Este archivo ha sido creado el 03-05-2024 por Díez López, Marta; García Mendoza, María del Carmen; Sánchez Queija, Inmaculada; Parra Jiménez, Águeda GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: DB_Depression, anxiety and stress among emerging adult undergraduates [Dataset], Base de datos DASS Equipo TAE [Dataset]; Base de datos_DASS [Dataset] 2. Authorship: Name: Díez López, Marta Institution: Univerisdad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: García Mendoza, María del Carmen Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Sánchez Queija, Inmaculada Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Parra Jiménez, Águeda Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: Spanish 2. Abstract: The dataset is a SPSS database (.sav) containing scores of university students from Seville and the Basque Country. It collects data related to sociodemographic variables and indicators of anxious, depressive, and stress symptomatology measured over two time periods and two cohorts. 3. Keywords: depression, anxiety, stress, emerging adults, gender, longitudinal 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas):2015-2020 5. Publication Date: 08-05-2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España. Grant Number: EDU2013-45687-R Grant Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Grant Number: RTI2018-097405-B-I00 Grant Agency: Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades) Grant Number: PROYEXCEL_00766 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Province of Seville and Basque Country ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: License CC-BY 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: Díez, M., Parra, A., García-Mendoza, M.C., Sánchez-Queija, I. (2024). Depression, anxiety and stress among emerging adult undergraduates. A longitudinal and two-cohort study. Health Education and Behaviour, 0(0). 4. Link to related datasets: DOI/URL: VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 2. Were data derived from another source?: No 3. Additional related data not included in this dataset: METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- The data was collected during the years 2015 and 2020. To do this, university faculty from various departments at the University of Seville and the University of the Basque Country were contacted, asking if they wanted to participate in the research project and requesting access to their students to complete the questionnaire. For those who agreed, the questionnaire was administered in person in their classes using paper format, during the year 2015 and the first semester of 2020. Following the declaration of a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, links to access the questionnaire were sent via email using the SurveyMonkey platform. 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: 2. Data processing methods: 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: Platform SurveyMonkey to collect the data and SPSS to analyze the results. 4. Information about instruments, calibration and standards: Validated Spanish version (Bados et al., 2005) of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: 6. Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. Explain the file naming conversion, si es aplicable: We use, in this case, the name of the main instrument of the study. 2. File list: File name: BD_Depression, anxiety and stress among emerging adult undergraduates. Description: a SPSS database. 3. Relationship between files: 4. File format: .sav 5. If the dataset includes multiple files, specify the directory structure and relationships between the files: SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- 1. Name file: 2. Number of rows and columns: 3. Variables list: Variable name: Description: Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: 4. Codes or symbols for missing data: Code or symbol: Definition: 5. Special formats or abbreviations used: MORE INFORMATION --------------