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Aquaculture 544 (2021) 737093
Available online 25 June 2021
0044-8486/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( to water-borne plant diseases of hydroponic vs.
aquaponics systems
Gina Patricia Su ́arez-C ́aceres a, Luis P ́erez-Urrestarazu a, Manuel Avil ́es b, Celia Borrero b,
Jos ́e R. Lobillo Eguíbar c, Víctor M. Fern ́andez-Caban ́as c,*
a Urban Greening and Biosystems Engineering Research Group, Aerospace Engineering and Fluids Dynamics Dept., Universidad de Sevilla, ETSIA, Ctra. Utrera km.1,
41013 Seville, Spain
b Dpto. Agronomía, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSIA, Ctra. Utrera km.1, 41013 Seville, Spain
c Urban Greening and Biosystems Engineering Research Group, Dpto. Agronomía, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSIA, Ctra. Utrera km.1, 41013 Seville, Spain
Fusarium oxysporum
Phytophthora cactorum
Waterborne diseases pose a significant risk in hydroponic crops, especially those caused by some species such as
Fusarium, Pythium and Phytophthora. However, there is evidence of an increase in suppressiveness when using
aquaculture effluents, as is the case with aquaponic systems. In this work, the incidence of diseases in hydroponic
and aquaponic systems inside a greenhouse located in Seville (Spain) has been compared for two pathosystems:
strawberry - Phytophthora cactorum - and tomato - Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol). The results obtained
show greater suppressiveness in early stages against P. cactorum in aquaponic systems. On the contrary, the
suppressivity against Fol was higher in the hydroponic systems, although in this case a significant influence of the
nutritional status of the plants was observed. This negatively affected the aquaponic systems. These findings open
an interesting line for the use of biological control agents (BCA) from aquaponic systems for the control of plant
diseases in hydroponic systems, avoiding the use of pesticides. This can have a negative effect on the health of
consumers and the environment.
1. Introduction
One of the main problems that appear in intensive monocropping
systems, where the same cultivation is repeated continuously over time
in the same plot, is the rise of soil-borne diseases (De Cal et al., 2005). In
crops such as strawberries, the high incidence of these diseases has led to
a widespread use of soil disinfection practices. In this sense, fumigation
of the soil with methyl bromide has been relied on to avoid the attack of
pathogens in these crops. However, this practice has been prohibited
due to its environmental risks (European Commission, 2009). Until now,
dazomet, metam sodium and metam potassium (methyl isocyanate
generators) were soil fumigants authorised in the Andalusian Integrated
Production Regulations for strawberry, raspberry and blackberry.
However, they did not pass the uniform principles established by
Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 in a recent revision. Hence, the
authorisation for its use was cancelled by the General Directorate of
Health of Agricultural Production. Also, 1,3 dichloropropene and chlo-
ropicrin, or their mixtures, are subject to the concession of exceptional
uses by crop, area and problem. Furthermore, this concession is
currently subject to various appeals. Therefore, with the current regu-
latory situation, and except for temporary authorisations, farmers lack
chemical alternatives for soil disinfestation, which can compromise the
productivity of these crops and their economic viability, in cases of high
infestations by soil pathogens (Greco et al., 2020).
In order to reduce the negative effects of soil-borne diseases for
certain crops, a significant increase in production has been observed in
soilless and hydroponic systems, which allow a greater control of plant
health regardless of soil quality, while required nutrients are provided to
plants with fertigation (Martínez et al., 2017). By using a hydroponic
system, a controlled amount of water and nutrients lead to high growth
rates (Mattson and Heinrich, 2019), reducing at the same time the
chemical inputs (Askari-Khorasgani and Pessarakli, 2020).
However, the change from soil-based production to hydroponic
systems could lead to a significant risk of the occurrence of other
pathogens especially adapted to aquatic environments, among which
the Fusarium, Pythium and Phytophthora species stand out, since they
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (G.P. Su ́arez-C ́aceres), (L. P ́erez-Urrestarazu), (M. Avil ́es), (C. Borrero), (J.R. Lobillo Eguíbar), (V.M. Fern ́andez-Caban ́as).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
Received 2 April 2021; Received in revised form 19 June 2021; Accepted 23 June 2021
Aquaculture 544 (2021) 737093
2could be easily spread through the recirculating fertiliser solution.
Particularly, the last two species, formerly considered chromista and
currently classified in the Phylum Oomycota, have a superior advantage
in liquid media because they present zoospores that facilitate the
development of infection of new hosts within minutes (Postma et al.,
Phytophthora cactorum is a soil-borne pathogen that affects numerous
herbaceous and woody species. In strawberry crops, it causes crown rot,
loss of production, and plant death. The incidence of this disease has
been observed also in soilless crops, introduced by infected runner
plants and cold-stored plants or contaminated irrigation water (Martínez
et al., 2010).
Fusarium oxysporum is a fungus that is widespread in different types
of soil, presenting some pathogenic strains that affect many important
crops around the world, causing significant economic loss since infected
plants often collapse and die (Borrero et al., 2017; Juber et al., 2014).
Some studies have been carried out to identify the plant growth media
that are most suppressive against the attacks of pathogenic F. oxysporum
isolates (Borrero et al., 2009).
However, despite the ease of dispersion described above for some
diseases in aqueous media, a lower incidence has been reported in closed
hydroponic circuits. This could be related to microbiological activity
and modulated by the type of substrate used and the plant species as a
driving factor of the microflora and the hydroponic system (Minuto
et al., 2007; Postma et al., 2008; Vallance et al., 2009). In the review by
Stouvenakers et al. (2019), the antagonistic microorganisms responsible
for suppressive effects in hydroponic systems were grouped in the
following categories: 1) competition for nutrients and niches; 2) para-
sitism; 3) antibiosis and 4) induction of disease resistance in plants.
Trying to improve the sustainability of productions and to adjust to
the paradigm of the circular economy, aquaponic systems have emerged
as an interesting alternative to hydroponic systems. Aquaponic culture
consists of a form of agriculture that combines aquaculture and hydro-
ponics, where there is a recirculation of water through both subsystems,
taking advantage of the metabolic waste of fish that serves as a nutrient
for plants (Somerville et al., 2014). In these systems, both circuits can be
connected in a single loop, in coupled systems, where water continu-
ously flows from one to the other (Palm et al., 2019), or in multiple
loops, in decoupled systems, where flow goes just in one direction, from
fish tanks to hydroponic beds (Goddek et al., 2019). With this synergistic
combination, savings in fertilisers and water are achieved, while
reducing potential polluting discharges from both systems.
Commercial large-scale aquaponics facilities are usually designed as
decoupled systems, which is a great advantage in terms of management,
since it is possible to modify the concentrations of nutrients, tempera-
ture and the pH of the water to adjust the values required by the plants
without affecting the fish. The fact that there is no water flow from
hydroponic to aquaculture circuits also allows the applying of phyto-
sanitary treatments, facilitating the cure of potential emerging diseases
(Goddek et al., 2019). On the contrary, in coupled aquaponic systems,
which are commonly utilised in small-scale facilities, the use of pesti-
cides to control plant diseases is not appropriate as they may affect fish
or biofilter bacteria.
Recent articles raise an interesting hypothesis about a natural pro-
tective action of aquaculture or aquaponic effluents against plant
pathogens during in vitro tests (Gravel et al., 2015; Sirakov et al., 2016).
This phenomenon seems to be related to the presence of antagonistic
microorganisms or inhibitory compounds in fish water. The suppressive
action has already been observed in hydroponic systems (Postma et al.,
2008). In the case of aquaponics, the presence of dissolved or suspended
organic matter could also play an important role in the suppressiveness
of some diseases, since it can modulate a microbial ecosystem which is
less favourable for plant pathogens. This organic matter in the water
comes not only from uneaten food debris and fish faeces, but also from
organic plant growth media, root exudates and plant residues (Stouve-
nakers et al., 2019).
The results of international surveys on aquaponics production
developed in the USA (Love et al., 2015) and Europe (Villarroel et al.,
2016) have confirmed a lack of knowledge of producers about plant
health and the incidence of plant diseases in the studied systems, as was
reported by Stouvenakers et al. (2019). Precisely, one of the challenges
of aquaponic farming systems is related to disease control since patho-
gens can affect both fish and plants (Mori and Smith, 2019). For
instance, an outbreak of Fusarium incarnatum, a grass fungus, could
cause severe gill damage and even death to black tiger shrimps (Khoa
et al., 2004).
Therefore, it is crucial to contribute to increasing knowledge in order
to achieve the ideal conditions to improve the suppressive effect of
aquaponic systems. Until now, there has been just one bibliographic
reference comparing the suppressive effects in pure hydroponic systems
and in aquaponic systems (Stouvenakers et al., 2020). However, this was
carried out using small raft boxes with 4 lettuce plants to test the sup-
pressiveness of Pythium aphanidermatum. Therefore, it could be very
useful to determine the potential improvements against diseases ach-
ieved in the real conditions of aquaponic systems in relation to hydro-
ponic production. For this reason, the following study is proposed. Its
main goal is to compare the suppressive effects of these two culture
systems for two pathosystems: P. cactorum strawberry- and
F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) tomato.
As far as we know, this is the first time that the severities of two
diseases in two crops have been compared between a hydroponic and an
aquaponic system in real settings using systems under identical envi-
ronmental conditions. This is essential to determine what fraction of the
suppressive effect that has been referenced in the scientific literature is
due to the presence of fish.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Location of the study and environmental conditions
The study was conducted inside a greenhouse located at the School of
Agricultural Engineering (University of Seville, Seville, Spain;
37216.45 N, 55612.35 W).
Two pathosystems were evaluated in independent studies using the
same facilities at different times. The test for the strawberry-P. cactorum
pathosystem was performed from November 26, 2018 to April 10, 2019,
while the second test for the tomato-F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol)
pathosystem occurred between February 13 and May 12, 2020. During
trial periods, temperatures inside the greenhouse ranged between 2.6
and 38.1 C for the strawberry test, and from 7.5 to 39.6 C for the to-
mato test (Fig. 1). The relative humidity varied between 15.9 and 94.9%
for the strawberry test, and 20.1% and 93.8% for the tomato test. The
water temperature ranged between 9.1 and 24.4 C in the aquaponic
systems and between 10.4 and 26.6 C in the hydroponic ones for the
strawberry test; and between 14 and 25.1 C in the aquaponic systems
and between 13.8 and 26.8 C in the hydroponic ones for the tomato
2.2. Description of the hydroponic and aquaponic facilities. Experimental
Four blocks were determined in order to have four replications. Each
of them included a hydroponic and an aquaponic system and their
location within the block was decided randomly (Figs. 2 and 3).
A Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system was used both for the hy-
droponic and aquaponic production of strawberry and tomato. To do so,
3 m long PVC pipes (0.11 m in diameter) were used, each of which had
28 holes (0.06 m in diameter) where the plants were inserted. The pipes
were levelled with a 1% slope in order to allow the proper circulation of
water. A thin water layer (0.008 m of depth) was maintained inside the
pipes, so the roots were in contact with the water but a correct aeration
was ensured. In order to study the dynamics of disease transmission
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Aquaculture 544 (2021) 737093
3along the lines, each NFT channel was divided into four zones: 0, for the
inoculated plants, and 1, 2 and 3 for the zones corresponding to
increasing distances from the diseased plants (Fig. 2).
In the hydroponic systems, the nutrient solution was pumped by
means of a 4000 L h 1 submerged pump (Boyu FP-4000) from a 60 L
sump into the NFT pipe, regulating the flow to the hydroponic line with
a stopcock and pouring back to the sump. The aquaponic system was
composed of a 250 L fish tank (including an air pump to ensure a correct
aeration) sequentially connected to two smaller tanks (50 L each) which
acted as a clarifier and a biofilter, discharging fish effluents to the sump
of the hydroponic subsystem, identical to the one described above. A
stopcock on one of the extremes of a T fitting connected to the pump
was used for sending 80% of the water from the biofilter back to the fish
tank and the remaining 20% of the water to the NFT pipe. Again, the
water was collected at the end of the pipe and returned to the sump. The
water used for the experiment was obtained from the public network
and dechlorinated by aerating it for 48 h prior to recharging the tanks.
2.3. Vegetal material and fish species
For the first test, young ‘Fortuna strawberry plants were provided by
the Fresas Nuevos Materiales nurseries (Huelva, Spain). The plants were
placed in perlite containers inside a growth chamber (photosyntheti-
cally active radiation intensity 280 μmol s 1 m 2 and 12:12 h of light:
dark photoperiod, 25/23 C) during 2 weeks before being transplanted
to the NFT systems.
Prior to the second test, tomato seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.
Roma) were placed in a rock wool seedbed in a growth chamber
(photosynthetically active radiation intensity 280 μmol s 1 m 2 and
16:8 h of light:dark photoperiod, 25/23 C). After 20 days, a nutrient
solution was added to the seedbed in order to speed up the growth of the
seedlings (0.5 g L 1 Peters foliar feed 2715-12, Scotts, Heerlen, The
Netherlands). When the seedlings had a height of 6 cm and three to four
leaves, they were transplanted to the NFT systems (36 days after seed-
ing). Due to the large size of tomato plants, a total of 26 seedlings were
introduced in each system.
The fish species used in the aquaponic systems was Carassius auratus
Fig. 1. Daily maximum, minimum and average temperatures inside the greenhouse during the experiments: (a) Strawberry-P cactorum; (b) Tomato-Fol.
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4(Goldfish). The fish used in this trial came from the universitys aqua-
ponic facilities, located in a nearby greenhouse, where they were
initially housed in an IBC tank similar to the models proposed by the
FAO for small-scale aquaponics. At the beginning of both trials, 1415
fish (between 133 and 143 g) were selected in order to achieve a total
biomass of approximately 2.0 kg. The fish were placed in a container of
70 L provided with an aerator for each of the 4 aquaponic lines. In order
to acclimate the animals to the new environment, water from the
destination tank was added to the fish container every 5 min, for a total
time of 30 min. Once the pH and temperature values were close to those
required, the fish were taken out with a net and placed in the new
aquaponic tanks. The fish were fed twice a day with 24.4% protein feed
by using the pond stick method (Prodac International S.r.l, Cittadella,
Italy). The daily amount of food applied in each tank was calculated as
2% of the total fish weight. This amount will result in a contribution of
around 1.14 g of ammonia to the water (Somerville et al., 2014).
2.4. Operation and maintenance tasks
For the hydroponic culture, a Hoagland solution (Hoagland and
Arnon, 1950) was used to weekly refill the collector tanks.
In the aquaponic systems, 0.3 L of chelated iron solution (1%) was
directly added to the clarifier tank (EDDHA Sequestrene 138 Fe) every
fortnight. The plants were sprayed twice a week with 1% potassium
sulphate to avoid possible deficiencies. When the plants started showing
manganese deficiencies, they were sprayed with 1% manganese sul-
phate once a week.
The maximum and minimum water temperature was measured twice
a week with a Naterial® digital floating thermometer that worked with
solar energy. The electrical conductivity was weekly monitored with an
EC-Metro Basic 30 conductivity meter and the pH with a Hanna HI5221
pH meter. When the pH exceeded 7.5, citric acid at 1% was added in
order to regain values between 6.5 and 7 for both the aquaponic and the
hydroponic systems. The nitrate concentration was measured once a
week by means of a Merck Millipore RQFlex reflectometer with a
Reflectoquant test strip reader.
2.5. Inoculation of the pathogen and monitoring of the disease
For the first test, four isolates of P. cactorum (P35, P100, P113 and
P114) obtained from affected plants in Huelva (Spain) were selected for
inoculation. These isolates were stored in the culture collection of the
Agronomy Department (University of Seville, Spain), where they were
kept in water. Inoculation of the strawberry plants was performed after
transplantation into the systems on December 5, 2018. Inoculum was
obtained by blending 7 days of growing colonies in V8 agar from which
came isolates in 50 mL of sterilised water per plate. The roots of the
selected plants were submerged in this suspension during 2 h in the first
inoculation and 19 h in the second. Only the first six plants of each line
were inoculated.
Disease severity was monitored from 15 days after the first inocu-
lation until the end of the bioassay and was scored with the relative
number of affected leaves per plant (number of affected leaves / total
number of leaves). The affected plants were wilted, necrotic or dead. At
the end of the test (April 10, 2019), all the plants were removed from the
hydroponic system.
The monosporic isolate (F14) Fol race 2 isolate used for the second
experiment was obtained from a culture collection of the Agronomy
Fig. 2. Experimental design and schematics of the hydroponic and aquaponic systems. Blue arrows indicate water flow. (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
G.P. Su ́arez-C ́aceres et al.
Aquaculture 544 (2021) 737093
5Department (University of Seville, Spain), where it was kept in a 50:50
glycerol:water (v/v) suspension at 80 C. The pathogenicity of this
isolate was previously confirmed. The isolate was grown during 7 days
at 25 C in a culture medium composed of agar, malt extract, asparagine
and Peters foliar feed (AMAP) 2715-12 (Scotts, Heerlen, The
Netherlands) (Borrero et al., 2009). The plates were scraped with water.
The fungal suspension was filtered with cheesecloth, and the conidia
were counted with a haemocytometer. The inoculum was adjusted at
105 conidia per mL.
A natural transmission through water under experimental conditions
was induced by including infected individuals close to healthy ones
(Mehle et al., 2014). Six plants per line were inoculated one week after
being transplanted into the aquaponic and hydroponic culture systems
by dipping the roots for 2 h in the prepared fungal suspension. At the end
of the experiment (May 12, 2020), a longitudinal cut was performed in
the stems in order to measure the relative length of stem with brown
xylem as an indicator of disease severity (Borrero et al., 2004).
2.6. Statistical analysis
The collected data was analysed with Statgraphics Plus (version 5.1;
Statistical Graphics Corp., Rockville, MD, USA, 2002). Data normality
was determined by the Shapiro-Wilk test and homoscedasticity by the
Levene test. An analysis of the variance of the effect of the culture system
(aquaponic/hydroponic) and the position of the plants within the NFT
pipe (zones 1, 2 and 3), on disease severity was carried out. A pre-
liminary factor analysis was performed to check the significance of the
effects of the variables: culture system, plant location, block (1, 2, 3, 4)
and the interactions between system x location; system x block; system x
location x block.
3. Results
3.1. Strawberry P. cactorum test
The existence of significant differences between the culture systems
and the disease severity (P = 0.0182) was verified, with the aquaponic
system having a greater suppressive effect against Phytophthora crown
rot disease in the strawberry than the hydroponic system (Fig. 4). On the
other hand, the location of plants and block factors and their in-
teractions with the culture system factor did not show any significant
3.2. Tomato -Fol test
In this test, no external symptoms of the disease were observed in the
plants, not even in the ones that had been inoculated with Fusarium.
This is why the sampling for vascular damage analysis was delayed,
pending the appearance of symptoms. As a consequence, the size
reached by the plants was much greater than that initially predicted
Fig. 3. Experimental configuration for the studied pathosystems: (a) Strawberry-P cactorum; (b) Tomato-Fol.
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6when the experiment was designed. For this reason, the aquaponic
systems were not able to supply an adequate level of nutrients for the
proper development of the plants.
Once the sampling was done, vascular damage was observed even in
apparently healthy plants (Fig. 5). Taking all these considerations into
account, there were significant differences between the culture systems
and the relative length of the stem with brown xylem (P = 0.0091). In
this case, the hydroponic system showed a greater suppressive effect
against Fusarium wilt in tomato than the aquaponic system (Fig. 6).
Likewise, significant differences were found between the location of
the plants within the NFT pipe and the relative length of the stem with
brown xylem (P = 0.0228). Plants located furthest from the entrance of
the water (locations 2 and 3) were the most affected by the disease
(Fig. 7). On the other hand, the non-significance of the effects of the
block factor or its interactions with the culture system factor was
Regarding the water chemical parameters of each culture system, the
NaCl, electrical conductivity (EC) and nitrate (NO3 ) values in the hy-
droponic systems were extremely higher in relation to the aquaponic
system as an effect of the Hoagland solution composition (Table 1).
4. Discussion
For the strawberry - P. cactorum pathosystem studied- the results
obtained in our trial were consistent with previous works that pointed to
a higher suppressiveness of water-borne diseases in aquaponic systems
(Stouvenakers et al., 2019). In our case, despite crown rot
suppressiveness being reported in strawberry hydroponic crops (Martí-
nez et al., 2010), a higher and significant rate was confirmed at early
stages in aquaponic systems. Given that the NFT lines and environ-
mental parameters turned out to be very similar between both types of
production systems, it is likely that this difference found in the incidence
of the disease was due to microbiological factors. In this sense, the po-
tential capacity of microorganisms for inhibiting plant and fish diseases
has been reported in aquaponic production for other pathosystems
(Sirakov et al., 2016; Stouvenakers et al., 2020). It is probable that, as
Fig. 4. Relationship between the aquaponic system (AS) and hydroponic sys-
tem (HS) and the severity (%) at 40 days after inoculation of Phytophthora in
strawberry. Bars with different letters are considered significantly different
according to the Tukey Test (P < 0.05).
Fig. 5. Vascular damage in tomato plant without external symptoms of Fusa-
rium wilt.
Fig. 6. Effect of productive system (aquaponic system [AS] vs. hydroponic
system [HS]) on the relative length (%) of the stem with brown xylem (RLSBX)
of the tomato. Bars with different letters are considered significantly different
according to the Tukey Test (P < 0.05). (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
Fig. 7. Effect of plants location on the relative length (%) of the stem with
brown xylem (RLSBX) of the tomato. Bars with different letters are considered
significantly different according to the Tukey Test (P < 0.05). (For interpreta-
tion of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
Table 1
Water chemical parameters in the four lines of the aquaponic system (AS) and
the hydroponic system (HS).
pH NaCl (mg L 1) EC (μS cm 1) NO3
(mg L 1)
AS1 7.23 ± 0.25 128.29 ± 30.07 273.13 ± 62.66 58.43 ± 15.37
AS2 7.23 ± 0.28 114.74 ± 33.70 246.16 ± 70.26 60.14 ± 24.76
AS3 7.24 ± 0.29 135.77 ± 38.79 272.25 ± 47.22 59.28 ± 12.66
AS4 7.32 ± 0.26 126.74 ± 28.35 267.50 ± 57.82 45.57 ± 13.49
HS1 7.08 ± 0.67 697.69 ± 296.56 1412.56 ± 583.64 502.44 ± 270.98
HS2 7.28 ± 0.59 583.09 ± 261.84 1183.06 ± 518.82 439.78 ± 259.27
HS3 7.13 ± 0.72 627.44 ± 271.83 1273.19 ± 538.39 447.44 ± 281.41
HS4 7.11 ± 0.78 728.94 ± 348.39 1474.94 ± 686.23 463.55 ± 275.22
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7indicated by the aforementioned authors, the suppressiveness is due to
several factors acting simultaneously, the most important being organic
matter in suspension (very low in hydroponic systems) and microbial
activity. Although the microbiological population in both production
systems was not characterised in our trial, Stouvenakers et al. (2020)
concluded that the diversity and composition of the root microbiota
were significantly correlated with the suppressive effect of aquaponic
water against Pythium aphanidermatum lettuce root rot disease.
In the case of the second pathosystem studied (tomato - Fol), the
results were totally opposite, resulting in a higher severity of the disease
for aquaponic systems. As discussed above, tomato plants did not show
any of the characteristic symptoms of Fusarium wilt in the early stages,
such as stunting, loss of cotyledons and developing leaves, yellowing,
wilting or stem necrosis (McGovern, 2015). Moreover, the measurement
used to determine the disease severity in this case (the relative length of
the stem with brown xylem) did not allow a constant monitoring and
was performed in a later stage of the development of the disease.
Therefore, the possible lower incidence in early stages observed for
strawberry could not be checked. In fact, the stage of the growing period
seems to be an influencing variable. In a study involving the hydroponic
growth of tomato (Song et al., 2004), wilt due to Fusarium was reported
to be most severe in the intermediate or late growth stage of the growing
period (90120 days).
For this reason, the duration of the trial was longer than initially
expected, so the size of the plants increased and with it their nutritional
requirements. This situation led to an imbalance in the aquaponic sys-
tems which were unable to provide adequate levels of nutrients to the
plants. As a consequence, these plants suffered a nutritional deficit that
made them more sensitive to Fusarium wilt (Borrero et al., 2004).
Hence, the hydroponic plants being better nourished, could be more
resistant to biotic or abiotic stresses. This effect was also observed by the
fact that the disease severity was lower in the plants near the entrance of
the water with the nutrients (location 1), despite being closer to the
inoculated plants (location 0).
The physicochemical conditions intervene in the level of infection
and mortality caused by pathogens. As is the case of Pythium aphani-
dermatum. This produced 100% mortality in spinach that was grown in
water at 30 C, but 0% of mortality was observed in crops that were in
water at 20 C (Bates and Stanghellini, 1984). As another example,
Pythium dissotocum caused the wilting of 100% of the plants when the
water was at 30 C compared to the 69% that wilted when the water was
at 20 C (Bates and Stanghellini, 1984). These differences in disease
prevalence and severity are likely related to optimal growth tempera-
tures for these pathogens, with higher infection and mortality rates as a
result of water temperatures being more favourable for pathogen
development (Mori and Smith, 2019). In our study, the maximum values
of water temperature reached 25.1 C in the aquaponic system and
26.8 C in the hydroponic system, therefore below 30 C.
There are studies that have identified that diseases in aquaponic
systems can affect both fish and plants (Khoa et al., 2004; Mori and
Smith, 2019). However, neither Fol nor P. cactorum were harmful to
goldfishes in our tests since no mortality or disease symptoms were
observed. In relation to the water chemical parameters, aquaponic sys-
tems remained within the limits recommended by the FAO (Somerville
et al., 2014), with a pH between 6 and 7 and a nitrate concentration
between 5 and150 mg L 1, in order to maintain the wellbeing of the
plants, fish and bacteria. The electrical conductivity was kept close to
1500 μS cm 1 in the hydroponic systems, not exceeding 1700 μS cm 1.
Though the recommended pH in which the plants have a greater
availability of nutrients is between 5.5 and 6.5 (Domingues et al., 2012),
it was kept slightly over those values in order to maintain conditions
similar to aquaponic systems.
Further studies are required to confirm higher suppressiveness in
aquaponic systems compared to hydroponic systems, trying to maintain
an adequate balance in the contribution of nutrients in each system. The
study of several pathosystems could help to confirm the potential
suppressiveness in aquaponic systems. Likewise, it would be interesting
to take into account different types of fish, such as tilapia, which is
fequently employed in aquaponic systems.
5. Conclusions
In view of the present findings, the hypothesis of greater suppres-
siveness against water-borne diseases in the specific conditions of our
tests is consolidated. Still, additional trials must be designed in such a
way as to guarantee an adequate supply of nutrients in both systems.
This fact seems to be in line with the low concern of aquaponic pro-
ducers concerning plant diseases, compared with other issues such as
plant nutrition or pest control. The identification of the microorganisms
responsible for this suppressiveness could play a key role in integrated
control, incorporating them as biological control agents (BCA) without
negative effects on any of the populations that make up these systems or
for the consumers of their products. The reduction in the use of pesti-
cides, replacing them with BCAs, would represent a considerable benefit
for the environment, as has already been demonstrated with the pro-
hibition of the use of some soil fumigants with notable environmental
risks such as methyl bromide. These new findings could strengthen the
positioning of aquaponics as a sustainable production technique within
the circular economy framework.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
We are grateful for the help provided by the technician Javier Flores
and the students Jos ́e M. Ortega, Sandra Ruíz and Manuel Marín, who
collaborated with the installation and maintenance of the aquaponic
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