Este archivo ha sido creado el 25-06-2024 por Antonio Tejedor Cabrera GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: VIDA-HTL project database 2. Authorship: Name:Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0002-1668-086X Name:Górgolas Martín, Pedro Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0001-9401-9041 Name:Linares Gómez del Pulgar, Mercedes Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0002-6323-1020 Name: Mascort Albea, Emilio Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0002-5737-9969 Name:Plaza Morillo, Carlos Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0001-5632-2111 Name:García Martínez, Antonio Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0003-4883-2386 Name:Hidalgo Sánchez, Francisco Manuel Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0001-5310-1567 Name:López Sánchez, Marina Institution:Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ORCID:0000-0002-7074-7279 Name:Merino del Río, Rebeca Institution:Universidad de Valladolid ORCID:0000-0001-8415-4872 Name:Vicente Gilabert, Cristina Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0001-8309-0352 Name:Zavaleta de Sautu, Claudia Institution:LABEUR ORCID: Name:Antonio García, Miguel Ángel Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0003-0328-9498 Name:Sánchez Salazar, Francisco Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0002-6631-4147 Name:Sobrino Simal, Vicente Julián Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0003-4458-4119 Name:Ordóñez Castañón, David Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0002-9515-4824 Name:Ruiz Moreno, Ignacio Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0009-0004-2514-6038 Name:Pareja Pareja, Germán Institution:Universidad de Sevilla ORCID:0000-0002-8510-4225 DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: Spanish 2. Abstract: The data recorded for the VIDA-HTL project constitute a network of heritage assets in the Lower Guadalquivir study area. The attribute tables provide information such as the historical period, the level of protection and the typology of the heritage assets, as well as other characteristics related to their potential social use (their current levels of visibility, their levels of conservation, their adaptation to visits, accessibility, etc.). VIDA-HTL has developed an initial version of a digital web application that not only allows citizens to access all these spatial data, but also allows users to interact with these contents. In this way, users can relate the heritage assets with all the complementary information collected in the application (landscape areas, areas of interest, protected areas, museums, slow mobility routes, different types of services, etc.). In addition, a series of cultural routes are proposed and users are allowed to design their own routes based on the information collected. The database created for the project is divided into three layers of information. - Built heritage - Natural heritage - Intangible heritage (layer only developed at prototype level in a small study area: the municipality of Lebrija. It is excluded from the publication because it is pending development). In addition, an information layer has been created in which the proposals for cultural routes are collected according to three itineraries: the route from Seville to Aznalcóllar, passing through the old green of Italica, the itinerary through the foothill landscape area, which stands out for its infrastructure related to the extractive industry, and finally, routes through the intangible heritage of the reduced study area in which this thematic has been developed. Los datos registrados para el proyecto VIDA-HTL constituyen una red de bienes patrimoniales en el área de estudio del Bajo Guadalquivir, con tablas de atributos que informan sobre datos como el periodo histórico, el nivel de protección y la tipología de los bienes patrimoniales, así como de otras características relacionadas con su potencial uso social (sus actuales niveles de visibilidad, sus niveles de conservación, de adaptación a la visita, accesibilidad, etc.). VIDA-HTL, ha desarrollado una versión inicial de una aplicación digital web que no sólo permite a la ciudadanía acceder a todos esos datos espaciales, sino que permite a los usuarios la interacción con estos contenidos. De esta forma, los usuarios pueden poner en relación los bienes patrimoniales con toda la información complementaria recogida en la aplicación (Áreas paisajísticas, Zonas de interés, zonas protegidas, Museos, vías de movilidad lenta, diferentes tipos de servicios etc.). Además, se proponen una serie de recorridos culturales y se permite a los usuarios el diseño de sus propias rutas a partir de la información recogida. La base de datos creada para el proyecto se divide en tres capas de información. - Patrimonio construido - Patrimonio natural - Patrimonio inmaterial (capa sólo desarrollada a nivel de prototipo en una pequeña área de estudio: el municipio de Lebrija. Se excluye de la publicación por estar pendiente de desarrollo). Además, se ha creado una capa de información en la que se recogen las propuestas de rutas culturales atendiendo a tres itinerarios: el recorrido de Sevilla a Aznalcóllar, pasando por la antigua verde de Itálica, el itinerario por zona paisajística de piedemonte, que destaca por su infraestructura relacionada por la industria extractiva y por último, rutas por el patrimonio inmaterial de la zona de estudio reducida en la que se ha desarrollado esta temática. 3. Keywords: VIDA-HTL; Landscape; Heritage; Responsible tourism VIDA-HTL; Paisaje, Patrimonio, Turismo responsable 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): 05-01-2022 to 31-03-2024 5. Publication Date: 26-06-2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency: MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 Grant Number: PDC2021-121563-I00 Grant Agency: European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR. Grant Number: PDC2021-121563-I00 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Lower Guadalquivir área, Andalusia, Spain West: -6.750684 East: -5.261211 South: 36.706884 North: 37.794580 ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC-BY 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: Hidalgo Sánchez, F.M., Merino del Río, R., Mascort Albea, E.J., Ruiz Moreno, I., Linares Gómez del Pulgar, M., y Tejedor Cabrera, A. (2024). Digital reactivation of territories through geospatial cultural itineraries: the VIDA-HTL web application. Heritage Science, 12 (56), 4. Link to related datasets: URL: VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 25-06-2024 2. Were data derived from another source?: Sí, Cartografía Digital. Centro de Documentación y Estudios. Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico 3. Additional related data not included in this dataset: Intangible heritage METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: Hidalgo Sánchez, F.M., Merino del Río, R., Mascort Albea, E.J., Ruiz Moreno, I., Linares Gómez del Pulgar, M., y Tejedor Cabrera, A. (2024). Digital reactivation of territories through geospatial cultural itineraries: the VIDA-HTL web application. Heritage Science, 12 (56), 2. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: spreadsheets, such as excel FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. File list: File name: Base de datos del Proyecto VIDA-HTL.xlsx Description: Data sheet with the information collected for the VIDA-HTL project, differentiating three sheets: - Built Heritage. Collects all the built heritage assets found in the study area. - Natural Heritage. Assets or elements related to the enhancement of the natural heritage, in order to complement the values of the study area, whose landscape and cultural reality is inseparable from the natural environment in which it is inserted. - Routes. Proposed cultural routes that are related to the registered heritage and natural assets. 2. File format: xlsx SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- 1. Name sheet: Built Heritage 2. Number of rows and columns: 1000 rows and 25 columns 3. Variables list: Variable name:Number Description:Enumeration of the status in the list Variable name:FID Description:Individual numerical identification code for each element Variable name:Name Description: Denomination of the heritage element Variable name:Image Description: Link to the image of the element, uploaded in the ArcGIS Online repository Variable name:Municipality Description: Municipality in which the element is located Variable name:Coord X Description: Physical location of the element - X coordinate Variable name:Coord Y Description: Physical location of the element - Y coordinate Variable name:Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC) Description: It distinguish if the element has been declarated as a "BIC" which is the highest type of heritage site declaration and protection in Spain Variable name:Period Description: Identification of the historical period in which the conserved elemement was built, from protohistory to the Contemporary Age Variable name:General classification Description: Basic classification of type of element, differentiating between architectural heritage, heritage infrastructure or archaeological heritage Variable name:General Type Description: Second order of classification in which more specific types are distinguished for each of the general classifications, differentiating between hydraulic infrastructure, mobility infrastructure, civil heritage, defensive heritage, religious heritage, funerary heritage, human settlement, etc. Variable name:Specific type Description: This is a more specific classification of the type of property, reaching the detail of the architectural typology, differentiating between Town Halls, Convents, Churches, Hospitals, Factories, Palace Houses, Multi-family Houses, Single-family Houses, etc. Variable name:Activity Description:It includes the original uses that took place in the buildings in question Variable name:State of Conservation Description: Recognizes the state in which the subject is at the time of the work, taking into account the nature of the property itself Variable name:Accessibility Description: Refers to the possibility of visiting the property, differentiating: - Yes. When it is possible to access the interior of the property or to reach it directly in cases where it is not a habitable space (e.g., a fountain or an aqueduct) - Visual. When the above conditions are not met, but it is possible to visualize the property without barriers that prevent its contemplation in sufficient conditions to understand it - No. When the property cannot be seen or can only be seen without allowing its contemplation (it can be seen from a great distance, it is mostly covered by some element that only allows a minimum visual contact, etc.) Variable name:Type of accessibility Description: In cases where the property is accessible, a distinction is made between: - Free physical. If access is possible without prior arrangement, either completely free, by means of the purchase of a ticket at a limited time, etc. - Arranged physical. If it is necessary to arrange a visit in advance or request some kind of permission to gain access Variable name:Contact Description: owner's phone number Variable name:Information Description:Link to official website with more information about the property Variable name:Description Description:Historical and descriptive information about the element Variable name:CreationDate Description:Date on which the element has been included in the database Variable name:Creator Description:Person of the work team that has included the element in the database Variable name:EditDate Description:Last time that a modification has been made in the data of that entity Variable name:Editor Description:Person of the work team that has made the last modification Variable name:Information source Description:Reference that has been used for the identification, location and characterization of the asset Variable name:Image source Description:The source of the image, either external or produced by the project team itself 1. Name sheet: Natural heritage 2. Number of rows and columns: 157 rows and 18 columns 3. Variables list: Variable name:Number Description:Enumeration of the status in the list Variable name:FID Description:Individual numerical identification code for each element Variable name:Name Description: Denomination of the natural heritage element Variable name:Image Description: Link to the image of the element, uploaded in the ArcGIS Online repository Variable name:Municipality Description: Municipality in which the element is located Variable name:Coord X Description: Physical location of the element - X coordinate Variable name:Coord Y Description: Physical location of the element - Y coordinate Variable name:Classification Description:Basic classification of the type of element, differentiating between Valorization equipment, Singular trees, Singular grove, Site of geological interest, Site of interest related to the water and Natural Monument Variable name:Type Description:Second order of classification in which more specific types are distinguished for each of the general classifications, differentiating between types of trees in the case of singular trees or groves, type of equipment such as recreational area, signposted path, etc. Variable name:Description Description:Descriptive and historical information, etc. Variable name:Watershed Description:In the case of water-related elements, identification of the hydrographic basin in which it is located Variable name:Area (hectares) Description:Area occupied by the element, in the cases where it is relevant Variable name:Perimeter Description:Perimeter of the space occupied by the element, where applicable Variable name:Altitude Description:Altitude at which the element is located, in the case of equipment Variable name:Orientation Description:In the case of equipment, the cardinal orientation towards which it faces Variable name:Information Description:Link to official website with more information about the property Variable name:Id_dera Description:Numerical identification of the DERA catalog, in cases where this is the source of information Variable name:Image source Description:The source of the image, either external or produced by the project team itself 1. Name sheet: Routes 2. Number of rows and columns: 20 rows and 15 columns 3. Variables list: Variable name:Number Description:Enumeration of the status in the list Variable name:FID Description:Automatical individual numerical identification code for each route Variable name:Code Description:Code that indetifies the route within the Project Variable name:Itinerary Description: Group of routes that go through an area, with a common landscape, cultural or thematic reality. Variable name:Name Description: Denomination of the natural heritage element Variable name:trajectory type Description:Differentiation between linear or circular paths Variable name:Time (hours, minutes) Description:Time that the route lasts, indicating in decimal units the complete hours and, separated by a comma, the remaining minutes. For example, for a 30-minute trip, it would be "0,30", while for a one and a half hour trip, it would be "1,30". Variable name: Distance (Km) Description:Route length in Km Variable name: Difficulty Description:Difficulty of the route (low, medium or high) Variable name:Information Description:Link to official website with more information about the property Variable name:Image Description: Link to the image of the route, uploaded in the ArcGIS Online repository Variable name:Description Description:Descriptive and thematic information, etc. Variable name:Shape__Length Description:Route length in meters, automatically calculated by the software Variable name:Layout Description:Image of the route, since it is not a point element and, therefore, it cannot be identified simply with the coordinates