Este archivo ha sido creado el 07-05-2024 por M. Eva Trigo GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: Narrating the Self in Autobiographical Memories 2. Authorship: Name: Andrés Santamaría Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-7813-2626 Name: Manuel L. de la Mata Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-9302-4786 Name: M. Eva Trigo Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-1103-4025 Name: Marcia L. Ruiz Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-5946-1034 DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: English 2. Abstract: The dataset comprises: - 3 appendices related to instruments to obtain memories: the table for the construction of the instrument, the personal memories interview (translated from Spanish), and the recording authorization form - A document with examples of memories narrative (in Spanish) - A data file from 96 participants, focusing on: 1) 3 between-groups variables: educational level, gender, and generation; and 2) A range of dependent variables derived from the analysis of participants' memories from three different life periods: childhood, youth, and adulthood. These dependent variables encompass the proportions of predicates related to actions, mental states (cognitive, intentional, or emotional/affective predicates), and metacognitive expressions, and the ratios of self vs. others mentions. 3. Keywords: Memoria autobiográfica; el yo; cultura; narrativa, educación formal Autobiographical memory; self; culture; narrative; formal education/schooling 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): 01-09-2008 to 21-12-2009 5. Publication Date: 07-05-2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency: Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT), Mexico. Subsecretariat of Higher Education. General Directorate of Higher Education University. Program for Higher Teaching Professional Development. Secretary of Public Education. Mexico. Grant Number: 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas (Mexico) ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: License CC BY-NC-ND 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: 4. Link to related datasets: DOI/URL: VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 2. Were data derived from another source?: No 3. Additional related data not included in this dataset: METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: Participants were asked to complete a Personal Memories Interview, during which they were required to verbally recount 3 distinct memories about each of 3 life periods: childhood, adolescence/youth, and adulthood. The responses gathered from these interviews were then analyzed using a pre-established categorical system focused on the representation of self within memories and the narrative organization of these recollections. 2. Data processing methods: First, memories were recorded, transcribed and coded. Then several measurements were obtained from each of the nine memories, related to the narrative organization of the memories (a) and self in memory (b): a.1) The count of predicates related to actions, mental states (cognitive, intentional, or affective/emotional predicates), metacognitive expressions, and other ones, along with the total number of predicates used in each memory. b.1) The ratio of self to other mentions in each autobiographical memory. Then we compute representative metrics for each of the 3 life periods: a.2) Sum of the number of predicates of each type for each life period, sum of the total number of predicates for each life period, and proportions of predicates of each type related to the total number of predicates for each life period. b.2) Mean of the 3 ratios of self to other mentions in each life period. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: 4. Information about instruments, calibration, and standards: 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: 6. Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Two collaborators independently coded a sample of 20% of the memories for inter-rater reliability calculations. The kappa indexes ranged from .88 to .93. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. Explain the file naming conversion, si es aplicable: 2. File list: File name: Autobiographical Memories Data.xlsx Description: Numerical data obtained from the analysis of the Personal Memories Interviews File name: Autobiographical Memories Instruments.pdf Description: Table for the construction of the instrument, personal memories interview (translated from Spanish), and recording authorization form File name: Autobiographical Memories.pdf Description: Examples of memories narrative (in Spanish) 3. Relationship between files: Numerical data of the .xlsx file are derived from the analysis of the autobiographical memories (see .pdf files about instruments and examples of memories). 4. File format: .xlsx and .pdf 5. If the dataset includes multiple files, specify the directory structure and relationships between the files: SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- 1. Name file: Autobiographical Memories Data.xlsx 2. Number of rows and columns: 97 rows (including variable names) and 106 columns (including participant identifier) 3. Variables list: Variable name: ID Description: Participant identifier (column A) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: EducationalLevel Description: Educational level (column B) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: 0 = literacy level, 1 = basic level, 2 = universitary level Variable name: Gender Description: Gender (column C) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: 0 = man, 1 = woman Variable name: Generation Description: Generation (column D) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: 0 = 30-35 years old, 1 = 50-55 years old Variable name: ActionsChildhood/Youth/Adulthoo1 to *3 Description: Number of action predicates in the 3 memories about childhood/youth/adulthood (columns E to M) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: CognitiveChildhood/Youth/Adulthoo1 to *3 Description: Number of cognitive predicates in the 3 memories about childhood/youth/adulthood (columns N to V) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: IntentionalChildhood/Youth/Adulthoo1 to *3 Description: Number of intentional predicates in the 3 memories about childhood/youth/adulthood (columns W to AE) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: EmotionalChildhood/Youth/Adulthoo1 to *3 Description: Number of emotional predicates in the 3 memories about childhood/youth/adulthood (columns AF to AN) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: MetacognitiveChildhood/Youth/Adulthoo1 to *3 Description: Number of metacognitive predicates in the 3 memories about childhood/youth/adulthood (columns AO to AW) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: OthersChildhood/Youth/Adulthoo1 to *3 Description: Number of other types of predicates in the 3 memories about childhood/youth/adulthood (columns AX to BF) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: SumActions/Cognitve/Intentional/Emotional/Metacognitive/OthersChildhood Description: Sum of each type of predicate in childhood memories (columns BG to BL) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: SumChildhood Description: Sum of predicates in childhood memories (column BM) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: PropActions/Cognitive/Intentional/Emotional/MetadognitiveChildhood Description: Proportion of each type of predicate in childhood memories (columns BN to BR) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: SumActions/Cognitve/Intentional/Emotional/Metacognitive/OthersYouth Description: Sum of each type of predicate in youth memories (columns BS to BX) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: SumYouth Description: Sum of predicates in youth memories (column BY) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: PropActions/Cognitive/Intentional/Emotional/MetadognitiveYouth Description: Proportion of each type of predicate in youth memories (columns BZ to CD) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: SumActions/Cognitve/Intentional/Emotional/Metacognitive/OthersAdulthood Description: Sum of each type of predicate in adulthood memories (columns CE to CJ) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: SumAdulthood Description: Sum of predicates in adulthood memories (column CK) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable name: PropActions/Cognitive/Intentional/Emotional/MetadognitiveAdulthood Description: Proportion of each type of predicate in adulthood memories (columns CL to CP) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable names: SorChildhood1 to *.3 Description: Self/others ratios in the 3 childhood memories (columns CQ to CS) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable names: SorChildhood Description: Average of the ratios of the childhood memories (column CT) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable names: SorYouth1 to *.3 Description: Self/others ratios in the 3 youth memories (columns CU to CW) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable names: SorYouth Description: Average of the ratios of the youth memories (column CX) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable names: SorAdulthood1 to *.3 Description: Self/others ratios in the 3 adulthood memories (columns CY to DA) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Variable names: SorAdulthood Description: Average of the ratios of the adulthood memories (column DB) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: 4. Codes or symbols for missing data: Code or symbol: Definition: 5. Special formats or abbreviations used: MORE INFORMATION --------------