Este archivo ha sido creado el 18-03-2024 por Belen Pedregal Mateos y Gabriel Orozco Frutos GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: Characterising collaborative mapping projects dataset 2. Authorship: Name: Belén Pedregal Mateos Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Gabriel Orozco Frutos Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Joaquín Osorio Arjona Institution: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Email: ORCID: Name: María del Pilar Díaz Cuevas Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: English 2. Abstract: This repository contains a dataset that analyzes 43 Volunteered Geographic Information projects, within the framework of the integration with Spatial Data Infrastructures. The information is extracted from consulting the geoviewers and browsing the web pages of the 43 projects in the period 02-01-2021 to 12-30-2022. The parameters assess the initiatives, themes, scope, duration of the projects, accessibility, technologies used, interactions with data and between users. Weightings and cluster analysis have been applied to the parameters to identify best practices. 3. Keywords: Collaborative Mapping, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). 4. Date of data collection: from 02-01-2021 to 12-30-2022. 5. Publication Date: 28-06-2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency [Organismo financiador]: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, 80% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Spanish Multiregional Operational Programme (POPE) 2014-2020. Grant Number [Código del proyecto]: INDALO-1 Grant Agency [Organismo financiador]: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grant Number [Código del proyecto]: TED2021-129484A-I00 ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC-BY License. 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: Pedregal B, Orozco G, Osorio J, and Diaz-Cuevas P 2024 Characterising collaborative mapping projects. A methodological framework for analysing Volunteered Geographic Information and Spatial Data Infrastructure convergence. Transactions in GIS VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 29-02-2024 2. Were data derived from another source?: NO METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: The identification of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) projects was based on literature and internet searches on related keywords. A total of 43 active web maps were accessed and their characteristics were evaluated through a qualitative content analysis of the information provided by their web pages and consultation with their geoviewers. 2. Data processing methods: Content analysis, exploratory data analysis, weightings, cluster analysis. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: Spreadsheet FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. Explain the file naming conversion, si es aplicable: File starting with X_Annex_ has been included as an annex in the manuscript. Files starting with X_Table_ has been included in the manuscript as Tables. Files starting with S_X_Analysis_ contain supplementary information on parameters that has been used for the analysis. 2. File list: File name:1_Annex_1_Characterizaction of VGI_projects.csv Description: Main characteristics of each collaborative web map analyzed File name:2_Table_5 VGI features comparison matrix and weights assigned.csv Description: Contains a comparison matrix and weights assigned to VGI parameters F1 Data quality control; F2 Download of user-shared data; F3 Discoverability & Accessibility; F4 Communication between users for VGI File name:3_Table_6 SDI features comparison matrix and weight assigned.csv Description: Contains a comparison matrix and weights assigned to SDI parameters F1 Interoperable services; F2 Metadata; F3 Query filters; F4 Download of geographical data File name: S_1_Analysis_MAIN.csv Description: Detailed description and scores assigned for the parameters analyzed in each VGI project File name: S_2_Analysis_VGI_SCORES.csv Description: Weighted linear sum obtained in VGI parameters for each web map File name: S_3_Analysis_SDI_SCORES.csv Description: Weighted linear sum obtained in SDI parameters for each web map File name: S_4_Analysis_comparison_proyects.csv Description: Comparison of weighted linear sum obtained in VGI and SDI parameters for each web map File name: S_5_Analysis_comparison_general.csv Description: Main descriptive statistics of weighted linear sum for the total of 43 web maps File name: S_6_VGI projects_by_cluster_type.csv Description: Cluster type assignment for each collaborative map project based in their performance on VGI and SDI indicators 3. File format: Comma Separated Values (CSV) SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- 1. Name file: 1_Annex_1_Characterizaction of VGI_projects.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 44/11 3. Variables list: Variable name: Cod Description: Unique identifier for each project in the dataset. Units of measure or value labels: Integer numbers. Variable name: PURPOSE Description: Purpose of the VGI project. Units of measure or value labels: Text (for example, "Report of socioenvironmental conflicts"). Variable name: NAME OF PROJECT Description: Name of the VGI project. Units of measure or value labels: Text. Variable name: Promoter Description: Entity promoting the project. Units of measure or value labels: Text (for example, "The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology"). Variable name: Type of promoter Description: Type of entity promoting the project. Units of measure or value labels: Text (for example, "Academic", "NGO", "Institutional", "NGO & Academic"). Variable name: Number of records Description: Number of records contained in the project. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: Spatial scale Description: Spatial scale at which the project is focused. Units of measure or value labels: Text (for example, "International", "National", "Regional"). Variable name: Year of starting Description: Year the project started. Units of measure or value labels: Year (numeric value). Variable name: Year of last update Description: Year of the last update of the project. Units of measure or value labels: Year (numeric value). Variable name: Technology used Description: Technology used in the geoviewer. Units of measure or value labels: Text (for example, "OpenLayers", "Leaflet", "Google Maps Platform", "Ushahidi"). Variable name: Base map Description: Base map used in the geoviewer. Units of measure or value labels: Text (for example, "ESRI & others", "OpenStreetMaps", "Google Maps", "Bing Maps"). 1. Name file:2_Table_5 VGI parameters comparison matrix and weights assigned.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 5/6 3. Variables list: Variable name: F1 Description: Data quality control Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: F2 Description: Download of user-shared data Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: F3 Description: Discoverability & Accessibility Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: F4 Description: Communication between users Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: W Description: Weight assigned Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number 1. Name file: 3_Table_6 SDI parameters comparison matrix and weight assigned.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 5/6 3. Variables list: Variable name: F1 Description: Interoperable services Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: F2 Description: Metadata Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: F3 Description: Query filters Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: F4 Description: Download of geographical data Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number Variable name: W Description: Weight assigned Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number 1. Name file: S_1_Analysis_MAIN.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 44/20 3. Variables list: Variable name: Cod Description: Unique identifier for each project in the dataset. Units of measure or value labels: Integer numbers. Variable name: PURPOSE Description: General or main purpose of the VGI project. Units of measure or value labels: Descriptive text. Variable name: NAME OF PROJECT Description: Name or title of the web map project. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Data uploading mechanism Description: Mechanism used for data upload within the project, which may include ways of data entry by users or contributors. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Data control mechanism Description: Indicates whether there is a verification or quality control mechanism for the data uploaded to the project. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Data uploading & quality control mechanism Score Description: Score assigned to the data uploading and quality control mechanism. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: Data download Value Description: Indicates whether the project data are available to be downloaded by users. Units of measure or value labels: Descriptive text, typically "Yes" or "No". Variable name: Data download Score Description: Score assigned to the project's data download functionality. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: Discoverability & Accessibility Value Description: Describes how the data within the project can be discovered and accessed, indicating the data's location or the ease with which they can be found. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Discoverability & Accessibility Score Description: Score assigned to Discoverability & Accessibility functionality Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: Communication between authors Value Description: Indicates whether there is communication or collaboration among the authors or contributors of the data within the project. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Communication between authors Score Description: Score assigned to the quality or effectiveness of communication between the authors or contributors of the project. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: Interoperable services Value Description: Shows if the project offers interoperable services, which allows its data or systems to interact effectively with other projects or systems. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Interoperable services Score Description: Score related to the interoperable services provided by the project, evaluating its ability to integrate and operate with other systems or projects. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: Metadata Value Description: Describes the type of metadata associated with the project's data, such as authorship, date of last update, etc., that help understand the context and quality of the data. Units of measure or value labels: Descriptive text. Variable name: Metadata Score Description: Score given to the quality and comprehensiveness of the metadata provided with the project's data. Units of measure or value labels: Integer or decimal number. Variable name: Filters Value Description: Indicates the types of filters available for searching or navigating the data within the project, such as spatial, thematic, or temporal filters. Units of measure or value labels: Descriptive text, listing the available filters. Variable name: Filters Score Description: Evaluates the existence of filters to access the project's data. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: Geographic data download Value Description: Points out whether it is possible for users to download the project's specific geographic data. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Geographic data download Score Description: Score given to the geographic data download option, reflecting the ease of access and the usefulness of these data for the users. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. 1. Name file: S_2_Analysis_VGI_SCORES.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 45/11 3. Variables list: Variable name: Cod Description: Identifier code of the project. Units of measure or value labels: Integer numeric values Variable name: NAME OF PROJECT Description: Name of the VGI project Units of measure or value labels: Text Variable name: Interoperable services (F1) - Score Description: Score of the project's interoperable services Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Interoperable services (F1) - Weighted Score Description: Weighted score of the project's interoperable services obtained from the product of the score by its weight Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Metadata (F2) - Score Description: Score of the metadata provided by the project Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Metadata (F2) - Weighted Score Description: Weighted score of the project's metadata Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Filters (F3) - Score Description: Score of the filters available in the project Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Filters (F3) - Weighted Score Description: Weighted score of the project's filters Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Geographic data download (F4) - Score Description: Score of the availability for downloading geographic data of the project Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Geographic data download (F4) - Weighted Score Description: Weighted score of the project's geographic data download Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value Variable name: Xp SDI Description: Total sum of the weighted scores for VGI parameters Units of measure or value labels: Numeric value 1. Name file: S_3_Analysis_SDI_SCORES.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 45/11 3. Variables list: Variable name: Cod Description: Unique identifier assigned to each project within the dataset. Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: NAME OF PROJECT Description: Name or title of the project. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Interoperable services (F1) Score (X) Description: Score assigned to the project's interoperable services. Units of measure or value labels: Integer or decimal number. Variable name: Interoperable services (F1) X * W Description: Weighted score of interoperable services. Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. Variable name: Metadata (F2) Score (X) Description: Score assigned to the metadata provided by the project. Units of measure or value labels: Integer or decimal number. Variable name: Metadata (F2) X * W Description: Weighted score of the metadata. Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. Variable name: Filters (F3) Score (X) Description: Score assigned to the available filters for searching or filtering data within the project. Units of measure or value labels: Integer or decimal number. Variable name: Filters (F3) X * W Description: Weighted score of the filters. Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. Variable name: Geographic data download (F4) Score (X) Description: Score assigned to the project's capability for geographic data download. Units of measure or value labels: Integer or decimal number. Variable name: Geographic data download (F4) X * W Description: Weighted score of the geographic data download. Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. Variable name: Xp SDI Description: Total sum of the weighted scores for SDI parameters Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. 1. Name file: S_4_Analysis_comparison_proyects.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 44/4 3. Variables list: Variable name: Cod Description: Unique identifier assigned to each project within the dataset. Units of measure or value labels: Integer numbers. Variable name: NAME OF PROJECT Description: Contains the full name of the project, which may include place names, specific themes, or the name of the organization carrying it out. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: Xp VGI Description: Total sum of the weighted scores for VGI parameters Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. Variable name: Xp SDI Description: Total sum of the weighted scores for SDI parameters Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. 1. Name file: S_5_Analysis_comparison_general.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 14/3 3. Variables list: Variable name: Statistical parameter Description: Value for the VGI statistical parameter including mean, standard error, median, mode, standard deviation, etc. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: VGI Features Description: Value for the VGI statistical parameter Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. Variable name: SDI Features Description: Value for the SDI statistical parameter Units of measure or value labels: Decimal number. 1. Name file: S_6_VGI projects_by_cluster_type.csv 2. Number of rows and columns: 44/4 3. Variables list: Variable name: Cod Description: Unique identifier assigned to each project within the dataset. Units of measure or value labels: Integer numbers. Variable name: NAME OF PROJECT Description: Contains the full name of the project, which may include place names, specific themes, or the name of the organization carrying it out. Units of measure or value labels: Text string. Variable name: VGI CLUSTER TYPE Description: Cluster number associated for each project according to VGI parameters Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. Variable name: SDI CLUSTER TYPE Description: Cluster number associated for each project according to SDI parameters Units of measure or value labels: Integer number. MORE INFORMATION -------------- [Include any other information about the dataset that is not reflected in this template and that you consider relevant. Incluya cualquier otra información sobre el conjunto de datos que no haya quedado reflejada en esta plantilla y que considere relevante]