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Ponencia A CLIPS Simulator for Recognizer P Systems with Active Membranes(Fénix Editora, 2004) Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Romero Campero, Francisco José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalIn this paper we propose a new way to represent recognizer P systems with active membranes based on Production Systems techniques. This representation allows us to express the set of rules and the configurations in each step of the evolution as facts in a knowledge base. We provide a CLIPS program to simulate the evolutions of this variant of P systems.Ponencia A Note on Complexity Measures for Probabilistic P Systems(Fénix Editora, 2004) Sancho Caparrini, Fernando; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalIn this paper we present a first approach to the definition of different entropy measures for probabilistic P systems in order to obtain some quantitative parameters showing how complex the evolution of a P system is. To achieve this, we define two possible measures, the first one to reflect the entropy of the P system considered as the state space of possible computations, and the second one to reflect the change of the P system as it evolves.Ponencia A Simulator for Confluent P Systems(Fénix Editora, 2005) Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalSoftware simulators for P system are nowadays the main tool to carry out experiments in the field of Membrane Computing. Although the simulation of a P system is a quite complex task, current simulators have been successfully used for pedagogical purposes and also as assistant tools for researchers. Up to now, simulators have always been designed to deal with a specific model of P systems. In this paper we present a new simulator which is not oriented to only one model of systems, but it allows the researcher to experiment with many existing models or even to create new ones.Ponencia An Efficient Cellular Solution for the Partition Problem(Fénix Editora, 2004) Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalNumerical problems are not very frequently addressed in the P sys- tems literature. In this paper we present an e®ective solution to the Partition problem via a family of deterministic P systems with active membranes using 2-division. The design of this solution is a sequel of several previous works on other problems, mainly the Subset-Sum and the Knapsack problems but also the VALIDITY and SAT. Several improvements are introduced and explained.Ponencia Deductive Databases and P Systems(Fénix Editora, 2004) Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Rogozhin, Vladimir; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalIn computational processes based on backwards chaining, a rule of the type A Ã B1; : : : ;Bn is seen as a procedure which points that the problem A can be split into the problems B1; : : : ;Bn. In classical devices, the subproblems B1; : : : ;Bn are solved sequentially. In this paper we present some questions that circulated during the Second Brainstorming Week related to the application of the parallelism of P systems to computation based on backwards chaining, and we illustrate them with the example of inferential deductive process.Ponencia Looking for P Truth(Fénix Editora, 2004) Cordón Franco, Andrés; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalIn a general sense, Logic studies how to derive new pieces of in- formation from previous ones. In this paper we explore the analogies between P systems, where new configurations can be obtained from previous ones by using a set of rules, and the derivation of new theorems from previous ones or from axioms by using inference rules.Ponencia P Systems with Tables of Rules(Fénix Editora, 2004) Paun, Gheorghe; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalIn the last time, several e®orts were made in order to remove the polarization of membranes from P systems with active membranes; the present paper is a contribution in this respect. In order to compensate the loss of power represented by avoiding polarizations, we introduce tables of rules: each membrane has associated several sets of rules, one of which is non- deterministically chosen in each computation step. Three universality results for tabled P systems are given, trying to use rules of as few as possible types. Then, we consider tables with obligatory rules { rules which must be applied at least once when the table is applied. Systems which use tables with at most one obligatory rule are proven to be able to solve SAT problem in linear time. Several open problems are also formulated.Ponencia Simulating Avascular Tumors with Membrane Systems(Fénix Editora, 2005) Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Romero Campero, Francisco José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalTumor growth has received a considerable attention by the scientific community. In the earliest stages of development, tumor growth seems to be regulated by direct diffusion of nutrients and wastes from and to surrounding tissue. In this paper we present an approach of the use of membrane computing techniques to simulate and predict the growth of a tumor in the avascular stage. We present a preliminary version of our software to simulate this growth and some future research lines.Ponencia Simulating Shuffle-Exchange Networks with P Systems(Fénix Editora, 2004) Ceterchi, Rodica; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalWe present in this paper a simulation with P systems of the parallel architecture known as shuffle-exchange network. This will lead us to consider a new version of P systems with communication, for which the communication graphs are not fixed, but have a dynamic evolution, and for which different communication rules can be associated to different communication graphs. The simulation of the shuffle{exchange network provides a first, simple example, of such a system.Ponencia Solving the BINPACKING Problem by Recognizer P Systems with Active Membranes(Fénix Editora, 2004) Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Romero Campero, Francisco José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalIn this paper we present an e®ective solution to the BINPACKING problem using a family of recognizer P systems with active membranes, input membrane and external output. The analysis of the solution presented here will be done form the point of view of complexity classes.Ponencia Tissue P Systems with Cell Division(Fénix Editora, 2004) Paun, Gheorghe; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalIn tissue P systems several cells (elementary membranes) commu- nicate through symport/antiport rules, thus carrying out a computation. We add to such systems the basic feature of (cell) P systems with active membranes { the possibility to divide cells. As expected (as it is the case for P systems with active membranes), in this way we get the possibility to solve computa- tionally hard problems in polynomial time; we illustrate this possibility with SAT problem.Ponencia Towards a Programming Language in Cellular Computing(Fénix Editora, 2004) Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalSeveral solutions to hard numerical problems using P systems have been presented recently, and strong similarities in their designs have been no- ticed. In this paper we present a new solution, an e®ective one to the Partition problem via a family of deterministic P systems with active membranes using 2-division. We intend to show that the idea of a cellular programming lan- guage is possible, indicating some \subroutines" that can be used in a variety of situations and therefore could be useful for attacking new problems in the future.Ponencia Weak Metrics on Configurations of a P System(Fénix Editora, 2004) Cordón Franco, Andrés; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC193: Computación NaturalThe evolution of a P system generates a tree of computation po- tentially in¯nite where it is very difficult to set the degree of closeness between two configurations. The problem is specially hard if we want to quantify that proximity in order to make useful comparisons. In this paper we propose some weak metrics on configurations of a P system with a fixed structure of mem- branes and briefly discuss their advantages and drawbacks.