IDA: Advanced Doctoral Research in Architecture (1º. 2017. Sevilla)
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Ponencia Hydraulic heritage and the construction of the territory: the irrigation communities(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Delgado Quintana, Guacimara; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaAs can be seen in many documentation from the 15th century, when the first European conquerors arrived in the Canary Islands, they observed how the canarian developed simple strategies for capturing and channeling the waters for the irrigation of the orchards. In the repartimientos, initiated in 1485, the lands were distributed with the water, linking the water of the summits to the low lands, where the first great monoculture, the sugar cane, was implanted. Once the irrigated lands were distributed, the grateful ones formed the first irrigation community, called generically heredamiento. From this moment, the irrigation ditches are spreading over the territory, generating a rich heritage that still exists, and whose territorial logic is the one that is intended to unravel with the current thesis.Ponencia The roof thermal behavior in a tropical-equatorial climate(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Torres-Quezada, Jefferson; Coch Roura, H.; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThe use of construction materials in response to the climate where it is located is a priority that has lost importance in architecture, in recent years. This has had repercussions in the increasing use of active systems to reduce the thermal discomfort in the residences. This study focuses on the comparison of the two most relevant roofs of the Ecuadorian Coast: metal roof and concrete roof, and the energy repercussions on the building. The results show a completely opposite thermal behavior between these two roofs, both day and night. Finally, these results allow to determine the thermal mass and the emissivity of the roof as fundamental parameters that deserve to be analyzed in future investigations. The final purpose of the thesis will be to establish guidelines or future rules to design in these climates.Ponencia Model management of habitability in protected wild areas (ASP) case study Torres del Paine National Park (PNTP), Patagonia Chile(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Villanueva, Laura; Cuchí i Burgos, Albert; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaTourism in the Chilean Patagonia has grown rapidly since the last decade, promoted to a large extent by state actions and encouraged by private companies with the aim of turning this region into a pole of attraction for tourism, by encouraging the productive development of the country. This tourism is based on the geographic values of this extreme territory and on one of the most fragile natural environments of the country. These foci of interest are mostly located within the Magallanes Region located within the National System of Protected Wild Areas belonging to 58.9% of the total area of the region, with Torres del Paine National Park receiving the largest number of visitors doubling their income over the last decade over an area of 181,229 ha. This "invasion of nature tourism" has so far demanded services that cover the needs of visitors, which have been resolved unsustainably and with little management measures of the impacts that these facilities can cause in the Protected Wild Areas, generating a risk to the conservation, therefore the most important objectives in the creation of a National Park. Today they have been designed to open to medium-term tourism development with the arguments to decentralize the flow of activities in Torres del Paine Park. In general they are places of great extensions where the time to travel them entails the temporary permanence within them which implies to inhabit them by times limited. There are currently no management plans with a Sustainability approach for these wilderness areas of the region that can solve the habitability management within them through a methodology of material flows. On this enormous territory is where it is proposed to approach the subject, studying the metabolic flows that the habitability implies in Torres del Paine as well as the material flows that are given to satisfy it, then formulate a proposal that can be adapted to the rest of the Wild Areas Protected and with the limitations that this implies of its relation with the environment, which is a challenge that is extrapolable to another scale if we consider that for sustainability, the whole planet is but a great natural park in which we must inhabit.Ponencia Sustainability and conservative rehabilitation of extremaduran patrimonial rural architecture against climate change. Vegaviana, caso de estudio(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Bote Alonso, Inmaculada; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaAccording to the texts of the own architect of Vegaviana, José Luis Fernández del Amo, the settlement was designed taking into account the place and the climate. However, and despite being a reference of Spanish modern architecture, Vegaviana is only highlighted by its unquestionable aesthetic and plastic qualities. This research creates a parallel and at the same time innovative line of architecture that reviews from the point of view of the criteria of what is currently considered as sustainable architecture the concern for the environment that remained latent in the architects of modernity. The main objectives of this research are to know if there is a bioclimatic behavior in the housing for settlers designed by José Luis Fernández del Amo in Vegaviana, to define sustainable rehabilitation proposals that preserve the sustainable aspects of the dwellings, and to generate a possible model of patrimonial rural architecture against climate change. The research will be based on simulations using advanced computer software for village dwellings, climate monitoring of the environment, preparation of rehabilitation proposals, application of sustainability indicators and indicators of climate change as well as the definition of models of global change. It is expected to verify that the housing for settlers of Vegaviana were designed with strategies of what we know today as bioclimatic architecture. It is expected to conclude that the architect expressed his environmental concerns in the design of housing, emphasizing, therefore, his implication with the environment.Ponencia An approach to the ideal concept of urban planning in the 18th century: colonial settlements in Andalusía(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Quevedo Rojas, Carlos José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaEnlightened thought as an intellectual movement that developed in Europe in the Age of Enlightenment was the basis of modern critical thinking in a global vision that associates culture, economy, politics and society and in which planning plays a strategic role as the enforcer of these ideas as a mediator between theory and praxis. The main objectives of this thesis are to link this thought with the concept of “ideal city” in the 18th century, analyse applicable cases of colonial settlements in Andalusia, analyse their direct links to Europe and America, recognise the existing formal elements of the colonising and founding phase and from the territorial, urban and architectural scope, as well as carrying out an assessment and critical analysis of the current urban-territorial configuration. The systematic analysis of new settlements and a case study based on updated methodology helps us to understand these clear examples of application of the new ideals and enlightened principles of economic and social reform within the concepts of habitat and city in the Golden Age. This particular research addresses integration as a fundamental principle of architectural thought, interdisciplinarity as an articulation of the various fields and the different scales of work, as well as the importance of the relationship of urban planning with the natural and social environment as an agent of transformation under general principles. In this regard, the research addresses a complexity of the socio-spatial dialectic from the perspective of the discipline, a dialectic in which a cross-sectional analysis of the processes becomes necessary.Ponencia Architecture against city. Encounters between collective housing and public space(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Alvarez Arce, Raquel; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaFor decades, the collective housing project has been repeating practices and habits inherited from the Modern Movement, with rigid programs that understand the building as a container (sum of housing capsules behind a facade), and with little regard for the boundary between the building and the adjacent public space. So far the problem of housing has been reduced exclusively to a problem of numbers and means, trusting in the effectiveness of the block, the tower, the row, etc. The research that is being developed tries to demonstrate that an exit to the problem of contemporary collective housing and the search for new types would happen by rethinking the limit between the building and the public space. The architects from the Modern Movement’s third generation, react agains the rational housing standards, looking for new ways to break the limit using two strategies: systematization and contextualization (context: surroundings, environment, atmosphere…). These two strategies create different project mechanisms, which have been collected by some of the contemporary architects, seeking to recover the third generation’s speech, their proposals and their statements.The dissertation’s purpose is to investigate in these proposals and strategies’s origin, and detect the different design mechanism which the third generation used, by analyzing relevant housing programs, in order to find new formulations for the contemporary collective housing.Ponencia From the immeasurable to the measurable(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Delpino Sapena, Rossana María; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThe present work is developed at the initial period of Louis I. Kahn’s independent work, when he projected the Richards Medical Research Laboratories in the University of Pennsylvania 1957-1964. This building represents the moment when he discovers and apply tools and theoretical fundamentals those would be repeated and applied in his next projects and career. For this reason the study of his timeline is divided and established until 1957, to understand how the work is managed and to find the underlying substrates that make up the project. The approach comes from two categories, which are the immeasurable and measurable, from the world of ideas to the tangible, trying to open another space for the unspeakable to appear so we can understand the meaning of this building in Kahn's work and in his time. In this way, the work analyzes and classifies these fields, which are established from the words of Kahn when referring to the creative process in his work. This process is the step of the immeasurable (the idea), to the measurable (the building), To be immeasurable again (transcendence from the building). We approach the work from the union of concepts, constituting two fundamental parts, a part called the 'immeasurable to the measurable', and the other one, the 'measurable to the immeasurable.Ponencia Local order, city and post-conflict territories in Colombia(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Burbano González, David Armando; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThis paper discusses the results of the research "On the Road to Local Planning of the Territory for Informal Settlements with the Presence of People Displaced by the Armed Conflict. Barrancabermeja and San Pablo in the Middle Magdalena Region”. The paper analyzes the different approaches for the local planning of the territory, from the standpoint of emerging processes generated by strategies involving collective participation by the populations displaced by the armed conflict in Colombia in urban peripheries and rural borders in the Middle Magdalena region. The research is focused on the study of the processes for the construction of informal settlements with the presence of displaced population, considering the strength of community organization behind specific collective actions. This allows the identification of the potential of this participatory and collaborative strength focused on the formation and self-management of its settlements. The understanding and systematization of these processes brings to light the potential for territorial construction "from below", with a view to exercising a specific effect on public policy decisions made "from above" [1]. It also opens a test field to develop possible instruments of participatory intervention in line with the local reality, with a view to building the territory based on the scenarios after the possible peace agreement according to the aspirations of a community historically entrenched in the presence of the armed conflict in both urban and rural areas.Ponencia Methodology of complementary assessment to a life cycle analysis of the sustainability of use Gadua bamboo in constructive solutions(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Torres Rojas, Jose Eduardo; Neila González, Francisco Javier; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaInitial breakthroughs in research work for the development of a methodology that allows comparative evaluation of the degree of contribution to the increment of the integral sustainability of a building or constructive solution achieved with the use of bamboo Guadua. Using as a basis the parameters that are most suitable among all those that can relate the material and sustainability, which will allow later to make such assessment and that are complementary to those of a life cycle analysis. Environmental impacts related to ecosystem services are clearly identified. In this order, there are the services provided by the soils with guadua forests, especially those that have to do with water sources, their contribution to water regulation and contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. The potential impact on the socio-cultural aspect is important, highlighting within the cultural variable the precarious knowledge of the Guadua resource and its possibilities, resulting in an insipid sense of identity with the material and very low stimulation and support to its use by the institutions state or private entities. In sum, these and other aspects are analyzed in the first instance, identifying possible sustainability indicators that can be assessed for the subsequent elaboration of a file, the basis of an eco-labeling. This evaluation will complement its physical and mechanical properties, allowing to define its efficient use as a utility for the designer at the time of its choice in the implementation of constructive solutions.Ponencia Aesthetics of ruins and ethics of architectural design: New interventions on archeological heritage(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Bagnato, Vicenzo Paolo; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThis study aims to analyze the relationships between archaeological ruin and architectural design in their complex implications on contemporary landscape construction. Starting from the definition of “significance” and “value” for the vestiges, it investigates reasons, necessities and intervention criteria in archaeological sites, in relationship with the settlements’ entity and with the society and environment cultural factors. The text lays the foundations to overcome, epistemologically, the idea of design as “transformation”, recuperating a “gadamerian” interpretative approach and demonstrating how the aesthetic value of architecture is linked to its dialogic dimension, and how this, prior to configure as strategy of ethical legitimacy, is a condition that intrinsically and specifically qualifies the cultural landscape and, as such “archaeological”, is inherent the nature of the place.Ponencia The reconstruction of the tradition. Juvenal Baracco and the recomposition of the lost city(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Montestruque Bisso, Octavio; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaIn Peru the arrival of modern architecture has meant a pause in the consolidation process of a local tradition, which has repercussions on contemporary architecture, as it seeks to build a modernity by the generation of a cultural hybridization process as it develops. Through a critique of modern functionalist architecture, Juvenal Baracco poses a way of reconstructing the tradition by thinking that the universal architectural problem can be resolved within the space provided by Peruvian territory and society. The traditional structures, as well as the typological study of the city, will be the referents for the reconstruction of a local tradition expressed in a contemporary language in the project of the Peruvian Air Force Officers School of 1981. The paper presents, at the end, a new approximation about the consolidation of an own modernity based on the possibilities of assuming an hybrid culture with a non linear review, but in different levels, as nodes connected inside a network.Ponencia Man-made landscapes: from pictures to the american territory(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Santamarina Macho, Carlos; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThe land is an essential element when it comes to understanding culture and society in the U.S. The doctoral thesis studied how the concept of North American landscape evolved, since it became a distinctive cultural feature during the mid 19th century until the last decades of the 20th. It outlines its relationship with the material transformation processes and with the development of certain ways of reflecting and representing it. With that aim, three significant moments of its history have been studied, which coincidentally represent the most influential periods within a sea of landscape-related ideas: wild nature and its clash with mankind in the 19th century; the American countryside as an example of mankind’s integration with the environment during the Great Depression; and land overexploitation during the postwar period. This research shows visual imaginaries of the territories associated with each time period, connecting them to their historical and cultural background, as well as some ideas to aid in understanding the reality they represent. Through this analysis a concept arises: man-made landscape, an American interpretation of the built environment, capable of unifying these heterogeneous visions within the American space.Ponencia Rem at both sides of the mirror(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Butragueño Díaz-Guerra; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, Marta“Rem at both sides of the mirror” is framed on a research an investigation on architectural media, its influence in the architectural production and vice versa. We try to discern if communication and architectural production collide and converge, if the message and the means used acquire the same qualities. The “communication in architecture is understood, not only as the ultimate expression of the architectural act, but also as an agent integrates in all the phases of the creative process, from the very beginning. With this intention, the research focuses on one of the most relevant examples of its development, which is Rem Koolhaas. Through his figure, the thesis addresses the evolution of his communicative dimension and the successive transformations in the field of architectural communication, in parallel to his conceptual evolution along his career. The research makes a comparison between his most relevant publications, starting with “Delirious New York” (Oxford University Press, 1978) and “SMLXL” (Ed. Taschen, 2004). Next, I focus on “Content” (Ed. Taschen, 2004), raising three hypotheses: the existence of a convergence between the visual and conceptual language, the application of a language based on a communicative congestion and the consequent maximum transformation of the codes of communication in architecture. In short, the thesis puts in value the role of communication architecture in the creative process.Ponencia Intervention in the heritage of rural colonization architecture. The villages of Los Monegros(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Prieto Mochales, Luis; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThe colonization towns built by the National Institute of Colonization (INC) in the decades of the 40s to the 60s, already have more than 50 years of existence. The work carried out in the development of the doctoral thesis has sought to collect the patrimonial elements of the colonization architecture that have been studied and analyzed in the various research works on the subject, verifying the current state of these relevant and common elements of the colonization architecture. The aim of this study is to be able to propose guidelines and criteria for their conservation and to allow them to serve as guidance for interventions consistent with the values they contain. In order to achieve these objectives, firstly, a number of representative cases have been selected, which cover most of these relevant common elements. Subsequently, the current status of the selected villages and the legal instruments that regulate their conservation and intervention have been analyzed. The results and conclusions are thougth to be reflected in final documents with a tab format summarizing the current state of the villages and the proposed criteria and intervention guidelines.Ponencia The ornate in the architecture of Tenerife and Gran Canaria: 1865-1935(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Sabina González, Jose Antonio; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThis document is part of an ongoing doctoral thesis on the ornamentation of the façades of the Canary Islands. It is studied the decoration that presents the architectural exterior of the buildings, mainly in the island of Tenerife and of complementary form in the island of Gran Canaria, between the years 1865 and 1935. The decorative motifs are animals, humans and vegetables, although the latter are the most abundant, being vital to identify the languages that use them within the aforementioned chronology. Also included in this work are geometric motifs that stand out for some cause, such as their singularity or because they are repeated in different buildings and therefore may have some interest. The elements that complement this decoration are also under study, such as chapiter, balusters, ironworks etc. This work combines written research, either through the bibliography or the consultation of the license files of construction of historical archives, with the field work, which involves the direct taking of photographic data directly from the facades to your study. Subsequently, a registry is created to help protect this decoration and, based on it, to carry out the subsequent study that allows achieving objectives, such as comparisons with the decorations of other places.Ponencia Domestic Big Data. Cluster tool for the analysis, assessment, diagnosis and design of the contemporary collective housing in dense city centres(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Sallago Zambrano, Borja; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThe aim of this research is to create a tool which could be useful for architects as a methodology applied in projects. Said methodology would allow us to analyze the real state of the housing stock that, after the global crisis just passed, Spain suffered. To this purpose, we try to use the latest generation concerning in data field technologies. Therefore, the current achievement is to focus on the fact that BigData do not throw away any clue to solve by themselves any question, but through the use of the specific tool applied, the relation between data will help to move forward any research. We divide the development of this tool into five main categories: Urban Gradient, Energetic Optimization, Habitability, Adaptability, and Social. Through this thesis the main target proposed is to visualize these categories, but highlighting the relation between the parts analyzed — in a topological way — in opposite to the usual methodology more extended through the state of art in the past, where plans, sections and axonometric, were mainly the support to transcribe those graphic analyses into information. Moreover, this is not a matter of form and calligraphy; the target will be to distill the tool in order to connect a máximum of conditions from the project to be analyzed and controlled just using a mínimum of data from the beginning. That implies two spots: in one hand, the capacity of being able to compare the same parameters with two or more different projects; and on the other hand, to offer a boost in future improvements from architectural strategies.Ponencia Complementary techniques for the characterization of new construction materials: Analysis and review(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Pedreño Rojas, Manuel Alejandro; Morales Conde, María Jesús; Rodríguez Liñán, Carmen; Pérez Gálvez, Filomena; Rubio de Hita, Paloma; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, Marta; Universidad de Sevilla. EP205: Analisis y Evaluacion de Sistemas Constructivos y Estructurales en la ArquitecturaEl avance en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales constructivos ha originado la necesidad de emplear nuevas técnicas de ensayos que, hasta ese momento, habían sido utilizadas por otras ramas del conocimiento. Este trabajo pretende hacer un recorrido por diferentes investigaciones que han empleado alguna de estas técnicas para completar la caracterización de los nuevos materiales estudiados, observando en cada caso el alcance y la utilidad del empleo de estos métodos en el campo de la construcción. Se realiza un estudio pormenorizado de algunas de estas técnicas mediante el análisis de investigaciones en las que son empleadas, observando la finalidad de su uso y los resultados conseguidos con el método en cuestión. Para este congreso se realiza una selección de cinco de estas técnicas complementarias (elegidas por su mayor influencia y utilización), que son la Tomografía Computarizada de Rayos-X, Ultrasonidos, Termografía Infrarroja, Difracción por Rayos-X y Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido.Ponencia Geometry and construction throug the sacred space of Andrés de Vandelvira(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Estepa Rubio, Antonio; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaMainly we value this work as a review on the importance of the contributions of the architect Andrés de Vandelvira in the configuration of the new scenario on which the Architecture of the southern was defined in the XVI; For this, we develop our work through the formal analysis of its main sacred works, acting both from project approaches and others substantially executive. In order to shape the research, we have taken some distance from the achievements we have worked on, in order to rigorously evaluate, through graphic reconstructions, the main innovations developed by the master. We have approached a new interpretation on the project genesis with which Andrés de Vandelvira operates, based on the knowledge of the trades and the control of the processes, rather than on the application of specific theoretical methods. This means that in their production we can discover constant interrelationships between geometry and stonework (design and construction), which result in formal and stereotomic solutions only comprehensible from experimentation.Ponencia Modern Architecture in Manzanillo, Colima, México 1930-1970 (transfer and adaptation)(Universidadd e sevilla, 2017) Yáñez Ventura, Marco Antonio; López García, J. Jesús; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaThe language of Modern Architecture in Latin America is the result of a process of transfer and adaptation of ideas, generated by the great European masters such as Mies, Gropius and Le Corbusier, due to the particular characteristics of each context they had to adapt to geographic, climatic and social conditions, this regionalization of architecture was the same in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and, of course, Mexico, in turn, allowed to be a catalyst in the transition towards the modernity of cities. In the modern architecture of Manzanillo some of the projects and works carried out in 1930 - 1970, this process becomes evident, which will become a part waters in the modernity of the city. Architectural compositions of the national program projects of which Manzanillo was included (schools, hospitals and tourist infrastructure) by foreign architects, print media (construction manuals, magazines, newspapers, brochures, postcards, etc.) and constant migratory flows of professionals who arrived at the port due to the commercial boom facilitated the transfer of the concepts of Modern Architecture.Ponencia Contemporary architecture and its integration with patrimonial architecture(Universidad de Sevilla, 2017) Martínez Gómez, Josué Nathan; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, MartaOne of the most complex interventions in architecture is when buildings with important patrimonial value are actualized. Not only for the technical construction, but for the ethical position of the author and the new aesthetic value that will acquire that work as part of a historic city. Achieving a balance so that contemporary architecture is not submitted to patrimonial, nor patrimonial is diminished in front of a contemporary intervention requires a balanced dialogue between both interventions that contribute in their opposite times. The hypothesis considers that every building whose author has a theoretical support based on Ethics, Memory and Phenomenology, is consistent with its historical context and ensures its presence in the culture of the place. Also Time, Abstraction, Vanguards, Subject, Aesthetics, Criticism, Synthesis and Historical Multiplicity are some of the topics to study their relationship. And constitute a framework of knowledge to formulate a theory that addresses the integration of contemporary intervention in a historical context. There are two objectives proposed in this study: on the one hand, it is important to have a theoretical basis in heritage interventions and, on the other hand, to propose a methodology that can be repeated in other case studies to make an architectural critique and to evaluate if the intervention is according to the historical context. The case study that will allow me to explain both the ethical stance of an architect and his constructed work is the Kolumba Museum by Peter Zumthor. For that reason, it will deepend as much in its written ideas as in its museum, besides other theoretical reflections.