the field of evaluation, a guideline was established to facilitate the evaluation of social intervention programs. For this purpose, the goals of the evaluation were taken into account: (a) planning interventions, (b) learning and continuous improvement of interventions, (c) programming policies, and (d) transformation of society. These goals will determine the perspective of the analysis selected (focusing on the evaluand or the context) and the strategies for change employed (focusing on processes or results). The elements that, according to Shadish, Cook, and Levinton (1991), constitute the theory of evaluation (evaluand, value, building of knowledge, and uses) have also been considered. The analysis of all these components led to the elaboration of a guideline to orient the practice of evaluation from a pragmatic perspective, in accordance with the demands and needs of a certain social context.Artículo A relational view of Psychological Empowerment and Sense of Community in academic contexts: a preliminary study(MDPI, 2019) Ramos Vidal, Ignacio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialScholars need to pay attention to understand the factors that shape the interactions between individuals and social groups. Constructs like Psychological Sense of Community (PSoC) and Psychological Empowerment (PE) are powerful constructs used to evaluate the antecedents and the consequences of individual attachment to social settings. In parallel, recent advances in network analysis show that the position occupied within whole networks and ego-centric networks are relational factors that affect the subjective perception of membership to social groups. Studies that are conducted in organizational and community settings show strong associations between PSoC and PE. However, these connections have rarely been evaluated within natural settings such as the classroom context. On the other hand, although the theoretic basis of PSoC and PE claims that both processes are formed in a relational way, there are few studies that empirically evaluate the effects of social connectedness on the emergence of PSoC—referred to the classroom—and PE referred to academic-task development. The aim of this research is to determine the effects that the position occupied in formal and informal exchange networks induce on PSoC and PE dimensions. Sixty-four students enrolled in a master degree program (women = 68.8%, Mean age = 26.09, SD = 3.88) participated in this cross-sectional study. Multivariate analyses and network analyses were performed to test the hypotheses under study. The main research finding is that PSoC and PE are synergistic constructs that mutually shape to each other. In relational terms, by sending several nominations in informal networks, it is possible to generate notable impacts on some PSoC dimensions, while receipt of a wide number of nominations in formal contact networks is associated with high levels of PE. In addition, individuals who present high levels of PE are located in the core of formal exchange networks. These results are discussed in order to design actions to increase PSoC and PE in postgraduate academic settings.Artículo A social norms campaign based positive intervention aimed at promoting protective behaviours(Frontiers Media, 2024) Cuadrado, Esther; Arenas Moreno, Alicia; Tabernero Urbieta, Carmen; Maldonado Herves, Miguel Ángel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialIntroduction: Social norms campaigns are communication strategies designed to influence people’s behaviour by highlighting the social norms of their reference group. Such campaigns have been shown to be effective in promoting healthy behaviours in a variety of settings. This study explored the effectiveness of a social norms campaign applied to COVID-19 protective behaviours among university students during the pandemic. Methods: A total of 141 university students (83.1% female, 16.9% male) with a mean age of 21.55 years (SD = 4.33) initially took part in an experimental pre-test-post-test longitudinal panel study between January and July 2022, with participants randomly assigned to a control group (46 participants) or an experimental group (95 participants). Considering the experimental attrition, only 83 participants completed the last questionnaire (81.9% female, 18.1% male; mean age = 22.12 years, SD = 5.29), of whom 32 belonged to the control group and 51 to the experimental group. Results: The Student’s t-test show that participants in the experimental group, who were exposed to the campaign, reported higher levels of self-efficacy, protective behavioural intention, and protective behaviours than the control group. Discussion: It is concluded that social norms campaigns applied to COVID-19 protective behaviours are effective in times of pandemic and might be extrapolated to other epidemic contexts. Copyright © 2024 Cuadrado, Arenas, Tabernero and Maldonado.Artículo A spatial approach to the study of the electoral resurgence of the extreme right in Southern Spain(Springer, 2022) Iglesias Pascual, Ricardo; Benassi, Federico; Paloma, Virginia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialThis study analyzes at a local level (i.e. census tract) the spatial patterns and main contextual factors related to the electoral resurgence of the extreme-right party (VOX) in Southern Spain (Andalusia) in 2018 and 2019. The 2019 electoral data was associated with the percentage of total foreign-born population, degree of territorial concentration of economic migrants, average income level, percentage of elderly people, urban/rural areas and the percentage of vote for VOX in 2018 (t − 1). We used a global and local spatial autocorrelation analysis to detect the spatial patterns of the vote for VOX and a spatial Durbin regression model to assess the role of contextual variables and spatial effects. The results underline the importance of space in modelling the vote for VOX and point to the existence of a spatial diffusion process. Previous electoral behavior and the urban milieu also play key roles in explaining the vote for VOX. Moreover, the territorial concentration of economic migrants is negatively related with the vote for VOX, which illustrates the positive character of interracial contact.Artículo A systematic review to determine the role of public space and urban design on sense of community(Wiley, 2024) Ramos Vidal, Ignacio; Domínguez de la Ossa, Elsy ; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialThe aim of this research is to determine the effect that the physical characteristics of public spaces and their perceived quality have on residents’ sense of community (SoC). A systematic review was carried out following the protocol of the PRISMA guidelines; a systematic search was conducted in the Web of Science Core Collection, resulting in the retrieval of 637 records. After several screenings, 23 studies were identified. The results suggest that the perceived quality of public spaces exerts positive effects, but of moderate intensity, on SoC (range = 0.13–0.4, Mβ = 0.24, SD = 0.1), as does the possibility of walking to public spaces within the neighbourhood (range = 0.02–0.57; Mβ = 0.22; SD = 0.21). The results indicate that designing public spaces that facilitate social interaction is the main factor for enhancing SoC. The main findings of this review justify the design of public spaces and built environments that favour interpersonal relationships between residents, serve as contexts for socialization and community participation and can be used to celebrate cultural and recreational events for promoting social capital in urban contexts.Artículo Abogacía por la salud de la población gitana: capacitación de profesionales del Distrito Sanitario Sevilla(Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria, 2020-11-22) Albar Marín, María Jesús; Miranda Rojas, Daniela; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Enfermería; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialSe describe la experiencia de un taller cuyo objetivo fue capacitar a profesionales para abogar por la salud de la población gitana. La abogacía por la salud es recomendada por organismos internacionales y expertos en salud pública para superar las inequidades en salud. Participaron 16 profesionales de tres centros de salud de barrios con una alta densidad de población gitana, en riesgo de exclusión social. El taller se organizó en tres sesiones dirigidas a sensibilizar, dar a conocer el marco conceptual y metodológico de la abogacía, y disenar ˜ un plan de abogacía. Se pone de manifiesto la utilidad de este espacio de reflexión y análisis, y la necesidad de abogar por la salud de la población gitana, junto a otros agentes gitanos/as y sectores comunitarios, identificando oportunidades y utilizando los recursos comunitarios. Futuras investigaciones deben profundizar en el desarrollo de planes de abogacía intersectoriales y difundirlos, para facilitar su implementación en otros contextos de características similares.Artículo Acculturation of host individuals: Immigrants and personal networks(Springer, 2008) Domínguez, Silvia; Maya Jariego, Isidro; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialThere has been a vast amount of research on the changes experienced by immigrants, but little is known about the changes experienced by host individuals. This article focuses on the role of host individuals in the networks of relations between immigrant populations and the communities from the dominant culture, as well as the changes experienced by host individuals because of their continuous contact with immigrants. This research applied a network approach to the study of the acculturation of host individuals. Two independent studies were carried out: a systematic analysis of the personal networks of Argentinean (n = 67), Ecuadorian (n = 59), Italian (n = 37) and German (n = 37) residents in Seville and Cadiz (Spain) (Study 1); and an ethnographic study with human service workers for Latin American immigrants in Boston (USA) (Study 2). With two different strategies, the role of host individuals in personal networks of foreigners in the United States and Spain was analyzed. The results show that host individuals tend to have less centrality than compatriots, showing an overall secondary role in the personal networks of immigrants. The lowest average centrality was observed in recent and temporal migrants, whereas the highest corresponded to the individuals with more time of residence in Spain. The personal networks of human service providers in the United States vary in ethnic composition and in their structural properties, and therefore shape different types of integrative bridges for immigrants.Artículo Acompañamiento paterno durante la carrera deportiva: Asesoramiento en los escalafones inferiores de un Club de Fútbol(Tulio Guterman/, 2011) Lorenzo Fernández, Macarena; Bohórquez Gómez-Millán, María Rocío; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialLos padres, como agentes socializadores significativos, aportan a los hijos información relevante acerca de su rendimiento que tendrá una enorme influencia en el proceso de formación deportiva de éstos (Fredricks y Eccles 2004). Los procesos de evaluación, las estructuras de refuerzos y las expectativas de los padres juegan un rol determinante en la motivación –deportiva– de los jóvenes jugadores (White, 2007). Para una formación deportiva integral de calidad, es necesario tratar estos aspectos asesorando a los padres de los jugadores acerca de las competencias y habilidades a desarrollar que supondrán un acompañamiento positivo en la carrera deportiva de sus hijos. La preparación para el éxito y el fracaso, para el estilo de vida propio de la competición deportiva y especialmente para el apoyo en la formación integral del futbolista, son los ejes centrales del programa de acompañamiento que en un club de fútbol se pone a disposición de las familias de sus futbolistas. El protocolo de actuación dentro de este programa contempla medidas que abarcan desde la escuela de padres hasta el asesoramiento integral individualizado, proporcionando a cada familia las herramientas que cada situación particular requiere.Tesis Doctoral Acoso laboral: diagnóstico de factores psicosociales implicados en su desarrollo(2005-09-29) Muñoz Flores, Herminia; Barón Duque, Miguel; Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialArtículo El acoso psicológico desde una perspectiva organizacional: papel del clima organizacional y los procesos de cambio(2006) Muñoz Flores, Herminia; Barón Duque, Miguel; Munduate Jaca, María Lourdes; Guerra de los Santos, José Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialPonencia La actitud innovadora en la Universidad(Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, 2014) Baena Medina, Magdalena Sofía; Troyano Rodríguez, Yolanda; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialEl objetivo de este estudio es obtener datos exploratorios acerca de la actitud innovadora y proponer formas en las que la Universidad puede promover dicha actitud. Para ello se pasó un cuestionario a 149 estudiantes de primer año de psicología 2013 – 2014 y se llevó a cabo una revisión teórica de la literatura existente actualmente sobre este tema, basándonos principalmente en la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado y el Modelo de Actitud Innovadora de INNAC, que propone la existencia de tres aspectos que afectan a la actitud innovadora. Los datos mostraron puntuaciones elevadas tanto en la puntuación global de actitud innovadora como en las específicas relativas a los tres niveles.Artículo Actitudes del profesorado de EGB ante el fracaso escolar(Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 1990) Juidías Barroso, Jerónimo; León Rubio, José María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialArtículo ¿Actitudes homofóbicas en adolescentes de Andalucía?: estudio de un caso(2014) Borja Gil, Francisco Javier; Núñez Domínguez, Trinidad; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Psicología SocialEl presente trabajo estudia las distintas actitudes que tienen una muestra de adolescentes del Instituto Llanes de Sevilla (España) hacia el colectivo homosexual, partiendo de la pregunta: ¿los y las adolescentes son homófobos? Se entiende la homofobia como “actitud negativa de cariz prejuicioso hacia un individuo debido a su orientación sexual, desde la visión de superioridad moral y de deshumanización de quien lo comete”. Los resultados demostraron que la edad y el sexo eran las variables que más influían, por lo que los chicos eran más homófobos que las chicas y los estudiantes de menor edad tenían actitudes más negativas hacia las personas homosexuales. Se presenta también un programa intervención multicomponente que pretende corregir estas creencias y actitudes negativas hacia el colectivo gay