Este archivo ha sido creado el 25-01-2024 por Rosario Cubero Pérez GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: Dataset Entrenando a familias Evaluación de un programa de optimización de actitudes parentales 2. Authorship: Name: Macarena Lorenzo Fernández Institution: Centro de Estudios Universitarios San Isidoro. Centro adscrito a la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Email: ORCID: --- Name: Rosario Cubero Pérez Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: Spanish 2. Abstract: The objective of the project is to design, implement and assess an intervention program in order to optimize parental attitudes in a football club. For the pre-test and post-test evaluation, the Parental Attitudes in Sports Questionnaire (COPADE) (Lorenzo, 2016) was used. The COPADE battery contains a sheet to record sociodemographic data and three questionnaires about parents' attitudes towards their role in the sport and integral development of their young athletes. Each questionnaire corresponds to a specific component. Then there is a questionnaire for cognitive aspects, another one for affective aspects, and the third one for patterns/behaviors. The questionnaires imply an internal organization into several dimensions. 3. Keywords: sports development; sports initiation; parental attitudes; young athlete; integral sports practice 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): 2014-2016 5. Publication Date: 25-01-2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency: (Partially granted) Project PsyTool “Sport Psychology as a Strategic Tool for Prevention and training on Grassroots Sports” Erasmus+Sport Programme. Grant Number: Application Nr.: 567199-EPP-1-2015-2-ES-SPO-SCP 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Andalucía ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC-BY 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: Lorenzo Fernández, M., Cubero Pérez, R., López Jiménez, A.M. y Hertting, K. (2018). “Entrenando a familias”. Evaluación de un programa de optimización de actitudes parentales en un club de fútbol. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 27 (Extra 3), 37-39. ISSN: 1132-239X ISSNe: 1988-5636 VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 2016 METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: There is a questionnaire for cognitive aspects, another one for affective aspects, and the third one for patterns/behaviors. The questionnaires imply an internal organization into several dimensions, which are described below. • Sociodemographic Data. Personal and sociodemographic data (16 items) (see instrument in Annex 1), including subjects' individual factors that may constitute a differential situation. • Questionnaire of Cognitive Components (20 items): this explores certain aspects of the parents' cognitions concerning their children's sport expectations and goals. This instrument has a structure of six dimensions, grouped into three types of expectations: - Expectations and goals in sport practice. - Promotion of development: degree to which parents promote their children's sport practice for the sake of sociability, fun, or health. - Promotion of sport success: degree to which parents motivate their children to practice sport so they will become elite and/or professional athletes. - Expectations and goals in sport competition. - Orientation towards results: degree to which parents consider that the results of sport competitions and/or matches are important. - Orientation towards the process: degree to which parents consider their children's participation and satisfaction in competitions and/or matches to be important. - Assessment of expectations and goals: - Achievability: degree to which parents consider that the sport goals they set for their children are achievable. - Satisfaction: degree to which parents of young athletes are satisfied with the currently achieved sport goals. • Questionnaire of Affective Components (9 items): this explores parents' feelings about their children's sport practice, that is, their emotional involvement. It has the following structure: - Positive feelings: the degree to which parents feel good when their children perform physical and sport activity. - Negative feelings: degree to which parents feel distress when their children perform physical and sport activity. - Feelings of indifference: degree to which parents are indifferent to or uninterested in their children's physical and sport activity. • Questionnaire of Patterns and Behaviors (42 items): this explores the parents' educational patterns. Patterns refer to aspects such as motivation and/or pressure exerted by the parents, responsibility and autonomy, respect for significant others, communication, and conflict resolution: - Motivation and/or pressure exerted by parents on their children. - Autonomy: degree to which parents encourage their children to prepare their sport material, to be responsible for their sport schedules and habits. - Control: degree to which parents take charge of preparing the sport material and feel responsible for their children's sport schedules and habits. - Supervision: degree to which parents collaborate with and supervise their children's preparation of sport material and their responsibility for sport schedules and habits. - Respect for significant others: degree to which parents respect the decisions of coaches, referees, and other parents. - Communication: degree to which parents communicate assertively with their children. - Authoritarian: degree to which parents resolve conflicts one-sidedly, without consulting their children's opinion. - Democratic: degree to which parents resolve conflicts taking into account their children's needs and opinions. - Permissive: degree to which parents resolve conflicts only taking into account their children's interests. 2. Data processing methods: To analyze the reliability of each dimension, we used SPSS 17.0 computer software. To measure the reliability of the questionnaire, we used Cronbach's alpha coefficient, based on the mean correlation between the items from the same subdimension, therefore, measuring internal consistency. To confirm the dimensional structure of the instrument, we performed confirmatory factor analysis, using LISREL v8.71 software. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: - Word. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 2. File list: File name: Batería COPADE Description: The COPADE battery consists of a sociodemographic questionnaire and three questionnaires whose objective is to explore the attitudes of fathers and mothers regarding their role in the sports development of their children. It is a comprehensive tool that takes into account in the same instrument the cognitive, affective and behavioral patterns. 4. File format: - Word.