ELIA: Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/2476
Consejo Editorial | Consejo editorial |
ISSN | 1576-5059 |
e-ISSN | 2253-8283 |
DOI | https://dx.doi.org/10.12795/elia |
OJS | Acceso directo revista OJS |
Centro | UNED - 623 Edif. Humanidades |
Departamento | Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas UNED |
Dirección Postal | Pº Senda del Rey, 7, Sevilla. España |
Correo | rchacon@flog.uned.es |
Áreas de Conocimiento | Lingüística |
Those interested in submitting a paper for publication in ELIA must send the full manuscript to the below address. Proposals related to any field within applied (English/Hispanic) linguistics will be given consideration, particularly those related to the teaching, learning/acquisition, and interactive uses of English (either independently or in contact with Spanish or some other language). All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by members of the editorial board as well as external referees. Papers submitted for publication –only one per author– may be written in English or Spanish and must follow ELIA’s Guidelines for publication (see below). Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published elsewhere in the submitted form. A brief cover letter (including institutional affiliation and present position) along with the full manuscript should be submitted in a Word document and sent by email as an attachment to either of the following addresses: rchacon@flog.uned.es
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Artículo A bilingual glossary for IELTS band 5(Universidad de Sevilla, 2009) Serrano Van der Laan, MartaA thematic, bilingual glossary was used in an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) course at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. This paper reports on an evaluation performed on this glossary with the objective of determining its validity as a learning tool, as well as its usefulness in helping students pass IELTS at the required band mark. An overview of the literature on the subject of word lists, list-learning and bilingual pair vocabulary learning, together with a critical discussion of the glossary allows positive conclusions to be reached regarding the glossary’s validity. However, the difficulty of ascertaining any tangible influence of the glossary in students’ exam results reveals that the second objective of the evaluation may have been too ambitious. This paper pleads in favor of decontextualized vocabulary learning and the use of bilingual word pairs in SLA theory and English language teaching.Artículo A communicative view of the rightful place of nonverbal communication in native -and foreign- language teaching(Universidad de Sevilla, 2002) Brosnahan, LegerNonverbal communication, an essential component of all languages, has been, for a number of historical reasons, almost completely neglected in the teaching of both native and foreign languages. Speech has often been added to reading and writing as proper goals of language teaching, but the need for knowing nonverbal communication if one is speaking face-to-face with another is only slowly being realized. What is needed are two-language, detailed, descriptive contrasts of the nonverbal communication of the native and the target dialects or languages. No such contrast is currently more needed than one contrasting the nonverbal-communication systems of Standard Spanish and Standard American English.Artículo A Conversation Analysis of EFL Teachers’ Gesture in Language Elicitation Stage(Universidad de Sevilla, 2015) Wanphet, PhalangchokUsing a Conversation Analytic (CA) method, this study explores English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ nonverbal gestures during the elicitation stage: when they elicit new words and language structures from students. In total, three hours of interactions between six EFL teachers and students during the elicitation stage in six classes are recorded and then analyzed. The teachers’ gestures are categorized according to their functions, while the classroom speech exchange, in which the EFL teachers’ gestures are identified, is examined. An analysis reveals that 1) EFL teachers’ gestures serve many pedagogical and interactional functions: managing student behavior, regulating interaction, involving students, explaining language features, evaluating students’ responses, and showing EFL teachers’ expectations for students’ language production; 2) functions of EFL teachers’ gestures sequentially correspond to the students’ responses placed on the immediate preceding turns; and 3) students not only listen to what the EFL teacher says but also interpret and later react, both verbally and nonverbally, to the teachers’ gestures.Artículo A corpus-based study of adverbs of frequency in a goal-oriented distance learning forum(Universidad de Sevilla, 2018) Bobkina, Jelena; Stefanova Radoulska, SvetlanaThis paper reports on a corpus-based study that investigated the use of frequency adverbs in students’ posts in a goal-oriented virtual forum. The participants in the study were undergraduate students enrolled in two distance learning undergraduate degrees at the International University of la Rioja (Spain), and whose English language level was B1. The forum was part of one of the modules taught within a BEd program with a major in English Language Teaching. The study used a mixed-method approach and the results showed that the erroneous usage of the selected set of adverbs represents 7.47% of the total number of errors. For the classification of the errors, an error taxonomy was designed, including 9 error types. Findings revealed that the most common error types were those related to the position of frequency adverbs in the clause. The paper argues for the unique value of data gathered from virtual forums for the design of preventionoriented teaching material, based on predictable errors.Artículo A pragmatic analysis framework for the description of modality usage in academic English contexts(Universidad de Sevilla, 2001) Piqué, Jordi; Posteguillo, Santiago; Andreu-Besó, J. VicentIn our pragmatic approach to research articles (RAs), we take a look at one of the main characteristics of academic writing: the use of modalized statements. Modalization, in the form of modal verbs, has been extensively studied by ESP researchers and practitioners. Most of their studies, however, have slightly touched upon the distinction between epistemic modality, which questions the certainty or probability of a statement, and deontic modality, which lays obligations or gives permission to the audience. This dichotomy is an important tool to describe disciplinary variations in academic and professional writing. We contend that different disciplines favor different types of modality. Results in this study indicate that health science RAs mostly use epistemic modality, whereas literary criticism RAs combine the use of both epistemic and deontic modality.Artículo A state-of-the art review of background knowledge as one of the major factors that influence reading comprehension performance(Universidad de Sevilla, 2009) Lahuerta Martínez, Ana CristinaThe aim of this paper is to review the research carried out to date on the use and effect of background knowledge on reading comprehension. We want to reflect on the use of background knowledge in first (L1) and second (L2) language reading comprehension and on the interrelation between language proficiency and background knowledge in reading comprehension performance. This study aims to provide more insight into the relationship between prior knowledge and reading comprehension, which will add to the knowledge of reading research and will help better understand the role of these factors and how they affect one another.Artículo A strategic, process-oriented approach for an ESP reading course in the humanities(Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Placci, Graciela; Longhini, Ana MaríaThis paper aims at describing pedagogical materials especially designed for an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course for undergraduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences (mainly majoring in Education, History, and Geography) at a national public university in Argentina. It expands on the rationale behind the methodology and its practical application. The lessons in the manual seek to transfer to practical application theories based on the latest findings in reading, cognitive psychology and educational psychology. The contribution of the learner's systemic knowledge, exploited in cross-reference with their schematic knowledge, plus the application of metacognitive and monitoring strategies have been our guidelines for the design of the activities. Since our main aim is to facilitate the learners’ interpretation of texts while simultaneously improving their language skills, we base our approach on systemic functional grammar. Each lesson we teach addresses questions aimed at unveiling the ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings of the reading texts that we use as didactic units.Artículo Academic literacy, genres and competences: a didactic model for teaching English to translation students(Grupo de investigación La lengua inglesa en el ámbito universitario PAI: HUM 0397), en coedición con la Facultad de Filología de la UNED: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2017) Liendo, Paula; Palmira Massi, MaríaAcademic literacy has been the subject of many publications in the last decade. Yet, the practices to develop it still need to be carefully contextualised, in accordance with the field of studies, the academic context, and even the language in which they are to be implemented. The aim of this work is to develop a didactic model that caters for the needs of (mainly advanced) students of a Certified Translation course. Achieving an acceptable standard of academic literacy involves linguistic and extra-linguistic –discursive, sociocultural, metacognitive–competences, together with translation competence. Additionally, the study of English from a contrastive perspective –regarded as a problemsolving task and applied at the lexical, syntactic, textual and sociocultural levels– is deemed unavoidable. This didactic model has an ESP (English for Specific purposes) and textual approach. The approach suggested for the implementation of this model includes metacognitive and metalinguistic reflection, cognitive and linguistic recognition and production, text analysis, design and assessment, discussion, negotiation, and social interaction.Artículo Adaptación del discurso del profesor L2 a la competencia transicional del alumno de nivel elemental(2000) Fonseca Mora, Mª del Carmen; Cuenca Villarín, María Heliodora; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Lengua Inglesa)Artículo La adquisición de /v/ en la interfonología español-inglés: un estudio sociolingüístico de estudiantes montevideanos(2012) Canale, GermánLa adquisición del sistema fonológico de una lengua extranjera se encuentra guiada/condicionada por varios factores (psicológicos, cognitivos, lingüísticos, ambientales, sociolingüísticos, culturales, etc.). En este artículo, analizo la influencia de tres variables sociolingüísticas (sexo, nivel de lengua y tipo de instrucción formal) en la adquisición del fonema inglés /v/ por parte de hablantes nativos de español. El corpus utilizado comprende entrevistas realizadas a 48 estudiantes montevideanos (Montevideo, Uruguay) con diferentes niveles de competencia en inglés y en dos escenarios diferentes de instrucción formal: colegios bilingües e institutos de lengua. El análisis demuestra que la interfonología de los estudiantes puede ser descrita analizando el patrón de variación que existe entre el sonido [v] propio del inglés y la variante [b] propia de la interfonología español-inglés en el habla de estos estudiantes. Además, el análisis del modo en que operan las variables sociolingüísticas seleccionadas -por separado y en conjunto- en el proceso de adquisición de /v/ arroja luz sobre algunas cuestiones teóricas de interés para la sociolingüística y la lingüística aplicada a la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras.Artículo Adverb orientation: semantics and pragmatics(Universidad de Sevilla, 2002) García Núñez, José MaríaOrientation is a well known property of some adverbs in English. Early approaches to the topic simply offered a systematisation of paraphrase relations between these adverbs and the corresponding adjectives. Current cognitive (Nakamura, 1997) and Event Logic (García Núñez, 1999) approaches have discovered simpler semantic components in adverb orientation. This study presents cases of Subject Oriented Adverbs pragmatically oriented to non explicit participants, and demonstrates that the proposed analyses in terms of simpler meaning components provide a good basis for a predictive and explanatory account of adverb orientation to both explicit and implicit participants.Artículo Affect in L2 learning and teaching(2009) Arnold Morgan, Jane; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Lengua Inglesa)Artículo Age-related changes in people over 60: implications for second language learning and teaching(Universidad de Sevilla, 2004) Pace, Cinzia; Topini, AlessandraLonger life expectancy and easier ways of traveling have modified the over- 60’s way of life in rich countries. The concept of life-long learning, the desire for self-fulfillment, and the interest in cultures different from one’s own are the main reasons why people over 60 take up language courses abroad or in their own country. Our paper examines the over-60s in relation to their increasing demand for foreign language courses. The age-related physical and psychological changes of this group that could have an influence on the language learning process should be considered by the teacher, e.g. when deciding the language teaching techniques to be employed. Furthermore, knowledge of the over-60’s specific needs, abilities and potential could be applied to the design of a targeted foreign language syllabus. The aging process is different in each individual and some suggestions for language teaching might not be necessary for those who are not subject to the age-related changes mentioned; they can however make the teaching and learning process easier in language classes made up entirely of people over 60.Artículo An exploration of EFL teaching practices in light of teachers' language proficiency(Universidad de Sevilla, 2021) Abad, Mónica; Argudo, Juanita; Fajardo-Dack, Tammy; Cabrera, PatricioThe influence of target language proficiency on language teaching practices is not a new area of research; nevertheless, there is still lack of knowledge since some research results have yield weak and inconclusive findings in different contexts. This research examines the relationship between EFL teachers' language proficiency and their teaching practices. An explanatory sequential mixed-methods design was followed and two data collection instruments were used: an English proficiency test, to determine the EFL teachers' proficiency level and a class observation scheme, to record instructional practices of seventeen EFL teachers systematically. The percentage of time spent on the different categories of the first part of the scheme and proportions of each category of the second part of the scheme were calculated to perform a Spearman correlation test. After that, a qualitative analysis of the teaching practices was conducted in order to get a deeper understanding of the quantitative data. The results indicate that higher proficient teachers provide better quality of input and feedback and are better models for learners; however, a direct influence on classroom management was not found. An equal focus on pedagogy and methodology instruction as well as on target language improvement is suggested for EFL teacher education programs.Artículo Análisis metodológico de programas "CALL"(Universidad de Sevilla, 2000) Sánchez Ortega, AndrésIn an attempt to keep pace with new technology in all aspects of today’s life, we undertook the study of the recent Second Language Acquisition methodological tendency brought about by the use of computers in the language classroom (or at the student’s home). The objective of the work is to develop a questionnaire based on the most outstanding and most generally accepted theories and principles through which one can arrive at the acquisition of the L2 (i.e. input, output, interaction, motivation, error analysis, pedagogical principles, communicative competence). Once we developed the questionnaire, we applied it to CALL programmes through a thorough analysis of their operation. We then will have an objective test of the degree of methodological principles observed in the computer programmes. One conclusion of the research is that this new teaching methodology aide is beginning to attract the attention of the students and educators alike. CALL applications can assume brilliantly the role of the book and improve upon it. We make it clear that, in addition to the linguistic and technological views, the methodological view is one of the components that must be taken into account when making a CALL programme.Artículo Analysis of the factors associated with the curricular integration of online bilingual dictionaries in eflt(Universidad de Sevilla, 2022) Buitrago García, Hilda ClarenaThe current increase in the use of mobile devices in the foreign language classroom has expanded the presence of lexical tools such as free-access online bilingual dictionaries. Unfortunately, their use is not adequately explained and regulated yet. This lack of pedagogical intentionality gave rise to a research study focused on the curricular integration of these types of dictionaries in the context of teaching English as a foreign language at the higher education level. This article documents the process that was carried out to design and implement a triangulation matrix that allowed an integrative synthesis of the data provided by the sample made up of four EFL university teachers through three data collection instruments. This integrative synthesis facilitated the identification of a series of factors associated with the curricular integration of bilingual online dictionaries. This identification led to a series of administrative, pedagogical, and didactic proposals aimed at strengthening said process in foreign language teaching contexts.Artículo Anglicismos y Galicismos en artículos periodísticos sobre moda(Universidad de Sevilla, 2018) Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Yliana VirginiaEn el campo semántico de la moda existen hoy varios términos tomados en préstamo del inglés y del francés. Si bien el segundo cuenta con una tradición más antigua, en los últimos años el inglés ha tomado gran protagonismo. En este trabajo estudio los anglicismos y galicismos presentes en un corpus constituido por artículos periodísticos de una revista publicada en español. A partir del análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de 71 entradas léxicas, analizo -desde una perspectiva sincrónica- la incorporación de los préstamos al español, atendiendo tanto a su propagación y adaptación como al grado de aceptabilidad asignado por hablantes encuestados para tal finalidad. A modo de conclusión, valoro la relación entre la norma social y la prescriptiva. Al considerar la inclusión de las palabras en los diccionarios consultados, las ocurrencias en el corpus, la adaptación, y la aceptación de los préstamos, se observa que no todas las palabras que cuentan con propagación, adaptación y aceptación en el sistema receptor han sido normativizadas.Artículo Applicability and variation of Swales' Cars model to applied linguistics article abstracts(Universidad de Sevilla, 2018) Sánchez, Jorge AlbertoThis study examines, from a diachronic-comparative perspective, the applicability and variation of the Create a Research Space (CARS) model to informative abstracts of empirical applied linguistics research articles (RAs) in English published in two high impact academic journals (TESOL Quarterly and Reading Research Quarterly). A pilot study of a smaller sample of 20 abstracts chosen from the 92-abstract corpus published in a twenty-year period (1981–2001) with a five-year interval between each year of publication showed that CARS was applicable to only part of the data and that there were also other rhetorical categories not captured by this framework. The move-step analysis of the 92-abstract corpus indicated that ‘Announcing present research’, within the move ‘Occupying the niche’, was the most commonly used step and with the most variation over time. As regards the categories not captured by CARS, it was found that the step ‘Drawing conclusions’, within the move ‘Discussing the research’, was employed in almost half of the abstracts of the corpus and it also varied in the years analyzed. The moves ‘Occupying the niche’ and the sections not captured by CARS, i.e., ‘Describing the methodology’, ‘Summarizing the results’, and ‘Discussing the research’, were the most commonly used and with most variation in the corpus over time. These results suggest that most authors from both journals announce the present research and to inform about the rest of the RA, they include the rhetorical sections ‘Describing the methodology’, ‘Summarizing the results’, and ‘Discussing the research’.Artículo El aprendizaje de inglés a través de contenidos académicos. Un estudio de caso en EE.UU.(2012) García Rico, Juan Ignacio