Este archivo ha sido creado el 08-09-2022 por Paula GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Dataset title: TAE-I Project Dataset 2. Authorship: Name: Inmaculada Sánchez Queija Institution: Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Psicología Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-4688-4206 Name: Águeda Parra Jiménez Institution: Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Psicología Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-8435-2422 Name: Marta Díez-López Institution: Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Psicología Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-5171-0668 Name: Enrique Arranz Freijo Institution: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-448-3420 Name: Carlos Gonzalo Camacho Martínez-Vara de Rey Institution: Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Psicología Email: ORCID: 0000-0003-3184-089X Name: Izarne Lizaso Elgarresta Institution: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Email: ORCID: 0000-0003-1064-5665 Name: Jeffrey Jensen Arnett Institution: Clark University Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-6968-7168 DESCRIPTION ---------- 1. Dataset language: Inglés 2. Abstract: La matriz de datos incluye la siguiente información: Identificator: Número anónimo y exclusivo concedido a cada participante. University: Universidad de procedencia. Gender: Género. Age: Edad Region: Región de procedencia del participante. Habitat: Hábitat rural o urbano. Ed_Level: Nivel de estudios. Emp_Status: Situación laboral. R_Emp_Status: Situación laboral recodificada. Income: Nivel de ingresos del participante. R_Income: Nivel de ingresos del participante recodificado. Fam_Inc_Lev: Nivel de ingresos familiares. SES: Nivel Socioeconómico del participante. Uni_type: tipo de Universidad. Know_Area: Área de conocimiento. Ac_Year: Año/curso académico. Train_Course: Cuestionario sobre búsqueda de empleo y aumento de la empleabilidad. Reg_Training: Cuestionario sobre búsqueda de empleo y aumento de la empleabilidad. CV_Subm: Cuestionario sobre búsqueda de empleo y aumento de la empleabilidad. Look_for_Work: Cuestionario sobre búsqueda de empleo y aumento de la empleabilidad. Live_Together: ¿Con quién vive el participante? R_Live_Together: ¿Con quién vive el participante? Recodificado. Flourishing: Puntuación de escala de florecimiento. Resilience: Puntuación de escala de resiliencia. PW_SelfAcep: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Autoaceptación/Self-Acceptance) de la escala de Bienestar Psicológico. PW_PosRel: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Relaciones Positivas/Positive Relations with Others) de la escala de Bienestar Psicológico. PW_Autonomy: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Autonomía/Autonomy) de la escala de Bienestar Psicológico. PW_EnvMas: Puntuación de Subescala 4 (Dominio del Entorno/Environmental Mastery) de la escala de Bienestar Psicológico. PW_PerGrow: Puntuación de Subescala 5 (Crecimiento Personal/Personal Growth) de la escala de Bienestar Psicológico. PW_PurLife: Puntuación de Subescala 6 (Propósito Vital/Purpose in Life) de la escala de Bienestar Psicológico. PW_General: Puntuación global de la escala de Bienestar Psicológico. EI_Ap_OwnE: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Valoración de las propias emociones/Appraisal of own emotions) de la escala de Inteligencia Emocional. EI_Ap_OtherE: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Valoración de las emociones ajenas/Appraisal of own emotions) de la escala de Inteligencia Emocional. EI_Reg_OwnE: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Regulación de las propias emociones/Regulation of own emotions) de la escala de Inteligencia Emocional. EI_Reg_OtherE: Puntuación de Subescala 4 (Regulación de las emociones ajenas/Regulation of others emotions) de la escala de Inteligencia Emocional. EI_Ut_OtherE: Puntuación de Subescala 5 (Utilización de las emociones ajenas/Utilization of others emotions) de la escala de Inteligencia Emocional. EI_Glob_Score: Puntuación global de la escala de Inteligencia Emocional. Have_Part: ¿Tienes pareja actualmente? Had_Partner: ¿Has tenido pareja en algún otro momento de tu vida? Friends_Sup: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Apoyo de los Amigos/Friends Support) de la escala de Apoyo Social Percibido. Family_Sup: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Apoyo de la Familia/Family Support) de la escala de Apoyo Social Percibido. Partner_Sup: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Apoyo de la Pareja/Partner Support) de la escala de Apoyo Social Percibido. Attach_Avoidance: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Evitación/Avoidance) de la escala de Experiencia en Relaciones Cercanas. Attach_Anxiety: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Ansiedad/Anxiety) de la escala de Experiencia en Relaciones Cercanas. Sex_Attitude: Puntuación global de la escala de Actitudes hacia la Sexualidad. Par_Involvement: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Implicación Parental/Parent Involvement) de la escala de Percepciones de los Padres. Par_Aut_Sup: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Apoyo a la Autonomía/Parent Autonomy Support) de la escala de Percepciones de los Padres. Par_Warmth: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Calidez Parental/Parent Warmth) de la escala de Percepciones de los Padres. Behav_Control: Puntuación de la Subescala 1 (Control Conductual/ Behavioral Control) de la escala de Control Familiar. Psych_Control: Puntuación de la Subescala 2 (Control Psicológico/Psychological Control) de la escala de Control Familiar. EA_Deidealization: Puntuación de la Subescala 1 (Desidealización de los padres/ Deidealization of Parents) de la escala de Autonomía Emocional. EA_Nondependence: Puntuación de la Subescala 2 (Independencia de los padres/Non-Dependence of Parents) de la escala de Autonomía Emocional. EA_Individualization: Puntuación de la Subescala 3 (Individualización/ Individualization) de la escala de Autonomía Emocional. Emp_External: Puntuación de la Subescala 1 (Empleabilidad Externa/External Employability) de la escala de Empleabilidad. Emp_Internal: Puntuación de la Subescala 2 (Empleabilidad Interna/ Internal Employability) de la escala de Empleabilidad. Employability: Puntuación global de la escala de Empleabilidad. Emp_Studies1: Puntuación del ítem 1 (Obtengo buenas notas en mis estudios) de la escala de Empleabilidad. Emp_Studies2: Puntuación del ítem 2 (Mis estudios son una prioridad para mí) de la escala de Empleabilidad. WI_OwnCom: Puntuación del ítem 1 de la escala de Intención Laboral. WI_ProfCar: Puntuación del ítem 2 de la escala de Intención Laboral. WI_PubAdm: Puntuación del ítem 3 de la escala de Intención Laboral. WI_NGO: Puntuación del ítem 4 de la escala de Intención Laboral. D_Stress1: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Estrés/Stress) de la escala de Malestar Psicológico. Puntuación de 0-42. D_Stress2: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Estrés/Stress) de la escala de Malestar Psicológico. Puntuación de 0-21. D_Anxiety1: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Ansiedad/Anxiety) de la escala de Malestar Psicológico. Puntuación de 0-42. D_Anxiety2: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Ansiedad/Anxiety) de la escala de Malestar Psicológico. Puntuación de 0-21. D_Depression1: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Depresión/Depression) de la escala de Malestar Psicológico. Puntuación de 0-42. D_Depression2: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Ansiedad/Anxiety) de la escala de Malestar Psicológico. Puntuación de 0-21. Gen_Distress: Puntuación global de la escala de Malestar Psicológico. Sex_Hostile: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Sexismo Hostil/Hostile Sexism) de la escala de Sexismo. Sex_Benevolent: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Sexismo Benevolente/ Benevolent Sexism) de la escala de Sexismo. Sex_Hostile_Men: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Sexismo Hostil/Hostile Sexism) de la escala de Sexismo. Muestra de hombres. Sex_Hostile_Women: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Sexismo Hostil/Hostile Sexism) de la escala de Sexismo. Muestra de mujeres. Sex_Benevolent_Men: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Sexismo Benevolente/ Benevolent Sexism) de la escala de Sexismo. Muestra de hombres. Sex_Benevolent_Women: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Sexismo Benevolente/ Benevolent Sexism) de la escala de Sexismo. Muestra de mujeres. Com_Mak: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Formación del Compromiso/Commitment Making) de la escala de identidad. Com_Iden: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Identificación con el Compromiso/ Identification with Commitment) de la escala de identidad. Exp_Bre: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Exploración en Amplitud/ Exploration in Breadth) de la escala de identidad. Exp_Dep: Puntuación de Subescala 4 (Exploración en Profundidad/ Exploration in Depth) de la escala de identidad. Exp_Rum: Puntuación de Subescala 5 (Exploración Rumiativa/ Ruminative Exploration) de la escala de identidad. ICP_Direct: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Participación Directa) de la escala de Participación Ciudadana. ICP_Opinion: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Participación Opinativa) de la escala de Participación Ciudadana. ICP_Online: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Participación Online) de la escala de Participación Ciudadana. ICP_Electoral: Puntuación de Subescala 4 (Participación Electoral) de la escala de Participación Ciudadana. ICP_Ideology: Puntuación de Subescala 5 (Ideología) de la escala de Participación Ciudadana. R_ICP_Ideology: Puntuación recodificada de Subescala 5 (Participación Directa) de la escala de Participación Ciudadana. IDEA_IdExp: Puntuación de Subescala 1 (Exploración Identitaria/Identity Exploration) de la escala IDEA (Definition of the Stage, Arnett). IDEA_ExPos: Puntuación de Subescala 2 (Experimentación y Posibilidades/ Experimentation y Possibilities) de la escala IDEA (Definition of the Stage, Arnett). IDEA_NeIns: Puntuación de Subescala 3 (Negatividad e Inestabilidad/ Negativity and Instability) de la escala IDEA (Definition of the Stage, Arnett). IDEA_OtFoc: Puntuación de Subescala 4 (Enfocado en Otros/Other-Focused) de la escala IDEA (Definition of the Stage, Arnett). IDEA_SeFoc: Puntuación de Subescala 5 (Enfocado en sí mismo/Self-Focused) de la escala IDEA (Definition of the Stage, Arnett). IDEA_FeBet: Puntuación de Subescala 6 (Sentirse “en medio” /Feeling in-Between) de la escala IDEA (Definition of the Stage, Arnett). DrugCom1: Puntuación de Ítem 1 (Consumo de cigarrillos) de Consumo de Drogas. DrugCom2: Puntuación de Ítem 2 (Consumo de alcohol) de Consumo de Drogas. DrugCom3: Puntuación de Ítem 3 (Consumo de 5 o más bebidas alcohólicas en una o más ocasiones) de Consumo de Drogas. DrugCom4: Puntuación de Ítem 4 (Consumo de mahihuana o hachís) de Consumo de Drogas. DrugCom5: Puntuación de Ítem 5 (Consumo de otras drogas) de Consumo de Drogas. 3. Keywords: Adultez emergente; Transición a la adultez, Ajuste psicosocial, Factores protectores y de riesgo, Intervención basada en la evidencia. Emerging Adulthood; Transition to Adulthood, Psychosocial adjustment, Risk and protective factors, Evidence-based approach. 4. Date of data collection (fecha única o rango de fechas): 01-02-2015 a 31-05-2015 5. Publication Date: - 6. Grant information: Proyecto:La Transición a la Adultez en España: Estudio Sobre las Claves del Ajuste Psicosocial y Fundamentos para su Intervención Preventiva Responsable: Águeda Parra Jiménez Tipo de Proyecto/Ayuda: Plan Estatal 2013-2016 Retos - Proyectos I+D+i Fecha de Inicio: 01-01-2014 Fecha de Finalización: 31-12-2017 Grant Agency [Organismo financiador]: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Grant Number [Código del proyecto]: EDU2013-45687-R 7. Geographical location/s of data collection: Alumnado de la Universidad de Sevilla (US) y la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)(España). ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: Licencia CC-BY-NC (Reconocimiento – NoComercial) 2. Dataset DOI: AÚN NO TENEMOS DOI PORQUE ESTE DOCUMENTO QUE ESTAMOS RELLENANDO ES PARTE DE LA SUBIDA DEL ARCHIVO AL REPOSITORIO. 3. Related publication: García-Mendoza, M.C., Parra, A., Sánchez-Queija, I., Coimbra, S, Oliveira, J.E. (2021). Gender differences in perceived family involvement and perceived family control during emerging adulthood: A cross-country comparison in Southern Europe. Journal of Child and Family Studies. . PRISMA Sánchez-Queija, I., Parra, A., Camacho, C., Arnett, J. J. (2020). Spanish version of the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA-S). Emerging Adulthood, 8, 237-244. doi: 10.1177/2167696818804938; JCR IF (2020): 1,560 (Q3, Family Studies). Download postprint. PRISMA García-Mendoza, M.C., Parra, A., Sánchez-Queija, I., Arranz, E. (2020). Emotional Autonomy and Adjustment among Emerging Adults: The Moderating Role of Family Relationships. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 61(3), 380-387.: JCR IF (2020): 2,343 (Q2 en Psychology, Multidisciplinary). PRISMA García-Mendoza, M.C., Sánchez-Queija, I., Parra, A. (2019). The Role of Parents in Emerging Adults’ Psychological Well-Being: a Person-Oriented Approach. Family Process, 58 (4), 954 - 971. doi: 10.1111/famp.12388. JCR IF (2019): 2.175 (Q1: Family Studies; Q2: Psychology, Clinical). Premio "M. Luisa Padilla" a la mejor publicación científica de jovenes investigadores de la Facultad de Psicología de la US. Año 2019. ENLACE PRISMA De la Fuente, R., Parra, A., Sánchez-Queija, I., y Lizaso, I. (2019). Flourishing during emerging adulthood from a gender perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10902-019-00204-9 En prensa. JCR IF (2019): 2.344 (Q1 en Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; Q2 en Psychology, Multidisciplinary).Download postprint . ENLACE PRISMA Parra, A., Sánchez-Queija, I., García-Mendoza, C., Coimbra, S., Oliveira, J. E., Díez, M. (2019). Perceived Parenting Styles and Adjustment during Emerging Adulthood: A Cross-National perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(15), 2757- doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152757. JCR IF (2019): 2,849 (Q1 en Environmental Sciences y en Public, Environmental and Occupational Health). Descargar/Download aquí/here . PRISMA Díez, M., Sánchez-Queija, I., Parra, A. (2019). Why are undergraduate emerging adults anxious and avoidant in their romantic relationships? The role of family relationships. Plos one, 14(11): e0224159. JCR IF (2019): 2,740 (Q2, Multidisciplinary Science). PRISMA Lizaso, I., Sánchez-Queija, I., Parra, A., Arranz, E. (2018). La participación social online y offline de estudiantes universitarios españoles [online and offline social participation of Spanish graduates students. OBETS, 13 (2), 547-567. DOI: 10.14198/OBETS2018.13.2.04. SJR IF (2017): 0.3 (Q2, Social Sciences). PRISMA Vargas, R., Sánchez-Queija, I., Rothwell, A. & Parra, A. (2018). Self-perceived employability in Spain. Education & Training, 60 (3), 226 - 237. DOI: SJR IF: 0.51 (Q1: Bussines, Management and Accounting; Q2: Education; Q2: Life-span and Life-course studies). Descargar / Download aquí/here. PRISMA De la Fuente, R., Parra, A. & Sánchez-Queija, I. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Flourishing Scale and Measurement Invariance between two Samples of Spanish University Students. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 40(4), 409-424. DOI: 10.1177/0163278717703446. JCR IF: 1.53 (Q3, health care sciences and services). IF: 1.531 (Q3, HEALTH POLICIES & SERVICES). PRISMA García-Mendoza, M.C., Parra, A. y Sánchez-Queija, I. (2017). Relaciones familiares y ajuste psicológico en adultos emergentes universitarios españoles. Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual, 25, 377-389. JCR IF: 0.898 (Q4; PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL). PRISMA. 4. Link to related datasets: - VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE --------------- 1. Last modification date: 20-09-2022 2. Were data derived from another source?: - 3. Additional related data not included in this dataset: - METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ----------------------- 1. Description of the methods used to collect and generate the data: García-Mendoza, M.C., Parra, A. y Sánchez-Queija, I. (2017). Relaciones familiares y ajuste psicológico en adultos emergentes universitarios españoles. Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual, 25, 377-389. 2. Data processing methods: Se llevó a cabo el siguiente protocolo de tratamiento y depuración de datos: 1. Realizamos un primer filtrado donde se han quitado de las matrices a los participantes que cumplen con alguno de los siguientes puntos: a. Edad fuera de rango (18-29 años). b. Edad desconocida. c. Es de otra universidad que no sea la Universidad de Sevilla (US), la Escuela Universitaria de Osuna o la Universidad del País Vasco (UPHV). 2. Codificamos como perdidos los valores 99 (no responde a un ítem de alguna escala) y 999 (no le corresponde responder a la escala). 3. Realizamos una segunda depuración donde se han quitado de las matrices a los participantes que: a. Borrado por incongruencia intra-escala (aquiescencia, tendencia central, respuestas contradictorias). b. Borrado por incongruencias inter-escala. c. Quienes tienen 46 valores perdidos o más en toda la fila o que no llegan al mínimo de respuestas completas de todo el cuadernillo de cuestionarios. 4. Imputamos los datos en aquellos casos en los que el número de valores perdidos de un cuestionario sea inferior al 90% del número total de ítems. 5. Calculamos los sumatorios totales de todas las subescalas. 6. Para la elaboración del presente set de datos se han dejado sólo los sumatorios totales de las subescalas calculcadas con la matriz ya depurada. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: SPSS, preferiblemente desde la versión 19 en adelante. 4. Information about instruments, calibration and standards: The sociodemographic variables gathered were gender, age, socioeconomic status, the knowledge area, and university. Flourishing. To measure flourishing, participants completed the Spanish version (De la Fuente, 2017) of the Flourishing Scale (Diener et al., 2010). This instrument assesses an individual's level of flourishing using 8 items rated on a 7-point Likert-type scale (e.g., ‘I lead a purposeful and meaningful life’). The scale had an overall reliability value of α = .81. Resilience. To measure resilience, participants completed the Spanish version of the Brief Resilience Scale of Smith et al. (2008). This instrument assesses an individual's level of resilience using 6 items rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale (e.g., ‘I tend to get over tough times quickly’). The scale had an overall reliability value of α = .80 Psychological Well-being. We administered the reduced Spanish version of the scale (Diaz et al., 2006; Ryff et al., 1995), a questionnaire comprising 29 items rated on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 6 (completely agree). The PWBS measures six subscales: self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life and personal growth, which can be grouped into a second-order factor, psychological well-being (a = 0.87). An example of an item in the questionnaire is “When I think about it, I haven’t really improved much as a person over the years.” Response scores were averaged to create the composite scores for the data analyses. Higher scores on the scale indicate greater levels of psychological well-being. Emotional Intelligence. To measure emotional inteligence, participants completed the Spanish version of the Brief Emotional Intelligence scale-10 of Davies et al. (2010). This instrument assesses an individual's level of emotional intelligence using 10 items rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale (e.g., ‘I control my emotions’). The scale had an overall reliability value of α = .67. Perceived Social Support. We administered the Spanish version (Landeta & Calvete, 2002; Zimet et al., 1988) of the Multidimensional scale of Perceived Social Support (a = 0.92), a survey comprising 12 items evaluating family support (for example, “I can talk about my problems with my family”); friends support (for example, “I can talk about my problems with my friends”) and partner support (for example, "I can talk about my problems with my partner"). Values range from 1 (very strongly disagree) to 7 (very strongly agree). Higher scores on the scale indicate higher levels of family social support. Attachment. To measure attachment, participants completed the Spanish version (Itziar et al., 2007) of the Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) adult attachment questionnaire of Brennan et al. (1998). This instrument assesses an individual's level of avoidance or anxiety attachment behaviors using 32 items rated on a 4-point Likert-type scale (e.g., ‘I control my emotions’). The scale had an overall reliability value of α = .85. Attitudes toward Sexuality. To measure attitudes toward sexuality, participants completed the Escala de Actitudes hacia la Sexualidad of Dieguez et al. (2005). This instrument has 28 items rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale (e.g., ‘I control my emotions’). The scale had an overall reliability value of α = .84. Perception of Parents. A Spanish adaptation of the Perceptions of Parents Scale (POPS; College Student Version; Grolnick et al., 1991; Robbins, 1994) was applied, It is composed of 20 items scored through a Likert scale of 7 values, which measures the perceptions that young people have of their fathers and mothers through three subscales: Parental involvement (e.g., “My parents dedicate time and energy to help me”) with α = .83, Parental affection (e.g., “My parents clearly express their love for me”) with α = .81 and Autonomy support ( e.g., “My parents allow me to decide things for myself”) with α = .83. Familiar Control. Two different measures were used to assess family control. Psychological control was measured using the corresponding subscale of the Parenting Styles Scale (Oliva et al, 2007). Emerging adults answered eight questions on a 6-point scale ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 6 (completely agree). Sample question: “My father/mother is always telling me what to do”. The Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was a = .87. High scores indicate high levels of perceived psychological control. Behavioral control was measured using items adapted for Emerging Adults from Kerr and Stattin’s Control Subscale (Kerr & Stattin, 2000). Emerging adults answered five questions on a 6-point scale ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 6 (completely agree). Sample question: “My father/mother tries to set rules about what I do in my spare time”. The Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was a = .77. High scores indicate high levels of perceived behavioral control. Emotional Autonomy. We used three subscales of the EAS (Steinberg & Silverberg, 1986) (non-dependency on parents, individuation from parents and deidealization of parents), grouped into a second-order factor, emotional autonomy (a = 0.74, for example, “My parents and I agree on everything”). The scale comprised 14 items on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). Response scores were summed to create the composite scores for the data analyses. Higher scores on the scale denote greater emotional autonomy. The Spanish version of the scale has demonstrated concurrent and predictive validity in previous research (Oliva & Parra, 2001). Self-perceived employability. The study utilized the 16-item employability scale by Rothwell et al. (2009), to which participants respond on a Likert-type scale with anchors from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). Work Intention. The study utilized the 4-item employability subscale of the Cuestionario de Intención Emprendedora (CIE; Rueda et al., 2015), Intención emprendedora, to which participants respond on a Likert-type of 5 points. Psychological Distress. The Spanish version (Bados et al., 2005) of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21), developed by Lovibond and Lovibond (1995), was used to measure distress. This instrument comprises 21 items rated on a 4-point Likert-type scale (e.g., ‘I felt down-hearted and blue’; α = .94). Sexism. To measure sexism, participants completed the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory of Glick and Fiske (1996). This instrument has 22 items rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale and has two subescales: benevolent sexism (α = .89) and hostile sexism (α = .93). Identity. The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS) by Luyckx et al. (2008) was used to measure identity development. This instrument comprises 25 items rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale that measure five subscales: Commitment making (CM, e.g., ‘Decided on the direction I want to follow in life’; α = .91), Identification with commitment (IC, e.g., ‘Future plans give me self-confidence’; α = .90), Exploration in breadth (EB, e.g., ‘Try to find out which lifestyle would be good for me’; α = .86), Exploration in depth (ED, e.g., ‘Think about the future plans I have made’; α = .79) and Ruminative exploration (RE, e.g., ‘Doubtful about what I really want to achieve in life’; α = .85). Citizen Participation. To measure it, this instrument (Adúriz y Ava, 2006) has 19 items rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale and has five subescales: direct participation (2-point Likert Scale), opinative participation (4-point Likert Scale), online participation (2-point Likert Scale), electoral participation (4-point Likert Scale), ideology (5 points Likert Scale). Definition of the Emerging Adulthood. We used the Spanish version of the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (Reifman, Arnett and Colwell 2007). This survey asks: “Is this period of your life a…” identity exploration (α = .76; e.g., “time of finding out who you are?”); experimentation/possibilities (α =.69, e.g., “time of many possibilities?”); self-focused (α = .68; e.g., “time of settling down?”); or feeling ‘in-between’ (α =.55; e.g., “time of feeling adult in some ways but not others?”). All items are responded to on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 4 (Strongly agree). Drug Consumption. Ad hoc questionnaire. It has 5 ítems that measure drug consumption of tobacco, alcohol, hachís, marihuana or any other drug. Four of them have a Likert scale that measures the frequency of consumtion, and one has a cuantitative escale. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- 1. Explain the file naming conversion, si es aplicable: Contamos con un único archivo, que es la base de datos "TAE-I Project Dataset", en proceso de subida a Idus por la presente solicitud. 2. File list: [Obligatorio | Repita el esquema para cada archivo.] File name: TAE-I Project Dataset Description: Base de datos del Proyecto TAE-I 3. Relationship between files: - 4. File format: El formato (.sav) se corresponde con el de los archivos de datos del programa SPSS. 5. If the dataset includes multiple files, specify the directory structure and relationships between the files: - SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA ------------------------------------------- [Este apartado se debe repetir para cada archivo de datos que requiera la explicación de variables (habitualmente datos tabulados). Se describirán todas las variables, incluyendo las unidades de medida.] 1. Name file: "TAE-I Project Dataset" 2. Number of rows and columns: Number of raws: 1502 Number of columns: 97 3. Variables list: Variable name: Identificator Description:Identification Number Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: University Variable name: University of Origin Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1.University of Seville, 2.University of Osuna (Seville), 3. University of País Vasco Variable name: Gender Description:Gender of participants Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:0. Man; 1. Woman Description: Age Variable name:Participants' Age Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Andalucía, 2. Euskadi Description: Region Variable name:Region Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Capital of province or municipality with more than 25,000 inhabitants, 2. Municipality with less than 25,000 inhabitants Description: Habitat Variable name:Rural or Urban Habitat Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Ed_Level Variable name:Educational Level Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value: 1. Primary Education, 2. Lower Secondary Education, 3. Upper Secondary Education or Post-Secundary Non-Tertiary Education, 4. Studying a University Degree, 5. Finalised Degree, 6. Studying Post-Graduate Course (Master, Doctor's Degree...), 7. Finalised Post-Graduate Description: Emp_Status Variable name:Employment Status Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. I do not work or look for a job, 2. I do not work but I look for a job, 3. I have a part-time job, 4. I have a full-time job Description: R_Emp_Status Variable name:Recodified - Employment Status Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:0. Unemployment, 1. Employee Description: Income Variable name:Just in case you are currently working... Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Your income allows you or would allow you to live independently on your own, 2. Your income allows or would allow you to live independently sharing expenses with other people, 3. Your income does not allow you or would allow you to live independently Description: R_Income Variable name:Redodified - Income Level Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Low, 2. Mid, 3. High Description: Fam_Inc_Lev Variable name:Income level in your family unit Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. At this time we do not reach the end of the month, 2. We cover expenses if no extra expenses arrive, 3. We live relaxed, although without luxuries, 4. We can go on vacation and pay some other whim, 5. We live economically relaxed, 6. No financial worries Variable name: SES Description:Socioeconomic Status Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Low, 2. Mid, 3. High Description: Uni_type Variable name:Type of University Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Public University, 2. Affiliated or private university, 3. Distance University, 4. I do not study at university Variable name: Know_Area Description:Knowledge Areas of University Degrees Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Arts and Humanities, 2. Social and Juridical Science, 3. Engineering and Architecture, 4. Health Science, 5. Pure Science, 6. Do not study at university or has not ended yet its university degree, 7. Its universitary degree belongs to two knowledge areas. Description: Ac_Year Variable name:If you are studying a degree, indicate the academic year Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. 1º, 2. 2º, 3. 3º, 4. 4º Description: Train_Course Variable name:If you do not work... You are doing Training Courses Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Yes, 2. No Description: Reg_Training Variable name:If you do not work... You are doing Regulated Training Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Yes, 2. No Description: CV_Subm Variable name:If you do not work... Have you submitted a CV the last month? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Yes, 2. No Description: Look_for_Work Variable name:If you do not work... Every week you look for work through the Internet (LinkedIn, specialized pages) or directly from companies. Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Yes, 2. No Description: Live_Together Variable name:Who do you live with? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. At home, with my parents or one of them, 2. With another relative, 3. In shared housing or student residence, 4. Midweek in residence or shared flat and weekend with my parents, 5. With my partner, 6. With my son/s or daughter/s with or without a partner, 7. Alone Description: R_Live_Together Variable name:Recodified - Who do you live with? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:0. With my parents or one of them, 1. The other values Variable name: Flourishing Description:Flourishing - Global score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Resilience Variable name:Resilience - Global score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: PW_SelfAcep Variable name:Psychological Wellbeing - Self-Acceptance - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: PW_PosRel Variable name:Psychological Wellbeing - Positive Relations with Others - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: PW_Autonomy Variable name:Psychological Wellbeing - Autonomy - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: PW_EnvMas Variable name:Psychological Wellbeing - Environmental Mastery - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: PW_PerGrow Variable name:Psychological Wellbeing - Personal Growth - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: PW_PurLife Variable name:Psychological Wellbeing - Purpose in Life - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: PW_General Variable name:Psychological Wellbeing - Global Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EI_Ap_OwnE Variable name:Emotional Intelligence - Appraisal of own emotions - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EI_Ap_OtherE Variable name:Emotional Intelligence - Appraisal of other emotions - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EI_Reg_OwnE Variable name:Emotional Intelligence - Regulation of own emotions - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EI_Reg_OtherE Variable name:Emotional Intelligence - Regulation of others emotions - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EI_Ut_OtherE Variable name:Emotional Intelligence - Utilization of others emotions - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EI_Glob_Score Variable name:Emotional Intelligence - Global Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Have_Part Variable name:Do you currently have a partner? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:0. No, 1. Yes Description: Had_Partner Variable name:Have you had a partner at any other time in your life? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:0. No, 1. Yes Description: Friends_Sup Variable name:Social Support - Friends - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Family_Sup Variable name:Social Support - Family - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Partner_Sup Variable name:Social Support - Partner - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Attach_Avoidance Variable name:Experience of Close Relationship: Own Attachment Style in Romantic Relationships - Avoidance - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Attach_Anxiety Variable name:Experience of Close Relationship: Own Attachment Style in Romantic Relationships - Anxiety - Subscale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Sex_Attitude Variable name:Attitude Towards Sexuality - Global Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Par_Involvement Variable name:Perception of Parents - Parent Involvement - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Par_Aut_Sup Variable name:Perception of Parents - Parent Autonomy Support - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Par_Warmth Variable name:Perception of Parents - Parent Warmth - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Behav_Control Variable name:Familiar Control - Behavioral Control - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Psych_Control Variable name:Familiar Control - Psychological Control - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EA_Deidealization Variable name:Emotional Autonomy - Deidealization of Parents - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EA_Nondependence Variable name:Emotional Autonomy - Non-Dependence of Parents - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: EA_Individualization Variable name:Emotional Autonomy - Individualization - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Emp_External Variable name:Employability - External - Subescale's Score (Subscale based on factorial analysis result) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Emp_Internal Variable name:Employability - Internal - Subescale's Score (Subscale based on factorial analysis result) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Employability Variable name:Employability - Global Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Emp_Studies1 Variable name:Employability - Item 1 - I get good grades in my studies Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Strongly disagree, 2. Somewhat disagree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Somewhat agree, 5. Strongly agree Description: Emp_Studies2 Variable name:Employability - Item 2 - My studies are a priority for me Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Strongly disagree, 2. Somewhat disagree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Somewhat agree, 5. Strongly agree Description: WI_OwnCom Variable name:Work Intention - Create your own company Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Nothing interested, 2. Little interested, 3. Moderately interested, 4. Quite interested, 5. Totally interested Description: WI_ProfCar Variable name:Work Intention - Develop your professional career in a private company Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Nothing interested, 2. Little interested, 3. Moderately interested, 4. Quite interested, 5. Totally interested Description: WI_PubAdm Variable name:Work Intention - Work in the Public Administration (being a public servant) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Nothing interested, 2. Little interested, 3. Moderately interested, 4. Quite interested, 5. Totally interested Description: WI_NGO Variable name:Work Intention - Work in a Non-Profit Organization (NGO) Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Nothing interested, 2. Little interested, 3. Moderately interested, 4. Quite interested, 5. Totally interested Description: D_Stress1 Variable name:Distress - Stress subscale's score on 0-42 Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Numeric value Description: D_Stress2 Variable name:Distress - Stress Subscale's Score on 0-21 Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: D_Anxiety1 Variable name:Distress - Anxiety Subscale's Score on 0-42 Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: D_Anxiety2 Variable name:Distress - Anxiety Subscale's Score on 0-21 Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: D_Depression1 Variable name:Distress - Depression Subscale's Score on 0-42 Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: D_Depression2 Variable name:Distress - Depression Subscale's Score on 0-21 Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Gen_Distress Variable name:Distress - Global Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Sex_Hostile Variable name:Sexism - Hostile - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Sex_Benevolent Variable name:Sexism - Benevolent - Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: Sex_Hostile_Men Variable name:Sexism - Hostile - Men Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Low, 2. Mid, 3. High Description: Sex_Hostile_Women Variable name:Sexism - Hostile - Women Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Low, 2. Mid, 3. High Description: Sex_Benevolent_Men Variable name:Sexism - Benevolent - Men Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Low, 2. Mid, 3. High Description: Sex_Benevolent_Women Variable name:Sexism - Benevolent - Women Subescale's Score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Low, 2. Mid, 3. High Variable name: Com_Mak Description:Identity - Commitment Making - Subescale's score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Numeric value Variable name: Com_Iden Description:Identity - Identification with Commitment - Subescale's score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Numeric value Variable name: Exp_Bre Description:Identity - Exploration in Breadth - Subescale's score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Numeric value Variable name: Exp_Dep Description:Identity - Exploration in Depth - Subescale's score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Numeric value Variable name: Exp_Rum Description:Identity - Ruminative Exploration - Subescale's score Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor: Numeric value Description: ICP_Direct Variable name:Index of Citizen Participation - Direct Participation Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: ICP_Opinion Variable name:Index of Citizen Participation - Opinion Participation Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: ICP_Online Variable name:Index of Citizen Participation - Online Participation Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: ICP_Electoral Variable name:Index of Citizen Participation - Electoral Participation Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. With high probability YES, 2. Probably YES, 3. Probably NO, 4. With high probability NO Description: ICP_Ideology Variable name:Index of Citizen Participation - Political Ideology Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Left, 2. Centre-Left, 3. Centre, 4. Centre-Right, 5. Right Description: R_ICP_Ideology Variable name:Recodified - Index of Citizen Participation - Political Ideology Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Left + Centre-Left, 2. Centre, 3. Right + Centre-Right Description: IDEA_IdExp Variable name:Definition of the stage - IDEA - Identity Exploration Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: IDEA_ExPos Variable name:Definition of the stage - IDEA - Experimentation/Possibilities Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: IDEA_NeIns Variable name:Definition of the stage - IDEA - Negativity/Instability Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: IDEA_OtFoc Variable name:Definition of the stage - IDEA - Other-Focused Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: IDEA_SeFoc Variable name:Definition of the stage - IDEA - Self-Focused Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: IDEA_FeBet Variable name:Definition of the stage - IDEA - Feeling "In-Between" Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: DrugCom1 Variable name:Drug consumption - In the last 30 days, how often have you smoked cigarettes? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Never, 2. Less than 1 day per week, 3. Some day per week, 4. Daily less than 3 cigarettes per day, 5. Daily between 3 and 8 cigarettes per day, 6. Daily more than half pack of cigarettes, 7. Daily one pack of cigarettes or more Description: DrugCom2 Variable name:Drug consumption - In the last 30 days, how many days have you had alcoholic drinks? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. Never in my life, 2. I have not drink alcoholic drinks in the last 30 days, 3. Between 1-3 days, 4. Between 4-9 days, 5. Between 10-19 days, 6. Between 20-29 days, 7. Every day Description: DrugCom3 Variable name:Drug consumption - In the last 30 days, how many occasions have you drunk 5 or more alcoholic drinks? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:Numeric value Description: DrugCom4 Variable name:Drug consumption - In the last 30 days, how many days have you used hashish or marijuana? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. None, 2. Weekends, 3. Weekends and some midweeks, 4. Every or almost every day Description: DrugCom5 Variable name:Drug consumption - In the last 30 days, how many days have you taken other drugs? Units of measure or value labels | Unidades de medida o etiquetas de valor:1. None, 2. Weekends, 3. Weekends and some midweeks, 4. Every or almost every day 4. Codes or symbols for missing data: Code or symbol: 99 Definition: Missing data (participant did not answer) Code or symbol: 999 Definition: Missing data (participant has not to answer due to a specific characteristic. E.g., if a participant has not a partnet at the time of the data collect, he/she should not answer the parent support subescale) 5. Special formats or abbreviations used: -