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Aquacultural Engineering 97 (2022) 102242
Available online 10 March 2022
0144-8609/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( production of strawberry in aquaponic systems using commercial
hydroponic bands
Víctor M. Fern ́andez-Caban ́as a,*, Antonio Delgado b, Jos ́e R. Lobillo-Eguíbar a,
Luis P ́erez-Urrestarazu c
a Urban Greening and Biosystems Engineering research group, Dpto. Agronomía, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSIA, Ctra. Utrera km.1, 41013 Seville, Spain
b Dpto. Agronomía, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSIA, Ctra. Utrera km.1, 41013 Seville, Spain
c Urban Greening and Biosystems Engineering research group, Area of Agro-Forestry Engineering, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSIA, Ctra. Utrera km.1, 41013 Seville, Spain
Multilayer hydroponic channels
Fruit quality
Coupled aquaponic
Aquaponics is emerging as an interesting alternative for sustainable agriculture which meets the philosophy of
circular economy, decreasing not only the need of external resources but also increasing their use efficiency.
Several studies can be found dealing with the analysis of different fish species combined with a great variety of
crops in systems with diverse sophistication levels. Strawberry crop may be interesting for aquaponics systems.
However, early production and the quality of the fruit, which are crucial factors affecting crop profitability, have
not been previously assessed in aquaponics systems. This work aimed at evaluating these factors together with
the consumption of resources in strawberry production using commercial multi-layer NFT channels coupled with
tench production in an aquaponic system. Production of tench with low density of fish (7001300 g m 3) was
associated to 2 hydroponic lines where plants were transplanted in rockwool plugs or bare roots. Despite the fact
that the transplanting of the strawberries was performed one month later than usual for this crop, the extra-early
production was 31.9 and 33.6 g per plant for rockwool and bare root substrates, respectively. No significant
differences were found neither in strawberry production nor in fruit quality for the two types of substrates
studied. However, parameters related to earliness varied differently along time between bare root and rockwool.
The cultivation of bare root plants is recommended, since it involves lower costs by saving in the acquisition of
the substrate and less environmental and health problems for workers. Despite the fact that tench is a species
very well adapted to the weather conditions in the production area, its low average daily gain ratios and its long
growth cycle makes it unsuitable for combination with the cultivation of strawberry. However, the combination
of a joint production of fish and plants in simple aquaponic systems would allow savings in fertilizer and water,
within a production framework of circular economy.
1. Introduction
Sustainable production of quality food under premises of circular
economy reducing the flow of resources (nutrients) out of the system is
crucial for ensuring food security while maintaining non-renewable re-
sources such as phosphorus and reducing environmental impacts of
agricultural practices (Jurgilevich et al., 2016). This is particularly
relevant in areas of increasing population such as part of the Mediter-
ranean basin (West Asia North Africa region) (Ryan et al., 2012). In
this sense, initiatives that urge the development of policies, missions and
incentives to spread circular economy practices, in particular in food
production, throughout the world are increasingly abundant and insis-
tent (Geng et al., 2019).
Intensive early production of horticultural products is not only
important for providing quality food out of the typical growing seasons
but also crucial for ensuring economical sustainability of horticultural
farmers due to the high prices of these early products. A paradigmatic
example is early production of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)
which, in the European Union, is mainly located in Southern Spain,
concretely in the province of Huelva. This crop is a powerful economic
engine for this area, comprising about 94% of total production in Spain
(Martínez et al., 2017). The total area dedicated in Spain to strawberry
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (V.M. Fern ́andez-Caban ́as), (A. Delgado), (J.R. Lobillo-Eguíbar),
(L. P ́erez-Urrestarazu).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Aquacultural Engineering
journal homepage:
Received 24 July 2020; Received in revised form 1 March 2022; Accepted 8 March 2022
Aquacultural Engineering 97 (2022) 102242
2production in 2018 was 6603 ha, yielding 334,767 t of fruit, most of the
production being destined to the international markets (around 65% of
total production). In 2018, this exportation generated a value of 461.3
million . The progression of the prices of the fruit shows a decline
throughout the campaign, so that the initial values (extra-early pro-
duction, before February 28th and early production, before March 31st)
condition the subsequent prices. According to this, early production in
these agrosystems is critical in order to guarantee their profitability.
In conventional horticulture, strawberry is usually produced in a
monocropping system, i.e. it is consecutively grown in the same field
plots year after year, which increases the risk of soilborne diseases (De
Cal et al., 2005), making soil disinfection a necessary practice (Borrero
et al., 2017). The prohibition of the use of usual soil disinfectant (methyl
bromide) led to the emergence of alternative strawberry production
systems (L ́opez-Aranda et al., 2009; Martínez et al., 2017). Hydroponic
production has demonstrated to be an interesting option due to its in-
dependence from soil microbiological status, while required minerals
are applied to plants with fertigation. In this context, the soilless pro-
duction, as in other intensive horticultural areas, in Spain is progres-
sively increasing and currently amounts to near 6% of the total
production surface in the main strawberry production region. The types
of substrates used in soilless production may affect fruit yield and
quality (Adak et al., 2018; Alsmairat et al., 2018; Marinou et al., 2013;
Martínez et al., 2017; Wysocki et al., 2017). However, other authors
report that the influence of substrates on fruit quality and yield is less
relevant than the effect of strawberry cultivars (Palencia et al., 2016).
Although soilless production may enhance the resource efficiency,
horticultural systems demand high rates of external inputs, in particular,
water and nutrients. In this regard, the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Cir-
cular Horticulture concluded that aquaponics is emerging as one of the
most important areas of sustainable agriculture which meets the phi-
losophy of circular economy (EIP-AGRI, 2017). These systems not only
decrease the need of external nutrient supply but also reduce the overall
water discharge and increase water use efficiency in agricultural prod-
ucts. Aquaponics is a production system that synergistically combines
the simultaneous growing of plants in soilless media (hydroponics) and
fish in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Plants improve their
growth by using metabolic waste from fish and unconsumed feed, which
are transformed by a bacterial community into easily assimilated nu-
trients (i.e., nitrates, phosphates), reducing discharge to the environ-
ment and extending water use (i.e., by removing dissolved nutrients
through plant uptake, the water exchange rate can be reduced) (Rakocy
et al., 2006). Aquaponics has less environmental impact than conven-
tional aquaculture (potential contamination of aquifers with effluents,
water requirements/water footprint, wastewater treatment cost, etc.)
and agriculture (use of fertilisers such as phosphorus, water footprint, an
excessive use of pesticides and fossil fuels, soil contaminants/diseases,
etc.) (Eck et al., 2019; Joyce et al., 2019; Yep and Zheng, 2019). This
production system may have higher productivities and less resource
consumption than conventional land-based systems (Van Ginkel et al.,
2017). Therefore, aquaponics is a production system aimed at reducing
inputs as well as minimising pollution (e.g., wastewater) (Blidariu and
Grozea, 2011) whilst maximising production efficiency and stability,
hence increasing revenues (Tyson et al., 2011).
Strawberry cropping in aquaponic systems may be an interesting
alternative since it is a profitable crop when early produced which can
be managed under soilless conditions. In fact, soilless production is
gaining interest as mentioned above to avoid the risks ascribed to
monocrop production on soil. Nevertheless, very few studies about
strawberry aquaponic production are available, and mainly focus on
operational factors such as substrates used or fish densities employed
(Roosta and Afsharipoor, 2012; Villarroel et al., 2011). Both the early
strawberry production and the quality of the fruit, which are crucial
factors affecting crop profitability, have not been assessed in previous
research. In this regard, it is crucial to know how the root anchoring
system (substrate type), whether bare roots or inert growing media such
as the widely used rockwool may affect crop traits. Thus, this work
aimed at the evaluation of the yield and quality of the combined early
production of strawberry and tench (Tinca tinca), by means of coupled
aquaponic systems. In them, commercial hydroponic bands were
employed, and the differences of using or not a rockwool substrate were
assessed as a relevant aspect which may affect crop performance,
quality, and precocity, as well as resource consumption in the system.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Aquaponic systems
For this study, three identical coupled aquaponic systems (Fig. 1)
were installed inside a greenhouse located at the School of Agricultural
Engineering (University of Seville, Seville, Spain; 37216.45" N,
55612.35" W), encompassing a total surface of 36 m2. Each system was
composed of a 1 m3 cylindrical fish tank, where water was aerated using
a 400 Lh 1 air pump (Air pump 400, Eheim GmbH & Co, Germany) for
ensuring a correct level of oxygen dissolved in the water for the fish.
Water temperature was controlled by means of a 300 W heater (aquar-
ium heater 3639, EHEIM GmbH & Co KG, Germany). From the fish tank,
water was conducted by gravity to a handmade PVC biofilter of 50.26 L
capacity (200 mm in diameter and 1.60 m in height), filled with ceramic
rings as filter media. Then, water was divided into two NGS (New
Growing System, Almería, Spain) multilayer channels with 1.5 m length
and 0.8 m separation, with 12 holes per channel to hold plants (Fig. 2).
The NGS is a modification of the nutrient film technique (NFT) hydro-
ponic system, consisting of a series of interconnected layers, which
favour small cascades that support the increase of oxygen availability
and elude length limitations in NFT channels (Urrestarazu et al., 2005).
NGS multi-layer DUO is specially designed for strawberry crops, and it
is composed of 3 polythene bands forming a superior level, with 2 lines
of holes following a zigzag pattern to hold the plants, and two inner
levels to room the root system and to collect the nutritive solution while
favouring aeration (NGS, 2019). At the end of both hydroponic lines,
water flowed down into a 100 L sump tank, where a single submerged
water pump was located (Compact 1000, EHEIM GmbH & Co. KG,
Germany) in order to return the water to the fish tank, closing the loop.
With the aim of facilitating the growth and colonization of nitrifying
bacteria inside aquaponic components, the systems remained in opera-
tion, without fish or plants, for a period of six weeks. During this time,
ammonia was artificially introduced in the tanks to speed up the process.
2.2. Fish and plants
Tench (Tinca tinca L.) was chosen as fish species for this aquaponic
prototype, since it is fully adapted to the Iberian Peninsulas climate and
is recognized for its great resistance to changes in water quality in
extensive and intensive regimes (Pula et al., 2018), being an adequate
candidate for aquaponics production systems in this area (Lobillo et al.,
2014). The study was started with an initial population of 366 tench
fingerlings, counting up a total biomass of about 2100 g. The fish were
provided by the Regional Aquaculture Center "Las Vegas del Guadiana",
a public company belonging to the Junta de Extremadura, located in
Villafranco del Guadiana (Badajoz, Spain). The acclimatization phase
began at the end of November and consisted in the introduction of a fish
biomass of 700 g in each tank. The number of specimens in each system
was homogenized, leaving 122 fish (366 in total) in each tank. Low
density of fish was selected according to the recommendations of Vil-
larroel et al. (2011) and to simplify systems management.
The cultivar of strawberries used was ‘Primoris FNM, a short day
cultivar, which begins fruit production about eight or ten days before
most of medium cycle varieties. Runners were acquired from Fresas
Nuevos Materiales, S.A. (FNM, Huelva, Spain), after having gone
through a high-altitude nursery to meet the low temperature re-
quirements for the start of flowering, in the same conditions as the
V.M. Fern ́andez-Caban ́as et al.
Aquacultural Engineering 97 (2022) 102242
3seedlings that are usually planted in crops in southern Spain. Half of the
runners were placed in a seedbed with perlite and the other half in
rockwool blocks. Once the first three leaves appeared, the seedlings
were transplanted to the hydroponic lines, after elimination of perlite
with running water. The study started from a total of 72 strawberry
seedlings, of which 36 plants did not use any substrate and 36 were
established on rockwools blocks.
The strawberries were transplanted into the aquaponic two days
after the introduction of fish, in order to ensure adequate nutrients
contents for plants. Distribution of plants according to the substrate type
followed a random blocks pattern, as it can be observed in Fig. 2. Each of
the fish tanks was connected to two hydroponic lines and each of the
lines contained two blocks of 6 plants with different substrate types
(rockwool or bare root).
2.3. System operations and measurements performed
The development of the plants was monitored throughout the crop
cycle, weekly recording different parameters regarding leaves, flowers
and fruits. The width and length of the leaves were measured, as well as
the chlorophyll content in old and new leaves using a SPAD-502 chlo-
rophyll meter (Konica-Minolta, Japan). In addition, a count was made of
the flower buds, number of flowers and fruits and weight of fruits per
Fig. 1. Coupled aquaponic systems used for the production of tench and strawberries in NGS bands. Main aquaponics components are 1) fish tank, 2) biofilter, 3)
hydroponic channels, 4) sump (water pump inside) and 5) detail of multilayer band.
Fig. 2. Schematics of the random distribution of blocks with different substrate type (rockwool or bare root) at each of the 6 lines in the essay. Numbered circles
indicate plant positions. Arrows represent the direction of the water flows.
V.M. Fern ́andez-Caban ́as et al.
Aquacultural Engineering 97 (2022) 102242
4Regarding strawberry quality parameters, immediately after harvest,
the firmness of the fruit was analysed using a PCE-PTR 200 Forge Gauce
penetrometer (PCE-Inst., Spain); and soluble solids (ºBrix) were
measured using a hand-refractometer RHC-200ATC (Huake, China)
applied to fruit juice.
Fish weight was recorded monthly by extraction of all animals from
each tank. In this process, changes in total biomass of fish were deter-
mined to calculate different growth parameters as average daily growth
rate (ADGR), specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio
(FCR), according to Lobillo et al. (2014). Average fish weight (AFW) was
calculated by dividing the total fish weight (TFW) by the number of
animals. ADGR was calculated as the ratio between average fish weight
(AFW) increment and elapsed time. SGR was calculated as 100 x
(lnAFW2 - lnAFW1) / (T2 - T1). FCR was computed as the ratio between
consumed feed and total fish weight increment (TFWI).
Tench were fed with a trouts starter feed from the company "Biomar"
(Inicio Plus 501) with 54% protein and 18% fat. Animals were fed twice
a day applying an amount equivalent to 1.5% of total biomass, therefore
modifying the quantity of feed provided after each fish weighting.
The following parameters were analysed daily: ambient and water
temperature by means of a maximum-minimum thermometer (TFA,
Germany) and the volume of water replacement due to evaporation and
transpiration water losses. Daily water replenishment rate was calcu-
lated as the ratio between the average daily consumption and the total
water running in each system.
Water samples were collected weekly from the fish tank in order to
measure pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and nitrates. The pH and EC
were determined with a pH-meter GLP 22 and an EC-Meter BASIC 30
(Crimson instruments, Barcelona, Spain); respectively. When the pH of
the water dropped rapidly to values close to 7, sodium and potassium
hydroxides were added to the sump until it reached a value above 7
again. Nitrates concentration was obtained by means of an RQflex 10
plus (MERK, Darmstadt, Germany). Dissolved oxygen levels were
determined using colorimetric test kits (TETRA test O2).
Aquaponic systems usually show low concentration levels of ele-
ments such as K, Fe or Ca. Therefore, the plants were periodically
examined to observe the occurrence of nutrients insufficiency. To alle-
viate these potential deficits, K2SO4 at 1.5% was foliarly applied in all
aquaponics systems. The applications were performed twice a week
(Mondays and Fridays), first thing in the morning with a manual
sprayer. Chelated iron solution (1%) was directly added to the water
(EDDHA Sequestrene 138 Fe), 0.1 L for each system. This was done on
Fridays every fortnight.
2.4. Data analysis
The effect of the substrate type used in the aquaponic production of
strawberry, bare roots and rockwool, on studied variables was assessed
by means of an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Since multiple, repeated
measurements were made in an experimental unit in our experimental
design, a repeated measures structure was considered. In this design,
the observations can no longer be considered to be independent, and as a
result, we assumed that there were correlations in the residual errors
among time periods. A mixed general linear model (GLM), considering
substrate type as fixed factor and sampling time (measured as elapsed
time since transplanting) and block as random factors, was performed
with the STATGRAPHICS Centurion XVIII statistical package (version
18.1.12, StatPoint Technologies Inc, Warrenton, VA). Previously, the
normality and homoscedasticity were checked with the Smirnov-
Kolmogorov test and the Levene test, respectively. Power trans-
formations of data (Y = Xa) were performed when both or one of these
criteria were not met. The best transformation meeting normality
criteria was obtained by means of Box-Cox transformation using the
same software. In all the cases, with this power transformation,
normality and homocedasticity were met. Post hoc analysis was per-
formed using the HSD Tukey test and differences were considered
significant when P < 0.05. When interaction between factors was found
to be significant, the effect of main factors could not be discussed since
this means that a substrate has an effect that changes along the sampling
period. In these cases, the evolution along sampling period was
described and compared between the two substrates studied.
3. Results
3.1. Physicochemical water parameters
Despite the fact that the air temperature presented important vari-
ations within the greenhouse (241 C), water temperature in fish tanks
underwent lower deviations, ranging between 17 and 28.1 C
throughout the period in which this test was performed (Fig. 3).
In general terms, the three systems studied were very similar with
regards to the studied parameters of water quality. Nitrate content of the
water increased from initial values around 2030 mg L 1 to values
higher than 70 mg L 1 after 42 days from the start of the test (Fig. 4). In
this same period, pH decreased from initial values close to 8, similar to
those corresponding to the available water source, to values between 7.2
and 7.6 as a consequence of the activity of nitrifying bacteria. In order to
stabilize both parameters, the accumulated amount of water added to
the system was increased from 49 days since planting (Fig. 5). At the end
of this trial, the daily water replenishment rates for systems 1, 2 and 3
were 2.16%, 2.21% and 2.22%; respectively. In relation to the electrical
conductivity of water, the variations observed in Fig. 5 were analogous
to those followed by the nitrate content as a consequence of the above
referred water replacement operations.
Weekly measurements of the dissolved oxygen levels showed stable
values (5.02 ± 0.40 mg L 1), which are considered adequate values for
both fish and plants.
3.2. Tench production
Initial fish biomass in each of the three tanks was around 700 g, with
122 animals per tank (Table 1) and average weights per fish were be-
tween 5.71 and 5.76 g. After an acclimatization period of 30 days,
average fish weights increased to 6.466.47 g, reaching 10.9310.97 g
at the end of the trial. Average daily gain ratios (ADGR) ranged from
0.023 and 0.025 g day 1 at the initial period to 0.0740.081 at the end,
with a global value for the full period of 0.057 g day 1. Specific growth
ratios (SGR) recorded at the same dates varied from 0.383 to
0.4080.7490.833% day 1, with global values of 0.707713% day 1.
Feed amounts supplied to the animals were increased as they grew,
so that during the first month they were given 195 g, in the second 359 g
and in the third 420 g, which meant a total consumption of 974 g per
tank. According to the feed consumption and the weight gained by the
fish, the feed conversion ratios (FCR) were calculated, with values in the
range 2.222.32 during the first 30 days and 1.481.61 at the end of the
trial, with global values of 1.531.56.
The mortality rate of the fish was very low, since only one animal
died in one of the three tanks studied in this trial.
As happened with the water quality parameters between the three
tanks shown above, there was a great uniformity in the results obtained
for the different parameters related to the growth of fish in the three
tanks. No discordant data were found for average weights at different
ages, average daily growth rate, specific growth rate; mortality, or feed
conversion ratios.
3.3. Strawberry production
Almost all the plants in the trial were able to produce fruits during
the study period, as it can be observed in Table 2. Total production per
plant varied between 0 and 105 g, where zero values indicate that the
plants did not produce fruits at an early stage. Taking into account that
the total area occupied by the crop was 7.2 m2 (including that
V.M. Fern ́andez-Caban ́as et al.