Para cualquier información sobre este documento contacte con Este archivo ha sido creado el 09-04-2024 por José E. González Zamora GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: Use of olive mill pomace compost and its effect on pests, other arthropods and some diseases of the canopy of the olive tree [Dataset] 2. Authorship: Name: José E. González-Zamora Institution: University of Seville (Spain) ORCID: 0000-0003-2655-1946 Name: José M. Gamero-Monge Institution: University of Seville (Spain) Email: ORCID: Name: Rosa Pérez-de la Luz Institution: University of Seville (Spain) Email: ORCID: DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language:English 2. Abstract: Data obtained during the period from April to October the years 2021 and 2022 of the presence and damage of the most representative arthropods pests of the olive crop in the canopy, other arthropods (mainly beneficials), and important diseases of the crop that could be present. The study was carried out in two groves with different crop management (Superintensive and Traditional) in which two fertilization treatments were applied in each of them (with olive mill pomace compost and with mineral fertilization). The objective of the research was to study if the compost used as fertilizer produced significant changes in presence and damage of the main pests of the crop (and also other arthropods and specific diseases), compared to a mineral fertilization. The compost adds less Nitrogen to the plant when used as fertilizer, and thus could influence the population of several pests (as well as other arthropods and some diseases) of the crop. 3. Keywords: Olive; Olive mill pomace; Compost; Mineral; Canopy; Pests; Arthropods;Diseases 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): 01-04-2021 to 31-10-2022 5. Publication Date: 09-04-2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency [Organismo financiador]: Junta de Andalucía Grant Number [Código del proyecto]: P20_00492 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Finca “La Hampa” (Coria del Río, Sevilla, España): 3717.0100 N 63.9360 W ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC-BY 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 2. Were data derived from another source?: No 3. Additional related data not included in this dataset: METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: Two sampling methods were used to collect data: - Visual sampling consisted of selecting 20 inflorescences, shoots and fruits in each plot from the two groves on each sampling date (inflorescences and fruits only when present) and recording the presence/absence of the most important arthropods (pests, natural enemies or others) and symptoms of important diseases that could appear. - Sweep net sampling was performed using a 47 cm diameter net with a 42 cm handle. The net was used by sweeping the branches and collecting (after finishing the procedure in each plot) with an aspirator into a vial of all the arthropods captured. A more detailed description of the sampling methodology is given in González-Zamora et al. Insects 2023, 14, 783. ( The Superintensive grove had three repetitions/plots per fertilizing treatment, and the Traditional grove had four repetitions/plots per fertilizing treatment. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. Explain the file naming conversion, si es aplicable: 2. File list: File name: Data_Compost_Mineral_VisualSampling.csv Description: Data of the canopy using a visual sampling method. It has several nominal variables (Year, Week, Date, Grove, Treatment, Repetition(Plot)). The different numerical variables represent the proportion of organs (inflorescences, shoots, fruits) in which each taxon/item was observed in each plot. File name: Data_Compost_Mineral_SweepnetSampling.csv Description: Data of the canopy using a sweepnet sampling method. It has several nominal variables (Year, Week, Date, Grove, Treatment, Repetition(Plot)). The different numerical variables represent the captures of each taxon in each plot. 3. Relationship between files: 4. File format: csv format 5. If the dataset includes multiple files, specify the directory structure and relationships between the files: Data_Compost_Mineral_VisualSampling.csv Data_Compost_Mineral_SweepnetSampling.csv MORE INFORMATION --------------