NameTena Sánchez, Erica
DepartmentTecnología Electrónica
Knowledge areaTecnología Electrónica
Professional categoryProfesor Permanente Laboral - Mod. PCD
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Final Degree Project

Creación de juegos en SoC FPGA utilizando una matriz de led RGB

Cotano Barroso, Carlos; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Tena Sánchez, Erica (2024)
En desarrollos de sistemas complejos con altas prestaciones las opciones a las que se suele recurrir suelen pasar por las ...

Protecting FPGA-Based Cryptohardware Implementations from Fault Attacks Using ADCs

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Casado Galán, Alejandro; Tena Sánchez, Erica (MDPI, 2024)
The majority of data exchanged between connected devices are confidential and must be protected against unauthorized access. ...

Review of: Protecting FPGA-Based Cryptohardware Implementations from Fault Attacks Using ADCs [Póster]

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Casado Galán, Alejandro; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Reina Quintero, Antonia María (Universidad de Sevilla. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, 2024)
In this paper, we present a review of the work [1]. Some of the most powerful hardware attacks are called fault injection ...

A Security Comparison between AES-128 and AES-256 FPGA implementations against DPA attacks

Zúñiga González, Virginia; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023)
As the AES is the standard symmetric cipher selected by NIST, is the best-known and the most widely used block cipher. ...

A Simple Power Analysis of an FPGA implementation of a polynomial multiplier for the NTRU cryptosystem

Camacho Ruiz, Eros; Sánchez Solano, Santiago; Martínez Rodríguez, Macarena Cristina; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Brox Jiménez, Piedad (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023)
As quantum computing technology advances, the security of traditional cryptographic systems is becoming increasingly ...

Experimental cartography generation methodology for Electromagnetic Fault Injection Attacks [póster]

Rincón Beneyto, Juan Carlos; Casado Galán, Alejandro; Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio (IEEE, 2023)
The Electromagnetic Fault Injection (EMFI) is one of the methods to inject faults in the circuits with different purposes, ...
Chapter of Book

Uso de casos prácticos reales como dinamizadores de pensamiento crítico en asignaturas de electrónica

Tena Sánchez, Erica (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2023)
En este capítulo se presenta el planteamiento, desarrollo y resultados de un ciclo de mejora en el aula (CIMA) aplicado ...

Design and evaluation of countermeasures against fault injection attacks and power side-channel leakage exploration for AES block cipher

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Chaves, Ricardo (IEEE, 2022)
Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) and Power Analysis (PA) attacks, have become the main methods for exploiting the ...

Hardware Countermeasures Benchmarking Against Fault Attacks

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Chaves, Ricardo (MDPI, 2022)
The development of differential fault analysis (DFA) techniques and mechanisms to inject faults into cryptographic circuits ...

Gate-Level Hardware Countermeasure Comparison against Power Analysis Attacks

Tena Sánchez, Erica; Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Chaves, Ricardo (MDPI, 2022)
The fast settlement of privacy and secure operations in the Internet of Things (IoT) is appealing in the selection of ...
Chapter of Book

Design and security evaluation of secure cryptoharware (FPGA and ASIC) against hackers exploiting side-channel information

Tena Sánchez, Erica; Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Parra Fernández, María del Pilar; Baena Oliva, María del Carmen; Valencia Barrero, Manuel; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (3ciencias, 2022)
Tradicionalmente, la seguridad en los dispositivos criptográficos estaba ligada exclusivamente a la fortaleza del algoritmo. ...
Chapter of Book

Metodología de diseño para la detección de fallos en cifradores de bloques basada en códigos de Hamming

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Parra Fernández, María del Pilar; Baena Oliva, María del Carmen; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Valencia Barrero, Manuel; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús (3ciencias, 2022)
La inserción de fallos y en concreto los análisis diferenciales de fallos (Differential Fault Analysis – DFA) se han ...
Final Degree Project

Desarrollo de setup experimental y control automático de instrumentos para optimizar ataques de canal lateral

Casado Galán, Alejandro; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Tena Sánchez, Erica (2022)
Un ataque de canal lateral explota un observable físico proveniente de un dispositivo criptográfico con el fin de extraer ...

Automated experimental setup for EM cartography to enhance EM attacks

Tena Sánchez, Erica; Casado Galán, Alejandro; Zúñiga González, Virginia; Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (2022)
Side-channel attacks are a real threat, exploiting and revealing the secret data stored in our electronic devices ...
Chapter of Book

Puesta en común y fomento de la exposición de aplicaciones reales en los laboratorios de electrónica

Tena Sánchez, Erica (Universidad de Sevilla, 2022)
El ciclo de mejora en el aula presentado en este capítulo se ha desarrollado en la asignatura de Acondicionamiento y ...
Chapter of Book

Review of Breaking Trivium Stream Cipher Implemented in ASIC Using Experimental Attacksand DFA

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Fernández García, Carlos; Zúñiga González, Virginia; Mora Gutiérrez, José Miguel; Baena Oliva, María del Carmen; Parra Fernández, María del Pilar; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús (Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation, 2022)
In this paper, we present a review of the work [1]. In this work a complete setup to break ASIC implementations of standard ...
Chapter of Book

Review of Gate-Level Hardware Countermeasure Comparison Against Power Analysis Attacks

Tena Sánchez, Erica; Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Zúñiga González, Virginia; Fernández García, Carlos; Mora Gutiérrez, José Miguel; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation, 2022)
In this paper, we present a review of the work [1]. The fast settlement of Privacy and Secure operations in the Internet ...

Trivium Stream Cipher Countermeasures Against Fault Injection Attacks and DFA

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Mora Gutiérrez, José Miguel; Valencia Barrero, Manuel; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE, 2021)
Attacks on cryptocircuits are becoming increasingly sophisticated, requiring designers to include more and more countermeasures ...

Experimental FIA Methodology Using Clock and Control Signal Modifications under Power Supply and Temperature Variations

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Mora Gutiérrez, José Miguel; Valencia Barrero, Manuel; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús (MDPI, 2021)
The security of cryptocircuits is determined not only for their mathematical formulation, but for their physical implementation. ...

Gate-Level Design Methodology for Side-Channel Resistant Logic Styles Using TFETs

Delgado Lozano, Ignacio María; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Núñez Martínez, Juan; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (IEEE, 2021)
The design of secure circuits in emerging technologies is an appealing area that requires new efforts and attention as an ...
Master's Final Project

Establecimiento y medida de figuras de seguridad criptográfica en función de la potencia

Bonilla Zapata, Dorlin; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Tena Sánchez, Erica (2021)
Los ataques de canal lateral se utlizan para revelar datos secretos de dispositvos criptográfcos mediante la extracción ...
Master's Final Project

Análisis de técnicas de routing diferencial en CriptoASICs: Adecuación del proceso previo de Place & Route

Guijarro Córdoba, Adrián; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Tena Sánchez, Erica (2020)

Hamming-code based fault detection design methodology for block ciphers

Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Chaves, Ricardo; Valencia Barrero, Manuel; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
Fault injection, in particular Differential Fault Analysis (DFA), has become one of the main methods for exploiting ...

Projection of Dual-Rail DPA Countermeasures in Future FinFET and Emerging TFET Technologies

Delgado Lozano, Ignacio María; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Núñez Martínez, Juan; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020)
The design of near future cryptocircuits will require greater performance characteristics in order to be implemented in ...
PhD Thesis

Diseño y caracterización de criptocircuitos seguros y resistentes a ataques físicos.

Tena Sánchez, Erica; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (2019)
A diario personas de todo el mundo hacen uso de dispositivos electrónicos en los que almacenan o con los que intercambian ...
Final Degree Project

Power and energy issues on lightweight cryptography

Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Mora, José M. (American Scientific Publishers, 2017)
Portable devices such as smartphones, smart cards and other embedded devices require encryption technology to guarantee ...

Embedded electronic circuits for cryptography, hardware security and true random number generation: an overview

Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Addabbo, Tommaso; Tena Sánchez, Erica (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017)
We provide an overview of selected crypto-hardware devices, with a special reference to the lightweight electronic ...
Final Degree Project

Diseño microelectrónico de circuitos criptográficos de altas prestaciones y evaluación de su seguridad

Delgado Lozano, Ignacio María; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Tena Sánchez, Erica (2017)
Final Degree Project

Procesado de señales eléctricas para la optimización de ataques laterales en circuitos criptográficos

Domínguez Begines, José Manuel; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Tena Sánchez, Erica (2016)
Existen diversas formas de romper la seguridad de un sistema criptográfico. Una de ellas son los ataques de canal lateral ...

Diseño de circuitos integrados y seguridad de circuitos criptográficos frente a ataques

Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Valencia Barrero, Manuel; Baena Oliva, María del Carmen; Parra Fernández, María del Pilar; Mora-Merchán, Javier María; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Potestad Ordóñez, Francisco Eugenio (Área de Innovación y Desarrollo, 2016)
Muchos sistemas electrónicos incorporan dispositivos criptográficos que implementan algoritmos que cifran la información ...

Low-power differential logic gates for dpa resistant circuits

Tena Sánchez, Erica; Castro, Javier; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014)
Information leakaged by cryptosistems can be used by third parties to reveal critical information using Side Channel Attacks ...

A Programmable and Configurable ASIC to Generate Piecewise-Affine Functions Defined Over General Partitions

Brox Jiménez, Piedad; Castro Ramírez, Javier; Martínez Rodríguez, Macarena Cristina; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Baturone Castillo, María Iluminada; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José (IEEE Computer Society, 2013)
This paper presents a programmable and configurable architecture and its inclusion in an Application Specific Integrated ...

Reducing bit flipping problems in SRAM physical unclonable functions for chip identification

Eiroa, Susana; Castro, J.; Martínez Rodríguez, Macarena Cristina; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Brox Jiménez, Piedad; Baturone Castillo, María Iluminada (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012)
Physical Unclonable functions (PUFs) have appeared as a promising solution to provide security in hardware. SRAM PUFs offer ...

ASIC-in-the-loop methodology for verification of piecewise affine controllers

Martínez Rodríguez, Macarena Cristina; Brox Jiménez, Piedad; Castro, Javier; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Baturone Castillo, María Iluminada (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012)
This paper exposes a hardware-in-the-loop metho- dology to verify the performance of a programmable and confi- gurable ...