Biología Vegetal y Ecología
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Capítulo de Libro 2250. Dunas litorales con Juniperus spp.(Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, 2009) Muñoz Reinoso, José Carlos; Gracía Prieto, F. Javier; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Bermejo Bermejo, Elena; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM318: Ecologia de Sistemas Agrarios, Ganaderos y ForestalesDunas estabilizadas del interior del sistema dunar, cubiertas con matorrales de vegetación madura de porte arbustivo alto dominadas por enebro marítimo y sabina (Juniperus), típicos de la costa termoatlántica y de algunos sectores del litoral mediterráneo.Artículo A Comparative Analysis of Carbon Footprint in the Andalusian Autochthonous Dairy Goat Production Systems(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023) Mancilla Leytón, Juan Manuel; Morales Jerrett, Eduardo; Muñoz Vallés, Sara; Mena Guerrero, Yolanda; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestales; European Union (UE)The small ruminant livestock sector faces the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Carbon footprint (CF) studies on dairy goats, the most widely used indicator to quantify the impact of livestock farming on global warming, are still few. The aim of this study was to calculate the CF of the different production systems of autochthonous dairy goat breeds presently occurring in Andalusia (S Spain) and identify systems and practices that can minimize their environmental impact in these terms. Twenty-one farms were monitored during a year, obtaining valuable information that allowed the CF calculation on a “cradle-to-gate” approach, taking into account both GHG emissions at the farm level and carbon sink by vegetation associated with land-based systems. Results showed similar CF values for the analyzed systems (1.42, 1.04, 1.15, and 1.17 kg CO2-eq kg−1 fat–protein corrected milk for indoor systems without associated crops, indoor systems with associated crops, grazing systems with high feed supply, and pastoral systems, respectively). To minimize their environmental impact, specific actions must be developed for each system, particularly regarding genetic improvement, reproductive and feeding management, including pasture management, and the integration of livestock activity into the bio-circular economy with the help of professional advice.Artículo A comparative karyological study of Helianthemum (Cistaceae): karyotype size, karyotype symmetry and evolution of chromosome number(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2023) Martín Hernanz, Sara; González Albaladejo, Rafael; Rubio Pérez, Encarnación; Volkova, Polina; Miara, Mohamed Djamel; Ulukuş, Deniz; Sezgin, Mehmet; Aparicio Martínez, Abelardo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK); IBIW RASIn this study we assessed karyotype size and symmetry for a comprehensive taxonomic and geographic representation of Helianthemum and reconstructed chromosome number evolution in the genus. Using root tips, we photographed mitotic metaphase spreads to obtain chromosome number, total haploid (monoploid) length of the chromosome set (THL), karyotype formula, Stebbins’ classification of karyotype asymmetry, interchromosomal coefficient of variation of chromosome length (CVCL) and intrachromosomal mean centromeric asymmetry (MCA) using MATO (Measurement and Analysis Tools). We found that shifts in chromosome number are not a major driver in the evolution of Helianthemum, whose chromosome number evolved at a constant rate of single chromosome gain or loss. Karyotype asymmetry is very low and little variable in all taxonomic categories studied, with a predominance of metacentric and submetacentric small to medium-sized chromosomes about 3 μm at the genus level. However, total karyotype length varies from 16.91 μm to 47.84 μm at the species level, with a cytogenetic signature that is not conserved within subgenera and most sections. Overall, H. subg. Plectolobum shows both the longest and the most symmetrical karyotypes. We hypothesize that the variation in karyotype size in Helianthemum is likely a consequence of chromosome rearrangements that have occurred under selective pressures.Artículo A comparative limnological study of the Guadalhorce reservoirs system (Málaga, S.E. Spain)(Universitat de Girona, 1990) Armengol, J.; Catalán, J.; Gabellone, N.; Jaume, D.; Manuel, J. de; Marti, E.; Toja Santillana, Julia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica (CAICYT). España; Ministerio de Obras Públicas. EspañaA partir de les dades obtingudes en les visites durant el període de barreja (mar$ 1988) i estratificació (setembre 1988) en els tres embassaments del Sistema Guadalhorce, s'analit- zen les respectives diferkncies físico-químiques i biolbgiques. Tot i que els tres embassaments presenten un contingut en sals dissoltes relativament alt, Conde de Guadalhorce és d'aigües carbonatades, mentre que a Guadalhorce són impor- tants els clorurs i Guadalteba té composició intermtdia. En aquests dos darrers embassa- ments la preskncia dels clorurs comporta la formació d'una haloclina molt marcada, que a Guadalhorce és permanent. Pel que fa a les seves caractenstiques trbfiques, Guadalteba i Guadalhorce són eutrbfi- ques, la qual cosa es reflecteix en les altes concentracions de nutrients i de pigments foto- sintktics, i en la seva elevada respiració i ETS. D'altra banda, Conde de Guadalhorce es pot considerar com a mesotrofic, a més de no esgotar-se l'oxigen de l'hipolirnnion durant l'estiu.Artículo A complex genetic structure of Tetraclinis articulata (Cupressaceae) in the western Mediterranean(Oxford University Press, 2021) García Castaño, Juan Luis; Balao Robles, Francisco J.; Lorenzo Romero, M. Teresa; Véla, Errol; Hadjadj-Aoul, Seghir; Mifsud, Stephen; Terrab Benjelloun, Anass; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). EspañaSome tree species have distributions on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Sicily. It is a challenge to determine whether such distributions result from the Tertiary or Pleistocene or from more recent dispersal related to human activities. Tetraclinis articulata (Cupressaceae) is a gymnosperm that offers an ideal model to deal with this problem because it has a limited area of distribution and has been used only moderately by humans. Three hundred and twenty-three individuals from 30 populations covering the entire distribution of the species were analysed. A multiple approach was developed: (1) by assessing the genetic structure through two molecular techniques, AFLP and nSSR markers, which were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of these populations and the relationships among them and (2) by estimating past distributions. Four lineages of populations that are geographically intermixed to a certain extent are documented here. Results obtained are discussed in the context of palaeontological records and climatic models. There is evidence of an ancient widespread distribution, including Europe, and the subsequent appearance of four isolated lineages that, nowadays, are partially intermixed. Nevertheless, the origin of the current populations could not be fully ascertained through this work, although logical deductions are discussed that consider human activities or, much less probably, wind dispersal of seeds out of refugia in northern Africa-southern Europe during the Quaternary, including shore connections.Artículo A comprehensive approach to antioxidant activity in the seeds of wild legume species of tribe fabeae(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2016) Pastor Cavada, Elena; Juan Rodríguez, Rocío; Pastor Díaz, Julio Enrique; Alaiz Barragán, Manuel Santiago; Vioque Peña, Javier; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y EcologíaThe benefits of polyphenols have been widely demonstrated in recent decades. In order to find new species with a high biological functionality, the antioxidant activity of the polyphenol extracts from seeds of 50 taxa of tribe Fabeae (Lathyrus, Lens, Pisum, and Vicia) fromSpain has been studied. Considering the average concentration obtained fromthe data in the four genera of the Fabeae tribe, Pisum and Lathyrus show the highest average polyphenol concentration. The highest specific antioxidant activity as well as the antioxidant activity coefficient was observed in Pisum and Vicia. However, with respect to the total antioxidant activity, the highest average value was observed in Lathyrus and Pisum.The results obtained reveal that many of the wild taxa examined could be potential source of antioxidantsArtículo A conceptual map of invasion biology: Integrating hypotheses into a consensus network(Wiley-Blackwell, 2020) Vilà, Montserrat; Enders, M.; Havemann, F; Ruland, F.; Bernard Verdier, M.; Catford, Jane A.; Gómez Aparicio, Lorena; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). España; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation (DFG); Czech Science Foundation; Czech Academy of Sciences; Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Reino UnidoBackground and aims: Since its emergence in the mid-20th century, invasion biology has matured into a productive research field addressing questions of fundamental and applied importance. Not only has the number of empirical studies increased through time, but also has the number of competing, overlapping and, in some cases, contradictory hypotheses about biological invasions. To make these contradictions and redundancies explicit, and to gain insight into the field’s current theoretical structure, we developed and applied a Delphi approach to create a consensus network of 39 existing invasion hypotheses. Results: The resulting network was analysed with a link-clustering algorithm that revealed five concept clusters (resource availability, biotic interaction, propagule, trait and Darwin’s clusters) representing complementary areas in the theory of invasion biology. The network also displays hypotheses that link two or more clusters, called connecting hypotheses, which are important in determining network structure. The network indicates hypotheses that are logically linked either positively (77 connections of support) or negatively (that is, they contradict each other; 6 connections). Significance: The network visually synthesizes how invasion biology’s predominant hypotheses are conceptually related to each other, and thus, reveals an emergent structure – a conceptual map – that can serve as a navigation tool for scholars, practitioners and students, both inside and outside of the field of invasion biology, and guide the development of a more coherent foundation of theory. Additionally, the outlined approach can be more widely applied to create a conceptual map for the larger fields of ecology and biogeography.Artículo A conserved C-terminal peptide of sorghum phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase promotes its proteolysis, which is prevented by Glc-6P or the phosphorylation state of the enzyme(Springer Nature, 2021) Gandullo Tovar, Jacinto Manuel; Álvarez Morales, Rosario; Feria Bourrellier, Ana Belén; Monreal Hermoso, José Antonio; Díaz, Isabel; Vidal, Jean; Echevarría Ruiz de Vargas, Cristina; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y EcologíaMain conclusion: A synthetic peptide from the C-terminal end of C4-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is implicated in the proteolysis of the enzyme, and Glc-6P or phosphorylation of the enzyme modulate this effect. Abstract: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a cytosolic, homotetrameric enzyme that performs a variety of functions in plants. Among them, it is primarily responsible for CO2 fixation in the C4 photosynthesis pathway (C4-PEPC). Here we show that proteolysis of C4-PEPC by cathepsin proteases present in a semi-purified PEPC fraction was enhanced by the presence of a synthetic peptide containing the last 19 amino acids from the C-terminal end of the PEPC subunit (pC19). Threonine (Thr)944 and Thr948 in the peptide are important requirements for the pC19 effect. C4-PEPC proteolysis in the presence of pC19 was prevented by the PEPC allosteric effector glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6P) and by phosphorylation of the enzyme. The role of these elements in the regulation of PEPC proteolysis is discussed in relation to the physiological context.Artículo A Culturomics-Based Bacterial Synthetic Community for Improving Resilience towards Arsenic and Heavy Metals in the Nutraceutical Plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023) Flores Duarte, Noris J.; Pajuelo Domínguez, Eloísa; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Navarro Torre, Salvadora; Rodríguez Llorente, Ignacio David; Redondo Gómez, Susana; Carrasco López, José Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Microbiología y Parasitología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Junta de Andalucía; Universidad de SevillaPlant-growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) help plants thrive in polluted environments and increase crops yield using fewer inputs. Therefore, the design of tailored biofertilizers is of the utmost importance. The purpose of this work was to test two different bacterial synthetic communities (SynComs) from the microbiome of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, a moderate halophyte with cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical applications. The SynComs were composed of specific metal-resistant plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria and endophytes. In addition, the possibility of modulating the accumulation of nutraceutical substances by the synergetic effect of metal stress and inoculation with selected bacteria was tested. One of the SynComs was isolated on standard tryptone soy agar (TSA), whereas the other was isolated following a culturomics approach. For that, a culture medium based on M. crystallinum biomass, called Mesem Agar (MA), was elaborated. Bacteria of three compartments (rhizosphere soil, root endophytes, and shoot endophytes) were isolated on standard TSA and MA media, stablishing two independent collections. All bacteria were tested for PGP properties, secreted enzymatic activities, and resistance towards As, Cd, Cu, and Zn. The three best bacteria from each collection were selected in order to produce two different consortiums (denominated TSA- and MA-SynComs, respectively), whose effect on plant growth and physiology, metal accumulation, and metabolomics was evaluated. Both SynComs, particularly MA, improved plant growth and physiological parameters under stress by a mixture of As, Cd, Cu, and Zn. Regarding metal accumulation, the concentrations of all metals/metalloids in plant tissues were below the threshold for plant metal toxicity, indicating that this plant is able to thrive in polluted soils when assisted by metal/metalloid-resistant SynComs and could be safely used for pharmaceutical purposes. Initial metabolomics analyses depict changes in plant metabolome upon exposure to metal stress and inoculation, suggesting the possibility of modulating the concentration of high-value metabolites. In addition, the usefulness of both SynComs was tested in a crop plant, namely Medicago sativa (alfalfa). The results demonstrate the effectiveness of these biofertilizers in alfalfa, improving plant growth, physiology, and metal accumulation.Artículo A framework for biological information models(Universidad de Sevilla, 1997) Berendsohn, Walter G.; Anagnostopoulos, Anastasios; Jakupovic, Jasmin; Nimis, Pier-Luigi; Valdés Castrillón, Benito; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y EcologíaArtículo A holocentric twist to chromosomal speciation?(Elsevier, 2022-08) Lucek, Kay; Augustijnen, Hannah; Escudero Lirio, Marcial; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM210: Ecología, Evolución y Conservación de la BiodiversidadChromosomal rearrangements trigger speciation by acting as barriers to gene flow. However, the underlying theory was developed with monocentric chromosomes in mind. Holocentric chromosomes, lacking a centromeric region, have repeatedly evolved and account for a significant fraction of extant biodiversity. Because chromosomal rearrangements may be more likely retained in holocentric species, holocentricity could provide a twist to chromosomal speciation. Here, we discuss how the abundance of chromosome-scale genomes, combined with novel analytical tools, offer the opportunity to assess the impacts of chromosomal rearrangements on rates of speciation by outlining a phylogenetic framework that aligns with the two major lines of chromosomal speciation theory. We further highlight how holocentric species could help to test for causal roles of chromosomal rearrangements in speciation.Artículo A Horizon Scan Exercise for Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in Iberian Inland Waters(Elsevier, 2023) Oficialdegui, Francisco J.; Zamora Marín, José M.; Guareschi, Simone; Anastácio, Pedro M.; García Murillo, Pablo; Ribeiro, Filipe; Miranda, Rafael; Cobo, Fernando; Gallardo, Belinda; García Berthou, Emili; Hermoso López, Virgilio; Ros Clemente, Macarena; Sánchez Ordóñez, Marta Isabel; Oliva Paterna, Francisco J.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Zoología; EU LIFE Program; Foundation for Science and Technology (FST); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. PortugalAs the number of introduced species keeps increasing unabatedly, identifying and prioritising current and potential Invasive Alien Species (IAS) has become essential to manage them. Horizon Scanning (HS), defined as an exploration of potential threats, is considered a fundamental component of IAS management. By combining scientific knowledge on taxa with expert opinion, we identified the most relevant aquatic IAS in the Iberian Peninsula, i.e., those with the greatest geographic extent (or probability of introduction), severe ecological, economic and human health impacts, greatest difficulty and acceptability of management. We highlighted the 126 most relevant IAS already present in Iberian inland waters (i.e., Concern list) and 89 with a high probability of being introduced in the near future (i.e., Alert list), of which 24 and 10 IAS, respectively, were considered as a management priority after receiving the highest scores in the expert assessment (i.e., top-ranked IAS). In both lists, aquatic IAS belonging to the four thematic groups (plants, freshwater invertebrates, estuarine invertebrates, and vertebrates) were identified as having been introduced through various pathways from different regions of the world and classified according to their main functional feeding groups. Also, the latest update of the list of IAS of Union concern pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 includes only 12 top-ranked IAS identified for the Iberian Peninsula, while the national lists incorporate the vast majority of them. This fact underlines the great importance of taxa prioritisation exercises at biogeographical scales as a step prior to risk analyses and their inclusion in national lists. This HS provides a robust assessment and a cost-effective strategy for decision-makers and stakeholders to prioritise the use of limited resources for IAS prevention and management. Although applied at a transnational level in a European biodiversity hotspot, this approach is designed for potential application at any geographical or administrative scale, including the continental one.Artículo A multi-taxa assessment of aquatic non-indigenous species introduced into Iberian freshwater and transitional waters(Pensoft Publishers, 2023) Zamora Marín, José M.; Ruiz Navarro, Ana; Oficialdegui, Francisco J.; Anastácio, Pedro M.; Miranda, Rafael; García Murillo, Pablo; Ros Clemente, Macarena; Sánchez Ordóñez, Marta Isabel; Oliva Paterna, Francisco J.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Zoología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; LIFE INVASAQUA. U.E.; Fundación Biodiversidad. Gobierno de España; Gobierno de Navarraleading to multi-faceted ecological, economic and health impacts worldwide. The Iberian Peninsula comprises an exceptionally biodiverse Mediterranean region with a high number of threatened and endemic aquatic species, most of them strongly impacted by biological invasions. Following a structured approach that combines a systematic review of available information and expert opinion, we provide a comprehensive and updated multi-taxa inventory of aquatic NIS (fungi, macroalgae, vascular plants, invertebrates and vertebrates) in Iberian inland waters. Moreover, we assess overall patterns in the establishment status, introduction pathways, native range and temporal introduction trends of listed NIS. In addition, we discuss the legal coverage provided by both national (Spanish and Portuguese) and European NIS regulations. We inventoried 326 aquatic NIS in Iberian inland waters, including 215 established, 96 with uncertain establishment status and 15 cryptogenic taxa. Invertebrates (54.6%) and vertebrates (24.5%) were the groups with the highest number of NIS, with Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Chordata being the most represented phyla. Recorded NIS originated from diverse geographic regions, with North and South America being the most frequent. Vertebrates and vascular plants were mostly introduced through intentional pathways (i.e. release and escape), whereas invertebrates and macroalgae arrived mostly through unintentional ways (i.e. contaminant or stowaway). Most of the recorded NIS were introduced in Iberian inland waters over the second half of the 20th century, with a high number of NIS introductions being reported in the 2000s. While only 8% of the recorded NIS appear in the European Union list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern, around 25% are listed in the Spanish and Portuguese NIS regulations. This study provides the most updated checklist of Iberian aquatic NIS, meeting the requirements set by the EU regulation and providing a baseline for the evaluation of its application. We point out the need for coordinated transnational strategies to properly tackle aquatic invasions across borders of the EU members.Artículo A new classification of Cyperaceae (Poales) supported by phylogenomic data(Wiley-Blackwell, 2021) Larridon, Isabel; Zuntini, Alexandre R.; Léveillé Bourret, Étienne; Barrett, Russell L.; Starr, Julian R.; Muasya, A.M.; Escudero Lirio, Marcial; Baker, William J.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y EcologíaCyperaceae (sedges) are the third largest monocot family and are of considerable economic and ecological importance. Sedges represent an ideal model family to study evolutionary biology due to their species richness, global distribution, large discrepancies in lineage diversity, broad range of ecological preferences, and adaptations including multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis and holocentric chromosomes. Goetghebeur′s seminal work on Cyperaceae published in 1998 provided the most recent complete classification at tribal and generic level, based on a morphological study of Cyperaceae inflorescence, spikelet, flower, and embryo characters, plus anatomical and other information. Since then, several family-level molecular phylogenetic studies using Sanger sequence data have been published. Here, more than 20 years after the last comprehensive classification of the family, we present the first family-wide phylogenomic study of Cyperaceae based on targeted sequencing using the Angiosperms353 probe kit sampling 311 accessions. In addition, 62 accessions available from GenBank were mined for overlapping reads and included in the phylogenomic analyses. Informed by this backbone phylogeny, a new classification for the family at the tribal, subtribal, and generic levels is proposed. The majority of previously recognized suprageneric groups are supported, and for the first time, we establish support for tribe Cryptangieae as a clade including the genus Koyamaea. We provide a taxonomic treatment including identification keys and diagnoses for the 2 subfamilies, 24 tribes, and 10 subtribes, and basic information on the 95 genera. The classification includes five new subtribes in tribe Schoeneae: Anthelepidinae, Caustiinae, Gymnoschoeninae, Lepidospermatinae, and Oreobolinae.Artículo A new HaCV-EBHSV recombinant lagovirus circulating in European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from Catalonia, Spain(Nature Publishing Group, 2024-02-04) Almeida, Tereza; Lopes, Ana M.; Estruch, Josep; Rouco Zufiaurre, Carlos; Cavadini, Patrizia; Neimanis, Aleksija; Abrantes, Joana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; European Union (UE); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. PortugalIn 2020/2021, several European brown hare syndrome virus (EBHSV) outbreaks were recorded in European hares (Lepus europaeus) from Catalonia, Spain. Recombination analysis combined with phylogenetic reconstruction and estimation of genetic distances of the complete coding sequences revealed that 5 strains were recombinants. The recombination breakpoint is located within the non-structural protein 2C-like RNA helicase (nucleotide position ~ 1889). For the genomic fragment upstream of the breakpoint, a non-pathogenic EBHSV-related strain (hare calicivirus, HaCV; GII.2) was the most closely related sequence; for the rest of the genome, the most similar strains were the European brown hare syndrome virus (EBHSV) strains recovered from the same 2020/2021 outbreaks, suggesting a recent origin. While the functional impact of the atypical recombination breakpoint remains undetermined, the novel recombinant strain was detected in different European brown hare populations from Catalonia, located 20–100 km apart, and seems to have caused a fatal disease both in juvenile and adult animals, confirming its viability and ability to spread and establish infection. This is the first report of a recombination event involving HaCV and EBHSV and, despite the recombination with a non-pathogenic strain, it appears to be associated with mortality in European brown hares, which warrants close monitoring.Artículo A new methodology for estimating rainfall aggressiveness risk based on daily rainfall records for multi-decennial periods(Elsevier, 2018) García Barrón, Leoncio; Morales González, Julia; Sousa Martín, Arturo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada IIThe temporal irregularity of rainfall, characteristic of a Mediterranean climate, corresponds to the irregularity of the environmental effects on soil. We used aggressiveness as an indicator to quantify the potential environmental impact of rainfall. However, quantifying rainfall aggressiveness is conditioned by the lack of sub-hourly frequency records on which intensity models are based. On the other hand, volume models are characterized by a lack of precision in the treatment of heavy rainfall events because they are based on monthly series. Therefore, in this study, we propose a new methodology for estimating rainfall aggressiveness risk. A new synthesis parameter based on reformulation using daily data of the Modified Fournier and Oliver's Precipitation Concentration indices is defined. The weighting of both indices for calculating the aggressiveness risk is established by multiple regression with respect to the local erosion R factor estimated in the last decades. We concluded that the proposed methodology overcomes the previously mentioned limitations of the traditional intensity and volume models and provides accurate information; therefore, it is appropriate for determining potential rainfall impact over long time periods. Specifically, we applied this methodology to the daily rainfall time series from the San Fernando Observatory (1870–2010) in southwest Europe. An interannual aggressiveness risk series was generated, which allowed analysis of its evolution and determination of the temporal variability. The results imply that environmental management can use data from long-term historical series as a reference for decision making.Artículo A non-homogeneous model of chromosome-number evolution to reveal shifts in the transition patterns across the phylogeny(Wiley-Blackwell, 2023) Shafir, Anat; Halabi, Keren; Escudero Lirio, Marcial; Mayrose, Italy; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Israel Science Foundation; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). EspañaChanges in chromosome numbers, including polyploidy and dysploidy events, play a key role in eukaryote evolution as they could expediate reproductive isolation and have the potential to foster phenotypic diversification. Deciphering the pattern of chromosome-number change within a phylogeny currently relies on probabilistic evolutionary models. All currently available models assume time homogeneity, such that the transition rates are identical throughout the phylogeny. Here, we develop heterogeneous models of chromosome-number evolution that allow multiple transition regimes to operate in distinct parts of the phylogeny. The partition of the phylogeny to distinct transition regimes may be specified by the researcher or, alternatively, identified using a sequential testing approach. Once the number and locations of shifts in the transition pattern are determined, a second search phase identifies regimes with similar transition dynamics, which could indicate on convergent evolution. Using simulations, we study the performance of the developed model to detect shifts in patterns of chromosome-number evolution and demonstrate its applicability by analyzing the evolution of chromosome numbers within the Cyperaceae plant family. The developed model extends the capabilities of probabilistic models of chromosome-number evolution and should be particularly helpful for the analyses of large phylogenies that include multiple distinct subclades.Artículo A phylogenetic hypothesis for Helianthemum (Cistaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula(Universidad Complutense: Servicio de Publicaciones, 2013) Parejo Farnés, Clara; González Albaladejo, Rafael; Arroyo Marín, Juan; Aparicio Martínez, Abelardo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y EcologíaWe have sequenced the nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1+5.8S+ITS2) from samples collected in the field belonging to all taxa of Helianthemum in the Iberian Peninsula and analysed the data matrix by both Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood approaches. The phylogenetic hypothesis that we present here provides strong support for the monophyly of the genus and for the above-species systematics (sections and subgenera) considered in Flora iberica. Nevertheless, most species and subspecies in sections Helianthemum and Pseudocistus clustered in ample polytomies with poor resolution and branch support. This topology is interpreted to be consequence of frequent events of hybridization and introgression and/or rapid adaptive radiation in the genus Helianthemum, the most diversified lineage within the family Cistaceae.Artículo A procedure to assess the spatial variability in the importance of abiotic factors affecting distributions: the case of world freshwater fishes(Oxford University Press, 2018) Manjarrés Hernández, Ana; Guisande González, Cástor; García Roselló, Emilio; Pelayo Villamil, Patricia; Gónzález Dacosta, Jacinto; Heine, Jüngen; González Vilas, Luis; Granado Lorencio, Carlos Antonio; Duque, Santiago R.; Miguel Lobo, Jorge Juan; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y EcologíaUnderstanding the factors shaping species' distributions is a key longstanding topic in ecology with unresolved issues. The aims were to test whether the relative contribution of abiotic factors that set the geographical range of freshwater fish species may vary spatially and/or may depend on the geographical extent that is being considered. The relative contribution of factors, to discriminate between the conditions prevailing in the area where the species is present and those existing in the considered extent, was estimated with the instability index included in the R package SPEDInstabR. We used 3 different extent sizes: 1) each river basin where the species is present (local); 2) all river basins where the species is present (regional); and 3) the whole Earth (global). We used a data set of 16,543 freshwater fish species with a total of 845,764 geographical records, together with bioclimatic and topographic variables. Factors associated with temperature and altitude show the highest relative contribution to explain the distribution of freshwater fishes at the smaller considered extent. Altitude and a mix of factors associated with temperature and precipitation were more important when using the regional extent. Factors associated with precipitation show the highest contribution when using the global extent. There was also spatial variability in the importance of factors, both between species and within species and from region to region. Factors associated with precipitation show a clear latitudinal trend of decreasing in importance toward the equator.Artículo A scenario- guided strategy for the futuremanagement of biological invasions(Wiley, 2024-03-11) Roura Pascual, Núria; Saul, Wolf Christian; Pérez-Granados, Cristian; Rutting, Lucas; Peterson, Garry D.; Latombe, Guillaume; Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; Vilà, Montserrat; Jonathan M.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Austrian Science Fund (FWF); Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)Future dynamics of biological invasions are highly uncertain because they depend on multiple social–ecological drivers. We useda scenario-based approach to explore potential management options for invasive species in Europe. During two workshops involv-ing a multidisciplinary team of experts, we developed a management strategy arranged into 19 goals relating to policy, research,public awareness, and biosecurity. We conceived solutions for achieving these goals under different plausible future scenarios, andidentified four interrelated recommendations around which any long-term strategy for managing invasive species can be struc-tured: a European biosecurity regime, a dedicated communication strategy, data standardization and managementtools, and a monitoring and assessment system. Finally, we assessed the feasibility of the management strategy and found sub-stantial differences among scenarios. Collectively, our results indicate that it is time for a new strategy for managing biologicalinvasions in Europe, one that is based on a more integrative approach across socioeconomic sectors and countries