[Las instrucciones de este documento se encuentran entre corchetes y se incluye el nivel de obligatoriedad de cada apartado.] [Cuando haya completado este documento, elimine todas las instrucciones y borre los apartados que no haya rellenado por no ser aplicables en su conjunto de datos.] [Rellene el máximo de apartados posibles para facilitar la reutilización de su conjunto de datos.] [Este plantilla está creada en base a la elaborada por el Grupo de trabajo de Apoyo a la Investigación del CSUC.] [Para cualquier información sobre este documento contacte con .] [Esta plantilla está publicada con una licencia CC0.] Este archivo ha sido creado el 22-12-2022 por Alfonso Moriana GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: Dataset. Endocarp development study in full irrigated olive orchards and impact on fruit features at harvest P20-00492 2. Authorship: Name:Sanchez-Piñero, Marta Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email: martasanchezpinero@yahoo.es ORCID: Name: Martín-Palomo, María José Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Email:mjpalomo@us.es ORCID:0000-0002-0314-4363 Name: Moriana, Alfonso Institution:Universidad de Sevilla Email:amoriana@us.es ORCID:0000-0002-5237-6937 Name:Corell, Mireia Institution:Universidad de Sevilla Email:mcorell@us.es ORCID:0000-0001-5955-0048 Name:Pérez-López, David Institution:Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Email:david.perezl@upm.es ORCID:0000-0002-2835-5896 DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: English 2. Abstract: Data are organised in two excel files. Data are of sevral locations, seasons and cultivars. The first one (thermal p20-0492) included (per treee and year) : the date of flowering estimation of degree days with several models Lenght of pri hardening The second one (pit breaking pressure p20-00492) included all data of the seasonal curve of maximum pit breaking pressure 3. Keywords: Olive; Endocarp development; Fruit features; Full irrigation; Degree days 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): Dataset includes several seasonal form 2006 to 2022 5. Publication Date: 22/12/2022 6. Grant information: Grant Agency [Organismo financiador]:Juanta de Andalucía Grant Number [Código del proyecto]:P20-00492 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Ciudad Real (39ºN, 3º56'W; altitude 640 m), Farm "El Morillo" farm near Seville (37.5ºN, 5.7ºW; 102 m altitude), "La Hampa" experimental farm near Se-ville (37º 17' N, 6º 3'W, 30 m altitude) ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC-BY 2. Dataset DOI: 10.3390/plants11243541 3. Related publication: 1. Gucci, R., Fereres, E., Godhamer, D.A. 2012. Olive, in: Steduto, P., Hsiao, T.C., Fereres, E., Raes, D. (Eds), Crop yield response to water, FAO Irrigations and drainage paper 66, FAO, Rome, pp 300-315. 2. Goldhamer, D.A. 1999. 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Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: Pit-breaking pressure in all fruits was measured according to Rapoport et al (2013) using a device similar to the one described in this latter work. In short, pressure applied by hand to a lever was transformed into the vertical movement of a probe terminating in a 2mm diameter tip. Several capacity load cells of different pressure ranges were used. These load cells at-tached above the tip transformed the force applied to break the pit into an electrical signal. Pressure (MPa) is calculated as the force (N) divided by the area of the tip (m2). The electrical signal was sent to a data acquisition module (Model KUSB 318, Keithley Instru-ments Inc, Cleveland, OH, USA) connected by USB 2.0 to a computer for data processing. We also developed a specific application based on Visual Basic 6.0 to register the acquired data and to indicate on the screen the maximum pressure reached 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: [Obligatorio si es aplicable | Ej .: influencias atmosféricas, entorno computacional, etc.] Data were obtained from three different cultivars: Cornicabra (oil), Arbequina (oil) and Manzanilla (table), throughout several seasons (from 2006 to 2022). Trees were grown in different orchards located in Ciudad Real (central Spain) and Seville (south Spain). Both locations are around 350 km away and have different conditions for olive development (Table 7). Seville is in the main table olive producing area in Spain, and climatic condi-tions are the optimum for olive growing. In this location, maximum temperatures were above 34ºC from May to September as an average for the period 2006-2021. On the contra-ry, Winter was warm with minimum temperature slightly below 0ºC in January, but higher than 6ºC from April to October. The rain pattern was the typical of a Mediterranean climate, with a drought period in Summer (from June to August). The average seasonal rain was 497 mm. On the contrary, climatic conditions in Ciudad Real could be limiting for olive development. Maximum temperatures were similar to Seville, but the period when they were above 34ºC was narrower (from June to September). Winter presented lower minimum temperatures for longer than Seville, with values below -3ºC from No-vember to March. The pattern of rains was similar in both locations, but Ciudad Real pre-sented a lower seasonal rain than Seville, with a total amount of 421 mm. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. Explain the file naming conversion, si es aplicable: We used the grant number of the project. "Thermal" are related with the degree estimation and lenght period. Pit breaking are the data of the maximum pit breaking curve 2. File list: File name:Thermal P20-0492.xls Description:Estimation of thermal integral and periods of endocarp development File name:Pit breaking pressure P20-00492.xls Description:Data for seasonal curve of endocarp breaking pressure 4. File format: Excel