NameEstrada Torres, Bedilia
DepartmentLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Knowledge areaLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Professional categoryProfesora Ayudante Doctora
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Dialog-based Automation of Decision Making in Processes

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Cornell University, 2021)
The use of chatbots has spread, generating great interest in the industry for the possibility of automating tasks within ...

DemaBot: a tool to automatically generate decision-support chatbots

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, 2021)
This article presents DemaBot: a low-code solution to create chatbots designed to automate decision making. Examples of ...

Discovering business process simulation models in the presence of multitasking and availability constraints

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Camargo, Manuel; Dumas, Marlon; García Bañuelos, Luciano; Mahdy, Ibrahim; Yerokhin, Maksym (Elsevier, 2021)
Business process simulation is a versatile technique for quantitative analysis of business processes. A well-known limitation ...

Modeling Variability in the Performance Perspective of Business Processes

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
The modeling and management of business processes often leads to the definition of several variants of the same process. ...

Discovering Business Process Simulation Models in the Presence of Multitasking

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Camargo, Manuel; Dumas, Marlon; Yerokhin, Maksym (Springer, 2020)
Business process simulation is a versatile technique for analyzing business processes from a quantitative perspective. A ...

Measuring Performance in Knowledge Intensive Processes

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Piccoli Richetti, Pedro Henrique; Río Ortega, Adela del; Araujo Baiao, Fernanda; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Santoro, Flavia María; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ACM Digital Library, 2019)
Knowledge-Intensive Processes (KIPs) are processes whose execution is heavily dependent on knowledge workers performing ...
PhD Thesis

Enhancing the modelling perspective of process performance management.

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Río Ortega, Adela del (2018)
La Gestión del Rendimiento de los Procesos, que comprende las etapas de planificación, supervisión y control del rendimiento ...

On the Relationships between Decision Management and Performance Measurement

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2018)
Decision management is of utmost importance for the achievement of strategic and operational goals in any organisational ...

Improve Performance Management in Flexible Business Processes

Estrada Torres, Bedilia (ACM, 2017)
The performance of business processes is evaluated and mon- itored with the aim of identifying whether strategic and operational ...

On the feasibility of measuring performance using PPINOT in CMMN

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES : Sociedad de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software,, 2017)
Monitoring and measuring the performance of business pro- cesses are valuable tasks that facilitate the identi cation of ...

Identifying Variability in Process Performance Indicators

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2016)
The performance perspective of business processes is concerned with the definition of performance requirements usually ...

Defining PPIs for Process Variants based on Change Patterns

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Torres, Victoria; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Pelechano, Vicent; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES : Sociedad de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software,, 2016)
Business Process (BP) families are made up of BP variants that share commonalities but also show differences to accommodate ...

Reduciendo la complejidad gráfica de indicadores de procesos de negocio usando abstracción

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES : Sociedad de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software,, 2015)
La representación de indicadores de rendimiento sobre los procesos de negocio facilita la comprensión y de finición en el ...