Este archivo ha sido creado el 21-01-2024 por Rosario Cubero Pérez GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: Dataset From current to possible selves 2. Authorship: Name: José Antonio Matías-García Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Andrés Santamaría Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Mecedes Cubero Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Rosario Cubero-Pérez Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: Spanish 2. Abstract: We took an approach to educational resilience based on the analysis of learner identity of students that present a trajectory of resilience in severely impoverished neighborhoods. The sample consisted of 132 students from such at-risk neighborhoods, who, despite this risk, completed mandatory secondary education successfully and continue their education beyond that level. They were administered a modified version of the Twenty Statements Test (TST) to measure current and possible selves related to their learner identity. The organization of the self, the emotional valence, the plane of action, the thematic reference, and thematic self-continuity were analyzed, as well as possible selves’ relationship with grade level, gender, and parental formal education. The dimensions of analysis of the responses to the TST included in the Dataset are described in the TST Coding Manual (open document available in the data repository together with the Dataset). 3. Keywords: Learner identity; Current self; Possible self; Resilience; Adolescent; Risk of social exclusión; Self-continuity 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): 01-10-2017 a 20-02-2020 5. Publication Date: 21-01-2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency: Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency and European Regional Development Fund-ERDF, Spanish Government. Grant Number: PSI2016–80112–P 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Sevilla, City of Spain. ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: Licencia CC-BY (Reconocimiento): Se permite cualquier explotación de la obra, incluyendo una finalidad comercial, así como la creación de obras derivadas, la distribución de las cuales también está permitida sin ninguna restricción. 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: Matías-García, J.A., Santamaría, A., Cubero, M. y Cubero-Pérez, R. (2023). From current to possible selves: Self-descriptions of resilient post-compulsory secondary education Spanish students at risk of social exclusion. Children and Youth Services Review, 155, 107257. VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 2. Were data derived from another source?: NO METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: This study used a modified version of the Twenty Statement Test (TST) (Kuhn and McPartland, 1954, Santamaría, de la Mata, Hansen, & Ruiz, 2010, Watkins et al., 1997, Santamaría & Cubero, 2019, among others). This test is highly valued as a tool for understanding spontaneous self-conceptions and how they may differ with cultural dimensions (Dhawan, Roseman, Naidu, Thapa, & Rettek, 1995, Watkins et al., 1997). The original version consisted of 20 sentences beginning with “I am”. The participants were asked to complete them with adjectives, nouns, or short phrases describing what they thought of themselves, or what others thought of them, whether positive or negative. The TST does not provide a priori information like other questionnaires or Likert-type scales, and therefore has the advantage of a more qualitative and flexible approach to the dimensions of meaning individuals construct about themselves. Data were collected by members of the research team over a two-year period, applying the modified TST to all the students in first and second year of post-compulsory secondary education at both high schools. 2. Data processing methods: A category system was used to analyze the different self-descriptions. Each item was categorized in four different dimensions. For the reliability analysis of each dimension, 20 % of the participants in the sample were selected at random. Their present and future descriptions were codified separately by two researchers, authors of the study. Then, the Kappa (K) statistic was calculated as a measure of interrater reliability. Nonparametric statistical analyses (α = 0.05) were performed, namely Wilcoxon Signed Ranks (Z) and Mann-Whitney’s U tests. Also, the r of Rosenthal was calculated as a measure of effect size. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: SPSS v.25 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: Data were collected in high-school classrooms. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 2. File list: File name: Datos sociodemográficos e Instrumento TST Description: Dataset with all the sociodemographic variables and all the variables related to the TST Instrument. All Dataset details are described in the TST Coding Manual. File name: Manual de codificación TST. Description: TST Coding Manual. 4. File format: - SPSS Statistics Data Document (.sav) - Word SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- 3. Variables list: All variables are described in the TST Coding Manual. 4. Codes or symbols for missing data: All codes and symbols are described in the TST Coding Manual. MORE INFORMATION -------------- Dataset details are described in the TST Coding Manual.