This file was created on 09-02-2023 by Jose Antonio Matías-García and Samuel Arias-Sánchez. GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: RAS, CORE-OM (Problems and Risk Subscales) and WHOQOLBREF questionnaires applied in a sample of people with serious mental illness [DATASET] Cuestionarios RAS, CORE-OM (subescalas Problemas y Riesgo) y WHOQOLBREF administrados en una muestra de personas con trastorno mental grave [DATASET] 2. Authorship: Name: Saavedra, Javier Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Brzeska, Joanna Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Matías-García, Jose Antonio Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: Name: Arias-Sánchez; Samuel Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: ORCID: DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: English 2. Abstract: Database including direct responses and calculations of the scales and subscales of 234 people with serious mental disorders surveyed in Andalusia in the framework of the research project "Desafíos del Yo: Reconstrucción de las Identidades en Situaciones de Desigualdades y Exclusión Social" (DYRISES, Ref: PSI2016-80112-P), funded by the Spanish Government. Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The analysis of these data is reported in the article entitled Quality of life and psychiatric distress in people with serious mental illness, the role of personal recovery accepted for publication in the journal Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 3. Keywords: Personal Recovery; Quality of Life; Psychiatric Distress; Serious Mental Illness; RAS; CORE-OM; WHOQOL / Recuperación Personal; Calidad de Vida; Distrés Psiquiátrico; Trastorno Mental Grave; RAS; CORE-OM; WHOQOL 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): 01-01-2017 - 31-12-2018 5. Publication Date: 09-02-2023 6. Grant information: Grant Agency: Spanish Government, Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency and European Regional Development Fund-ERDF / Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación y Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional-FEDER Grant Number: PSI2016-80112-P 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Andalucia (Spain) ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC-BY 2. Dataset Handle: 3. Related publication: Quality of life and psychiatric distress in people with serious mental illness, the role of personal recovery. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 09-02-2023 2. Were data derived from another source?: No METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: Briefly, and without engaging in self-plagiarism with the publication associated with this database, we could say that in this research we contacted several care services for people with severe mental disorders in Andalusia, Spain, who referred to us volunteers with such diagnoses who were individually surveyed in person under the supervision of psychologists, including the authors of the study, throughout 2017 and 2018. A more detailed description of the data collection and analysis procedure is described in the associated open access publication in the journal Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 2. Data processing methods: Participants self-completed the battery of instruments, in some cases with the support of the researchers who accompanied them to clarify any doubts, and the direct data provided on paper were digitised in the database, which included a code for each participant. To ensure data protection and anonymity, the person-code relationship was established in another document kept under lock and key. In this database are included both the direct scores of each person (anonymised) to each of the items of the three scales, the calculations of the global scores for each of them and some socio-demographic data. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 4. Information about instruments, calibration and standards: The database includes 234 participants' responses to these three scales: The Spanish version of the Recovery Assessment Scale-24 (RAS-24), validated in a Spanish clinical sample by Saavedra, et al. (2021), which has satisfactory fit and internal consistency indices (α = 0.93; ω = 0.95) for the original five-factor structure, and is considered the most widely used self-report questionnaire to measure mental health recovery. The Spanish version of the World Health Organization QoL scale (WHOQOL-BREF), validated in its Spanish version by Lucas-Carrasco (1998), found satisfactory fit and internal consistency indices, with Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.70 to 0.80 for the original four-factor structure. This scale has 26 items measuring four different dimensions: Physical Health, Psychological Health, Social Relationships and Environmental Health. The Spanish version of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) scale, validated by Feixas et al. (2012), reported good reliability for all dimensions with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.77 to 0.94. It has 34 items measuring psychiatric distress and provides scores on four different dimensions: Well-being, Functioning, Problems/Symptoms, and Risk. In this study only the data from the last two subscales were used and are reported. 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: Not aplicable 6. Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Throughout the data collection process, we worked directly with the referring institutions to ensure that the process was carried out according to the highest quality standards, following the protocols established in the project and approved by an ethics committee. During data collection, preparation and analysis, the four researchers responsible for this database and publication oversaw all quality assurance, anonymity and data management measures. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. Explain the file naming conversion, si es aplicable: The file name summarises the three reported scales (RAS, WHO and CORE). The acronyms of the scales by which they are commonly known have been used: Recovery Assessment Scale-24 (RAS-24, "R" for responses to each item listed), World Health Organization QoL (WHOQOL-BREF "W" for responses to each item listed) and Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM, "C" for responses to each item listed). 2. File list: File name: RAS_WHO_CORE_DATABASE.SAV Description: Database including direct responses and calculations of the scales and subscales of 234 people with severe mental disorders surveyed in Andalusia in the framework of the research project "Desafíos del Yo: Reconstrucción de las Identidades en Situaciones de Desigualdades y Exclusión Social" (DYRISES, Ref: PSI2016-80112-P), funded by the Spanish Government. Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The analysis of these data is reported in the article entitled Quality of life and psychiatric distress in people with serious mental illness, the role of personal recovery accepted for publication in the journal Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 3. Relationship between files: Only one file is included 4. File format: .sav 5. If the dataset includes multiple files, specify the directory structure and relationships between the files: Only one file is included SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- 1. Name file: RAS_WHO_CORE_DATABASE.SAV 2. Number of rows and columns: 234 and 118 3. Variables list: (R for RAS; C for CORE; W for WHO) ParticipantCode Age Sex MaritalStatus EducationLevel Diagnosis NumberOfHospitalizations R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 RAS_PersonalConfidenceAndHope_direct_score RAS_Willingnesstoaskforhelp_direct_score RAS_GoalAndSuccessOrientation_direct_score RAS_RelianceOnOthers_direct_score RAS_NoDominationBySymptoms_direct_score RAS_Total_MeanofItems RAS_Total_Sumofitems CORE_ProblemsSymptoms_direct_score CORE_ProblemsSymptoms_Meanofitems CORE_RiskHarm_direct_score CORE_RiskHarm_Meanofitems CORE_ProblemsAndRiskTogether_direct_score W1 W2 W3_Q1 W4_Q2 W5_Q3 W6_Q4 W7_Q5 W8_Q6 W9_Q7 W10_Q8 W11_Q9 W12_Q10 W13_Q11 W14_Q12 W15_Q13 W16_Q14 W17_Q15 W18_Q16 W19_Q17 W20_Q18 W21_Q19 W22_Q20 W23_Q21 W24_Q22 W25_Q23 W26_Q24 W27_Q25 W28_Q26 W29 W30 W31 WHOQOLBREF_PhysicalHealth_direct_score WHOQOLBREF_PhysicalHealth_T_score WHOQOLBREF_PsychologicalHealth_direct_score WHOQOLBREF_PsychologicalHealth_T_score WHOQOLBREF_SocialRelations_direct_score WHOQOLBREF_SocialRelations_T_score WHOQOLBREF_Environment_direct_score WHOQOLBREF_Environment_T_score WHOQOLBREF_Total_Meanofsubscales core_ras_interaction Variable name: All units of measure are ratio numbers representing their answer to each scale, but for cases that have a category system: Description: Sex: Man (0); Woman (1). MaritalStatus: Single (0); Partner (1); Divorced-Widowed-Separated (2). EducationLevel: No formal studies (0); Primary studies (1); Secondary studies (2); University (3). Diagnosis: Schizophrenia spectrum (0); Bipolar disorder (1); Anxiety-Depression (2); Personality disorder (3); Other (4). 4. Codes or symbols for missing data: Missing data were left as empty database cells 5. Special formats or abbreviations used: R for RAS or Recovery Assessment Scale-24 (RAS-24) C for CORE or Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) W for WHO or World Health Organization QoL scale (WHOQOL-BREF)