Este archivo ha sido creado el 02/01/2024 por Alfonso Moriana Elvira GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: Moderate Water Stress Impact on Yield Components of Greenhouse Tomatoes in Relation to Plant Water Status. DATASET 2. Authorship: Name: Munia Alomari-Mheidat Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Mireia Corell Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-5955-0048 Name: María José Martín-Palomo Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: mjpalomo@us.wes ORCID: 0000-0002-0314-4363 Name: Pedro Castro Valdecantos Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-8543-9391 Name: Noemi Medina Zurita Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Laura Lozano de Sosa Institution: CSIC Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-4156-1897 Name: Alfonso Moriana Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-5237-6937 DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: Inglés 2. Abstract: Dataset includes data of all figures of the publication. Each group of measurements are organized in different sheets. The significant differences are market in each measurement. In all the sheets, average and standard erro are presented. 3. Keywords: Deficit irrigation, leaf water potential, stress integral, water stress, water relations 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): From Spring 2020 uktil Autumn 2022 5. Publication Date: 02/01/2024 6. Grant information: Grant Agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrol-lo (FEDER). Grant Number: PID2021-1227722OB-I00 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica (ETSIA) in Seville, Spain (37º 21' N, 5º 56'W, 33 m. a.s.l ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC-BY 2. Dataset DOI: 3. Related publication: Alomari-Mheidat, M., Corell, M., Martín-Palomo, M.J., Castro-Valdecantos, P., Medina-Zurita,M., de Sosa, L.L., Moriana, A. 2024. Moderate water stress inpact on yield components of Greenhouse tomatoes in relation to plant water status. Plants 13, 128, VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 2. Were data derived from another source?: NO METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: Three experiments were carried out in a non-heated plastic-covered greenhouse at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica (ETSIA) in Seville, Spain (37º 21' N, 5º 56'W, 33 m. a.s.l). The radiation transmissibility through the experimental greenhouse was estimated at around 75% of outdoor radiation. Passive ventilation was provided by means of lateral and zenithal windows. The soil was clay loam (21.5% gross sand; 4.5 fine sand; 42.3 limo, and 31.8% clay) with pH 8.11 (measured in water) and 2.5% organic mat-ter. These experiments were conducted during two spring cycles (from March to June) in 2020 and 2022, and one autumn cycle (from September to December) in 2022. In each ex-periment, tomato cultivars were different but all of them presented an indeterminate growth. The cultivars used in the spring cycles were “cherry type” (cv Summerbrix in 2020 and Grandbrix in 2022), while a “chocolate Marmande type” was planted during the autumn cycle (cv Marejada). Plants were grown in a nursery seedling for 30 days and transplanted to the experimental site (2 pl m-2) when three or four leaves were developing. They were kept at a height of 2 m and pruned to one axis with elimination of secondary stems and basal leaves when they were senescent. The irrigation system consisted of sin-gle drip lines 1 m apart from each other, with pressure-compensating emitters (4 L h-1) every 0.5 m. 2. Data processing methods: All statistical analysis were calculated using the Statistix program (SX 8.0, Analitycal software, USA). Data analyses were performed with ANOVA, analysing the influence of blocks and irrigation treatments. When the influence of irrigation treatment was signifi-cant (p<0.05), means were separated with the Tukey’s test using the same p-level (p<0.05) Data normality was verified with the Shapiro-Wilks test, and homoscedasticity with the Bartlett test. Data independence was assumed by experimental design and data collection. The number of samples measured is specified in the text and figures. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: None 4. Information about instruments, calibration and standards: The Plants water relations were characterized using the leaf water potential and net photosynthesis. Leaf water potential was measured at midday in one plant per plot. Be-cause tomato leaves are very big, a foliole in the external part of the plant was used for this determination. This indicator was measured using a pressure chamber (model 1000, PMS, USA). The foliole was cut and introduced in a plastic bag with a small piece of moist pa-per to transfer to the pressure chamber, which was out of the greenhouse, just by the door. Pressure inside the chamber was increased at a slow rate, according to the recommenda-tions of Turner et al [37], using dry nitrogen. This gas was selected following Hsiao rec-ommendations [4] because it did not affect stomata aperture and did not significantly change the humidity inside the chamber [4]. Net photosynthesis was also measured at midday in one plant per plot in a fully expanded, healthy foliole using an infrared gas analyser (IRGA, CI-340, CID-BioScience, USA). This IRGA was a portable device which measured CO2 with an infrared sensor and H20 with humidity sensor capacitor. The de-vice was calibrated every day for zero value of CO2 and H20. The photosynthesis measur-ing process was a comparison between cycles of measurements of the air composition (amounts of CO2 and H2O). The air outside of the chamber flowed at a constant rate in and out the chamber. Photosynthesis values were obtained automatically according to the de-fault equations of the device [38]. The leaf chamber had a surface of 10 cm2 and it was completely covered by the foliole. The device provided PAR data with an external photo-diode and temperature data of the chamber (thermocouple) and the leaf (infrared sensor). The Covid-19 pandemic limited the possibility of staff involvement in the implementation of the experiments. Consequently, photosynthesis measurements were not taken in the 2020 season. 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: The temperature inside the greenhouse was monitored with a temperature and rela-tive humidity sensor (Atmos-14, Meter, USA) attached to a datalogger (CR1000, Campbell Sci, UK). Fig. 11 shows the seasonal pattern of maximum and minimum temperature during the three experiments. In the spring cycles, maximum temperatures were around 30ºC until 50-60 days after transplant (DAT), when they tended to increase slightly. Max-imum values were recorded at the end of the experiments, when the temperature reached more than 40ºC. In both experiments, minimum temperatures presented a similar pattern. At the beginning, they were slightly below 10ºC but then increased from 70 DAT. By the end of the experiment, the values recorded were close to 20ºC. The autumn cycle presented the opposite seasonal pattern. Both, maximum and minimum temperatures decreased from 35 and 20ºC respectively to steady values at around 70 DAT. On this date, maximum temperatures were around 22ºC until almost the end of the experiment. Minimum tem-peratures presented greater variations between days, with values around 10ºC. But they decreased clearly from 85 DAT and reached minimum values near 0º C in the last few days. The greenhouse was oriented close to a N-S direction, and a radiation gradient was observed from the south side of the experiment to the north part. To reduce the potential impact of these variations in radiation, a block design was selected that would minimize such differences. The experimental design used randomized blocks with two irrigation treatments and four repetitions. Each plot consisted of three lines of plants, with the cen-tral one used as measuring line and the other two as guards FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 2. File list: File name:datos.xls Description: Published data 4. File format: XLS 5. If the dataset includes multiple files, specify the directory structure and relationships between the files: All data are included in one file. Data are organized in separated sheets SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- [Este apartado se debe repetir para cada archivo de datos que requiera la explicación de variables (habitualmente datos tabulados). Se describirán todas las variables, incluyendo las unidades de medida.] 1. Name file: Datos.xls