Author profile: Crespo Cadenas, Carlos
Institutional data
Name | Crespo Cadenas, Carlos |
Department | Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones |
Knowledge area | Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones |
Professional category | Investigador Honorario |
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Publications |
A Sparse-Bayesian Approach for the Design of Robust Digital Predistorters Under Power-Varying Operation
In this article, a sparse-Bayesian treatment is proposed to solve the crucial questions posed by power amplifier (PA) and ... |
A bivariate volterra series model for the design of power amplifier digital predistorters
(MDPI, 2021)
The operation of the power amplifier (PA) in wireless transmitters presents a trade-off between linearity and power ... |
Sparse identification of volterra models for power amplifiers without pseudoinverse computation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
We present a new formulation of the doubly orthogonal matching pursuit (DOMP) algorithm for the sparse recovery of Volterra ... |
An Upgraded Dual-Band Digital Predistorter Model for Power Amplifiers Linearization
(IEEE, 2021)
Digital predistortion (DPD) based on Volterra models is commonly employed to counteract the nonlinear distortion of power ... |
Upgrading Behavioral Models for the Design of Digital Predistorters
(MDPI AG, 2021)
This work presents a strategy to upgrade models for power amplifier (PA) behavioral modeling and digital predistortion ... |
On the Optimum Number of Coefficients of Sparse Digital Predistorters: A Bayesian Approach
(IEEE, 2020)
This work presents insights on the application of the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) to fix the optimum number of ... |
Final Degree Project
Despliegue de sistema de comunicaciones ópticas en emplazamiento situado en cliente Empresa para implementación de la tecnología 5G
Este proyecto de fin de grado consiste en un documento teórico-práctico que aborda el estudio de una red FTTN (Fiber To ... |
Final Degree Project
Utilización de herramientas de diseño asistido por ordenador para la simulación de arquitecturas amplificadoras basadas en la técnica envelope tracking
La sociedad avanza en dirección a un sistema que demanda cada vez más datos. Una mayor cantidad de datos requiere enviar ... |
Comparative Analysis of Greedy Pursuits for the Order Reduction of Wideband Digital Predistorters
(IEEE, 2019)
This paper provides a review of greedy pursuits for optimizing Volterra-based behavioral models structure and estimating ... |
PhD Thesis
Advanced signal processing techniques for the modeling and linearization of wireless communication systems.
Los nuevos estándares de comunicaciones digitales inalámbricas están impulsando el diseño de amplificadores de potencia ... |
A Doubly Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm for Sparse Predistortion of Power Amplifiers
(IEEE, 2018)
This letter presents a new method for the digital predistortion (DPD) of power amplifiers (PAs) based on sparse behavioral ... |
Final Degree Project
Estudio de formatos de señales para los futuros sistemas de comunicaciones de 5ª generación 5G.
La modulación OFDM ha sido la modulación multiportadora más empleada en los estándares de comunicaciones inalámbricas ... |
Transmitter Linearization Adaptable to Power-Varying Operation
(IEEE, 2017)
This paper presents the design of a power-scalable digital predistorter (DPD) for transmitter architectures. The target ... |
Formal deduction of a Volterra series model for complex-valued systems
(Elsevier, 2017)
This paper demonstrates a general model for nonlinear systems with complex-valued inputs and its application to communication ... |
Digital predistortion of power amplifiers using structured compressed-sensing Volterra series
(The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2017)
Digital predistortion has become an attractive technique for power amplifier linearisation whose limiting factor for using ... |
Final Degree Project
La capa física de los futuros sistemas de 5ª Generación 5G
Este trabajo se centra en la investigación de una futura capa física que de soporte a la generación de telefonía móvil que ... |
Performance of a behavioral model with long-term memory effects
(Cambridge University Press, 2013)
This paper presents a new behavioral model for power amplifiers that accomplishes the capture of nonlinear low-frequency ... |
Digital predistortion technique with in-band interference optimisation applied to DVB-T2
(The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2012)
The efficient transmission and nonlinear modelling of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals are difficult ... |
Nonlinear effects in lte downlink signals and application of a compensation technique at the receiver side
(Wiley, 2012)
This article proposes a nonlinear compensation technique for long-term evolution downlink signals based on the memoryless ... |
PhD Thesis
Modeling and compensation of non-linear effects in wireless communications systems
La Ingeniería de Microondas y Radiofrecuencia ha ido adquiriendo una importancia cada vez mayor en los últimos años, ... |
Experimental study of two-tone intermodulation products in a communications modulator
(Wiley, 2011)
This article presents the experimental nonlinear characterization of a quadrature modulator following a two‐tone test ... |
A New Approach to Pruning Volterra Models for Power Amplifiers
(IEEE, 2010)
The objective of this paper is to present an approach to behavioral modeling that can be applied to predict the nonlinear ... |
Amplifier Nonlinear Modeling with RF Pulses
(IEEE, 2008)
This paper proposes a Volterra kernel identification procedure for wireless amplifiers with nonlinear memory. The technique ... |
An Impedance-Based Model for the Evaluation of IM3 in Nonlinear Amplifiers Showing Memory Effects
(Wiley, 2008)
A simple model that captures nonlinear memory effects inwideband amplifiers is presented in this work. The model defines ... |
PhD Thesis
Analysis and experimental characterization of nonlinear circuits applied to wireless communications systems
La Tesis realizada pretende dar una visión amplia y detallada sobre el análisis de circuitos no lineales para comunicaciones ... |
Volterra Behavioral Model for Wideband RF Amplifiers
(IEEE, 2007)
This paper proposes a behavioral modeling approach for the description of nonlinearities in wideband wireless communication ... |
Circuit-level simulation of W-CDMA communication systems applied to the analysis of nonlinear distortion
(Wiley, 2004)
Different circuit-level approaches to analyze the effects of non linear distortion on coded division multiple access (CDMA) ... |
Simulation of nonlinear distortion in W-CDMA communication circuits
(Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2004)
Different circuit-level approaches to study the effects of nonlinear distortion on coded division multiple access (CDMA) ... |
PhD Thesis |